
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 // $Id: TGo4FitComponent.cxx 478 2009-10-29 12:26:09Z linev $
00002 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 //       The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
00004 //         Experiment Data Processing at EE department, GSI
00005 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00006 // Copyright (C) 2000- GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
00007 //                     Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
00008 // Contact:  
00009 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00010 // This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
00011 // in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
00012 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
00014 #include "TGo4FitComponent.h"
00016 #include "Riostream.h"
00018 #include "TCutG.h"
00019 #include "TGo4FitParameter.h"
00021 const UInt_t kExcludeCut = 0x00100000;
00023 TGo4FitComponent::TGo4FitComponent() : TGo4FitParsList(), TGo4FitSlotList(),
00024     fxRangeAxis(), fxRangeValue(), fxCuts(), fiAmplIndex(-1), fbUseBuffers(kFALSE) {
00025 }
00027 TGo4FitComponent::TGo4FitComponent(const char* iName, const char* iTitle) :
00028     TGo4FitParsList(iName,iTitle,kTRUE), TGo4FitSlotList(),
00029     fxRangeAxis(), fxRangeValue(), fxCuts(), fiAmplIndex(-1), fbUseBuffers(kFALSE) {
00030   fxCuts.SetOwner(kTRUE);
00031 }
00033 TGo4FitComponent::~TGo4FitComponent() {
00034 }
00036 TGo4FitParameter* TGo4FitComponent::NewParameter(const char* Name, const char* Title, Double_t iValue, Bool_t Fixed, Int_t AtIndx) {
00037    TGo4FitParameter* par = new TGo4FitParameter(Name, Title, iValue);
00038    if (AtIndx<0) AddPar(par);
00039             else InsertPar(par,AtIndx);
00040    if(Fixed) par->SetFixed(kTRUE);
00041    return par;
00042 }
00044 TGo4FitParameter* TGo4FitComponent::NewAmplitude(const char* Name, Double_t iValue, Bool_t IsFixed, Int_t AtIndx) {
00045    TGo4FitParameter* par = 0;
00046    if (Name==0) par = new TGo4FitParameter("Ampl", "Amplitude", iValue);
00047            else par = new TGo4FitParameter(Name, "Amplitude", iValue);
00048    if (AtIndx<0) { AddPar(par); AtIndx = NumPars()-1; }
00049             else InsertPar(par,AtIndx);
00050    SetAmplIndex(AtIndx);
00051    if(IsFixed) par->SetFixed(kTRUE);
00052    return par;
00053 }
00055 TGo4FitParameter* TGo4FitComponent::GetAmplPar()
00056 {
00057    return fiAmplIndex<0 ? 0 : GetPar(fiAmplIndex);
00058 }
00060 const char* TGo4FitComponent::GetAmplName()
00061 {
00062    return GetAmplPar() ? GetAmplPar()->GetName() : 0;
00063 }
00065 const char* TGo4FitComponent::GetAmplFullName()
00066 {
00067    return GetAmplPar() ? GetAmplPar()->GetFullName() : 0;
00068 }
00069 Double_t TGo4FitComponent::GetAmplValue()
00070 {
00071    return GetAmplPar() ? GetAmplPar()->GetValue() : 1.0;
00072 }
00074 void TGo4FitComponent::SetAmplValue(Double_t iAmpl)
00075 {
00076    if(GetAmplPar()) Get(fiAmplIndex)->SetValue(iAmpl);
00077 }
00079 Double_t TGo4FitComponent::GetAmplError()
00080 {
00081    return GetAmplPar() ? GetAmplPar()->GetError() : 0.0;
00082 }
00084 void TGo4FitComponent::SetAmplError(Double_t iError)
00085 {
00086    if(GetAmplPar()) Get(fiAmplIndex)->SetError(iError);
00087 }
00089 Bool_t TGo4FitComponent::MakeAmpl(Bool_t isFixed) {
00090   if (GetAmplPar()!=0) return kFALSE;
00091   NewAmplitude();
00092   if (isFixed) GetAmplPar()->SetFixed(kTRUE);
00093   return kTRUE;
00094 }
00096 Bool_t TGo4FitComponent::RemoveAmpl() {
00097    if (GetAmplPar()==0) return kFALSE;
00098    RemoveParByIndex(GetAmplIndex());
00099    SetAmplIndex(-1);
