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00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //        Go4 Release Package v3.04-01 (build 30401)
00003 //                      28-November-2008
00004 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //   The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
00006 //   Experiment Data Processing at EE department, GSI
00007 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00008 //
00009 //Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
00010 //                    Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
00011 //Contact:  
00012 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
00014 //in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
00015 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00016 #include "TGo4AnalysisClientImp.h"
00018 #include "Riostream.h"
00019 #include <stdlib.h>
00020 #include "TApplication.h"
00021 #include "TStopwatch.h"
00022 #include "snprintf.h"
00023 #include "TROOT.h"
00025 #include "TGo4Log.h"
00026 #include "TGo4LockGuard.h"
00028 #include "TGo4CommandInvoker.h"
00029 #include "TGo4AnalysisCommandList.h"
00030 #include "TGo4ThreadHandler.h"
00031 #include "TGo4ThreadManager.h"
00032 #include "TGo4Task.h"
00033 #include "TGo4TaskHandler.h"
00034 #include "TGo4ClientStatus.h"
00035 #include "TGo4AnalysisClientStatus.h"
00036 #include "TGo4AnalysisObjectNames.h"
00037 #include "TGo4HistogramServer.h"
00038 #include "TGo4AnalysisStatus.h"
00039 #include "TGo4AnalysisImp.h"
00040 #include "TGo4AnalysisStep.h"
00042 #include "TGo4CintLockTimer.h"
00043 #include "TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable.h"
00044 #include "TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable.h"
00045 #include "TGo4Ratemeter.h"
00046 #include "TGo4TaskStatus.h"
00048 class TGo4InterruptHandler : public TSignalHandler {
00049    public:
00050       TGo4InterruptHandler(TSignalHandler* old = 0) :
00051          TSignalHandler(kSigInterrupt, kFALSE),
00052          oldHandler(old),
00053          fbActive(kFALSE)
00054       {
00055       }
00056       virtual Bool_t Notify()
00057       {
00058          if (fbActive) return kTRUE;
00059          fbActive = kTRUE;
00060          Bool_t res = kTRUE;
00061          if (TGo4Analysis::Instance()!=0) {
00062             TGo4Analysis::Instance()->StopWaiting();
00063          }
00064          if (oldHandler!=0) res = oldHandler->Notify();
00065          TTimer::SingleShot(3000, ClassName(), this, "Pop()");
00066          return res;
00067       }
00069       virtual void Pop()
00070       {
00071 //         cout << "Clear call " << endl;
00072          fbActive = kFALSE;
00073          TGo4Analysis::Instance()->SetRunning(kFALSE);
00074       }
00076    protected:
00077       TSignalHandler* oldHandler;
00078       Bool_t fbActive;
00079 };
00082 const Text_t TGo4AnalysisClient::fgcWATCHTHREAD[]="WATCH-";
00083 const Text_t TGo4AnalysisClient::fgcMAINTHREAD[]="MAIN-";
00084 const UInt_t TGo4AnalysisClient::fguSTATUSUPDATE = 1000; // events between two updates
00085 const Double_t TGo4AnalysisClient::fgdSTATUSTIMEOUT = 2; // maximum seconds between two updates
00086 const UInt_t TGo4AnalysisClient::fguCINTTIMERPERIOD = 200; // frequency of timer for cint lock
00088 TGo4AnalysisClient::TGo4AnalysisClient(const char* name,
00089                                        TGo4Analysis* analysis,
00090                                        const char* host,
00091                                        UInt_t negport,
00092                                        Bool_t histoserver,
00093                                        const char* basename,
00094                                        const char* passwd,
00095                                        Bool_t servermode,
00096                                        Bool_t autorun,
00097                                        Bool_t clientmode)
00098 : TGo4Slave(name, servermode, host, negport),
