Go4 workshops 2004

Thursday, October 28th, 13h

Friday, October 29th, 9h (both in DVEE school room)

The workshops are intended for people already using Go4. The program will be flexible (teach on demand). Both workshop days are meant as alternative dates, i.e. we will repeat the same basic topics. However, the contents may differ in detail, depending on the user requests.

Collection of topics

List of topics to be explained in more detail. Feel free to propose others!

Preliminary program

The order and weight of the program can be adjusted to the interest of the audience.

Introduction of Go4 (v2.8) (presentation H.Essel)

GUI basic operation (J.Adamczewski) Fitter and Fit panel (S.Linev) Starting analysis from GUI (S.Linev) On-line histogramming and monitoring (J.Adamczewski) Go4 pictures (S.Linev) Parameter objects (S.Linev) Processing Go4 files from CINT (J.Adamczewski) Go4 user GUI (J.Adamczewski)

Discussion, new requirements, further development ...

Go4 home page / GSI home page
Author: Hans G. Essel, GSI
Total 2205, last 2025 Mar 14 06:46
Last update: 2010 Oct 06 15:48