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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //        Go4 Release Package v2.10-5 (build 21005) 
00003 //                      03-Nov-2005
00004 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //       The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
00006 //       Experiment Data Processing at DVEE department, GSI
00007 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00008 //
00009 //Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
00010 //                    Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
00011 //Contact:  
00012 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
00014 //in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
00015 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00016 /* Generated by Together */
00018 #include "TGo4Master.h"
00020 #include "Go4Log/TGo4Log.h"
00021 #include "TGo4Task.h"
00022 #include "TGo4ServerTask.h"
00023 #include "TGo4ClientTask.h"
00024 #include "Go4CommandsBase/TGo4CommandInvoker.h"
00025 #include "Go4CommandsTaskHandler/TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList.h"
00026 #include "TGo4LocalCommandRunnable.h"
00027 #include "Go4Queue/TGo4ObjectQueue.h"
00028 #include <Rtypes.h>
00030 TGo4Master::TGo4Master(const char* name, Bool_t isserver, const char* serverhost, UInt_t negotport) 
00031 : TGo4TaskOwner(isserver)
00032 { 
00033    TGo4CommandInvoker::Instance(); // make sure a command invoker exists
00034    TGo4CommandInvoker::Register("MasterTask", this);
00035    TGo4Task* task=0;
00036    if(IsServer())
00037       {
00038          task=new TGo4ServerTask(name, negotport, 
00039                kFALSE, //blockingmode
00040                kFALSE, //standalone 
00041                kTRUE,  //autostart
00042                kTRUE,  //autocreate 
00043                kTRUE   //ismaster 
00044                );  
00045       }     
00046    else
00047       {
00048          task=new TGo4ClientTask(name, serverhost, negotport,
00049                      kFALSE, //blockingmode
00050                      kFALSE, //standalone
00051                      kFALSE, //autostart
00052                      kTRUE,  //autocreate
00053                      kTRUE, //ismaster
00054                      kFALSE); // autoconnect
00055       } 
00056    SetTask(task);
00057 }
00061 TGo4Master::TGo4Master() 
00062 { 
00064 }
00066 TGo4Master::~TGo4Master() 
00067 { 
00069 }
00071 TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList* TGo4Master::CreateCommandList()
00072 {
00073    return (new TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList("Go4ServerTaskDefaultCommandList") );
00074 }
00076 Bool_t TGo4Master::SubmitCommand(const char* name)
00077 {
00078    return (GetTask()->SubmitCommand(name));
00079 }
00081 Bool_t TGo4Master::SubmitEmergencyCommand(Go4EmergencyCommand_t val)
00082 {
00083    return (GetTask()->SubmitEmergencyCommand(val));
00084 }
00085 Bool_t TGo4Master::SubmitCommand(TGo4Command* com)
00086 {
00087    return (GetTask()->SubmitCommand(com));
00088 }
00090 void TGo4Master::SetSlave(const char* node, const char* shell, const char* command)
00091 {
00092 fxSlaveNode=node;
00093 fxSlaveShell=shell;
00094 fxSlaveExec=command;      
00095 }
00097 const char * TGo4Master::GetSlaveNode()
00098 {
00099    return fxSlaveNode.Data();
00100 }
00102 const char * TGo4Master::GetSlaveShell()
00103 {
00104    return fxSlaveShell.Data();   
00105 }
00107 const char * TGo4Master::GetSlaveExec()
00108 {
00109    return fxSlaveExec.Data();   
00110 }
00111 void TGo4Master::StartSlaveWindow(const char*)
00112 {
00114 }
00115 Bool_t TGo4Master::ConnectSlave(const char* name, 
00116                                 const char* remotehost,
00117                                 UInt_t negport, 
00118                                 const char* remotedir, 
00119                                 const char* remotecommand, 
00120                                 Int_t mode,
00121                                 Bool_t startserver, 
00122                                 Go4CommandMode_t role,
00123                                 const char* passwd
00124                                 )
00125 {
00126 Bool_t rev=kTRUE;
00127 if(IsServer())
00128    {
00129       TGo4ServerTask* server=dynamic_cast<TGo4ServerTask*> (GetTask());
00130       if(server) 
00131          {
00132             if(server->LaunchClient(name, 
00133                                     remotehost, 
00134                                     remotedir,
00135                                     remotecommand, 
00136                                     mode
00137                                     ) !=0) 
00138                rev=kFALSE;  
00139             else
00140                rev=kTRUE;
00141          }
00142    }
00143 else
00144    {
00145       if(startserver)
00146          {
00147             //cout <<"MMMMMMM Master ConnectSlave sees startserver flag..." << endl;
00148             LaunchSlaveServer(name, 
00149                                     remotehost, 
00150                                     remotedir,
00151                                     remotecommand, 
00152                                     mode
00153                                     );
00154             rev=kFALSE; // not yet connected
00155          }
00156       else
00157          {
00158             TGo4ClientTask* client=dynamic_cast<TGo4ClientTask*> (GetTask());
00159             if(client) 
00160                rev=client->ConnectServer(remotehost,negport, role, passwd);
00161             else
00162                rev=kFALSE;
