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00001 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //        Go4 Release Package v2.10-5 (build 21005) 
00003 //                      03-Nov-2005
00004 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //       The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
00006 //       Experiment Data Processing at DVEE department, GSI
00007 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00008 //
00009 //Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
00010 //                    Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
00011 //Contact:  
00012 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
00014 //in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
00015 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00016 #include "TGo4ParaEditStatus.h"
00018 #include <iostream.h>
00020 #include "TDataMember.h"
00021 #include "TBaseClass.h"
00022 #include "TFile.h"
00023 #include "TObjString.h"
00024 #include "TClass.h"
00026 #include "Go4LockGuard/TGo4LockGuard.h"
00027 #include "Go4StatusBase/TGo4Parameter.h"
00028 #include "Go4Fit/TGo4Fitter.h"
00031 TGo4ParaEditStatus::TGo4ParaEditStatus(const char* name, const char* title) :
00032      TGo4Status(name, title), fxPara(0), fxParaClass(0) ,fiMemNum(0),
00033      fxDataFloat(0),fxDataDouble(0), fxDataInt(0),fxDataUInt(0), fxDataShort(0),
00034      fxDataChar(0), fxDataLong(0), fxDataBool(0), fxDataUShort(0),
00035      fxDataUChar(0), fxDataULong(0), fxDataString(0),fxFitPointer(0), fiDatatypeSize(0),fxNextParaClass(0)
00036 {
00037    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00038    BuildParameterList();
00039    fxPara=new TGo4Parameter("defaultname");
00040    UpdateMemberLists();
00041 }
00043 TGo4ParaEditStatus::~TGo4ParaEditStatus()
00044 {
00045    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00046    delete fxPara;
00047    delete fxNextParaClass;
00048 }
00050 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::UpdateParameter(TGo4Parameter* source)
00051 {
00052    if(source==0) return;
00053      {
00054           TGo4LockGuard Global;
00055           delete fxPara;
00056           fxPara=dynamic_cast<TGo4Parameter*> (source->Clone());
00057      } // TGo4LockGuard
00058    UpdateMemberLists();
00059 }
00061 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::UpdateLastFitter(TGo4Fitter* source)
00062 {
00063 if(source==0) return;
00064 TGo4LockGuard Global;
00065 if(fxFitPointer)
00066  {
00067     if(*fxFitPointer) delete *fxFitPointer;
00068     *fxFitPointer=dynamic_cast<TGo4Fitter*> (source->Clone());
00069  }
00070 }
00073 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::SetParaName(const Text_t* name)
00074 {
00075  if(name==0) return;
00076  if(fxPara)
00077    {
00078        fxPara->SetName(name);
00079    }
00081 }
00083 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::SetParaClass(const Text_t* name)
00084 {
00085  if(name==0) return;
00086  TGo4LockGuard Global;
00087  TClass* nclass=gROOT->GetClass(name);
00088  if(nclass)
00089     {
00090        snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%s",fxPara->GetName());
00091        delete fxPara;
00092        fxPara= (TGo4Parameter*) nclass->New();
00093        fxPara->SetName(fcTextBuffer); // preserve old parameter name
00094        UpdateMemberLists();
00095     }
00096  else
00097    {
00098       cout <<"Could not set parameter to class "<< name << endl;
00099    }
00101 }
00104 const Text_t* TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetParaName()
00105 {
00106    if(fxPara==0) return 0;
00107    return fxPara->GetName();
00108 }
00110 const Text_t* TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetParaClass()
00111 {
00112    if(fxParaClass==0) return 0;
00113    return fxParaClass->GetName();
00114 }
00116 const Text_t* TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetParaMember(Int_t i)
00117 {
00118    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return 0;
00119    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00120    const Text_t* rev;
00121    TObjString* memname=dynamic_cast<TObjString*>(fxNames[i]);
00122    if(memname)
00123    {
00124       rev=memname->GetName();
00125    }
00126    else
00127    {
00128       rev=0;
00129    }
00130    return rev;
00131 }
00133 const Text_t* TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetParaMemType(Int_t i)
00134 {
00135    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return 0;
00136    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00137    const Text_t* rev;
00138    TObjString* memtype=dynamic_cast<TObjString*>(fxTypes[i]);
00139    if(memtype)
00140    {
00141       rev=memtype->GetName();
