====================================================== This subroutine computes the beam sizes x1,y1,z1 in [mm]. The emittances ex1,ey1,ez1, are obtained as the maximum single particle Courant-Snyder in [mm mrad] over the particle distribution. The beam must be loaded in XPAR. The longitudinal position of the beam is contained in XPAR(n,5) (and is equal for each particle 2D beam). In order to give the right emittance, this subroutine needs the initialization of "initi-mml" or "initiparameter". ====================================================== subroutine singleoutput(EX1,EY1,ES1,X1,Y1,S1) COMMONS: common-initi.f common-mml-lattice.f common-2Dsc-beam.f SUBROUTINES USED: betanew messages_n micromap-index Mon Jul 17 08:57:40 CEST 2017