=================================================================== Description: This subroutine is an initialization routine. It initializes: 1) the beta functions 2) the prediodic dispersion 3) the lumped lattice (for the oneturn map) 4) the local beta function at ECKICK position WARNING: this routine has to be called anytime the structure of the lattice is changed, for example if you change tunes, or you change one element strength. If you do not run it, the tracking with dynamp will be correct, but the beta functions, dispersion, and oneturn map will not give correct result. (much depends on what you want to do). ==================================================================== subroutine LDCS COMMONS: common-initi.f common-mml-lattice.f common-2Dsc-simulation.f SUBROUTINES USED: ed anytime the structure beta find_betam_ini DYNMAP FINDXC loadmatrix1 betanew messages_n micromap-index Mon Jul 17 08:57:30 CEST 2017