00142    }
00143    else
00144    {
00145       rev=0;
00146    }
00147    return rev;
00148 }
00150 const Text_t* TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetParaMemVal(Int_t i)
00151 {
00152    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return 0;
00153    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00154    Long_t address=fxAddress[i];
00155    const Text_t* memtype=GetParaMemType(i);
00156    const Text_t* value=ValueString(memtype,address);
00157    //cout <<"GetParaMemVal["<<i<<"]="<<address <<" , val="<<value<< endl;
00158    return value;
00159 }
00161 const Text_t* TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetParaMemComment(Int_t i) {
00162    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return 0;
00163    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00164    const Text_t* rev;
00165    TObjString* memtitle=dynamic_cast<TObjString*>(fxComments[i]);
00166    if(memtitle)
00167    {
00168       rev = memtitle->GetName();
00169    }
00170    else
00171    {
00172       rev=0;
00173    }
00174    return rev;
00175 }
00177 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::SetParaMemVal(Int_t i, const Text_t* val)
00178 {
00179    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return;
00180    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00181    Long_t address=fxAddress[i];
00182    const Text_t* memtype=GetParaMemType(i);
00183    SetValue(memtype,val,address);
00184 }
00186 const Int_t TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetParaMemArrIndex(Int_t i)
00187 {
00188    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return 0;
00189    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00190    Int_t index=fxArrayIndex[i];
00191    return index;
00192 }
00194 const Int_t TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetParaMemArrIndey(Int_t i)
00195 {
00196    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return 0;
00197    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00198    Int_t index=fxArrayIndey[i];
00199    return index;
00200 }
00203 Bool_t TGo4ParaEditStatus::IsParaMemVisible(Int_t i)
00204 {
00205    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return kFALSE;
00206    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00207    Bool_t visible=fbMemberVisible[i];
00208    return visible;
00209 }
00211 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::SetParaMemVisible(Int_t i, Bool_t on)
00212 {
00213    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return;
00214    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00215    fbMemberVisible[i]=on;
00216 }
00218 Long_t TGo4ParaEditStatus::GetMemberAddress(Int_t i)
00219 {
00220    if ((i>fiMemNum) || (i<0)) return 0;
00221    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00222    return fxAddress[i];
00223 }
00225 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::UpdateMemberLists()
00226 {
00227 if(fxPara==0) return;
00228 TGo4LockGuard Global;
00229 fxParaClass=fxPara->IsA();
00230 fiMemNum=0;
00231 // empty objarrays here before filling again!
00232 fxAddress.clear();
00233 fxArrayIndex.clear();
00234 fxArrayIndey.clear();
00235 fbMemberVisible.clear();
00236 fxNames.Delete();
00237 fxTypes.Delete();
00238 fxVals.Delete();
00239 fxComments.Delete();
00240 // this will shrink TObjArrays to minimum size
00241 fxNames.Compress();
00242 fxNames.Expand(fxNames.GetLast()+1);
00243 fxTypes.Compress();
00244 fxTypes.Expand(fxTypes.GetLast()+1);
00245 fxVals.Compress();
00246 fxVals.Expand(fxVals.GetLast()+1);
00247 fxComments.Compress();
00248 fxComments.Expand(fxComments.GetLast()+1);
00250 EvalMembers(fxParaClass,0);
00251 }
00254 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::EvalMembers(TClass* cl, Long_t baseoffset)
00255 {
00256 if(cl)
00257    {
00258       TGo4LockGuard glob;
00259       // first process datamembers of this class itself:
00260       TList* members =cl->GetListOfDataMembers();
00261       TIterator* memiter=members->MakeIterator();
00262       TObject* nob=0;
00263       Bool_t isvisible=kTRUE;
00264       while((nob=memiter->Next()) !=0)
00265       {
00266          TDataMember* mem=dynamic_cast<TDataMember*>(nob);
00267          const Text_t*  memtypename=mem->GetFullTypeName();
00268          if(!strcmp(memtypename,"TClass*")) continue; // do not edit IsA info
00269          // evaluate array:
00270          Long_t arrayoffset=0;
00271          Int_t arrayindex=0;
00272          Int_t arrayindey=0;
00273          Int_t arraydim=mem->GetArrayDim();
00274          Int_t maxindex;
00275          Int_t maxindey;
00276          switch(arraydim)
00277          {
00278             case 1:
