------------------------------------------------------------- Go4 Release Package v6.4.0 (build 60400) March 2025 -------------------------------------------------------------- The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project Experiment Data Processing at EE department, GSI -------------------------------------------------------------- Authors: Joern Adamczewski-Musch (1999-) Mohammad Al-Turany (2000-2004) Sven Augustin [Python] (2015-) Denis Bertini (2001-2004) Hans Georg Essel (1999-2010) Marc Hemberger (1999-2000) Sergey Linev (2002-) --------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany Contact: http://go4.gsi.de --------------------------------------------------------------- This software can be used under the license agreements as stated in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution. --------------------------------------------------------------- This package contains a Dockerfile with Go4 6.4.0 and ROOT 6.32.10 under OpenSuse Leap 15.5 system. Go4 is build with Qt6 webcanvas and HDF5 support. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Many thanks to Michael Wiebusch (m.wiebusch@gsi.de) for the original docker container and several hints! He has created some more elaborate docker files that offer Go4, DABC and trb3 environment. Please see https://jspc29.x-matter.uni-frankfurt.de/git/?p=dockerfiles.git;a=blob_plain;f=go4_trbnet/README.txt for more information on this. _______________________ Many thanks to Joern Dreyer (j.dreyer@hzdr.de) of Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf for adjusting the previous Dockerfile to Go4 6.3 and the most recent tumbleweed! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Getting started: ################################################## ## get Docker ## ################################################## -- step 1 -- install docker with your package manager (ubuntu/debian) $ sudo apt-get install docker (opensuse) $ sudo zypper install docker -- step 2 -- add your user to the docker group: $ sudo usermod -a -G docker (you might need to log out and back in for the changes to become effective) -- step 3 -- start docker daemon: $ sudo service docker start ################################################## ## Get Go46 dockerfiles ## ################################################## get the Go4V6 Dockerfile tarball at https://go4.gsi.de and unpack it: $ tar zxvf go4v6.4_leap.tar.gz $ cd go4v6.4_leap In this directory you find: - the Dockerfile (go ahead, look inside, it is not scary) - two directories "conf/" and "workdir/". Both directories will be mounted in the container. Those directories wil NOT be reset when the container is stopped. - conf/ contains conf.sh to optionally set environment variables and to start (or not start) the vncserver (for Go4 and other graphical applications) - workdir/ ... this will be your workdir! ** This is the place where the Go4 USER ANALYSIS and any external data should be located! *** It contains an example start.sh, which starts the initial environment. ################################################## ## start Go4V6 container ## ################################################## Build and run your container: $ ./build_and_run.sh If enabled in conf.sh, a vnc server is started on port 5903 to work with the Go4 GUI Connect to it with $ vncviewer localhost:3 (Or with any other vncviewer client, also on other host OS!) Optionally, you may just build the container without starting the vncserver by using $ ./build_and_shell.sh You will end up in a plain shell in the docker environment which might be sufficient for batch analysis. ################################################## ## for Windows 10 users ## ################################################## Please install and start DockerDesktop as explained at https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/ To run Go4 on Docker Desktop, please use following script in the Windows command line terminal: D:\docker\go4v6.4_leap> build_and_run.bat Connection to the VNC server of the go4 container can be done locally by a Windows VNC viewer, e.g. UltraVNC - https://www.uvnc.com/ Please note 1: Connection may require to set a valid vnc_password by editing file conf/conf.sh before starting the Go4 container Please note 2: in the UltraVnc connection dialogue, the servername of the docker machine is not "localhost:5903", but just ":5903" --- JAM(j.adamczewski@gsi.de) 13-Mar-2025