The Go4 Analysis Framework
Reference Manual v3.4


J.Adamczewski-Musch, M.Al-Turany, D.Bertini, H.G.Essel, S. Linev
23 October 2008


The Go4 Analysis Framework Reference Manual v3.4. 1

1     Go4 method reference. 5

AddAnalysisCondition (TGo4Condition*    con,         const Text_t*  subfolder): 5

AddAnalysisStep(TGo4AnalysisStep* nextstep): 5

AddCanvas (TCanvas*    can, const Text_t* subfolder): 6

AddDynamicHistogram(const Text_t*      name, const Text_t*  histo, const Text_t*  hevx,  const Text_t*  hmemx, const Text_t*  hevy,  const Text_t*  hmemy, const Text_t*  hevz,  const Text_t*  hmemz, const Text_t*  condition, const Text_t*  cevx,  const Text_t*  cmemx, const Text_t*  cevy,  const Text_t*  cmemy ): 7

AddHistogram(TH1* his, const Text_t*      subfolder,  Bool_t  replace): 8

AddObject(TNamed* ob, const Text_t* subfolder, Bool_t replace): 9

AddParameter (TGo4Parameter* par,  const Text_t* subfolder): 10

AddPicture (TGo4Picture* pic,  const Text_t* subfolder): 10

AddTree(TTree* mytree, const Text_t* subfolder ) 11

AddTreeHistogram(      const Text_t* hisname, const Text_t*  treename, const Text_t*  varexpr  TCut   selection ): 12

AutoSave(): 13

ClearObjects(const Text_t* name): 13

CloseAnalysis(): 14

DeleteObjects(const Text_t* name): 14

Export(TObject* ob, Go4Export_t filter) 15

GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name) 16

GetAnalysisStep(const Text_t* name) 16

GetCanvas(const Text_t* name) 17

GetEventStructure(const Text_t* name): 17

GetHistogram(const Text_t* name) 18

GetInputEvent(Text_t* stepname): 18

GetObject(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* topfolder) 19

GetOutputEvent(Text_t* stepname): 19

GetOutputEvent(): 20

GetParameter(const Text_t* name) 20

GetPicture(const Text_t* name) 21

GetTree(const Text_t* name) 21

InitEventClasses(): 22

TGo4Analysis::Instance(): 22

IsAutoSaveOn(): 23

IsAutoSaveFileChange(): 23

IsInitDone(): 24

IsNewInputFile(): 24

IsRunning(): 25

LoadObjects (const Text_t * filename): 25

LoadStatus (const Text_t * filename): 26

TGo4Log::LogfileEnable ( Bool_t on): 26

TGo4Log ::Message (Int_t prio, const Text_t * text,...): 27

TGo4Log::OpenLogfile (const Text_t * filename,              const Text_t * headercomment,   Bool_t appendmode): 27

TGo4Log::OutputEnable ( Bool_t on): 28

TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel ( Int_t level): 28

Message (Int_t prio, const Text_t * text,...): 29

NewStepProcessor (const Text_t*     name, TGo4EventProcessorParameter*  par ): 30

NewStepSource (const Text_t*     name, TGo4EventSourceParameter*  par ): 30

NewStepStore (const Text_t*  name, TGo4EventStoreParameter*        par ): 31

NextMatchingObject (const Text_t*  expression,  const Text_t*  foldername, Bool_t reset ): 31

Print(Option_t* opt): 32

PrintConditions(const Text_t*  expression): 33

PrintDynamicList(): 33

PrintHistograms(const Text_t*  expression): 34

Process(): 34

ProtectObjects(const Text_t*  name , const Option_t* flags): 35

RemoveAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name) 35

RemoveCanvas(const Text_t* name) 36

RemoveDynamicEntry(const Text_t* entryname,          const Text_t* listname) 36

RemoveHistogram(const Text_t* name, Bool_t del) 37

RemoveObject(const Text_t* name, Bool_t del) 37

RemoveParameter(const Text_t* name) 38

RemovePicture(const Text_t* name) 39

RemoveTree(TTree* tree) 39

RunImplicitLoop(Int_t times): 40

SaveStatus (const Text_t * filename): 40

SendObjectToGUI (TNamed* ob): 41

SetAnalysisCondition (    const Text_t*   name,  TGo4Condition*   con. Bool_t counter ): 42

SetAutoSave(Bool_t on): 42

SetAutoSaveFile (Text_t * filename, Bool_t overwrite,               Int_t compression): 43

SetAutoSaveFileChange (Bool_t on): 44

SetAutoSaveInterval (Int_t seconds): 44

SetDynListInterval (Int_t val): 45

SetFirstStep (Text_t* name): 45

SetLastStep (Text_t* name): 46

SetParameter (const Text_t* name, TGo4Parameter* par ): 46

SetPicture (const Text_t* name, TGo4Picture*  pic ): 47

SetRunning(Bool_t on): 47

SetStepChecking (Bool_t on): 48

SetStepStorage (Text_t* name, Bool_t on): 49

ShowEvent(const Text_t* name, Bool_t isoutput): 49

StoreCondition(const Text_t*  stepname, TGo4Condition* con): 50

StoreFitter(const Text_t*  stepname, TGo4Fitter* fit): 50

StoreFolder(const Text_t*  stepname, TFolder* fold): 51

StoreFolder(const Text_t*  stepname, const Text_t* foldername): 51

StoreParameter(const Text_t*  stepname, TGo4Parameter* par): 52

UserEventFunc(): 53

UserPreLoop(): 53

UserPostLoop(): 54

WaitForStart(): 55

2     Macro Abstract Interface Class Documentation. 56

2.1      TGo4AbstractInterface  Class Reference. 56

2.1.1       Public Methods. 56

2.1.2       Static Public Methods. 57

2.1.3       Protected Methods. 57

2.1.4       Static Protected Attributes. 57

2.1.5       Detailed Description. 57

2.1.6       Constructor & Destructor Documentation. 58

2.1.7       Member Function Documentation. 58

3     Index. 65


1         Go4 method reference

In the following, the usable methods of the analysis framework classes are described systematically in alphabetical order. The base classes containing each method are listed in the Classes field. The methods of TGo4Analysis,e.g. , are available from within the user analysis class, or they may be called externally in the MainUserAnalysis executable (batch mode). The methods of TGo4EventProcessor, e.g.,  may be called within the user event processor directly. In macros executed in analysis pointer go4 is a reference to TGo4Analysis::Instance().


AddAnalysisCondition (TGo4Condition*        con,
                                      const Text_t*      subfolder):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Register a condition to the Go4 framework. The condition will be visible in the Go4GUI after this call, i.e. it can be edited at  the GUI view panel. After this call, Go4 adopts the condition, so the user must not delete the condition object in the destructor! Registered conditions are placed in the TFolder Go4/Conditions which is also saved in the Go4 autosave-file when the analysis is closed, or when AutoSave() is called. Optionally, a subfolder of Go4/Conditions may be specified where the histogram shall be located. If condition of the same name already existed in the specified folder, the old condition is deleted and replaced by the new condition con.


TGo4Condition* con                           Pointer to conditions that shall be registered. Condition is adopted by Go4.

const Text_t* subfolder                     Name of the subfolder of Go4/Conditions where condition shall be placed. If not specified (default), condition will be put directly under Go4/Conditions.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if con was registered. kFALSE if argument con was null..



Example of usage:     
TGo4WinCond* cond= new TGo4WinCond(“window1”,”ADC1”,200, 800);




AddAnalysisStep(TGo4AnalysisStep* nextstep):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Register analysis step to the Go4 framework. The analysis step object must have been created before. The order of calling this method defines the processing order of the analysis steps, i.e. the first step that was registered will be processed first. Note that there is currently no way to remove an analysis step from the analysis once it was added!


TGo4AnalysisStep* nextstep:           Pointer to instance of analysis step class. This object is adopted from the framework after calling this function.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if adding nextstep was successful..



Example of usage:

TGo4EventSourceParameter* sopar= new TGo4MbsSourceParameter(“listmode.lmd”);
TGo4EventStoreParameter* stpar= new TGo4FileStoreParemter(“out.root”);

TGo4AnalysisStep* step1 = new TGo4AnalysisStep(“Unpack”,sopar, stpar, 0);




AddCanvas (TCanvas*        can, const Text_t* subfolder):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Register a ROOT TCanvas to the Go4 framework. Go4 adopts the TCanvas, so the user must not delete the canvas object in the destructor! Registered TCanvas are placed in the TFolder Go4/Canvases which is also saved in the Go4 autosave-file when the analysis is closed, or when AutoSave() is called. Optionally, a subfolder of Go4/Canvases may be specified where the TCanvas shall be located. If canvas of the same name already existed in the specified folder, the new canvas will not be registered.


TCanvas* can                                      Pointer to canvas that shall be registered. Canvas is adopted by Go4.

const Text_t* subfolder                     Name of the subfolder of Go4/Canvases where canvas shall be placed. If not specified (default), canvas will be put directly under Go4/Canvases.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if can was registered. kFALSE if canvas of same name already existed.



Example of usage:     
TCanvas* c = new TCanvas(“positions”,”x-y-z-n”);





AddDynamicHistogram(const Text_t*   name,
const Text_t*      histo,
const Text_t*      hevx,
const Text_t*      hmemx,
const Text_t*      hevy,
const Text_t*      hmemy,
const Text_t*      hevz,
const Text_t*      hmemz,
const Text_t*      condition,
const Text_t*      cevx,
const Text_t*      cmemx,
const Text_t*      cevy,
const Text_t*      cmemy ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Add (create) new dynamic histogram entry which connects an existing  histogram with existing condition and data. Dynamic entry is specified by name. Histogram histo will be searched in registered histograms folder, condition in conditions folder. If condition is true or not existing (condition=0), histogram will be filled from the values that are found in registered eventstructure classes of names  evx, evy, evz at the data members of names memx, memy, memz, for the three coordinate axes, respectively. Histogram dimension is checked against given values. Pointers to the objects and data structures that are specified by name are searched once on analysis initialization. Note that this dynamic entry is processed event-by-event, in contrast to the dynamic treehistogram entry (see AddTreeHistogram()), which uses a TTree::Draw every dynlistinterval. However, this dynamic histogram entry works without any TTree. Addresses of datamembers are searched from ROOT TClass information, values are casted and filled directly to histogram. Only data from valid events are filled into histogram. Datamembers of the following types are currently supported: Float_t, Double_t, Int_t, Short_t, Char_t, Long_t, UInt_t, UShort_t, UChar_t, ULong_t, Bool_t.


const Text_t* name                             Name of the dynamic entry. This name will show up in the dynamic histograms display on the gui..

const Text_t* histo                             Name of the registered histogram to be filled. May contain full pathname relative to the histograms folder, separated by slash “/”.

const Text_t* hevx                              Name of the registered eventstructure object that contains the data to be filled in x coordinate.

const Text_t* hmemx                          Name of the datamember of eventstructure class  that contains the data to be filled in x coordinate.

const Text_t* hevy                             Name of the registered eventstructure object that contains the data to be filled in y coordinate. If zero (default), only one dimensional histogram  will be used.

const Text_t* hmemy                          Name of the datamember of eventstructure class  that contains the data to be filled in y coordinate . If zero (default), only one dimensional histogram  will be used.

const Text_t* hevz                              Name of the registered eventstructure object that contains the data to be filled in z coordinate. If zero (default), only one/two dimensional histogram  will be used.

const Text_t* hmemz                          Name of the datamember of eventstructure class  that contains the data to be filled in z coordinate . If zero (default), only one/two dimensional histogram  will be used.

const Text_t* condition                     Name of the registered  condition to be tested before histogram can be filled.. May contain full pathname relative to the conditions folder, separated by slash “/”.  If zero, no condition is tested, histo is always filled.

const Text_t* cevx                              Name of the registered eventstructure object that contains the data to be tested in condition as x coordinate.

const Text_t* cmemx                           Name of the datamember of eventstructure class  that contains the data to be tested in condition as x coordinate.

const Text_t* cevy                              Name of the registered eventstructure object that contains the data to be tested in condition as y coordinate. If zero (default), only one dimensional condition will be used.

const Text_t* cmemy                          Name of the datamember of eventstructure class  that contains the data to be tested in condition as  y coordinate . If zero (default), only one dimensional condition will be used.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   Is kTRUE if adding new entry was successful. If dynamic entry of same name already existed, new entry is not added and kFALSE is returned.



