nobody@lxi004:/u/nobody> /u/weick/mocadi/exe/wedge
***                                          ***
***  Wedge angle calculation                 ***
***                                          ***

***** input following parameters *****

choose separator mode
 1: FRS standard-new (RUN81-1)
 2: FRS standard-old 
 3: FRS low dispersion (RUN76-h8)
 4: FRS lower resolution (i.e. to Cave B, fb07e)
 5: FRS standard-new (RUN81-1) with S1-degrader
 6: FRS enter your own values
 7: FRS enter your own values with S1 degrader
 8: Super-FRS Main-Separator (NIM B 2002 in print)
 9: Super-FRS Pre-Separator  (NIM B 2002 in print)
[1] ? 6
** input matrix elements **

dispersion of    TA-S2  [cm/%] [-6.500000] ? -6.47  
dispersion of    S2-S4  [cm/%] [6.500000] ?  6.47   
magnification of S2-S4         [1.000000] ? 1  

matrix elements
dispersion of    TA-S2  [cm/%]=-6.470000e+00
dispersion of    S2-S4  [cm/%]=6.470000e+00
magnification of S2-S4        =1.000000e+00

mass of fragment [amu]       [238.015000] ?  214 
charge of fragment           [92.000000] ? 82   
energy of fragment [MeV/u]   [1000.000000] ?  800  
charge of degrader           [13] ? 
degrader thickness [mg/cm2]  [4000.000000] ? 2500 
momentum acceptance [%]     [1.000000] ? 
 read ATIMA splines for Al.
1: Z=13, A=26.981541, w=1.000000, pot=166.000000

      Energy    momentum   range     
      [MeV/u]   [MeV/u/c]  [mg/cm2]  
TA-S2  800.00    1459.59 9.285489E+03 
S2-S4  637.00    1261.94 6.785489E+03 

Al degrader   :     thickness           wedge angle
achromatic    :     2500.00 mg/cm2      -6.6444 mg/cm3    2.46090 mrad
monochromatic :     2500.20 mg/cm2     -29.9581 mg/cm3   11.09560 mrad

continue(Yes/No) ?  n