Time |
Action |
Tutors |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Go4 V4 Overview (presentation) Main Features Runtime environment
and event loop Analysis framework Introduction to GUI |
Jörn Adamczewski-Musch |
10:30- 12:00 |
Working with Go4 GUI
(practice) Go4 browser Viewpanel and
graphic options Analysis client/server
control Conditions and
markers Remote object
monitoring Hotstart |
Sergei Linev |
12:00- 13:00 |
LUNCH break |
13:00- |
Analysis in batch
mode (practice) The go4analysis
executable |
Sergei Linev |
13:30- 15:00 |
Go4 Analysis code
(practice) How to edit and
compile the user analysis Analysis, Processor
and Event classes How to define new
histograms/conditions/... Unpacking of Mbs
events Structuring the
analysis code |
Jörn Adamczewski-Musch |
15:00- 15:30 |
COFFEE break |
15:30- 16:00 |
Go4 Advanced
Features (presentation) Analysis Steps Go4 Event Store with
ROOT Trees Dynamic Histograming Go4 Fitter |
Sergei Linev |
16:00- 17:30 |
Go4 Advanced
Features (practice) How to add an
analysis step Multistep analysis
setup How to work with
Parameters How to use macros How to implement
user defined event sources |
Jörn Adamczewski-Musch |
17:30- 18:00 |
Discussion and
Questions Special topics on
request |
Workshop May/June 2011 Schedule.
1.1 Log in
with gsi account or guest account “dvgast01”
1.2 Set
go4 working environment
1.10 Analysis
start with hotstart:
1.11 Available
in workshop event sources:
2 Working
with analysis in GUI
2.4 Display/refresh/monitor
objects from analysis
2.5 View
panel and different draw options
3 Working
with analysis in batch
3.1 Get
arguments list with –h option:
3.2 Run
analysis with different event sources:
3.3 Produce
histograms over first 10000 events:
3.4 Enable
output for the first step:
3.5 Enable
output for second step:
3.6 Printout
of event source data:
3.7 Run
analysis in server mode (advanced):
4 Exercise:
Rename and modify analysis
4.2 Modify
analysis class to disable second step
4.3 Start
Go4 GUI with modified analysis.
5 Exercise:
Add New histogram in first step.
5.1 Add histogram
pointer in header file:
5.2 Add
Add histogram definition and fill action:
5.3 Start
Go4 GUI with modified analysis.
6 Exercise:
Add New condition in first step.
6.1 Add
condition pointer in header file:
6.2 Add
condition definition and fill action:
6.3 Start
Go4 GUI with modified analysis.
7 Exercise:
Arrays of histograms and condition in first step
7.1 Extend
previous histogram and conditions to array over channel number in header file
7.2 Modify
definition, test and fill action
7.3 Start
Go4 GUI with modified analysis.
8 Exercise:
Picture of new histograms and condition in first step
8.1 Combine
new histograms and conditions into a TGo4Picture object
8.2 Start
Go4 GUI with modified analysis.
8.3 Set up
the same picture view manually in GUI and save as hot start script
9 Exercise:
New variables in output event
9.1 Edit
output event of first step
9.2 Edit
unpack processor to fill value.
9.4 Dynamic
histograming from output event
9.5 Process
values in second analysis step.
10 Exercise:
Partial step analysis
10.1 Run
first step without second step.
10.2 Run
second step without first step.
10.3 Run both
steps without intermediate tree.
11 Exercise:
Use Parameter object
11.1 Add
Calibration values to Parameter class
11.2 Add
calibrated histograms to second step
11.4 Save and
recover parameter values
11.5 Improve
Calibration function
12.1 Copy and
run Go4ExampleUserSource
[shell] . go4login head
On normal GSI linux account create directory
like “/u/user/go4workshop/ “
[shell] cd
[shell] mkdir go4workshop;
[shell] cd go4workshop
On guest account, create directory with your
name inside like
“/u/dvgast01/Go4workshop2011/MyName/ “
[shell] cd ~/Go4workshop2011
[shell] mkdir MyName
[shell] cd MyName
[shell] cp –r $GO4SYS/Go4Example2Step .
[shell] cd Go4Example2Step
[shell] make clean
[shell] make
[shell] go4
Select “Analysis ->
Launch analysis” menu. In dialog window specify:
Host: localhost
Name: MyName
Dir: <directory
with analysis> (can be selected via file browser)
Lib: analysis
library name (field can be left empty)
Args: <empty>
Starting mode: exec
Shell mode: Qt
Press “Start analysis client” button (green tick) to start analysis
In “Analysis
configuration” dialog change following fields:
Event source: MBS
Press “Submit+Start”
button to run analysis.
When analysis running,
generate hotstart file by selecting menu “Settings->Generate hotstart”.
Specify filename for hotstart file (like mygo4) and press “Save” button.
Next time one could
start complete analysis from the shell with only command:
[shell] go4 mygo4.hotstart
MBS Random: build in
go4 random event generator
MBS Files: /s/go4/Workshop11/*.lmd
MBS Stream Server: depcp002
[shell] go4analysis -h
[shell] go4analysis -random
[shell] go4analysis –stream
[shell] go4analysis –file
[shell] go4analysis –file
Hint: running analysis
can be always normally stopped by Ctrl-C pressing.
