based on COSY 5.0 with additions done later in Giessen

written at University of Giessen, 1986 - 1998,
by Martin Berz, Bernd Hartmann, Klaus Lindemann, Achim Magel, Helmut Weick
in former times also referred to as simply GICO.

description of the ion optical system using matrices up to fifth order,
dipoles with inhomogenieties, quadrupoles and all kinds of multipoles both magnetic and electrostatic,
precise treatment of the fringing fields with fringing field integral method or direct tracing of matrix elements using differential algebra

use of variables, fitting with different methods, plots of the system, trajectories, envelopes, fields and of phase-space distributions, ...
The program creates matrix files of all optical elements that can be used in the Monte-Carlo simulation program

Command reference: postscript, pdf, html(old), last changes,
Simple tutorial: tutorial_quad-triplet.pdf with input file quad-triplet.dat,
versions and corrections, guide for storage rings.

at GSI on LXI-LINUX (32bit and 64bit)
                   input files :   *.dat or GICOSYIN.DAT (default) and GIOSFF.DAT, GICOSYFF.DAT for the fringing fields
                   usage      :    /u/weick/gicosy/gicosybatch *.dat
                   view plots:    gv

      A standard set of fringing-field integrals can be found here: GIOSFF.DAT, GICOSYFF.DAT
      example input files, the fragment separator RIBLL2 at IMP Lanzhou GICOSYIN.DAT, and K.L. Brown's second order achromat example 1.

GICOSY is available at GSI or the University of Giessen. Others may ask for it.
The code was compiled for LINUX, Apple-OS or MS-WINDOWS.

Contact:  Helmut Weick  at GSI.


This page was last updated by Dr. Helmut Weick, 2nd June 2024, contact h.weick(at),  Imprint (Impressum), Privacy Policy (Datenschutzerklärung)