Example of usage:     
TH1D* histo1= new TH1D(“spectrum1”,”ADC1”,0,2000,2000);
TGo4WinCond* cond= new TGo4WinCond(“window1”,”ADC1”,200, 800);
      “spectrum1”, ”EuroballRawEvent”,”fiA1”,0,0,0,0,

// Connect registered histogram and condition
// fill histogram with member fiA1 from rawevent under
// window condition tested against member fiT2 from calievent






AddHistogram(TH1* his, const Text_t* subfolder,
Bool_t  replace):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Register a histogram to the Go4 framework. The histogram will be visible in the Go4GUI after this call, i.e. it can be monitored and copied to the GUI view panel. Go4 adopts the histogram, so the user must not delete the histogram object in the destructor. Registered histograms are placed in the TFolder Go4/Histograms which is also saved in the Go4 autosave-file when the analysis is closed, or when AutoSave() is called. Optionally, a subfolder of Go4/Histograms may be specified where the histogram shall be located. Use RemoveHistogram() to unregister and delete object again. Note1: Histogram names are unique within Go4, i.e. there must not be two histograms with the same name, even in different subfolders! This is important for the TTree::Draw() feature of the dynamic list.


TH1* his                                                Pointer to histogram that shall be registered. Histogram is adopted by Go4.

const Text_t* subfolder                     Name of the subfolder of Go4/Histograms where histogram shall be placed. If not specified (default), histogram will be put directly under Go4/Histograms.

Bool_t replace                                      If kTRUE, the new histogram his will replace any histogram of the same name that might be registered before in the same folder, and any historam of that name that might exist in any subfolder (unique histogram names) The previous histogram is deleted then. If kFALSE, the new histogram will not be registered and the old histogram remains. Default is kTRUE.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if his was registered. Otherwise (histogram of same name already existed), kFALSE is returned.



Example of usage:     
TH1D* histo1= new TH1D(“spectrum1”,”ADC1”,0,2000,2000);


AddObject(TNamed* ob, const Text_t* subfolder, Bool_t replace):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Register any named object to the Go4 framework. The object will be visible in the Go4GUI after this call, i.e. it can be monitored and copied to the GUI view panel. Unspecified registered objects are placed in the TFolder Go4/UserObjects which is also saved in the Go4 autosave-file when the analysis is closed, or when AutoSave() is called. Optionally, a subfolder of Go4/UserObjects may be specified where the object shall be located.


TNamed* ob                                         Pointer to object that shall be registered.

const Text_t* subfolder                     Name of the subfolder of Go4/UserObjects where histogram shall be placed. If not specified (default), object will be put directly under Go4/UserObjects.


Bool_t replace                                      If kTRUE, the new object ob will replace any object of the same name that might be registered before in the same folder. The previous object is deleted. If kFALSE, the new object will not be registered in that case, and the old  object remains. Default is kTRUE. Note that this argument is available in TGo4Analysis class only.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if ob was registered. Otherwise (object of same name already existed in UserObjects), kFALSE is returned.



Example of usage:     
TF1* func= new TF1(“Fit1”,“gaus(0)*expo(3)”,0,2000);


AddParameter (TGo4Parameter* par,  const Text_t* subfolder):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Register a parameter object to the Go4 framework. The parameter will be visible in the Go4GUI after this call, i.e. it can be edited at  the GUI view panel. Go4 adopts the parameter, so the user must not delete the parameter object in the destructor. Registered parameters are placed in the TFolder Go4/Parameters which is also saved in the Go4 autosave-file when the analysis is closed, or when AutoSave() is called. Optionally, a subfolder of Go4/Parameters may be specified where the parameter shall be located. Use RemoveParameter() to unregister and delete object again.


TGo4Parameter* par                            Pointer to parameter that shall be registered. Parameter is adopted by Go4.

const Text_t* subfolder                     Name of the subfolder of Go4/Parameters where parameter shall be placed. If not specified (default), parameter will be put directly under Go4/Parameters.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if par was registered. Otherwise (parameter of same name already existed), kFALSE is returned.



Example of usage:     
TGo4Parameter* par= new TUserParameter(“userdataset”);


AddPicture (TGo4Picture* pic,  const Text_t* subfolder):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Register Go4 picture object to the Go4 framework. The picture will be visible in the Go4GUI after this call, i.e. it can be edited at  the GUI view panel. Go4 adopts the picture, so the user must not delete the picture object in the destructor! Registered pictures are placed in the TFolder Go4/Pictures which is also saved in the Go4 autosave-file when the analysis is closed, or when AutoSave() is called. Optionally, a subfolder of Go4/Pictures may be specified where the parameter shall be located. Use RemoveParameter() to unregister and delete object again.


TGo4Picture* pic                                 Pointer to picture that shall be registered. Picture is adopted by Go4.

const Text_t* subfolder                     Name of the subfolder of Go4/Picturess where picture shall be placed. If not specified (default), picture will be put directly under Go4/Pictures.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if pic was registered. Otherwise (picture of same name already existed), kFALSE is returned.



Example of usage:     
TGo4Picture* pic= new TGo4Picture(“picture1”,”tofs”);  AddPicture(pic);

AddTree(TTree* mytree, const Text_t* subfolder )

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Register a root TTree to the Go4 framework. The tree will be visible in the Go4GUI after this call, i.e. the remote tree-viewing feature can be used. Tree reference is put into folder Go4/Trees. Optionally, a subfolder name may be given where the tree reference shall be located.
Note 1: A registered tree will not be saved by the Go4! This method is meant to browse trees of external analysis frameworks for online monitoring.
Note 2: The trees of the Go4 framework storage classes (TGo4FileStore, TGo4BackStore) are registered automatically, so it is not necessary to apply this method for them.


TTree* mytree                                      Pointer to external tree to be registered.


const Text_t* subfolder                     Name of the subfolder of Go4/Trees where reference shall be placed. If not specified (default), tree will be put directly under Go4/Trees.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if tree was registered. Otherwise (tree of same name already existed), kFALSE is returned.



Example of usage:     
TTree* htree= new TTree(“h”,”externaltree”);











AddTreeHistogram(    const Text_t*      hisname,
const Text_t*      treename,
const Text_t*      varexpr
TCut                    selection ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Add Dynamic list entry  which connects a histogram to a tree. If Histogram of hisname already exists, this histogram will be taken as target for a frequent TTree::Draw operation. If not, the histogram will be created on first TTree::Draw. Strings varexp and selection are used for applying cuts and variables in the TTree::Draw (see ROOT Users Guide). The newly created histogram is registered automatically to the Go4, i.e. it can be monitored and copied to the GUI view panel from the folder Go4/Histograms. The frequency of this Tree::Draw (number of events n in between two fills of the histogram) can be adjusted for all tree histograms by method SetDynlistInterval(Int_t n).


const Text_t* hisname                        Name of the target histogram where the result of the TTree::Draw() is filled. On first execution of tree operation, this histogram is searched under the registered Go4 histograms. If not found, ROOT will create a new histogram of that name with automatic range and binsize selection and fill into this histogram. Go4 will register the newly created histogram then.

const Text_t* treename                      Name of the tree that contains the event data for the TTree::Draw(). On first execution of tree operation, pointer to this tree is searched under the registered Go4 TTrees. This pointer is newly initialized on every initialization of analysis.

const Text_t* varexp                           Expression for the TTree::Draw() specifying the leafnames to be processed. See ROOT UsersGuide for all possibilities.

TCut selection                                      ROOT cut object that contains a condition for the histogram filling as a text string. See ROOT UsersGuide. Note that this is not a graphical cut object TCutG!


Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   Is kTRUE if adding new entry was successful. If dynamic entry of same name already existed, new entry is not added and kFALSE is returned.



Example of usage:     

// with predefined histogram spectrum1:
TH1D* histo1= new TH1D(“spectrum1”,”ADC1”,0,2000,2000);
// with automatically created histogram mynewhistogram and cut:
TCut window1(“fQtot>560”);


Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Explicitly write all objects in the Go4 folders to the current autosave file. Additionally, the TGo4Calibration objects of all analysis steps are stored into the event stores of each step, if existing. This method can be generally disabled by calling SetAutoSave(kFALSE).



Return value:




Example of usage:     


ClearObjects(const Text_t* name):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Clear (reset) objects matching the given name. Method looks for folder of name first and clears all objects contained. TH1 contents, e.g. are reset to zero, TGraph points are deleted. For parameters, the Clear() method is called and may be user-implemented. Note that objects and contents of complete folders can be protected agains clear by method ProtectObjects().


const Text_t* name                             Name of the object to be cleared, or name of object folder. If folder of that name exists in the Go4, all objects under this folder are cleared/ reset at once. If no such folder, object of name is searched in all folders and cleared.

Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kTRUE if clear was successful. Otherwise (objects not found, or clear protected), kFALSE is returned.               



Example of usage:     



Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Closes  the analysis framework. Deletes event objects (event structures, io-classes, eventprocessors ) that were initialized before and closes all IO. Event objects are unregistered from Go4 folder structure.. This method is typically called from the user analysis executable in batch mode. In Gui mode, pressing the “Submit” button will execute this function before initializing the new setup. Note that this method is virtual, i.e. the user analysis class may redefine what happens on closing. So it would be possible to close an external analysis framework here. Complementary function is InitEventClasses().