00279               SetCast(memtypename,0); // find out size of one array element
00280               maxindex=mem->GetMaxIndex(0);
00281               maxindey=1;
00282               break;
00284             case 2:
00285               SetCast(memtypename,0); // find out size of one array element
00286               maxindex=mem->GetMaxIndex(0);
00287               maxindey=mem->GetMaxIndex(1);
00288 //              cout <<"\nmember type:"<<mem->GetFullTypeName() << endl;
00289 //              cout <<"maxix:"<<maxindex << endl;
00290 //              cout <<"maxiy="<<maxindey << endl;
00291 //              cout << "array dimension="<<arraydim <<endl;
00292 //              cout <<"arraydelta of "<<memtypename<<"="<<fiDatatypeSize << endl;
00293               break;
00295             default:
00296               maxindex=1;
00297               maxindey=1;
00298               break;
00299          } // switch()
00301          for(Int_t ix=0;ix<maxindex;++ix)
00302             {
00303             for(Int_t iy=0;iy<maxindey;++iy)
00304                {
00305                arrayoffset=(ix*maxindey + iy) * fiDatatypeSize;
00306                Long_t offset=baseoffset + mem->GetOffset()+arrayoffset;
00307                Long_t address=(Long_t) fxPara + offset;
00308                TObjString* memtype=new TObjString(memtypename);
00309                TObjString* memval=new TObjString(ValueString(memtypename, address));
00310                TObjString* memname= new TObjString(mem->GetName());
00311                TObjString* memtitle = new TObjString(mem->GetTitle());
00312                switch(arraydim)
00313                   {
00314                      case 1:
00315                         snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%s[%d]",memname->GetName(),ix);
00316                         memname->SetString(fcTextBuffer);
00317                         arrayindex=ix;
00318                         arrayindey=-1;
00319                         break;
00320                      case 2:
00321                         snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%s[%d][%d]",memname->GetName(),ix,iy);
00322                         memname->SetString(fcTextBuffer);
00323                         arrayindex=ix;
00324                         arrayindey=iy;
00325                         break;
00326                      default:
00327                         // no array
00328                         arrayindex=-1;
00329                         arrayindey=-1;
00330                         break;
00331                   } // switch
00332                if(ix==0 && iy==0)
00333                   isvisible=kTRUE; // default: only show first
00334                else
00335                   isvisible=kFALSE;
00336                fxNames.AddAtAndExpand(memname,fiMemNum);
00337                fxTypes.AddAtAndExpand(memtype,fiMemNum);
00338                fxVals.AddAtAndExpand(memval,fiMemNum);
00339                fxComments.AddAtAndExpand(memtitle,fiMemNum);
00340                fxAddress.push_back(address);
00341                fxArrayIndex.push_back(arrayindex);
00342                fxArrayIndey.push_back(arrayindey);
00343                fbMemberVisible.push_back(isvisible);
00344                //cout <<"EvalMembers found address:"<<address<<" of "<<fiMemNum << endl;
00345                fiMemNum++;
00346                }//for(iy=0;iy<maxindex;++iy)
00347             } //for(ix=0;ix<maxindex;++ix)
00348       }// while(nob=memiter->Next() !=0)
00349       delete memiter;
00351       // now look for possible base class members:
00352      TList* baselist=cl->GetListOfBases();
00353      TIterator* baseiter=baselist->MakeIterator();
00354      TObject* bob=0;
00355      while((bob=baseiter->Next()) !=0)
00356         {
00357            TBaseClass* baseclass=dynamic_cast<TBaseClass*>(bob);
00358            if(baseclass)
00359               {
00360                   // we have a baseclass
00361                   TClass* bclass=baseclass->GetClassPointer();
00362                   if(bclass==0) continue;
00363                   if(!strcmp(bclass->GetName(),"TGo4Parameter")) continue; // suppress bases above
00364                   if(!strcmp(bclass->GetName(),"TNamed")) continue; // for bare TGo4Parameter
00365                   Int_t bdelta=baseclass->GetDelta();
00366                   EvalMembers(bclass, baseoffset+bdelta);
00367                      // recursively find out members of all baseclasses
00368               }
00369         } // while((bob=baseiter->Next()) !=0)
00370       delete baseiter;
00371    } // if(cl)
00372 else
00373    {
00374       // never come here, since the parameter is only
00375       // on gui side if root already had cloned it! But anyway...
