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A Magnetic Sector Field

A magnetic sector field is defined by the command: 6 M(AGNETIC) S(ECTOR_FIELD) <radius of deflection $\rho_{B0}$ in meter> <angle of deflection $\phi_0$ in degrees> <half air gap G0 in meter> <nB1> <nB2> <nB3> <nB4> <nB5> ; [example: M   S   1.0   90   0.05   0.51 ;]

The magnetic flux density in this sector field equals

B(x,y=0) &=& B_0[1-n_{B1}
- n_{B5}\left(\frac{x}{\rho_{B0}}\right)^5
- \ldots ] \; .

In calculation mode 1 (C M 1) the matrix coefficients are only calculated up to second order for inhomogenous sector fields. For higher orders one has to use differential algebra (calculation mode 2 or 3). For first- and second-order calculations nB1 is defined for -1<nB1<1. For higher-order calculations nB1 is defined only for 0<nB1<1.
