Experiment Electronics (EEL): Data Processing
Jörn Adamczewski-Musch
- Software development and support for GSI Data Analysis System Go4
- Development of data acquisition (DAQ) framework DABC
- Support and developments for DAQ framework MBS
- Linux device driver developments
- Event building software and runtime database for the HADES experiment
Previous work in physics:
- Nuclear microprobe (materials science with focused MeV ion beams) at University of Bochum DTL, now RUBION (1992 to 1999):
nuclear physics, PIXE, solid state physics, ion optics, liquid metal ion source, hardware and software developments (slow control, simulations, analysis)
Paper mail:
Dr. Jörn Adamczewski-Musch - EEL
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
D-64291 Darmstadt
GSI Data protecection disclaimer
Last update: 13-Jun-2018