00376       cout <<"Parameter class not known to ROOT!!!" << endl;
00377       cout <<"Please load library first !!!" << endl;
00378    }
00379 }
00381 const Text_t* TGo4ParaEditStatus::ValueString(const Text_t* memtype,
00382                                                 Long_t address)
00383 {
00384    TGo4LockGuard glob;
00385    SetCast(memtype,address);
00386    if(fxDataFloat) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%f",*fxDataFloat);
00387    else if(fxDataDouble) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%f",*fxDataDouble);
00388    else if(fxDataInt) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%d", *fxDataInt);
00389    else if(fxDataUInt) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%u", *fxDataUInt);
00390    else if(fxDataShort) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%hd", *fxDataShort);
00391    else if(fxDataChar) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%hhd", *fxDataChar);
00392    else if(fxDataLong) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%ld", *fxDataLong);
00393    else if(fxDataBool) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%d", *fxDataBool);
00394    else if(fxDataUShort)snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%hu", *fxDataUShort);
00395    else if(fxDataUChar) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%hhu", *fxDataUChar);
00396    else if(fxDataULong) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%lu", *fxDataULong);
00397    else if(fxDataString) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"%s", (*fxDataString).Data());
00398    else if(memtype && !strcmp(memtype,"TGo4Fitter*")) snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"RMB Edit");
00399    else snprintf(fcTextBuffer,256,"Unknown type %s",memtype);
00400    return fcTextBuffer;
00401 }
00403 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::SetCast(const Text_t* memtype,
00404                                   Long_t address)
00405 {
00406    if(memtype==0) return;
00407    fxDataFloat=0;
00408    fxDataDouble=0;
00409    fxDataInt=0;
00410    fxDataShort=0;
00411    fxDataChar=0;
00412    fxDataLong=0;
00413    fxDataBool=0;
00414    fxDataUInt=0;
00415    fxDataUShort=0;
00416    fxDataUChar=0;
00417    fxDataULong=0;
00418    fxDataString=0;
00419    fiDatatypeSize=0;
00421    if(!strcmp(memtype,"Float_t"))
00422      {
00424         fxDataFloat=(Float_t*) (address);
00425         fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(Float_t);
00426         //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast  inits Float_t="<< *fxDataFloat<< endl;
00428      }
00429    else if (!strcmp(memtype,"Double_t"))
00430     {
00431          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits Double_t"<< endl;
00432          fxDataDouble=(Double_t*) (address);
00433          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(Double_t);
00434     }
00435   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"Int_t"))
00436     {
00437          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits Int_t"<< endl;
00438          fxDataInt=(Int_t*) (address);
00439          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(Int_t);
00440     }
00441   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"Short_t"))
00442     {
00443          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits Short_t"<< endl;
00444          fxDataShort=(Short_t*) (address);
00445          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(Short_t);
00446     }
00447   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"Char_t"))
00448     {
00449          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits Char_t"<< endl;
00450          fxDataChar=(Char_t*) (address);
00451          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(Char_t);
00452     }
00453   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"Long_t"))
00454     {
00455          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits Long_t"<< endl;
00456          fxDataLong=(Long_t*) (address);
00457          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(Long_t);
00458     }
00459   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"Bool_t"))
00460     {
00461          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits Bool_t"<< endl;
00462          fxDataBool=(Bool_t*) (address);
00463          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(Bool_t);
00464     }
00465   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"UInt_t"))
00466     {
00467          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits UInt_t"<< endl;
00468          fxDataUInt=(UInt_t*) (address);
00469          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(UInt_t);
00470     }
00471   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"UShort_t"))
00472     {
00473          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits UShort_t"<< endl;
00474          fxDataUShort=(UShort_t*) (address);
00475          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(UShort_t);
00476     }
00477   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"UChar_t"))
00478     {
00479          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits UChar_t"<< endl;
00480          fxDataUChar=(UChar_t*) (address);
00481          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(UChar_t);
00482     }
00483   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"ULong_t"))
00484     {
00485          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits ULong_t"<< endl;
00486          fxDataULong=(ULong_t*) (address);
00487          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(ULong_t);
00488     }
00489   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"TString"))
00490     {
00491          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits TString"<< endl;
00492          fxDataString=(TString*) (address);
00493          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(TString);
00494     }
00495   else if (!strcmp(memtype,"TGo4Fitter*"))
00496     {
00497          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits TGo4Fitter*"<< endl;
00498          fiDatatypeSize=sizeof(TGo4Fitter*);
00499     }
00500   else
00501      {
00502          //cout<<"SSSSSSetCast inits Int_t as dummy for " <<memtype<< endl;
00503          //fxDataInt=(Int_t*) (address);
00504          // no dummy!
