=============================================================== THIS ROUTINE PRODUCES X, Y, S RMS ENVELOPE [MM] EX, EY, ES RMS EMITTANCE [MM MRAD] the second order moments are store in the matrix XM which belongs to a common incorporated in common-2Dsc-beam.f XM(i,1) = average[Xi*Xi] i=x,y,s [M^2] XM(i,2) = average[PXi*PXi] i=x,y,s [RAD^2] XM(i,3) = average[Xi*PXi] i=x,y,s [M*RAD] the output is EXi = 4 SQRT(average[Xi*Xi] average[PXi*PXi] - average[Xi*PXi]^2 ) Xi = SQRT( average[Xi*Xi] ) output units: EX,EY,ES [MM MRAD] X, Y, S [MM] the beam needs to be loaded in the common "beam" =============================================================== subroutine rmsoutput(EX,EY,ES,X,Y,S) COMMONS: common-initi.f common-2Dsc-beam.f common-2Dsc-simulation.f SUBROUTINES USED: messages_n micromap-index Mon Jul 17 08:57:40 CEST 2017