Return value:

virtual void                                           



Example of usage:     
TGo4Analysis* myanalysis =new TUserAnalysis();


DeleteObjects(const Text_t* name):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Delete object of name, or all objects in folder name, respectively. Objects are only deleted if delete protection is not set. Usually, objects registered from user code are delete protected by default. Objects created dynamically from gui are not delete protected. . Note that objects and contents of complete folders can be protected agains deletion by method ProtectObjects().


const Text_t* name                             Name of the object to be deleted, or name of object folder. If folder of that name exists in the Go4, all objects under this folder are deleted at once. If no such folder, object of name is searched in all folders and deleted.

Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is Is kTRUE if delete was successful. Otherwise (objects not found, or delete protected), kFALSE is returned.               



Example of usage:     


Export(TObject* ob, Go4Export_t filter)

Classes:          TGo4ExportManager

Convert and save object ob into different file formats specified by filter keynumber. Object may be collection of subobjects. Each subobject is written into single file then, conserving the hierarchy in subdirectories. In case of ROOT format, all objects will be in one output file.


TObject* ob                                          Object to be exported. Currently supported are TH1*, TGraph*, TFolder*, TDirectory*, and TCollection*. If ob is a collection, folder, or directory, it is scanned recursively and all objects contained are exported, if possible. Sub-hierarchy of folders and directories are expressed as subdirectories in output file system.


Go4Export_t                                          Keynumber for the export filter: Currently available:
GO4EX_ASCII      : Plain text format for histogram (*.hdat) and  TGraph (*.gdat). One line per bin/point,        columns for x,y,z,counts; or point,x,y; respectively.
GO4EX_RADWARE :  Radware/gf3 format. One dimensional TH1 only!
GO4EX_ROOT : Write object into one ROOT file. Filename to be specified with method TGo4ExportManager::SetOutFile(char*).

Return value:




Example of usage:     
TGo4ExportManager exman(“myexportfilter”);
TFile* myfile=new TFile(“go4autosave.root”,”READ”);
GO4EX_ASCII); // convert all objects of root file
                                  // into ASCII files










GetAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Access a registered condition by name.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the condition to be retrieved. The subfolder name under which the condition was registered may proceed  condition name, separated  by a slash “/”.

Return value:

TGo4Condition*:                                 Pointer to condition. NULL if not found.



Example of usage:     
TGo4Conditon* con= GetAnalysisCondition(“Gamma/window1”);



GetAnalysisStep(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Access an analysis step object by name.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the analysis step.

Return value:

TGo4AnalyisStep*:                             Pointer to analysis step. NULL if not found. From step one can obtain the factory by TGo4StepFactory * fact = (TGo4StepFactory *)step->GetStepFactory();
This is needed in macros to define input and output event and event processor.



Example of usage:     
TGo4AnalysisStep* first= GetAnalysisStep(“Unpack”);
TGo4StepFactory * fact = (TGo4StepFactory *)first->GetStepFactory();







GetCanvas(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Access a registered TCanvas by name.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the canvas object to be retrieved. The subfolder name under which the canvas was registered may proceed canvas name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

TCanvas*:                                             Pointer to canvas. NULL if not found.



Example of usage:     
TCanvas* c= GetCanvas(“positions”);



GetEventStructure(const Text_t* name):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Access to registered eventstructure object by TGo4EventElement name. Input and output events of the analysis steps are registered automatically. Note that name does not indicate the analysis stepname here, but the root name of the event itself.


Text_t* name:                                       Name of the event object in the folder Go4/Eventobjects/Eventstructure.

Return value:

TGo4EventElement*:                           Pointer to event object. NULL if event of name was not found.



Example of usage:     
TGo4EventElement* eve= GetEventStructure(“EuroballRawEvent”);
TEbEvent* useve= dynamic_cast<TEbEvent*>(eve);
                  // cast to access special event structure


GetHistogram(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Access a registered histogram by name.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the histogram to be retrieved. The subfolder name under which the histogram was registered may proceed histogram name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

TH1*:                                                     Pointer to histogram. NULL if not found.



Example of usage:     
TH1D* histo1= (TH1D*) GetHistogram(“Gamma/spectrum1”);
TH2D* histo2= (TH2D*) GetHistogram(“ElMap”);



GetInputEvent(Text_t* stepname):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Access to the input event object of a certain analysis step. The analysis step will be identified by the ROOT name of the step object, which is set in the TGo4AnalysisStep constructor.


Text_t* stepname:                               Name of the analysis step object that holds the input event.

Return value:

TGo4EventElement*:                           Pointer to input event object. NULL if step of stepname is not existing.



Example of usage:

TGo4EventElement* raw= GetInputEvent(“Unpack”);
TGo4MbsEvent* mbseve= dynamic_cast<TGo4MbsEvent*>(raw);
                     // cast to access special event structure




GetObject(const Text_t* name, const Text_t* topfolder)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Access a registered object by name, starting from the folder of name topfolder. If topfolder is zero (default), object is searched in all Go4 folders. Note that TTrees and event objects are not found by this method, since these objects should not be send to the gui. To retrieve these types, use the special getter methods GetTree(), GetEventStructure(), etc.



const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the object to be retrieved. The subfolder name under which the object was registered may proceed object name, separated  by a slash “/”

const Text_t* topfolder                      Name of the folder under which object shall be searched. Useful if path to object is not known completely.

Return value:

TNamed*:                                              Pointer to object. NULL if not found.



Example of usage:     
TH1D* histo1= (TH1D*) GetObject(“Histograms/Gamma/spectrum1”);
TH1D* histo2= (TH1D*) GetObject(“spectrum2”, “Histograms”);
TGo4WinCond* con= (TGo4WinCond*) GetObject(“Conditions/Window3”);


GetOutputEvent(Text_t* stepname):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Access to the output event object of a certain analysis step. The analysis step will be identified by the ROOT name of the step object, which is set in the TGo4AnalysisStep constructor.


Text_t* stepname:                               Name of the analysis step object that holds the input event..

Return value:

TGo4EventElement*:                           Pointer to output event object. NULL if step of stepname is not existing.



Example of usage:     
TGo4EventElement* eve= GetOutputEvent(“Unpack”);
TUserEvent* useve= dynamic_cast<TUserEvent*>(eve);
                  // cast to access special event structure



Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Fast access to the output event object of the most recent analysis step that was processed before this call. If called in the UserEventFunc(), it yields the resulting event object of the last active step of the analysis cycle.



Return value:

TGo4EventElement*:                           Pointer to output event object of the last analysis step processed.



Example of usage:     
TGo4EventElement* eve= GetOutputEvent();


GetParameter(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Access a registered parameter by name.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the parameter object to be retrieved. The subfolder name under which the parameter was registered may proceed  parameter name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

TGo4Parameter*:                                  Pointer to parameter. NULL if not found.



Example of usage:     
TGo4Parameter* par= GetParameter(“RunSetup1”);
TUserParameter* upar=dynamic_cast<TUserParameter*>(par);





GetPicture(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Access a registered picture by name.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the picture object to be retrieved. The subfolder name under which the picture was registered may proceed  picture name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

TGo4Picture*:                                       Pointer to picture. NULL if not found.



Example of usage:     
TGo4Picture* pic= GetPicture(“frame3”);





GetTree(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Access a registered tree by name.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the tree to be retrieved. The subfolder name under which the tree was registered may proceed tree name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

TTree*:                                                  Pointer to tree. NULL if not found.



Example of usage:     
TTree* mytree= GetTree(“tree2”);


Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Initialization of the analysis framework. Creates event objects (event structures, IO classes, eventprocessors) as defined in the event factories of the analysis steps. Event objects are registered automatically in Go4 folder structure. Previous event objects are deleted and unregistered first. This method is typically called from the user analysis executable in batch mode. In Gui mode, pressing the “Submit” button will execute this function, too. Note that this method is virtual, i.e. the user analysis class may redefine what happens on initialization. So it would be possible to initialize an external analysis framework here. Complementary function is CloseAnalysis(), which deletes all existing event objects and closes all IO.



Return value:

virtual Bool_t                                        Is kTRUE if init was successful.



Example of usage:     
TGo4Analysis* myanalysis =new TUserAnalysis();



Classes:          available everywhere when linked against

Static Method. Get the pointer to the current analysis framework singleton. This reference can be used to invoke any public method of the class TGo4Analysis from outside the class. This is e.g. meaningful if framework settings shall be changed from within the event processor. Note that a “dummy” analysis framework will be created if this method is called without having created the user analysis object before!



Return value:

TGo4Analysis*                                    Pointer to analysis framework singleton.



Example of usage:     



Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Check if autosaving is enabled.



Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kTRUE if autosave file is enabled for read and write.



Example of usage:     
      cout <<”Autosaving is enabled” << endl;;



Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Check if analysis runs with automatic autosave filename change. In this case, for each new *.lmd file of an input file list, a new autosave file will be created with a name derived from the current input file name. Set this property with SetAutoSaveFileChange().



Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kTRUE if running in file change mode.



Example of usage:     
      cout <<”analysis with autosave filechange mode” << endl;








Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Check if initialization of analysis was done correctly.



Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kTRUE if init was successful.



Example of usage:     
TGo4Analysis* myanalysis =new TUserAnalysis();
// .. do setup, init etc.
      cerr <<” Error on init” << endl;



Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Check if input file list has changed to another *.lmd file in the list.



Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kTRUE if this event belongs to a new input file.



Example of usage:     
      ShowEvent(“Unpack”,false); // print first event
      SetNewInputFile(false); // reset flag


Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Check if analysis slave is in “running”state. To be used from ROOT macro running in Go4 CintServer environment to check the state set via the start/stop buttons of controlling GUI. Running state may be changed by method SetRunning(Bool_t), too.



Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kTRUE if analysis slave is running, otherwise kFALSE..



Example of usage:     
...; //user actions independent of go4 eventloop here...



LoadObjects (const Text_t * filename):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Load objects from a Go4 autosave file back into the Go4 object manager memory. Usually, this is done automatically on submitting Go4 settings if autosave is enabled. However, one might exchange parameters or conditions on the fly by this method. Note that already  exisiting histograms in memory are not overwritten by histograms from file of the same name. This method will change the general autosave filename which is used for next AutoSave()!


const Text_t* filename                        Name of autosave file to load. If 0, objects are loaded from
most recent autosave filename, or from filename as specified in the Go4 analysis setup.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if loading was successful. kFALSE if file could not be opened.



Example of usage:     


LoadStatus (const Text_t * filename):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Load analysis settings (parameters for event factory, filenames) from file and apply them to the analysis. On calling this method, a CloseAnalysis() will be executed before setting the new parameters, i.e. all event objects of the previous analysis setup are deleted and all files are closed. Status file can be saved using the SaveStatus() method.


const Text_t* filename                        Name of preferences file. If no filename is specified, file                                                                               Go4AnalysisPrefs.root will be used.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if loading was successful. kFALSE if file could not be opened.



