How to Use the ROOT TThread Class

Jörn Adamczewski, Marc Hemberger

Mar 3, 2000
updated September, 26, 2001 (J.A.)


  1. Summary

  2. 1.1  Disclaimer
    1.2  Problems
  3. Installation
  4. Threads related ROOT Classes
  5. TThread for pedestrians

  6. 4.1  TThread user function
  7. TThread in more detail

  8. 5.1  CINT
    5.2  Asynchronous Actions
    5.3  Synchronous Actions: TCondition
    5.4  Xlib connections
    5.5  Canceling a TThread
    5.6  Finishing thread
  9. Advanced: TThreads with classes

  10. 6.1  How to launch a class memberfunction as TThread
  11. Thanks and Credits
  12. List of Example files

  13. 8.1  Example mhs3
    8.2  Example conditions
    8.3  Example TMhs3
    8.4  Example CalcPiThread
Thread Usage
