Minutes of the working group:

MDC mass production,
during the HADES collaboration meeting at GSI, July 1997

Participants: J.M. Garabatos, J. Wuestenfeld, J. Stroth, F. Dohrmann, Y. Zanevsky, O. Fateev, E. Grosse

As a consequence of the fact, that not everybody could attend the discussion focused mainly on the redesign of the plane 2 modules before mass production will start.

The following aspect were discussed:

In a second part Frank Dohrmann reported about his activities to learn about experiences other collaborations made with aluminium wire. He also got a new offer from California Fine Wire, which shows that the price of bare aluminium wire went up as a result of a modified production process. On the other hand the price for the gold plated wire went down so that by now the price difference is only a little more than a factor of 2


Joachim Stroth.