Example of usage:     


TGo4Log::LogfileEnable ( Bool_t on):

Classes:          TGo4Log (available everywhere)

Switch on or off the logfile output. The global ignore level of go4 as set with TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel() defines what kind of messages are  logged. Logfile can be opened user-defined by calling TGo4Log::OpenLogfile. By default, go4 will open the logfile “go4logfile.txt” in a non-append mode.


Bool_ t on                                             If kTRUE, all go4 messages output will be  written to current logfile. Otherwise, nothing is written to file.

Return value:



static public                                         

Example of usage:     


TGo4Log ::Message (Int_t prio, const Text_t * text,...):

Classes:          TGo4Log (available everywhere)

Printout message text on the local terminal and/or write it to the logfile. Priority prio defines type of message and action. Messages with priority less than the global ignore level (TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel) are suppressed in printout and logfile. Supports variable argument list for format strings in the text, just like in C printf() function. Note: It is recommended to use TGo4Analysis::Message instead of this method, since it provides the same printout and logging functionality, but adds the feature to display the message in the gui log window.


Int_t prio                               Priority of message that defines output mode:
0:             Debug or go4 kernel information
1:             Informational message
2:             Warning message
3:             Error message

const Text_t* text                Text to be displayed in the message. May contain printf() format strings
which define the output of the variable argument list at the end.

...                                             Variable argument list like in printf(). Any number of arguments of any type should be supported here. Uses internally the va_list structure of  <stdarg>.

Return value:



static public                                         

Example of usage:     
TGo4Log::Message(2,“Found event with id %d from input %s”, evid, filename);


TGo4Log::OpenLogfile (const Text_t * filename,                                           const Text_t * headercomment,   Bool_t appendmode):

Classes:          TGo4Log (available everywhere)

Set name of logfile for Go4 messages. File will be opened with name filename. Optionally, the text of a comment may be specified that appears in the first line of the logfile. If appendmode is kTRUE, the output is added to previous file of same filename, otherwise the old filename is overwritten. Any previous logfile, if existing, will be closed by this method. Whether anything is written to file is controlled by the function TGo4Log::LogfileEnable(). The global ignore level of go4 as set with TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel() defines what kind of messages are displayed or logged. Without calling this function, go4 will open by default a logfile “go4logfile.txt” in a non-append mode.


const Text_t* filename                        Name of logfile. If filename is NULL, go4 will open file
go4log-123456.txt, with the current pid “123456” as part of the  name.

const Text_t* headercomment          Optional text comment to be added at the beginning of the logfile. May contain formatting characters like “\n” or “\t”.

Bool_ t appendmode                           If kTRUE, all following output will be appended to file of filename if existing. Otherwise, content of previous file is overwritten. Default is non-append.


Return value:



static public                                         

Example of usage:     
TGo4Log::OpenLogfile(“EuroballLog.txt”,”--- Logfile June-2003 JA ---”, kTRUE);


TGo4Log::OutputEnable ( Bool_t on):

Classes:          TGo4Log (available everywhere)

Switch on or off the message output on terminal. The global ignore level of go4 as set with TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel() defines what kind of messages are  displayed. By default, output is enabled. This method does not affect the writings to the logfile.


Bool_ t on                                             If kTRUE, all go4 messages  will be  printed. Otherwise, nothing is displayed.

Return value:



static public                                         

Example of usage:     


TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel ( Int_t level):

Classes:          TGo4Log (available everywhere)

Set the Go4 global ignore level that defines what kind of messages issued by TGo4Log::Message() are  displayed and logged. Default level is 1, i.e. debugging-like kernel output is supressed.


Int_ t level                                             Any messages with a priority below “level”are suppressed in printout and in logfile. Priorities are:
0 – debug output;
1 – informational;
2 – warnings;
3 and higher – errors.


Return value:



static public                                         

Example of usage:     
TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel(0); // get full debug infos


Message (Int_t prio, const Text_t * text,...):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Send a text message to the gui log window, and/or printout message text on the local terminal. Priority prio defines type of message and action. Supports variable argument list for format strings in the text, just like in C printf() function. If logfile is open and enabled, message is written to logfile.


Int_t prio                               Priority of message that defines output mode:
0:             Printout on local terminal only if debug level is enabled
                (with TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel(0))
<0:           Printout on local terminal anyway, independent of ignore level
1:             Informational message on gui log window and printout
2:             Warning message on gui log window and printout
3:             Error message on gui log window and printout


const Text_t* text                Text to be displayed in the message. May contain printf() format strings
which define the output of the variable argument list at the end.


...                                             Variable argument list like in printf(). Any number of arguments of any type should be supported here. Uses internally the va_list structure of  <stdarg>.

Return value:




Example of usage:     
Message(2,“Found event with id %d from input %s”, evid, filename);


NewStepProcessor (const Text_t*         name, TGo4EventProcessorParameter*        par ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Closes down eventprocessor implementation of analysis step and create new processor for this step as specified by parameter par. May be used to switch processor (algorithm) on the fly without initializing the complete analysis. User has to check eventprocessor parameter class (user subclass) in the event factory of the analysis step to enable switching.


const Text_t* name                                             Name of the analysis step.


TGo4EventProcessorParameter* par                Eventprocessor parameter that defines the new event processor.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                                   kTRUE if analysis step of name was found, otherwise kFALSE.



Example of usage:     
TGo4EventProcessorParameter* ppar=
      new TUserprocessorParameter(“Detector2”);


NewStepSource (const Text_t*     name, TGo4EventSourceParameter*   par ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Closes down eventsource implementation of analysis step and create new eventsource for this step as specified by parameter par. May be used to switch input on the fly without initializing the complete analysis. One output file e.g. can be filled from several input files in a loop; if one input file ends, the next will be set as source


const Text_t* name                             Name of the analysis step.


TGo4EventSourceParameter* par     Eventsource parameter that defines the new event source.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if analysis step of name was found, otherwise kFALSE.



Example of usage:     
TGo4FileSourceParameter* fpar=
     new TGo4FileSourceParamter (“run1.lmd”);


NewStepStore (const Text_t*  name,
TGo4EventStoreParameter*                  par ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Closes down eventstore implementation of analysis step and create new eventstore for this step as specified by parameter par. May be used to switch output on the fly without initializing the complete analysis. One input file e.g. can be split into several output files depending on the eventnumber.


const Text_t* name                             Name of the analysis step.


TGo4EventStoreParameter* par        Eventstore parameter that defines the new event store.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if analysis step of name was found, otherwise kFALSE.



Example of usage:     
TGo4FileStoreParameter* fpar=
      new TGo4FileStoreParamter (“output2.root”);


NextMatchingObject (const Text_t*  expression,
const Text_t*  foldername,
Bool_t reset ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

 Delivers pointer to next object of the Go4 folder structure with a name matching the expression. If reset is true, the list of matching objects will be created anew by comparing all names with expression. If reset is false, the next object of a previously created matching list is returned. Optionally the search can be limited to a given folder as specified by the foldername.


const Text_t* expression                   Regular expression for object names


const Text_t* foldername                   Name of  the object manager subfolder to scan for the matching objects. All subfolders of this folder are scanned recursively. If foldername is 0, scan is started in Go4 top folder.


Bool_t reset                                          If true, search list will be created by comparing all object names with expression. Otherwise, this method just returns the next object of an already created list of matches.              

Return value:

TObject* :                                             Pointer to next matching object. If 0, end of matching list is reached, or no matching object was found.



Example of usage:     
TObject* result=0;
Bool_t reset=kTRUE;
while((result=NextMatchingObject(“*Ch1*”, “Histograms”, reset))!=0){
    printf("Found result object: %s\n",result->GetName());


Print(Option_t* opt):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Prints out the analysis configuration, including autosave file settings and set up of the analysis steps


Option_t* opt                                       Option string. Not yet in use.

Return value:




Example of usage:     












PrintConditions(const Text_t*  expression):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Prints out the counter statistics of all conditions in the Go4/Conditions folder to the local analysis terminal. Subfolder names are displayed (if any). The conditions output (one line per condition) is indented depending on the subfolder level. Condition true counter is displayed as ascii bargraph showing the percentage of total calls of TGo4Condition::Test() being true.


const Text_t* expression                   Wildcard regular expression for the condition name. Only objects matching the expression are printed. Default is “*”.

Return value:




Example of usage:     




Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Prints out the list of dynamic list entries to the analysis output terminal.



Return value:




Example of usage:     

PrintHistograms(const Text_t*  expression):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Prints out the total content of all histograms in the Go4/Histograms folder to the local analysis terminal. Subfolder names are displayed (if any). The histogram output (one line per histogram) is indented depending on the subfolder level.


const Text_t* expression                   Wildcard regular expression for the histogram name. Only objects matching the expression are printed. Default is “*”.

Return value:




Example of usage:     



Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Process one main cycle of Go4 eventloop from a root macro running in the Go4CintServer (go4root executable, or started with go4_init.C script). Will first execute any command from gui in the queue, then call MainCycle() to process anaylsis steps, user event function and dynamic list (if existing). This call is required inside any explicit loop of a macro to process go4 framework analysis action. GUI event ratemeter is also updated by this method.



Return value:

Int_t                                                       Indicates Go4 running state. Returns 0 if analysis is running, otherwise value <0. May be used to react on Stop button from GUI in user macro.         





Example of usage:     
TGo4Analysis* go4=TGo4Analysis::Instance();
while(go4->Process()==0){ // run go4 loop until it’s stopped
; // may put additional eventwise actions here...



ProtectObjects(const Text_t*  name , const Option_t* flags):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Change protection properties for object of specified name. If object is a folder, change properties of all objects in this folder recursively. Flags may contain key letters like:
"+C"/"-C" to enable/disable protection against Clear() (histogram zeroing etc).
"+D"/"-D" to enable/disable protection against object deletion.
For example flags="+C-D", "+C+D", "-D-C", "-C". Properties not appearing in flags are not changed.
NOTE: Be careful when changing delete protections for objects that are created in the compiled code! By default, all objects registered from compiled  code are delete protected. If protection is disabled, they might be deleted from the Go4 GUI, causing possibly invalid pointers in the analysis code!

Protection flags are conserved if objects are saved to a root file.


const Text_t* name                             Name of the object /folder to change the protection bits.

const Option_t* flags                         String with specifiers how to change protections.
"+C"/"-C" to enable/disable ClearObjects().
"+D"/"-D" to enable/disable DeleteObjects().

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   True if at least one object of name was found and its protection was changed. False if no object of such name.



Example of usage:     
                   //prevent reset for all histograms



RemoveAnalysisCondition(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Remove a registered condition from the framework. Condition will be removed from Go4 conditions folder and deleted.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the condition to be removed. The subfolder name under which the condition was registered may proceed  condition name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if condition was found and removed. Is kFALSE if condition of that name was not found.