00099 fdBufferUpdateTime(0), fxHistoServer(0), fbAutoStart(autorun), fbCintMode(kFALSE),fxCintLockTimer(0)
00101 {
00102    TRACE((15,"TGo4AnalysisClient::TGo4AnalysisClient(const char*,...)",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00104    if(analysis==0)
00105       {
00106          TGo4Log::Debug("!!! AnalysisClient ''%s'': no external analysis specified !!",GetName());
00107          fxAnalysis=TGo4Analysis::Instance();
00108       }
00109    else
00110       {
00111          fxAnalysis=analysis;
00112       }
00113    fxAnalysis->SetAnalysisClient(this);
00114    Constructor(histoserver,basename,passwd);
00116    SetCintMode(clientmode);
00118    if (clientmode) {
00119       TSignalHandler* oldhandler = gApplication->GetSignalHandler();
00120       oldhandler->Remove();
00122       fxInterruptHandler = new TGo4InterruptHandler(oldhandler);
00123       fxInterruptHandler->Add();
00124    }
00126 }
00128 TGo4AnalysisClient::TGo4AnalysisClient(int argc, char** argv,
00129                                        TGo4Analysis* analysis,
00130                                        Bool_t histoserver,
00131                                        const char* basename,
00132                                        const char* passwd,
00133                                        Bool_t servermode,
00134                                        Bool_t autorun)
00135 : TGo4Slave(argv[2],servermode,
00136             argv[3] , (argc>4) ? atoi(argv[4]) : 5000),
00137 fdBufferUpdateTime(0), fxHistoServer(0), fbAutoStart(autorun), fbCintMode(kFALSE),fxCintLockTimer(0)
00139 {
00140    TRACE((15,"TGo4AnalysisClient::TGo4AnalysisClient(int, char**...)",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00142    if(argc<5)
00143       {
00144           TGo4Log::Error("!!! AnalysisClient: missing commandline arguments, aborting !!");
00145           gApplication->Terminate();
00146       }
00147     if(!strcmp("-lGUI",argv[1]))
00148       {
00149           TGo4Log::Error(" !!! AnalysisClient: GUI mode not specified, aborting !!");
00150           gApplication->Terminate();
00151       }
00153    if(analysis==0)
00154       {
00155          TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! AnalysisClient ''%s'': no external analysis specified !!",GetName());
00156          fxAnalysis=TGo4Analysis::Instance();
00157       }
00158    else
00159       {
00160          fxAnalysis=analysis;
00161       }
00162    fxAnalysis->SetAnalysisClient(this);
00163    Constructor(histoserver,basename,passwd);
00164 }
00166 void TGo4AnalysisClient::Constructor(Bool_t starthistserv, const char* basename,  const char* passwd)
00167 {
00168    fxUpdateWatch = new TStopwatch;
00169    fxRatemeter= new TGo4Ratemeter;
00170    TGo4Log::Debug(" AnalysisClient ''%s'' started ",GetName());
00171    fcMainName= new Text_t[TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00172    fcWatchName= new Text_t[TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00173    Text_t namebuffer[TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00174    snprintf(namebuffer, TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH-1 ,"MainRunnable of %s",GetName());
00175    TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable* mainrun= new TGo4AnalysisMainRunnable(namebuffer, this);
00176    snprintf(namebuffer,TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH-1,"WatchRunnable of %s",GetName());
00177    TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable* watchrun= new TGo4AnalysisWatchRunnable(namebuffer, this);
00178       // adding runnables to thread handler who takes over the responsibility...:
00179    snprintf(fcMainName, TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH-1,"%s%s",fgcMAINTHREAD,GetName());
00180    TGo4ThreadHandler* th=GetThreadHandler();
00181    th->NewThread(fcMainName,mainrun);
00182    snprintf(fcWatchName, TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH-1,"%s%s",fgcWATCHTHREAD,GetName());
00183    th->NewThread(fcWatchName,watchrun);