00100    return kTRUE;
00101 }
00103 void TGo4FitComponent::GetRangeCondition(Int_t n, Int_t& typ, Int_t& naxis, Double_t& left, Double_t& right) const {
00104    if ((n>=0) && (n<GetNumRangeCondition())) {
00105      Int_t naxis1 = fxRangeAxis[n*2];
00106      Int_t naxis2 = fxRangeAxis[n*2+1];
00107      Double_t value1 = fxRangeValue[n*2];
00108      Double_t value2 = fxRangeValue[n*2+1];
00110      if ((naxis1<0) && (naxis2>0)) {
00111          typ = 0;
00112          naxis = -naxis1 - 1;
00113          left = value1;
00114          right = value2;
00115        } else
00116        if ((naxis1>0) && (naxis2<0)) {
00117          typ = 1;
00118          naxis = naxis1 - 1;
00119          left = value1;
00120          right = value2;
00121        } else
00122        if (naxis1<0) {
00123          typ = 2;
00124          naxis = -naxis1 - 1;
00125          left = value1;
00126          right = 0.;
00127        }  else
00128        if (naxis1>0) {
00129          typ = 3;
00130          naxis = naxis1 - 1;
00131          left = 0.;
00132          right = value1;
00133        }
00134    }
00135 }
00137 void TGo4FitComponent::SetRangeCondition(Int_t n, Int_t typ, Int_t naxis, Double_t left, Double_t right) {
00138   if ((n>=0) && (n<GetNumRangeCondition())) {
00139      Int_t naxis1, naxis2;
00140      Double_t value1, value2;
00142      switch (typ) {
00143        case 0: naxis1 = -(naxis+1); value1 = left;
00144                naxis2 = +(naxis+1); value2 = right;
00145                break;
00146        case 1: naxis1 = +(naxis+1); value1 = left;
00147                naxis2 = -(naxis+1); value2 = right;
00148                break;
00149        case 2: naxis1 =  -(naxis+1); value1 = left;
00150                naxis2 = 0; value2 = 0.;
00151                break;
00152        case 3: naxis1 =  +(naxis+1); value1 = right;
00153                naxis2 = 0; value2 = 0.;
00154                break;
00155        default: return;
00156      }
00158      fxRangeAxis[n*2] = naxis1;
00159      fxRangeAxis[n*2+1] = naxis2;
00160      fxRangeValue[n*2] = value1;
00161      fxRangeValue[n*2+1] = value2;
00162   }
00163 }
00165 void TGo4FitComponent::AddRangeCondition(Int_t typ, Int_t naxis, Double_t left, Double_t right) {
00166   Int_t sz = fxRangeValue.GetSize()+2;
00167   fxRangeAxis.Set(sz);  fxRangeValue.Set(sz);
00168   SetRangeCondition(sz/2-1,typ,naxis,left,right);
00169 }
00171 void TGo4FitComponent::RemoveRangeCondition(Int_t n) {
00172    if ((n<0) || (n>=GetNumRangeCondition())) return;
00174    Int_t indx = n*2;
00175    while (indx<fxRangeAxis.GetSize()-2) {
00176      fxRangeAxis[indx]=fxRangeAxis[indx+2];
00177      fxRangeValue[indx]=fxRangeValue[indx+2];
00178      indx+=1;
00179    }
00180    fxRangeAxis.Set(indx);
00181    fxRangeValue.Set(indx);
00182 }
00184 void TGo4FitComponent::SetRange(Int_t naxis, Double_t min, Double_t max) {
00185    AddRangeCondition(0,naxis,min,max);
00186 }
00188 void TGo4FitComponent::ExcludeRange(Int_t naxis, Double_t min, Double_t max) {
00189    AddRangeCondition(1,naxis,min,max);
00190 }
00192 void TGo4FitComponent::SetRangeMin(Int_t naxis, Double_t value) {
00193    AddRangeCondition(2,naxis,value,0.);
00194 }
00196 void TGo4FitComponent::SetRangeMax(Int_t naxis, Double_t value) {
00197    AddRangeCondition(3,naxis,0.,value);
00198 }
00200 void TGo4FitComponent::ClearRanges(Int_t naxis) {
00201    if (naxis<0) { fxRangeAxis.Set(0); fxRangeValue.Set(0); fxCuts.Delete(); } else {
00202       Int_t indx = 0, dindx = 0;
00203       while (indx<fxRangeAxis.GetSize()) {
00204          if ( TMath::Abs(fxRangeAxis[indx]) != (naxis+1) ) {
00205             fxRangeAxis[dindx]=fxRangeAxis[indx];