Example of usage:     


RemoveCanvas(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Remove a registered TCanvas from the framework. Canvas will be removed from Go4/Canvases folder and deleted.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the TCanvas to be removed. The subfolder name under which the canvas was registered may proceed canvas name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if  canvas was found and removed, kFALSE if canvas of that name was not found.



Example of usage:     

RemoveDynamicEntry(const Text_t* entryname,
                                      const Text_t* listname)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Remove a dynamic entry of entryname from the dynamic list of listname. Note that objects which are referenced from dynamic entry are not deleted, since they are owned by their special folders.


const Text_t* entryname                    ROOT name of the Go4 dynamic entry to be removed.


const Text_t* listname                        ROOT name of the dynamic list containing the entry to be removed. If zero (default), entry will be removed from the currently active dynamic list.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if  entry was found and removed, kFALSE if parameter of that name was not found.



Example of usage:     


RemoveHistogram(const Text_t* name, Bool_t del)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Remove a registered histogram from the framework. Histogram will be removed from Go4 histogram folder. If del is true, histogram is also deleted.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the histogram to be removed. The subfolder name under which the histogram was registered may proceed histogram name, separated  by a slash “/”


Bool_t del                                              If kTRUE (default), removed histogram is deleted by Go4. If kFALSE, the histogram will be unregistered only, without calling its destructor. Useful if a histogram was registered that is owned by an external framework. Note: this argument is available in class TGo4Analysis only.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if histogram was found and removed. Is kFALSE if histogram of that name was not found.



Example of usage:     


RemoveObject(const Text_t* name, Bool_t del)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Remove a registered object from the UserObjects folder. If del is true,  objects is also deleted.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the object to be removed. The subfolder name under which the object was registered may proceed  object name, separated  by a slash “/”


Bool_t del                                              If kTRUE (default), removed object is deleted by Go4. If kFALSE, the object will be unregistered only, without calling its destructor. Useful if an object was registered that is owned by an external framework. Note: this argument is available in class TGo4Analysis only.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if object was found and removed. Is kFALSE if object  of that name was not found.



Example of usage:     


RemoveParameter(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Remove a registered parameter from the framework. Parameter will be removed from Go4/Parameters folder and deleted.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the parameter to be removed. The subfolder name under which the parameter was registered may proceed parameter name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if  parameter was found and removed, kFALSE if parameter of that name was not found.



Example of usage:     


RemovePicture(const Text_t* name)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Remove a registered picture from the framework. Picture will be removed from Go4/Pictures folder and deleted.


const Text_t* name                             ROOT name of the picture to be removed. The subfolder name under which the picture was registered may proceed picture name, separated  by a slash “/”

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if  picture was found and removed, kFALSE if picture of that name was not found.



Example of usage:     


RemoveTree(TTree* tree)

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Remove a registered tree from the Go4 folder structure. Tree will not be deleted by this operation.


TTree* tree                                           Pointer to the user tree the reference of which shall be removed.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if TTree was found and removed in folder, otherwise kFALSE.



Example of usage:     

TTree * t = new TTree(“Mytree”,”test”);
// do something with framework



RunImplicitLoop(Int_t times):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Process the analysis loop (main cycle) for times times. This method is typically called from the user executable in batch mode. Analysis processing consists of analysis steps (event processors), dynamic list entry execution, and calling the UserEventFunc() implementation of the user analysis class. At the beginning of the implicit loop, the UserPreLoop() method is executed once. After the implicit loop, the UserPostLoop() method is executed.


Int_t times                                             Number of analysis cycles (events) to be processed.

Return value:

Int_t                                                       If negative, the analysis framework was not initialized and implicit loop did not run. Null in case of correct processing. All other error handling is done by exceptions that are caught within this function..


public                                                     To be called from outside analysis class only!

Example of usage:     
TGo4Analysis* myanalysis =new TUserAnalysis();


SaveStatus (const Text_t * filename):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Save analysis settings (parameters of analysis steps, .. ) to a root file. These settings may be restored using LoadStatus(const Text_t*) method.


const Text_t* filename                        Name of preferences file. If no filename is specified, file                                                                               Go4AnalysisPrefs.root will be taken.

Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if saving was successful. kFALSE if status object could not be created, or if file could not be opened.



Example of usage:     


SendObjectToGUI (TNamed* ob):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis, TGo4EventProcessor

Send any object from the analysis to the gui via data channel. If gui is not available (batch mode), this call has no effect except for a warning message. This method can be used to send objects only if certain conditions in the analysis are true (event driven monitoring of objects). Objects that arrive on gui side unrequested appear in the local memory folder. However, one can prepare the GUI  to deliver an arrived object  of a certain name to a user written gui, by method TGo4GUIRegistry::ReDirectObject().


TNamed* ob                                         Pointer to object to be send..

Return value:




Example of usage:     
TH1* his=GetHistogram(“Gamma/spectrum1”);
























SetAnalysisCondition (        const Text_t*                name,
TGo4Condition*          con.
Bool_t counter ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Sets an already registered condition of name to the values of the external condition con. If condition of given name is not existing in the folder, a copy of the external condition con is registered instead of updating the old condition. 


const Text_t* name                             Name of the registered condition under folder Go4/Conditions. Optionally,  the  string name may contain a subfolder name that proceeds the condition name and is separated by a slash “/”.  Then condition is searched in that subfolder of Go4/Conditions.


TGo4Condition* con                           Pointer to external condition that contains the values for updating the registered condition. Note that this external condition is never adopted by framework! If condition of name does not exist, a new condition of the name will be created, updated from con and registered.

Bool_t counter                                     If kTRUE (default), the condition counter information is also updated and replaced by the counters of condition con. Otherwise, the counter settings of the condition of name are left as before, only the condition ranges are updated.


Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if con was updated or registered correctly. Otherwise kFALSE is returned.



Example of usage:     
TGo4WinCond* cond= new TGo4WinCond(“window1”,”ADC1”,200, 800);



SetAutoSave(Bool_t on):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Enable or disable the functionality of AutoSave()  completely. If disabled, the autosaving is never done, not even on closing the analysis, or when the user calls AutoSave() directly. Moreover, method SetAutoSaveFile()  will not create a new autosave file if autosaving was disabled before. Note that the “autosave now” button of the Go4 GUI will overrule this property, i.e. it will write the autosave file in any case.


Bool_t on                                              If kTRUE (default), method AutoSave() will work regularily. If kFALSE, autosaving will be disabled completely, i.e. any call of AutoSave() has no effect..

Return value:




Example of usage:     


SetAutoSaveFile (Text_t * filename, Bool_t overwrite,
                                                                   Int_t compression

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Specify the ROOT file to save all registered objects in the Go4 folders on calling AutoSave(). File will be opened directly before auto-saving, and will be closed immediately after writing the objects.


const Text_t* filename                        Name of autosave file for registered objects. If no filename is specified, file Go4AnalysisFile.root will be taken.

Bool_t overwrite                                  If kTRUE, old autosave file of the same name will be overwritten.  If kFALSE (default if not specified), old file of the same name will be used. Note that even in non overwrite mode new objects of the same name will replace old objects within the old root file.

Int_t compression                                Specify ROOT TFile compression level for the autosave file. Default (if this parameter is left out) is 5.

Return value:




Example of usage:     









SetAutoSaveFileChange (Bool_t on):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Switches file for  AutoSave()  whenever the eventsource (TGo4MbsFile) changes the input file. Name of auto save file is derived from the name of the current input file. All histograms are reset to zero entries on changing the input.  Useful if TGo4MbsFile is working in wildcard/filelist mode and resulting histograms should be written to different auto save files for each input.  


Bool_t on                                              If kTRUE, autosave file name will be changed for each new input file (TGo4MbsFile in multi-input mode).  If kFALSE (default behaviour), the resulting histograms  of all input files will be summed up and will be saved in one auto save file of the original name, as defined by SetAutoSaveFile().

Return value:




Example of usage:     

SetAutoSaveInterval (Int_t seconds):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Specify the time in seconds that shall be processed in between two automatic calls of AutoSave(). Use method SetAutoSaveFile() to specify the autosave file properties. The default autosave interval is set from static constant fgiAUTOSAVECOUNTS which is currently 500 s.


Int_t val                                                 Number of seconds in between two automatic saves. For seconds=0, frequent autosaving will be disabled and autosavefile will be written at the end of analysis only.

Return value:




Example of usage:     


SetDynListInterval (Int_t val):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Specify the number of analysis cycles that shall be processed in between two TTree::Draw() executions on the tree histogram entries of the dynamic list. All events that were filled into the tree within this interval are used in the TTree::Draw(). The useful value strongly depends on the eventrate. It should be put such that it takes no longer than 10 seconds to update the histograms that shall be filled from the dynamic TTree::Draw. Default dynlistinterval is set from static constant fgiDYNLISTINTERVAL which is currently 1000.


Int_t val                                                 Number of events in between two dynamic list processings on treehistogram entries..

Return value:




Example of usage:     


SetFirstStep (Text_t* name):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Sets analysis step name as first one to be processed in the chain of steps. First step will read input event from its event source. If event source of new first step is not enabled, InitEventClasses will fail; except for the case when the consistency check of the analysis step was disabled by SetStepChecking(kFALSE). If name is nullpointer, set first step in steplist as first active step. This method is for setting up the analysis before initialization only, it should not be invoked on the fly!


Text_t* name                                        Name of the analysis step to set first..

Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kFALSE in case of error (e.g. step not found).



Example of usage:     
//... perform analysis with old setup here
CloseAnalysis() // close all files, delete old eventclasses
TGo4FileSourceParameter* spar2 =
                         new TGo4FileSourceParameter (“raw.root”);
NewStepSource(“Calibrate”, spar2); // setup input for second step


SetLastStep (Text_t* name):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Sets analysis step name as last one to be processed in the chain of steps. If name is nullpointer, set last step in steplist as last active step. This method is for setting up the analysis before initialization only, it should not invoked on the fly!


Text_t* name                                        Name of the analysis step to set last.

Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kFALSE in case of error (e.g. step not found).



Example of usage:     
//... perform analysis with old setup here
CloseAnalysis() // close all files, delete old eventclasses


SetParameter (const Text_t* name, TGo4Parameter* par ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Sets an already registered parameter of name to the values of the external  parameter par. Note that virtual method TGo4Parameter::UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter*)  must be implemented correctly in user parameter subclasses to let this work! If parameter of given name is not existing in the folder, a copy of the external parameter par is registered instead of updating the old parameter. 


const Text_t* name                             Name of the registered parameter under folder Go4/Parameters. Optionally,  the  string name may contain a subfolder name that proceeds the parameter name and is separated by a slash “/”.  Then parameter is searched in that subfolder of Go4/Parameters.


TGo4Parameter* par                            Pointer to external parameter that contains the values for updating the registered parameter. Note that this external parameter is never adopted by framework! If parameter of name does not exist, a new parameter of the name will be created, updated from con and registered.


Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if par was registered and set correctly.



