============================================================ Description: This routine compute the ec pinch transverse force interpolated from already computed values on a grid. It is also automatically checked in which element is the ECKICK: the element taken is the element before the ECKICK. x,y are the transverse coordinates. They have to be inside the circle 10^2 = x^2 + y^2, otherwise fx=fy=0. x = particle x coordinates in units of rms beam size. -xmax < x < xmax, xmax = 10 sigma_r y = particle y coordinates in units of rms beam size -ymax < y < ymax, ymax = 10 sigma_r z = particle z coordinates in units of z rms beam size -zmax < z < zmax, zmax = 3 sigma_r ne = tells which type of element the pinch takes place. ne=1 => drift ne=2 => dipole ne=3 => quadrupole fx,fy transverse force (to be properly rescaled). ============================================================ subroutine ec_force(ne,x,y,z,fx,fy) COMMONS: common-initi.f SUBROUTINES USED: y checked in which element is messages_n fff micromap-index Mon Jul 17 08:57:48 CEST 2017