00505      }
00508 }
00510 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::SetValue(const Text_t* memtype,
00511                                  const Text_t* expression,
00512                                  Long_t address)
00513 {
00514    TGo4LockGuard glob;
00515    SetCast(memtype,address);
00516    if(fxDataFloat) *fxDataFloat=atof(expression);
00517    else if(fxDataDouble) *fxDataDouble=atof(expression);
00518    else if(fxDataInt) *fxDataInt=atoi(expression);
00519    else if(fxDataUInt) *fxDataUInt=atoi(expression);
00520    else if(fxDataShort) *fxDataShort=(Short_t) atoi(expression);
00521    else if(fxDataChar) *fxDataChar=(Char_t) atoi(expression);
00522    else if(fxDataLong) *fxDataLong=atoi(expression);
00523    else if(fxDataBool) *fxDataBool= (Bool_t) atoi(expression);
00524    else if(fxDataUShort)*fxDataUShort=(UShort_t) atoi(expression);
00525    else if(fxDataUChar) *fxDataUChar=(UChar_t) atoi(expression);
00526    else if(fxDataULong) *fxDataULong=atoi(expression);
00527    else if(fxDataString) *fxDataString=expression;
00528    else ; //cout<< "Unknown type "<<memtype<<endl;
00529 }
00531 Bool_t TGo4ParaEditStatus::LoadParameter(
00532    const Text_t* filename, const Text_t* parname)
00533 {
00534 //cout << "loading parameter from "<<filename<<endl;
00535 TGo4LockGuard Global;
00536 // open file
00537 TFile parafile(filename,"READ");
00538 if(!parafile.IsOpen()) return kFALSE;
00539 // get object of parname
00540 const Text_t* obname;
00541 if(parname)
00542    {
00543       obname=parname;
00544    }
00545 else
00546    {
00547       if(fxPara==0) return kFALSE;
00548       obname=fxPara->GetName();
00549    }
00550 TObject* ob=parafile.Get(obname);
00551 // dont check for correct type, we overwrite current para!
00552 if(ob && ob->InheritsFrom("TGo4Parameter"))
00553       {
00554       //cout <<"Load object of class "<<ob->IsA()->GetName() << endl;
00555       UpdateParameter(dynamic_cast<TGo4Parameter*>(ob));
00556       return kTRUE;
00557    }
00558 else
00559    {
00560       //cout <<"Did not find object "<<obname<<" in file "<<filename << endl;
00561       return kFALSE;
00562    }
00565 }
00568 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::BuildParameterList()
00569 {
00570    TGo4LockGuard Global;
00571    fxParaClassList.Clear("nodelete"); // classes belong to gROOT
00572    TSeqCollection* allclasses=gROOT->GetListOfClasses();
00573    TClass* cl=0;
00574    TIterator* cliter=allclasses->MakeIterator();
00575    while((cl=dynamic_cast<TClass*>(cliter->Next())) !=0)
00576    {
00577       //cout <<"scanned rootclass "<<cl->GetName() << endl;
00578       if(cl->InheritsFrom("TGo4Parameter"))
00579          {
00580             fxParaClassList.AddLast(cl);
00581          }
00582    }
00583    delete cliter;
00584    delete fxNextParaClass;
00585    fxNextParaClass=fxParaClassList.MakeIterator();
00586 }
00589 void TGo4ParaEditStatus::ResetParameterList()
00590 {
00591     TGo4LockGuard Global;
00592     if(fxNextParaClass)
00593     {
00594        fxNextParaClass->Reset();
00595        //cout <<"iterator reset." << endl;
00596     }
00597 }
00599 const Text_t* TGo4ParaEditStatus::NextParameterClass()
00600 {
00601  TGo4LockGuard Global;
00602  TClass* nextclass=dynamic_cast<TClass*>(fxNextParaClass->Next());
00603  if(nextclass)
00604  {
00605     //cout <<"found parameter class "<<nextclass->GetName() << endl;
00606     return nextclass->GetName();
00607  }
00608  else
00609     return 0;
00610 }
00621 //----------------------------END OF GO4 SOURCE FILE ---------------------

Generated on Tue Nov 8 10:56:02 2005 for Go4-v2.10-5 by doxygen1.2.15