Go4 Lecture 2006

Monday, June 26th, and Tuesday, June 27th, 14h

Thursday, June 29th, and Friday, June 30th, 10h

(both in DVEE school room). The lectures are intended for people already using Go4. The program will be flexible (teach on demand). Both lecture dates are meant as alternative dates, i.e. we will repeat the same basic topics. However, the contents may differ in detail, depending on the user requests.
Go4 V3 Overview slides
Slides of lecture demos
List of topics. Feel free to propose others!

Lectures day 1

Essel Go4 V3 Overview
60 min
Linev The new Go4 browser
Analysis, Files, Workspace folders
Monitoring, I/O, Tree viewer
Update/frozen modes
30 min
Adamczewski The new analysis control
Analysis server with controller/observer GUIs
ROOT browser with plugin as controller/observer
MBS monitoring
30 min
Linev Conditions, markers and parameters
Condition usage and editor
Markers and conditions
General purpose parameters and editor
30 min
Adamczewski Analysis design with Go4
Role of Go4 analysis steps
Modular analysis (analysis classes)
30 min

Lectures day 2

Adamczewski Process Go4 generated ROOT files in CINT
Go4 libraries, trees
30 min
Adamczewski Analysis and control
ROOT analysis macro in CINT
controlled by Go4 GUI
controlled by ROOT browser and Go4 plugin
30 min
Essel Using macros in Go4
Analysis setup, GUI setup (hot start)
Remote execution in analysis
Execution in GUI environment
API to Go4 environment
30 min
Essel Composing graphics templates
Compose pictures to be used in batch
Standard ROOT graphics in Go4 GUI
30 min
Linev User written GUI
API to Go4 environment
Macro execution
30 min
Linev Fitting with Go4
Interactively, save fitter
batch using fitter
30 min

Discussion, new requirements, further development ...

Go4 home page / GSI home page
Author: Hans G. Essel, GSI
Total 1798, last 2024 Jul 27 08:47
Last update: 2010 Oct 06 15:49