Example of usage:     
TUserParameter* upara= new TUserParameter(“ADC1Cal”,0.42,132);


SetPicture (const Text_t* name, TGo4Picture*  pic ):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Sets an already registered picture of name to the values of the external  picture pic. If picture of given name is not existing in the folder, a copy of the external picture par is registered instead of updating the old picture. 


const Text_t* name                             Name of the registered picture under folder Go4/Pictures. Optionally,  the  string name may contain a subfolder name that proceeds the picture name and is separated by a slash “/”.  Then picture is searched in that subfolder of Go4/Pictures.


TGo4Picture* pic                                 Pointer to external picture that contains the values for updating the registered picture. Note that this external picture is never adopted by framework! If picture of name does not exist, a new picture of the name will be created, updated from pic and registered.


Return value:

Bool_t:                                                   kTRUE if pic was registered and set correctly.



Example of usage:     
TGo4Picture* mypic= new TGo4Picture(“frame5”,”E1-E4”);






SetRunning(Bool_t on):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Change the “running” state of the analysis slave as controlled from the GUI. To be used from ROOT macro in a Go4 CintServer environment to change the run status. Useful to react on analysis conditions checked in the running macro. Note that from compiled code, it is rather recommended to throw a TGo4UserException with a message and error priority to halt analysis processing.


Bool_t                                                    If kTRUE, start processing; otherwise stop it.

Return value:




Example of usage:     
if(!wincon->Test(mylimit)) SetRunning(kFALSE);




SetStepChecking (Bool_t on):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Enables/Disables the consistency check of the analysis steps. By default, the input event of each step is checked if it matches the output event of the previous step with respect to class name and object name. Furthermore, the first active step must have an eventsource exisiting, and it is not possible to deactivate the processing of steps in between two active steps. This behaviour can be changed for analyses with more complex step structure (i.e. subsequent steps may not depend on the very previous step, but get input from other previous steps, or they may perform logically parallel parts of the analysis). In this case, the checks for input consistency depend on the user code.


Bool_t on                                              If kTRUE (default), steps consistency is checked. If kFALSE, steps are processed without checks from the framework.

Return value:




Example of usage:     


SetStepStorage (Text_t* name, Bool_t on):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Switches the eventstore output of analysis step “name” on or off. Step must have an implemented eventstore instance


Text_t* name                                        Name of the analysis step.


Bool_t on                                              If kTRUE (default), storage will be switched on. If kFALSE, eventstore is disabled.

Return value:

Bool_t                                                    Is kFALSE if step of name was not found.



Example of usage:     
// switch storage depending on user condition. However, it is faster
// to set/unset the “IsValid” flag of the user event to suppress
// the writing of wrong events!!!


ShowEvent(const Text_t* name, Bool_t isoutput):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Prints out the contents of the current event structure to the local analysis terminal, using the TTree::Show() mechanism of ROOT. Event may be input or output event of any registered analysis step, or any registered TGo4EventElement.


const Text_t* name                             Name of the analysis step containing the event. If no step of that name exists, an event of that name is searched directly in the Go4/EventObjects/EventStructures folder.


Bool_t isoutput                                    If kTRUE (default), the output event of the analysis step is displayed. Otherwise, the input event.

Return value:




Example of usage:     
ShowEvent(“Calibrate”); // output event of Calibrate step
); // input event of Unpack step


StoreCondition(const Text_t*  stepname, TGo4Condition* con):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Saves condition con into the eventstore of analysis step stepname. Eventstore must have the virtual Store(TGo4Condition*) method implemented for this purpose. Current eventnumber will be added to the object name in the file (in case of TGo4FileStore). Useful for logging analysis parameters in the same file with the event output.  


const Text_t* stepname                     Name of the analysis step the eventstore of which is used for saving the condition.

TGo4Condition* con                           Pointer to condition that shall be saved.

Return value:

Int_t result                                            -1= eventstore not active, +1= step not found, 0=OK.



Example of usage:     


StoreFitter(const Text_t*  stepname, TGo4Fitter* fit):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Saves fitter fit into the eventstore of analysis step stepname. Eventstore must have the virtual Store(TGo4Fitter*) method implemented for this purpose. Current eventnumber will be added to the object name in the file (in case of TGo4FileStore). Useful for logging analysis parameters in the same file with the event output.  


const Text_t* stepname                     Name of the analysis step the eventstore of which is used for saving the fitter.

TGo4Fitter* fit                                      Pointer to fitter that shall be saved.

Return value:

Int_t result                                            -1= eventstore not active, +1= step not found, 0=OK.



Example of usage:     


StoreFolder(const Text_t*  stepname, TFolder* fold):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Saves folder fold and all contained objects into the eventstore of analysis step stepname. Eventstore must have the virtual Store(TFolder*) method implemented for this purpose. Current eventnumber will be added to the object name in the file (in case of TGo4FileStore). Useful for logging analysis parameters in the same file with the event output.  


const Text_t* stepname                     Name of the analysis step the eventstore of which is used for saving the folder.


TFolder* fold                                        Pointer to folder that shall be saved.

Return value:

Int_t result                                            -1= eventstore not active, +1= step not found, 0=OK.



Example of usage:     


StoreFolder(const Text_t*  stepname, const Text_t* foldername):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Saves registered go4 folder of name foldername and all contained objects into the eventstore of analysis step stepname. Eventstore must have the virtual Store(TFolder*) method implemented for this purpose. Current eventnumber will be added to the object name in the file (in case of TGo4FileStore). Useful for logging analysis parameters in the same file with the event output.  


const Text_t* stepname                     Name of the analysis step the eventstore of which is used for saving the folder.


const Text_t* foldername                   Name of registered folder that shall be saved.

Return value:

Int_t result                                            -1= eventstore not active, +1= step not found, 0=OK.



Example of usage:     


StoreParameter(const Text_t*  stepname, TGo4Parameter* par):

Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Saves parameter par into the eventstore of analysis step stepname. Eventstore must have the virtual Store(TGo4Parameter*) method implemented for this purpose. Current eventnumber will be added to the object name in the file (in case of TGo4FileStore). Useful for logging analysis parameters in the same file with the event output.  


const Text_t* stepname                     Name of the analysis step the eventstore of which is used for saving the parameter.

TGo4Parameter* par                            Pointer to parameter that shall be saved.

Return value:

Int_t result                                            -1= eventstore not active, +1= step not found, 0=OK.



Example of usage:     





















Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Virtual method to be overwritten in the user analysis subclass. This function is called in the main analysis cycle from the framework, it should not be invoked from the user code! Method is executed after each cycle of the analysis processing, i.e. after eventprocessor actions and dynamic list operations.



Return value:

virtual Int_t                                           No effect.



Example of usage:     

Int_t TEbAnalysis::UserEventFunc()

if(fxCaliEvent && fxCaliEvent->IsValid()) {
      // Ge 1, 2, 3, 4  heavy particle on source side
      Double_t dvalue= fxCaliEvent->fdNoOfCutH1;
      if(dvalue>=1.0 && dvalue<=48.0)
return 0;



Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Virtual method to be overwritten in the user analysis subclass. This function is called in the main analysis cycle from the framework, it should not be invoked from the user code! Method is called once before the analysis main loop, i.e. at the beginning of RunImplicitLoop() in batch mode, or on pressing the “Start” button in gui mode, respectively.



Return value:

virtual Int_t                                           No effect.



Example of usage:     

Int_t TEbAnalysis::UserPreLoop()

                         (GetOutputEvent("Calibrate") );
return 0;



Classes:          TGo4Analysis

Virtual method to be overwritten in the user analysis subclass. This function is called in the main analysis cycle from the framework, it should not be invoked from the user code! Method is called once after the analysis main loop, i.e. at the end of RunImplicitLoop() in batch mode, or on pressing the “Stop” button in gui mode, respectively.



Return value:

virtual Int_t                                           No effect.



Example of usage:     

Int_t TEbAnalysis::UserPostLoop()

fxCaliEvent=0; // reset pointer to event structure
AutoSave(); // save all objects each time analysis stops
return 0;













Classes:          TGo4Analysis

To be used from a ROOT macro running in the Go4CintServer environment (started by go4root executable, or loaded into regular root by go4_init.C logon script).

Polls until the Go4 is set into the "running" state  (by Start button on GUI or SetRunning() method)  with 1 second interval. Root event handling is done within this function.



Return value:

Int_t                                                       Number of seconds from begin of wait until "running" is switched true. If negative value is returned, a ROOT interrupt has happened during wait (e.g. Ctrl-C on CINT Canvas)..              



Example of usage:     
TGo4Analysis* go4=TGo4Analysis::Instance();
Int_t seconds=go4->WaitForStart();
if(seconds<0) break; // root interrupt while waiting
cout <<”Starting work after ”<<seconds<<” s of waiting...” << endl;
// some user actions here!


2         Macro Abstract Interface Class Documentation

2.1      TGo4AbstractInterface  Class Reference

#include <TGo4AbstractInterface.h>


2.1.1      Public Methods

·         virtual ~TGo4AbstractInterface ()

·         TGo4ObjectManager * OM () const

·         TGo4BrowserProxy * Browser () const

·         TGo4AnalysisProxy * Analysis ()

·         virtual void HotStart (const char *filename)=0

·         virtual void LoadLibrary (const char *fname)

·         virtual void OpenFile (const char *fname)

·         virtual TString FindItem (const char *objname)

·         virtual Bool_t CopyItem (const char *itemname)

·         virtual Bool_t DeleteItem (const char *itemname)

·         virtual void FetchItem (const char *itemname, Int_t wait_time=2000)

·         virtual TObject * GetObject (const char *itemname, Int_t updatelevel=1)

·         virtual TString SaveToMemory (const char *path, TObject *obj, Bool_t ownership=kFALSE)

·         virtual Bool_t SaveToFile (const char *itemname, const char *filename, const char *filetitle=0)

·         virtual Bool_t ExportToFile (const char *itemname, const char *dirpath, const char *format, const char *filetitle=0)

·         virtual void ConnectHServer (const char *servername, Int_t portnumber, const char *basename, const char *userpass, const char *filter)

·         virtual void Wait (double tm_sec)

·         virtual void Message (const char *msg)

·         virtual void LaunchAnalysis ()

·         virtual void LaunchAnalysis (const char *ClientName, const char *ClientDir, const char *ClientExec, const char *ClientNode, Int_t ShellMode=2, Int_t TermMode=1)

·         virtual void ConnectAnalysis (const char *ServerNode, Int_t ServerPort, Int_t UserMode, const char *password=0)

·         virtual void WaitAnalysis (Int_t delay_sec)

·         virtual Bool_t IsAnalysisConnected ()

·         virtual void DisconnectAnalysis ()

·         virtual void ShutdownAnalysis ()

·         virtual void ExecuteLine (const char *remotecmd)

·         virtual void RequestAnalysisConfig ()

·         virtual void SubmitAnalysisConfig ()

·         virtual void StartAnalysis ()

·         virtual void StopAnalysis ()

