DABC (Data Acquisition Backbone Core)  2.9.9
XML files format


XML file in DABC provide way to configure most components of user application. This include generic application parameters, memory pool configuration, transport creation, modules parameters and so on.

Simple example

Lets consider simple Example.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">
<Context name="Example">
<lib value="libDabcMbs.so"/>
<MemoryPool name="Pool">
<BufferSize value="65536"/>
<NumBuffers value="100"/>
<Module name="Repeat" class="dabc::RepeaterModule">
<InputPort name="Input0" url="lmd://Generator"/>
<OutputPort name="Output0" url="mbs://Stream"/>

This is example of configuration file, were repeater module translate generated mbs events into mbs stream-server. To start example:

[shell] dabc_exe Example.xml

XML file structure

Any dabc xml file should have top-level <dabc> node like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">

Inside dabc node one or several <Context> nodes can be placed. Each context corresponds to separate process, started via dabc_exe executable. For the context node following attributes can be set:

  • "name" - name of the context
  • "host" - (optional) host where process should run
  • "port" - (optional) socket port number for communiction with process


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">
<Context name="Remote" host="lx-pool.gsi.de" port="3425">

Inside context following nodes can be presented:

  • <Run> different run parameters of the process
  • <Application> application configuration parameters
  • <MemoryPool> memory pool config
  • <Module> module
  • <Connection> connection

Run parameters

In <Run> section different global parameters defined, which are normally set in the beginning, when dabc_exe process is started. Here is table of parameters, which can be specified in <Run> section.

Name Description
lib Library to be loaded. Can appear several times
debuglevel level of debug output
loglevel level of debug output to the file
logfile name of log file
sysloglevel level of output to the syslog
syslog prefix for the syslog, default "DABC"
runtime maximum execution time in seconds
halttime time required to halt application (default 0.7 s)
func Name of C funtion to be called to create modules.
ssh_user User name used to login on host. Login without paasword should be possible
ssh_port ssh port number fopr login
ssh_timeout timeout for ssh in seconds
ssh_test name of shell script, which could be used to verify remote node before starting
ssh_init name of shell script, which will be called before starting dabc_exe
workdir name of directory where dabc_exe should start
copycfg if true, config file will be copied to the configured working directory of the process
LD_LIBRARY_PATH additional paths, used to search for libraries
debugger "true" "false" to enable/disable debugger usage. One also can directly specify command prefix like "gdb -x run.txt --args"
taskset taskset arguments like "-c 10-15" to set affinity of whole dabc_exe process. See here for more details
affinity affinity mask which defines how threads code be used. See here for more details
threads_layout "minimal", "permodule", "balanced" (default), "maximal"
thrdstoptime timeout when stopping thread in destructor, default 5 sec
stdout redirection for standard output, for instance file name
errout redirection for error output, for instance file name
nullout if true, all output will be redirected ro /dev/null
slow-time which methods used for time measuremens, default is true

Memory pool

The typical configuration for memory pool look like this.

<MemoryPool name="Pool">
<BufferSize value="65536"/>
<NumBuffers value="100"/>

Following parameters could be specified:

Parameter Description
BufferSize Size of buffer in bytes
NumBuffers Number of buffers
RefCoeff Ratio between number of references and buffers number (default 2)
NumSegments Number of segments in preallocated list (default 8)
Alignment Alignment of memory buffer in bytes (default 16)


Following parameters can be specified for each thread separately:

Parameter Description
thrdstoptime timeout when stopping thread in destructor, default 5 sec
affinity thread affinity, see appropriate section in introduction


Typical configuration for module could look like this:

<Module name="Repeat" class="dabc::RepeaterModule">
<NumInputs value="1"/>
<NumOutputs value="1"/>
<PoolName value="Pool"/>
<InputPort name="Input0" url="lmd://Generator"/>
<OutputPort name="Output0" url="mbs://Stream"/>

Following attributes can be specified:

Attribute Description
name Module name
class Module class, which is necessary only when automatic module creation is used
thread Thread name, to which module must be assigned

Following parameter can be specified

Parameter Description
NumInputs number of inputs in the module (default 0)
NumOutputs number of outputs in the module (default 0)
PoolName name of memory pool, used as source of buffers (default empty)


Typical configuration for input and output ports look like:

<Module name="Repeat" class="dabc::RepeaterModule">
<InputPort name="Input0" url="lmd://Generator"/>
<OutputPort name="Output0" url="mbs://Stream"/>