00163          }
00164    }
00165 return rev;
00166 }
00169 Bool_t TGo4Master::DisconnectSlave(const char* name, Bool_t waitforslave)
00170 {
00171 Bool_t rev=kTRUE;
00172 if(IsServer())
00173    {
00174       TGo4ServerTask* server=dynamic_cast<TGo4ServerTask*> (GetTask());
00175       if(server)
00176          rev=server->RemoveClient(name, waitforslave); //waitforclient
00177       else
00178          rev=kFALSE;
00179    }
00180 else
00181    {
00182       TGo4ClientTask* client=dynamic_cast<TGo4ClientTask*> (GetTask());
00183       if(client)
00184          rev=client->DisconnectServer();
00185       else
00186          rev=kFALSE;
00187    }   
00188 return rev;   
00189 }
00191 Int_t TGo4Master::LaunchSlaveServer(const char* name, 
00192                                 const char* remotehost, 
00193                                 const char* remotedir, 
00194                                 const char* remotecommand,  
00195                                 Int_t mode)
00196 {
00197    Int_t rev = 0;
00198    UInt_t negport=1234; //dummy
00199    Text_t commandstring[5*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00200    Text_t formatstring[2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00201    Text_t filename[2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00202    Text_t shcom[TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00203   Text_t serverdisplay[TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00204    if(mode & TGo4ServerTask::kSecureShell)
00205       sprintf(shcom,"ssh ");
00206    else
00207       sprintf(shcom,"rsh -n");
00208    const Text_t* serverhost=gSystem->HostName();
00209    const Text_t* sdisplay=gSystem->Getenv("DISPLAY");
00210    const Text_t* go4system=gSystem->Getenv("GO4SYS");
00211    const Text_t* rootsystem=gSystem->Getenv("ROOTSYS");
00212    const Text_t* path=gSystem->Getenv("PATH");
00213    const Text_t* ldpath=gSystem->Getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
00214    snprintf(serverdisplay, 2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH,"-display %s",sdisplay);
00215    if(remotehost==0)
00216       {
00217          remotehost="localhost";
00218       }
00219    else
00220       { }
00221    SetSlave(remotehost,shcom,remotecommand);
00223    snprintf(filename, 2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH,
00224            "%s/%s",go4system, TGo4ServerTask::fgcLAUNCHPREFSFILE);
00225    ifstream launchprefs(filename);
00226    if(!launchprefs)
00227       {
00228          TGo4Log::Debug(" Master -- ERROR: Preferences file %s not existing, could not launch client ",
00229                   filename);
00230          return -1;
00231       }
00232    TGo4Log::Debug(" Master -- Launching new slave server process %s on host %s",
00233          name, remotehost);
00234   launchprefs.getline(formatstring, 2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH, '\n' ); // skip first line (for client) 
00235   launchprefs.getline(formatstring, 2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH, '\n' ); // skip second line (for client)
00237   launchprefs.getline(formatstring, 2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH, '\n' ); // read third line ((for server) 
00238   if((mode & TGo4ServerTask::kGuiEmbed))
00239     {
00240     //   cout << "mode & kGuiEmbed  is true" << endl;
00241      // run without external xterm, but within the same shell window as the gui:
00242      // use formatstring of first line here
00243          snprintf(commandstring,
00244               5*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH-1,
00245               formatstring,
00246               shcom, remotehost, go4system, rootsystem,
00247                  path, ldpath, remotedir, remotecommand, name, serverhost, negport);
00249         StartSlaveWindow(commandstring);
00250     }
00251     else
00252     {
00253             if (mode & TGo4ServerTask::kSecureShell) {
00254                // start xterm window and display it on the local desktop (display of the gui)
00255                 //cout << "kSecureShell " << kSecureShell << endl;
00256                launchprefs.getline(formatstring, 2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH, '\n'); // use fourth line
00257                snprintf(commandstring,
00258                  5*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH-1,
00259                  formatstring,
00260                  shcom, remotehost, "", name, remotehost, go4system, rootsystem,
00261                     path, ldpath, remotedir, remotecommand, name, serverhost, negport);
00262             }else {
00263             //cout << " ELSE " << kSecureShell  << endl;
00264            launchprefs.getline(formatstring, 2*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH, '\n'); // use fourth  line
00265                snprintf(commandstring,
00266                  5*TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH-1,
00267                  formatstring,
00268                  shcom, remotehost, serverdisplay, name, remotehost, go4system, rootsystem,
00269                     path, ldpath, remotedir, remotecommand, name, serverhost, negport);
00270             }
00272              rev=gSystem->Exec(commandstring);
00273     }
00274   // cout << commandstring << remotehost << "display" << serverdisplay << endl;
00275 //
00276 //   cout << "######## returned from gSystem->Exec() with value "<<rev<<endl;
00277    return rev;
00278 }
00280 //----------------------------END OF GO4 SOURCE FILE ---------------------

Generated on Tue Nov 8 10:56:06 2005 for Go4-v2.10-5 by doxygen1.2.15