00206             fxRangeAxis[dindx+1]=fxRangeAxis[indx+1];
00207             fxRangeValue[dindx]=fxRangeValue[indx];
00208             fxRangeValue[dindx+1]=fxRangeValue[indx+1];
00209             dindx+=2;
00210          }
00211          indx+=2;
00212       }
00213       fxRangeAxis.Set(dindx);
00214       fxRangeValue.Set(dindx);
00215       if ((naxis==0) || (naxis==1)) fxCuts.Delete();
00216    }
00217 }
00219 Bool_t TGo4FitComponent::IsAnyRangeLimits() {
00220    return (GetNumRangeCondition()>0) || (GetNumRangeCut()>0);
00221 }
00223 void TGo4FitComponent::AddRangeCut(TCutG* cut, Bool_t exclude) {
00224   cut->SetBit(kExcludeCut, exclude);
00225   fxCuts.Add(cut);
00226 }
00228 Int_t TGo4FitComponent::GetNumRangeCut() const {
00229   return fxCuts.GetLast()+1;
00230 }
00232 TCutG* TGo4FitComponent::GetRangeCut(Int_t n) const {
00233   return (n>=0) && (n<=fxCuts.GetLast()) ? dynamic_cast<TCutG*> (fxCuts.At(n)) : 0;
00234 }
00236 Bool_t TGo4FitComponent::IsRangeCutExcluding(Int_t n) {
00237   TCutG* cut = GetRangeCut(n);
00238   return cut==0 ? kFALSE : cut->TestBit(kExcludeCut);
00239 }
00241 void TGo4FitComponent::SetRangeCutExcluding(Int_t n, Bool_t exclude) {
00242   TCutG* cut = GetRangeCut(n);
00243   if (cut) cut->SetBit(kExcludeCut, exclude);
00244 }
00246 void TGo4FitComponent::RemoveRangeCut(Int_t n) {
00247   TCutG* cut = GetRangeCut(n);
00248   if (cut) {
00249     fxCuts.Remove(cut);
00250     delete cut;
00251     fxCuts.Compress();
00252   }
00253 }
00255 Bool_t TGo4FitComponent::GetRangeMin(Int_t naxis, Double_t& value) {
00256    Bool_t isany = kFALSE;
00257    for(Int_t indx=0;indx<fxRangeAxis.GetSize();indx+=2)
00258       if ( fxRangeAxis[indx] == -(naxis+1) ) {
00259          Double_t zn = fxRangeValue[indx];
00260          if( (!isany) || (zn<value) ) value = zn;
00261          isany = kTRUE;
00262    }
00263    if(naxis<2)
00264      for(Int_t ncut=0;ncut<GetNumRangeCut();ncut++) {
00265         TCutG* cut = GetRangeCut(ncut);
00266         if(cut->TestBit(kExcludeCut)) continue;
00267         Double_t* arr = naxis == 0 ? cut->GetX() : cut->GetY();
00268         Double_t zn = arr[0];
00269         for(Int_t i=1;i<cut->GetN();i++)
00270           if(arr[i]<zn) zn = arr[i];
00271         if( (!isany) || (zn<value) ) value = zn;
00272         isany = kTRUE;
00273      }
00275    return isany;
00276 }
00278 Bool_t TGo4FitComponent::GetRangeMax(Int_t naxis, Double_t& value) {
00279    Bool_t isany = kFALSE;
00280    Double_t zn;
00281    for(Int_t indx=0;indx<fxRangeAxis.GetSize();indx+=2) {
00282       if ( (fxRangeAxis[indx] == -(naxis+1))  && (fxRangeAxis[indx+1] == +(naxis+1)))  zn = fxRangeValue[indx+1]; else
00283       if ( (fxRangeAxis[indx] == +(naxis+1))  && (fxRangeAxis[indx+1] == 0))  zn = fxRangeValue[indx]; else continue;
00284       if( (!isany) || (zn>value) ) value = zn;
00285       isany = kTRUE;
00286    }
00287    if(naxis<2)
00288      for(Int_t ncut=0;ncut<GetNumRangeCut();ncut++) {
00289         TCutG* cut = GetRangeCut(ncut);
00290         if(cut->TestBit(kExcludeCut)) continue;
00291         Double_t* arr = naxis == 0 ? cut->GetX() : cut->GetY();
00292         zn = arr[0];
00293         for(Int_t i=1;i<cut->GetN();i++)
00294           if(arr[i]>zn) zn = arr[i];
00295         if( (!isany) || (zn>value) ) value = zn;
00296         isany = kTRUE;
00297      }
00299    return isany;
00300 }
00302 Bool_t TGo4FitComponent::CheckRangeConditions(const Double_t* values, Int_t numaxis) {
00303    Int_t condsize = GetNumRangeCondition();
00305    if ((condsize==0) && (GetNumRangeCut()==0)) return kTRUE;
00307    Bool_t res1 = kTRUE, res2 = kTRUE;