·         virtual void SetAnalysisTerminalMode (int mode)

·         virtual void SetAnalysisConfigMode (int mode)

·         virtual void MonitorItem (const char *itemname, Bool_t on=kTRUE)

·         virtual void StartMonitoring (Int_t period=10)

·         virtual void StopMonitoring ()

·         virtual void AnalysisAutoSave (const char *filename, Int_t interval, Int_t compression, Bool_t enabled, Bool_t overwrite)

·         virtual void AnalysisConfigName (const char *filename)

·         virtual void ConfigStep (const char *stepname, Bool_t enableprocess, Bool_t enablesource, Bool_t enablestore)

·         virtual void StepFileSource (const char *stepname, const char *sourcename, int timeout)

·         virtual void StepMbsFileSource (const char *stepname, const char *sourcename, int timeout, const char *TagFile, int start, int stop, int interval)

·         virtual void StepMbsStreamSource (const char *stepname, const char *sourcename, int timeout)

·         virtual void StepMbsTransportSource (const char *stepname, const char *sourcename, int timeout)

·         virtual void StepMbsEventServerSource (const char *stepname, const char *sourcename, int timeout)

·         virtual void StepMbsRevServSource (const char *stepname, const char *sourcename, int timeout, int port)

·         virtual void StepRandomSource (const char *stepname, const char *sourcename, int timeout)

·         virtual void StepUserSource (const char *stepname, const char *sourcename, int timeout, int port, const char *expr)

·         virtual void StepFileStore (const char *stepname, const char *storename, bool overwrite, int bufsize, int splitlevel, int compression)

·         virtual void StepBackStore (const char *stepname, const char *storename, int bufsize, int splitlevel)

·         virtual ViewPanelHandle StartViewPanel ()

·         virtual ViewPanelHandle StartViewPanel (int x, int y, int width, int height, int mode=1, TGo4Picture *pic=0)

·         virtual TString GetViewPanelName (ViewPanelHandle panel)

·         virtual ViewPanelHandle FindViewPanel (const char *name)

·         virtual Bool_t SetViewPanelName (ViewPanelHandle panel, const char *newname)

·         virtual ViewPanelHandle GetActiveViewPanel ()

·         virtual void RedrawPanel (ViewPanelHandle panel)

·         virtual void DivideViewPanel (ViewPanelHandle panel, Int_t numX, Int_t numY)

·         virtual void SelectPad (ViewPanelHandle panel, Int_t number=0)

·         virtual void SetSuperimpose (ViewPanelHandle panel, Bool_t on=kTRUE)

·         virtual Bool_t DrawItem (const char *itemname, ViewPanelHandle panel=0, const char *drawopt=0) virtual

·         void RedrawItem (const char *itemname)


2.1.2      Static Public Methods

·         TGo4AbstractInterface * Instance ()

·         void DeleteInstance ()


2.1.3      Protected Methods

·         TGo4AbstractInterface ()

·         void Initialize (TGo4ObjectManager *om, TGo4BrowserProxy *br)

·         virtual void ProcessEvents (Int_t timeout=-1)=0

·         Bool_t LoadHotStart (const char *filename)

·         Bool_t IsHotStart ()

·         const char * NextHotStartCmd ()

·         void FreeHotStartCmds ()


2.1.4      Static Protected Attributes

·         TGo4AbstractInterface * fgInstance = 0



2.1.5      Detailed Description


Generic interface to GUI functionality.

Provide methods like open file, request object from analysis and so on.

Methods of that class can be used in arbitrary ROOT script inside/outside Go4 GUI. To access these methods, one should use "go4" variable, which is exported to CINT global variable space when instance of implementation of  TGo4AbstractInterface class is created. One can also access such instance also via TGo4AbstractInterface::Instance() static method.

There are two implementations of TGo4AbstractInterface class: TGo4Script - used together with Go4 GUI, created automatically when GUI started TGo4Interface - can be used in non GUI mode, must be created once by user As long as these are two implementation of the same interface, macro, which uses internally only go4 instance, should work similarly in both GUI and non GUI mode.

Typicaly one should use interface, provided by that class, in macro, executed inside GUI. Simple example of such macro: { go4->OpenFile("example.root"); go4->DrawItem("example.root/hist1"); } Here one open file from disk and displays one histogram from that file.

Most of the action with objects are going via object manager, where each object (item) has unique name, which includes full path to that object in objects structures. In our example item name is "example.root/hist1". To locate object of known name in objects structure, one can use  FindItem() (page 60) method. In that case example will look like: { go4->OpenFile("example.root"); go4->DrawItem(go4->FindItem("hist1")); }

There are several examples of GUI macros, which can be found in  $GO4SYS/Go4GUI/scripts directory. Description of each method can be  seen futher in this document. Hot start feature of go4 was implemented with usage of that class, therefore one can produce hotstart files in Go4 GUI and take some generated code from it directly. For instance,  displaing of complex viewpanels or starting and configuring of analysis.



2.1.6          Constructor & Destructor Documentation           TGo4AbstractInterface::TGo4AbstractInterface () [protected]

Constructor           TGo4AbstractInterface::~TGo4AbstractInterface () [virtual]


2.1.7          Member Function Documentation           TGo4AnalysisProxy * TGo4AbstractInterface::Analysis ()

Returns pointer on analysis proxy. TGo4AnalysisProxy class provide access to analysis controlling instance in program. Noramlly should not be used in GUI script.           virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::AnalysisAutoSave (const char * filename, Int_t interval, Int_t compression, Bool_t enabled, Bool_t overwrite) [inline, virtual]

Configure autosave properties of analysis           virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::AnalysisConfigName (const char * filename) [inline, virtual]

Configure name of file, where analysis configuration will be saved           TGo4BrowserProxy* TGo4AbstractInterface::Browser () const [inline]

Returns pointer on browser proxy. TGo4BrowserProxy class provides complete interface to Go4 browser functionality. Should only be used when interface does not provide required functionality. Can be accessed direcly via "br" variable.           virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::ConfigStep (const char * stepname, Bool_t enableprocess, Bool_t enablesource, Bool_t enablestore) [inline, virtual]

Set basic step property           virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::ConnectAnalysis (const char * ServerNode, Int_t ServerPort, Int_t UserMode, const char * password = 0) [inline, virtual]

Connect to running analysis server. Parameters: ServerNode - node to connect to, ServerPort - connection port number, UserMode - mode of user operation : 0 - observer, 1 - controller, 2 - administrator password - access password, which should correspond to specified UserMode           void TGo4AbstractInterface::ConnectHServer (const char * servername, Int_t portnumber, const char * basename, const char * userpass, const char * filter) [virtual]

Connecta to GSI histogram server. Creates appropriate entry in browser and provides access to histogram. Parameters: servername - IP server name portnumber - socket port number basename - histogram server base name userpass - password to access histogram server filter - filter for historgams names Several connections to different histogram servers are allowed           Bool_t TGo4AbstractInterface::CopyItem (const char * itemname) [virtual]

Copy item to workspace. If there is subfolders with items, they also will be copied.           void TGo4AbstractInterface::DeleteInstance () [static]

Delete instance of interface class       Bool_t TGo4AbstractInterface::DeleteItem (const char * itemname) [virtual]

Delete item (if allowed).  Can be used to close file, delete memory object, close hiostogram server connection.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::DisconnectAnalysis () [inline, virtual]

Disconnects from running analysis. If analysis is running in client mode, analysis will be shutdown.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::DivideViewPanel (ViewPanelHandle panel, Int_t numX, Int_t numY) [inline, virtual]

Divide viewpanel on subpads.       virtual Bool_t TGo4AbstractInterface::DrawItem (const char * itemname, ViewPanelHandle panel = 0, const char * drawopt = 0) [inline, virtual]

Draw browser item on specified viewpanel. Parameters: itemname - browser item name, panel - viewpanel, if panel==0, new viewpanel will be created. drawopt - draw options, used in obj->Draw() operation       void TGo4AbstractInterface::ExecuteLine (const char * remotecmd) [virtual]

Execute one macro line on analysis side. This allows to call any action on analysis, including execution scripts with ".x userscript.C". One should not mix scripts, written for analysis and scripts, written for GUI.       Bool_t TGo4AbstractInterface::ExportToFile (const char * itemname, const char * dirpath, const char * format, const char * filetitle = 0) [virtual]

Export browser item to different file formats. One, probably, should use FetchItem() (page 60) before calling this method. If item is folder and contains sub-items, they also will be exported.  Parameters: itemname - name of browser, which should be exported, dirpath - directory on disk, where files should be created. format - export file format, can be "ASCII" - text format "Radware" - Radware format (Origin) "ROOT" - binary ROOT format "ROOT XML" - xml ROOT format filetitle - title of create file (only for ROOT formats)       void TGo4AbstractInterface::FetchItem (const char * itemname, Int_t wait_time = 2000) [virtual]

Fetch item from data source. Request item from data source, to which item corresponds to. If this is file or histogram server, object will be returned immdediately. If this is an item from analysis, first request will be send and then interface will wait "wait_time" milliseconds that object is arrived. If wait_time==0, no waiting will be done and most probably, new object will be assigned to that item several seconds after method is return       TString TGo4AbstractInterface::FindItem (const char * objname) [virtual]

Find item with given object name. Item name includes object name and name of all parent folders. For instance histogram of name "His1" in analysis will have  item name "Analysis/Histograms/His1".       virtual ViewPanelHandle TGo4AbstractInterface::FindViewPanel (const char * name) [inline, virtual]

Return handle on viewpanel with specified name/       TObject * TGo4AbstractInterface::GetObject (const char * itemname, Int_t updatelevel = 1) [virtual]

Returns object, assigned to specified browser item. Parameter updatelevel specifies, how object will be requested from data source, to which item correspond to. Possible values for updatelevel parameter: 0 - no request will be done, return last requested object 1 - request to data source only first time, no waiting 2 - request to data source in any case, no waiting >9 - request to data source and wait as many milliseconds as specified by updatelevel Wating required, when object requested from the analysis       virtual TString TGo4AbstractInterface::GetViewPanelName (ViewPanelHandle panel) [inline, virtual]

Return name of viewpanel.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::HotStart (const char * filename) [pure virtual]

Executes hotstart file, generated in go4 GUI. Hot start files can not be executed as normal CINT scripts,  therefore one should use this method to activate them       TGo4AbstractInterface * TGo4AbstractInterface::Instance () [static]

Return pointer on instance of implemntation of TGo4AbstractInterface class  Normally, inside CINT script one should use "go4" variable,  which containes TGo4AbstractInterface::Instance() (page 60) value.       Bool_t TGo4AbstractInterface::IsAnalysisConnected () [virtual]

Indicate, if analysis was succesfully connected       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::LaunchAnalysis (const char * ClientName, const char * ClientDir, const char * ClientExec, const char * ClientNode, Int_t ShellMode = 2, Int_t TermMode = 1) [inline, virtual]

