High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer

Spokesperson: Piotr Salabura
Deputy: Joachim Stroth
Technical Coordinator: Herbert Ströbele

Welcome to HADES
These pages serve as the central WWW site for the HADES collaboration.

Next collaboration meeting:


Next beam time:

Just finished beam times:

  • May 3 - 16, 2006 ("Apr06")
    • Production p+p @ 1.25 GeV
Past beam times:
  • November 6-7, 14-16, 22-27, 2005
    • RPC (Resistive Plate Chamber) test
      0.8 GeV/u 12C
  • September 16 - October 13, 2005 ("Sep05")
    • Production Ar+KCl
      2 GeV/u
  • August 15 - August 21, 2005
    • test of new startdetector 2 GeV/u 27 Al
      (goal: commisioning of new start and veto detectors and setting up of the experiment)
      parasitic beam with a total of approximately 15 hours total beam time.
  • August 1 - August 3, 2005
    • Pion beam test
      (main goal: test of extracted primary and pion beam intensities.
      also: test of (parts of) the new scint. fibre hodoscopes.)
  • August 27 - September 8, 2004 ("Aug04")
    • 12C beam on 12C target at 1GeV per nucleon
  • May 2004 ("May04")
    • Pion test run. For more information about this test beam time refer to the CB minutes from May 26
  • February 6 - February 18, 2004 ("Jan04")
    • proton production beamtime (p on LH2)
    • about 420 Million triggered events taken
  • September 29 - October 8, 2003 ("Sep03") :
    • proton commisioning beamtime (p on LH2)
  • November/December 2002 ("Nov02"):
    • first estimates:  about 220 Million triggered events taken
    • Production beam time
      12C, parallel to therapy, only during the night
  • October 2002 ("Oct02"):
    • DAQ bench mark test 24Mg, parasitic beam (10% or 2 hours per day)

Experimental Summary
The investigation of hadron properties inside nuclear matter at normal and high densities and temperatures is one of the main goals of current nuclear physics studies. Hadron induced reactions on heavy nuclei (e.g. Au, Pb) are the proper tool to probe particle properties in long-living ground state nuclear matter. Heavy ion collisions at energies of 1-2 GeV per nucleon can be used to create a reaction region of increased density for as long as 10 fm/c. Under these conditions, considerable modifications of basic hadron properties (masses, decay widths, etc.) are expected and probably can be verified for the first time experimentally by high resolution lepton pair decay measurements.

In order to investigate this phenomenon, the new electron-positron pair spectrometer HADES is set up at GSI by an international collaboration of 19 institutions from 9 European countries.

Physics Motivation
The HADES Physics Program (in pdf)

An Easy Introduction to HADES
(a separate window will open, Javascript must be enabled)
HADES: A Variety of Instruments Working in Harmony
An International Collaboration
HADES and the Case of the Dropping Mass

Who was HADES?
HADES, Greek God of the Underworld

Last change on September 18, 2006, 17:05:55 CEST
Peter Zumbruch, Jutta Berschin

Nov 2000 status

MDC Plane IV

RICH detector

Pre-Shower detector

MDC detector