00309    Bool_t isanycond = kFALSE;
00311    for(Int_t naxis=0;naxis<numaxis;naxis++) {
00312       Char_t resaxis1 = kTRUE, resaxis2 = kFALSE;
00313       Bool_t isany = kFALSE;
00314       for(Int_t ncond=0;ncond<condsize;ncond++) {
00316         Int_t typ, axisnumber;
00317         Double_t left, right;
00318         GetRangeCondition(ncond, typ, axisnumber, left, right);
00320         if (axisnumber != naxis) continue;
00322         switch(typ) {
00323           case 0:
00324             isany = kTRUE;                                               // include range
00325             if((values[naxis]>=left) && (values[naxis]<=right)) resaxis2 = kTRUE;
00326             break;
00327           case 1:                                                       // exclude range
00328             if((values[naxis]>=left) && (values[naxis]<=right)) resaxis1 = kFALSE;
00329             break;
00330           case 2: if(values[naxis]<left) resaxis1 = kFALSE; break;      // set left bound
00331           case 3: if(values[naxis]>right) resaxis1 = kFALSE; break;     // set right bound
00332         }
00333       }
00335       res1 = res1 && resaxis1;
00336       if (!isany) resaxis2 = kTRUE;
00337       res2 = res2 && resaxis2;
00338       isanycond = isanycond || isany;
00339       if (!res1) break;
00340    }
00342    if ( res1 && !(isanycond && res2) && (numaxis>1) && (GetNumRangeCut()>0)) {
00343      res2 = kFALSE;
00344      for (Int_t n=0;n<GetNumRangeCut();n++) {
00345         TCutG* cut = GetRangeCut(n);
00346         if (cut->IsInside(values[0],values[1]))
00347           {
00348             if (cut->TestBit(kExcludeCut)) { res1 = kFALSE; break; }
00349                                     else { res2 = kTRUE; break; }
00350           }
00351      }
00352    }
00354    return res1 && res2;
00355 }
00357 void TGo4FitComponent::CollectParsTo(TGo4FitParsList& list) {
00358   TGo4FitParsList::CollectParsTo(list);
00359   for(Int_t n=0;n<NumSlots();n++) {
00360      TGo4FitSlot* slot = GetSlot(n);
00361      if (slot && slot->GetOwned()) {
00362         TGo4FitParsList* pars = dynamic_cast<TGo4FitParsList*> (slot->GetObject());
00363         if (pars) pars->CollectParsTo(list);
00364      }
00365   }
00366 }
00368 void TGo4FitComponent::Print(Option_t* option) const {
00369     cout << "***************************************************************************" << endl;
00370     TGo4FitNamed::Print(option);
00371     TGo4FitParsList::Print(option);
00372     cout << "  Amplitude index: " << fiAmplIndex << endl;
00374     for (Int_t ncond=0; ncond<GetNumRangeCondition(); ncond++) {
00375        if (ncond==0) cout << " Range selection: " << endl;
00376        Int_t typ, naxis;
00377        Double_t left, right;
00378        GetRangeCondition(ncond, typ, naxis, left, right);
00380        cout << "   axis " << naxis << " ";
00382        switch(typ) {
00383           case 0:cout << "  select range from " << left << " to " << right; break;
00384           case 1: cout << "  exclude range from " << left << " to " << right; break;
00385           case 2: cout << "  set left bound to " << left; break;
00386           case 3: cout << "  set right bound to " << right; break;
00387        }
00389        cout << endl;
00390      }
00392      for (Int_t n=0;n<GetNumRangeCut();n++) {
00393         TCutG* cut = GetRangeCut(n);
00394         if (cut->TestBit(kExcludeCut)) cout << "  Exclude"; else cout << "  Include";
00395         cout << " axises ranges, using TCutG object " << endl;
00396         cut->Print(option);
00397      }
00398 }

Generated on Thu Oct 28 15:54:12 2010 for Go4-Fitpackagev4.04-2 by  doxygen 1.5.1