Launch analysis in client mode. Parameters: ClientName - arbitrary name of analysis, used for diaplay ClientDir - directory, where analysis should be started ClientExec - main analysis executable ClientNode - node name, where analysis should be started ShellMode - shell, used to launch analysis: 1 - rsh, 2 - ssh [default] TermMode - terminal program: 1 - internal Qt window, 2 - xterm, 3 - KDE konsole       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::LaunchAnalysis () [inline, virtual]

Launch analysis in client mode, using default configuration. Can only work in standard GUI mode       void TGo4AbstractInterface::LoadLibrary (const char * fname) [virtual]

Load specified ROOT library       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::Message (const char * msg) [inline, virtual]

Dsiplay message in GUI status line       void TGo4AbstractInterface::MonitorItem (const char * itemname, Bool_t on = kTRUE) [virtual]

Enable/disable monitoring of browser item. In monitoring mode item regularly will be requested from analysis and viewpanels, where item is drawn, will be updated       TGo4ObjectManager* TGo4AbstractInterface::OM () const [inline]

Returns pointer on object manager.  TGo4ObjectManager class should only be used when standard interface does not provide required functionality. Can be accessed direcly via "om" variable.       void TGo4AbstractInterface::OpenFile (const char * fname) [virtual]

Open specified file in read-only mode* File and its structure should appear in browser.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::RedrawItem (const char * itemname) [virtual]

Redraw item of given name on all viewpanels/editors.  Useful for the case, when content of object (histogram, for example) changed directly in script and after that should be updated in viewpanel.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::RedrawPanel (ViewPanelHandle panel) [inline, virtual]

Forces of panel redraw.       void TGo4AbstractInterface::RequestAnalysisConfig () [virtual]

Requests current analysis configuration       Bool_t TGo4AbstractInterface::SaveToFile (const char * itemname, const char * filename, const char * filetitle = 0) [virtual]

Save specified browser item to file. Only object, which are already fetched from the data source, will be saved. Therefore, before one call this method, one probably should use  FetchItem() (page 60) method to get objects from file/analysis/histogram server before save them. If item is folder and contains sub-items, they also will be saved. Only binary ROOT files (extension .root) and XML file (extension .xml) are supported.       TString TGo4AbstractInterface::SaveToMemory (const char * path, TObject * obj, Bool_t ownership = kFALSE) [virtual]

Save object in browser workspace. Object of any type can be saved in browser. It will appiar in browser folder  "Workspace", where local memory objects are placed.  Parameters: path - subpath in "Workspace" folder, where object should be placed obj - pointer ob object ownership - is browser becomes owner of that object If item of that name exists in browser, it will be overwritten by new object       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::SelectPad (ViewPanelHandle panel, Int_t number = 0) [inline, virtual]

Set active pad on viewpanel. If number==0, main pad (canvas) will be set as active, otherwise one of subpads will be activated.  Most of methods, working with viewpanel, acting with active pad of this panel.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::SetAnalysisConfigMode (int mode) [inline, virtual]

Set analysis configuration window mode. Parameters mode indicate that configuration window: -1 - closed, 0 - minimized, 1 - normal state       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::SetAnalysisTerminalMode (int mode) [inline, virtual]

Set analysis terminal window mode. Parameters mode indicate that terminal window: -1 - closed, 0 - minimized, 1 - normal state       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::SetSuperimpose (ViewPanelHandle panel, Bool_t on = kTRUE) [inline, virtual]

Set superimpose flag for active pad of viewpanel.       virtual Bool_t TGo4AbstractInterface::SetViewPanelName (ViewPanelHandle panel, const char * newname) [inline, virtual]

Change name of viewpanel.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::ShutdownAnalysis () [inline, virtual]

Shutdown running analysis. If analysis is running in server mode,  only user with administrator privilegies can do this       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StartAnalysis () [inline, virtual]

Starts (resume) analysis execution       void TGo4AbstractInterface::StartMonitoring (Int_t period = 10) [virtual]

Start monitoring mode. Parameter "period" specifies how often (in seconds) each  monitored item will be updated.       virtual ViewPanelHandle TGo4AbstractInterface::StartViewPanel (int x, int y, int width, int height, int mode = 1, TGo4Picture * pic = 0) [inline, virtual]

Create new viewpanel with specified parameters. Returns handle of newly created viewpanel. Parameters: x,y - left top corner coordinate of view panel; width, height - panel size; mode - diplay view panel 0 - minimized, 1 - normal, 2 - maximized; pic - TGo4Picture object, which includes configuration of viewpanel. To understand usage of this method together with TGo4Picture class,  one can create and configure viewpanel and then create hotstart file. This file will include complete TGo4Picture configuration, which contains attributes like colors, ranges, pad divisions and so on.       virtual ViewPanelHandle TGo4AbstractInterface::StartViewPanel () [inline, virtual]

Create new view panel. Handle, returned by this method, must be used for other operation, like DivideViewPanel() (page 59) or SelectPad() (page 61)       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepBackStore (const char * stepname, const char * storename, int bufsize, int splitlevel) [inline, virtual]

Set back store ss step data storage       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepFileSource (const char * stepname, const char * sourcename, int timeout) [inline, virtual]

Set file source as step data source       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepFileStore (const char * stepname, const char * storename, bool overwrite, int bufsize, int splitlevel, int compression) [inline, virtual]

Set file as step data storage       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepMbsEventServerSource (const char * stepname, const char * sourcename, int timeout) [inline, virtual]

Set MBS event server as step data source       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepMbsFileSource (const char * stepname, const char * sourcename, int timeout, const char * TagFile, int start, int stop, int interval) [inline, virtual]

Set MBS file source as step data source       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepMbsRevServSource (const char * stepname, const char * sourcename, int timeout, int port) [inline, virtual]

Set MBS remote event server as step data source       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepMbsStreamSource (const char * stepname, const char * sourcename, int timeout) [inline, virtual]

Set MBS stream server as step data source       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepMbsTransportSource (const char * stepname, const char * sourcename, int timeout) [inline, virtual]

Set MBS transport server as step data source       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepRandomSource (const char * stepname, const char * sourcename, int timeout) [inline, virtual]

Set random generator as step data source       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StepUserSource (const char * stepname, const char * sourcename, int timeout, int port, const char * expr) [inline, virtual]

Set user data source as step data source       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::StopAnalysis () [inline, virtual]

Stop (suspend) analysis execution       void TGo4AbstractInterface::StopMonitoring () [virtual]

Stop monitoring mode.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::SubmitAnalysisConfig () [inline, virtual]

Submit configuration to analysis.

Configurations can be changed with following methods:

·                   AnalysisAutoSave() (page 58);

·                   AnalysisConfigName() (page58 );

·                   ConfigStep() (page 59);

·                   StepFileSource() (page 62);

·                   StepMbsFileSource() (page 62);

·                   StepMbsStreamSource() (page62 );

·                   StepMbsTransportSource() (page 62);

·                   StepMbsEventServerSource() (page 62);

·                   StepMbsRevServSource() (page 62);

·                   StepRandomSource() (page 62);

·                   StepUserSource() (page 62);

·                   StepFileStore() (page 62);

·                   StepBackStore() (page 62).

To understand more how these methods can be used together, one should launch analysis, configure it and then generate  hotstart file. In this file one can find correct sequence and parameters for all these methods.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::Wait (double tm_sec) [inline, virtual]

Wait specified number of seconds. Suppress macro execution, but keeps GUI functional, therefore it is different from gSystem->Sleep() call.       virtual void TGo4AbstractInterface::WaitAnalysis (Int_t delay_sec) [inline, virtual]

Waits, until connection to analysis is established. Method must be called before any other action like configuration, start/stop can be done. If analysis is connected,  IsAnalysisConnected() (page 60) return kTRUE. delay_sec specifies, how long one should wait until analysis is connected


The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

·         TGo4AbstractInterface.h

·         TGo4AbstractInterface.cxx


TGo4AbstractInterface  58


TGo4AbstractInterface  58


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TGo4AbstractInterface  58


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TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  59


TGo4AbstractInterface  60


TGo4AbstractInterface  60


TGo4AbstractInterface  57


TGo4AbstractInterface  60


TGo4AbstractInterface  60


TGo4AbstractInterface  57


TGo4AbstractInterface  60


TGo4AbstractInterface  60


TGo4AbstractInterface  57


TGo4AbstractInterface  60


TGo4AbstractInterface  60


TGo4AbstractInterface  57


TGo4AbstractInterface  61


TGo4AbstractInterface  57


TGo4AbstractInterface  61


TGo4AbstractInterface  61


TGo4AbstractInterface  61


TGo4AbstractInterface  57


TGo4AbstractInterface  61


TGo4AbstractInterface  61


TGo4AbstractInterface  57


TGo4AbstractInterface  61


TGo4AbstractInterface  61


TGo4AbstractInterface  62


TGo4AbstractInterface  62


TGo4AbstractInterface  62


TGo4AbstractInterface  62


TGo4AbstractInterface  62


TGo4AbstractInterface  62


TGo4AbstractInterface  62


TGo4AbstractInterface  62


TGo4AbstractInterface  62, 63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  63


TGo4AbstractInterface  64


TGo4AbstractInterface  64

TGo4AbstractInterface  56

~TGo4AbstractInterface  58

Analysis  58

AnalysisAutoSave  58

AnalysisConfigName  58

Browser  59

ConfigStep  59

ConnectAnalysis  59

ConnectHServer  59

CopyItem  59

DeleteInstance  59

DeleteItem  59

DisconnectAnalysis  59

DivideViewPanel  59

DrawItem  59

ExecuteLine  59

ExportToFile  60

FetchItem  60

fgInstance  57

FindItem  60

FindViewPanel  60

FreeHotStartCmds  57

GetObject  60

HotStart  60

Initialize  57

Instance  60

IsAnalysisConnected  60

IsHotStart  57

LaunchAnalysis  61

LoadHotStart  57

LoadLibrary  61

Message  61

MonitorItem  61

NextHotStartCmd  57

OM  61

OpenFile  61

ProcessEvents  57

RequestAnalysisConfig  61

SaveToFile  61

SaveToMemory  62

SelectPad  62

SetAnalysisConfigMode  62

SetAnalysisTerminalMode  62

SetSuperimpose  62

ShutdownAnalysis  62

StartAnalysis  62

StartMonitoring  62

StartViewPanel  62, 63

StepBackStore  63

StepFileSource  63

StepFileStore  63

StepMbsEventServerSource  63

StepMbsFileSource  63

StepMbsRevServSource  63

StepMbsStreamSource  63

StepMbsTransportSource  63

StepRandomSource  63

StepUserSource  63

StopAnalysis  63

StopMonitoring  64

SubmitAnalysisConfig  64

TGo4AbstractInterface  58

Wait  64

WaitAnalysis  64


TGo4AbstractInterface  64


TGo4AbstractInterface  64