All histograms, filled
by analysis, saved in autosave file. If one enable it, histograms can be
inspected later with go4 gui:
[shell] rm –f asf.root
[shell] go4analysis –random –asf
asf.root –number 10000
[shell] go4 asf.root
Same can be done with
any other event sources.
One very often use
batch mode to convert original data into ROOT tree format, which can be
analyzed directly with ROOT macros. To enable store:
[shell] go4analysis –stream
depcp002 –number 10000 –store output.root
Created ROOT tree can be browsed with standard ROOT browser:
[shell] root –l output.root
[root] new TBrowser
<select tree in browser, double click
on leaf to fill histogram>
[root] .q
By default all
arguments applied for the first analysis step. To specify arguments for other
step, this step should be explicitly selected. Lets try to enable output of
second step:
[shell] go4analysis –stream
depcp002 –number 10000 –step Analysis –store output2.root
And to produce output
for both events simultaneously:
[shell] go4analysis –stream depcp002 –number
10000 –step Unpack –store output1.root –step Analysis –store output2.root
Sometimes it is useful
to see original MBS data as is. For that just:
[shell] go4analysis –stream
depcp002 –print hex
For printout of MBS
events no user analysis is required. More info about printout command one can
get with:
[shell] go4analysis –help print
Analysis can be
started as server from batch and than monitored/steered from the GUI.
[shell] go4analysis –random
On debug output one
should see message:
for client connection on PORT: 5000
Here is important port
number 5000 (can be 5001, 5002 and so on). This port number should be specified
when connecting to analysis from the GUI:
[shell] . go4login head
[shell] go4 –observer localhost
Connection arguments
can be specified also via gui menu command “Analysis -> Connect to running
server”. With same command one could connect to any running analysis of your
colleague - just type host name of remote computer instead of localhost.
GUI can also be
connected with administration privileges, which allows reconfiguring and
shutdown of analysis:
[shell] go4 –admin localhost 5000
XXX MyName
Start editor: kate TMyNameAnalysis.cxx
Commment definition of
second step
Recompile: “make”
What has changed?:
Use “MakeTH1”
statement in constructor on new pointer
Fill new histogram in
Recompile: “make”
What has changed?:
Use “MakeWinCond”
statement in constructor on new pointer
Use new condition in BuildEvent to set a gate for new histogram
Recompile: “make”
What has changed?: Modify condition during monitoring analysis
Use “Form” statement in constructor to label
each object with channel index
Use channel index in
BuildEvent to test/fill the correct condition/histogram
Recompile: “make”
Modify condition(s)
Each Condition should
be in same pad as corresponding histogram
Take picture “condSet”
as example for dividing the pads and setting graphic options
Use “for” loop over
pad coordinates (2x4) to match channel numbers (0...7) in definition
How does picture look?
Modify embedded conditions
in picture with marker editor
Open new viewpanel;
use canvas divide tool to get 2x4 divisions
Drag and drop histograms
to corresponding pads
Drag and drop
conditions to corresponding pads
Generate hotstart
script with new “Picture”
Test hotstart setup by
shutdown and restart gui
Open with editor: kate TMyNameUnpackEvent.h and TMyNameUnpackEvent.cxx
Declare Int_t variables for each crate to contain sum
of all channels values
Implement Clear() for new member variables
For each mbs event,
accumulate sums and put into output event variables
Build modified
analysis “make”
Start Go4 in batch or
GUI mode with output tree enabled
After end of
processing, inspect tree with ROOT or Go4 viewer. Are new variables available?
Start Go4 in GUI mode.
Configure step 1 with output tree
Use online tree viewer
to define dynamic histogram from tree.
Monitor new histogram
during Go4 run
Activate second
analysis step in TMyNameAnalyis.cxx
Define and implement
new histograms in second step to be filled from new variables
In analysis set up
(GUI or go4analysis batch mode) disable second step and switch on tree output
of first step. Run from sample file.
In analysis set up
(GUI or go4analysis batch mode) disable first step and enable second step. Use
previous tree output of first step as second step event source.
Compare speed (ev/s)
for the three cases. Any influence of tree parameters? What about file size
(lmd format, intermediate tree file)?
Edit TMyNameParameter.h , .cxx and define different polynomial calibration
coefficients (2nd order) for each of the 8 channels of crate 1
Define Function TMyNameParameter::DoCalibration(ch,
adc) that calculates energy from
adc values for each channel.
Define a boolean
switch “recalibrate” to indicate that calibration was changed by
Edit TMyNameAnalysisProc.cxx .h: Add new calibrated histograms for 8 channels
of crate 1 array. Hint: Use function InitCalibratedSpectra to recreate these histograms based on the calibration values in
parameter. Use DoCalibration function of parameter to set histogram
Use Parameter
calibration function to fill calibrated histograms from raw data.
Provide mechanism to
recreate calibrated spectra with changed limits whenever the “recalibrate”
switch in parameter object becomes true!
View parameter object
in GUI editor. Modify values and watch effect.
After changing inital
values, produce an analysis macro to set current values.
Recover values by
means of the set_all.C macro in analysis.
Introduce “Randomize”
function into parameter class to smear digital rounding artefacts at bin edges.
Copy $GO4SYS/Go4ExampleUserSource to local work directory.
Rebuild “make clean; make”
Run from GUI with user
source file
Look into code TYYYEventSource and TYYYRawEvent
Optionally discuss
other event sources