Following parameters of attributes could be specified:

Parameter Description
name port name
url used to create transport for the port
urlopt extra options for url string, can be specified in other places
queue queue size, used for the port
thread thread name, used to create transport
loop maximumal event loop length for port before it will be interrupted (default 0 - endless)
bind name of bind port
rate name of rate parameter
signal which events delivered to user. Can be "none", "every", "confirm" (default)
reconnect period of automatic reconnect (default -1 - disabled)
numreconn number of reconnect attempts (default - 10)
onerror action done in case of error "close", "none", "stop", "exit", "abort"


Connection used during automatic creation and look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">
<Context name="Remote" host="lx-pool.gsi.de" port="3425">
<Connection output="Module0/Output1" input="Module1/Input0"/>

As output and input names of output and input port must be specified. Port name can contains also node identifier, therefore connection with remote node can be stablished as well. In this case syntax will looke like:

<Connection output="dabc://node1/Module0/Output1" input="Module1/Input0"/>

It is required, that at least one port (or both) situated in local node.

It is also possible to specify multiple connections with single <Connectionin> node. There are typical situations, when connections between all application nodes must be established - so calles "all-to-all" pattern. In this on each node module with N outputs and module with N inputs should be present, where N is number of nodes. To establish connections between them, one should specify:

<Connection kind="all-to-all" output="OutputModule" input="InputModule"/>

In such case output and input should be modules names; it can be the same module.

Here is complete list of attributes:

Attribute Description
kind normal (default) - connection between two ports, all-to-all - connection between all nodes
output Name of output (port or module)
input Name of input (port or module)
thread thread used to run connection
useackn Is acknowledge should be used
optional If true, module could run alo when connection does not established
device device name, which should be used to create connection
timeout timeout to establish connection



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">
<Context name="Remote" host="lx-pool.gsi.de" port="3425">
<Application class="UserApplication"/>
<UserParameter1 value="12.37"/>
<UserParameter2 value="abc_xyz"/>

Inside application node one can put any user-specific parameters. Also memory pools, devices, thread, modules and others objects configuration, created by application, can be placed inside application node.

Environment variables

It is allowed to used all shell variables with the syntax:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">
<Context name="Remote" host="lx-pool.gsi.de" port="3425">
<lib value="libDabcMbs.so"/>
<logfile value="Node${DABCNODEID}.log"/>

Also there are variables defined in the dabc process itself.

Following variables defined inside dabc itself.

Variable Description
DABCSYS top directory of dabc installation
DABCUSERDIR user-specified directory
DABCWORKDIR current working directory
DABCNUMNODES number of <Context> nodes in configuration file
DABCNODEID sequence number of current <Context> node in configuration file

Automatic creation

If no init function and no application class was set, dabc will try to create objects, based on the content of xml file. These objects are:

  • Device
  • Thread
  • MemoryPool
  • Module
  • Ports connections

For every of these items one can specify attribute auto="false" to disable automatic creation of such object, even it is present in xml file.

Wildcard rules

For most objects one can specify name with wildcards like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">
<Context name="Example">
<lib value="libDabcMbs.so"/>
<MemoryPool name="Pool">
<BufferSize value="65536"/>
<NumBuffers value="100"/>
<Module name="Module0" class="dabc::RepeaterModule"/>
<Module name="Module1" class="dabc::RepeaterModule"/>
<Module name="Module*">
<NumInputs value="1"/>
<NumOutputs value="1"/>

In this example two modules are created. And for both of them same configuration parameters will be used.

One could have many such multicast definitions, first matching will be used.

Multi-node application

XMl file can contain several Context nodes like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">
<Context name="Example1" host="node1">
<Context name="Example2" host="node2">
<Context name="Example3" host="node3">

In this case to start such application, dabc_run shell script should be used in form:

[shell] dabc_run Exmaple.xml run

One can use wildcard rules to set common parameters for some contextes:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dabc version="2">
<Context name="Example1" host="node1"/>
<Context name="Example2" host="node2"/>
<Context name="Example3" host="node3"/>
<Context name="Example*">
<lib value="libDabcMbs.so"/>
<MemoryPool name="Pool">
<BufferSize value="65536"/>
<NumBuffers value="100"/>
<Module name="Module0" class="dabc::RepeaterModule">
<NumInputs value="1"/>
<NumOutputs value="1"/>