00184    TGo4CommandInvoker::Instance(); // make sure we have an invoker instance!
00185    TGo4CommandInvoker::SetCommandList(new TGo4AnalysisCommandList);
00186    TGo4CommandInvoker::Register("AnalysisClient",this); // register as command receiver at the global invoker
00187    TGo4Slave::Stop();// prevent analysis to run before init
00188    UpdateStatusBuffer();
00189    if(starthistserv) StartObjectServer(basename, passwd);
00190    GetTask()->Launch();
00192    fxInterruptHandler = 0;
00193 }
00196 TGo4AnalysisClient::~TGo4AnalysisClient()
00197 {
00198    TRACE((15,"TGo4AnalysisClient::~TGo4AnalysisClient()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00199    if (fxInterruptHandler!=0) {
00201       fxInterruptHandler->Remove();
00202       delete fxInterruptHandler;
00204       // restore old ROOT handler
00205       TSignalHandler* oldhandler = gApplication->GetSignalHandler();
00206       oldhandler->Add();
00207    }
00210 //   if(GetTask())
00211 //      {
00212 //         GetTask()->GetTaskHandler()->DisConnect(); // disconnect before we autosave etc.
00213 //         GetTask()->GetTaskHandler()->SetAborting(); // for superclass dtor: set fast abort mode
00214 //      }
00215    fxAnalysis->LockAutoSave();   // wait until mainthread finishes the
00216       {                              // final autosaving before we cancel
00217          StopObjectServer(); // first cancel histoserver and its thread!
00218          if(GetThreadHandler()) GetThreadHandler()->CancelAll(); // make sure threads wont work on application when its deleted
00219       }
00220    fxAnalysis->UnLockAutoSave();
00222    delete fxCintLockTimer;
00223    delete fxRatemeter;
00224    delete fxUpdateWatch;
00225    delete fxAnalysis;
00226    delete [] fcMainName;
00227    delete [] fcWatchName;
00228    TGo4CommandInvoker::UnRegister(this);
00229 }
00231 Int_t TGo4AnalysisClient::Initialization()
00232 {
00233 TGo4LockGuard mainguard; // threads are already up, protect next actions!
00234 SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s starting initialization...",GetName());
00236 if(!fbAutoStart) // normal mode: load last prefs and wait for submit
00237    {
00239    // startup of analysis: get last saved status
00240    if(fxAnalysis->LoadStatus()) // will load, close analysis and set the new status
00241       {
00242          // we have a status from file, i.e. go4 analysis: wait with init until gui command
00243          SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s: Status loaded from %s",
00244                GetName(), TGo4Analysis::fgcDEFAULTSTATUSFILENAME);
00245       }
00246    else
00247       {
00248          SendStatusMessage(2,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s: Could not load status from %s",
00249                GetName(), TGo4Analysis::fgcDEFAULTSTATUSFILENAME);
00250       }
00251    // recover objects and dynamic list links from last autosave file:
00252    if(fxAnalysis->LoadObjects())
00253       {
00254          SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s: Objects loaded.",GetName());
00255       }
00256    else
00257       {
00258           //TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Analysis Client Initialization --  Could not load dynamic list!!! ");
00259          SendStatusMessage(2,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s: Initialization could not load analysis objects!",GetName());
00260       }
00262    SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"Analysis Slave %s waiting for submit and start commands...",GetName());
00263    TGo4Slave::Stop(); // wait for command from master for start.
00264    }
00265 else
00266    {
00267       // in server mode, analysis slave will begin with analysis run
00268       // before the master is connected. May not need master anyway!
00269       // note: we do not recover preferences from file here anymore, all left to command line pars
00270       SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisSlave %s initializing analysis...",GetName());
00271       if(fxAnalysis->InitEventClasses())
00272          {
00273            if(IsCintMode())
00274                {
00275                   SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"Analysis CINTServer %s in MainCycle suspend mode.",GetName());
00276                   TGo4Slave::Stop(); // no UserPostLoop
00277                }
00278             else
00279                {
00280                   SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisSlave %s starting analysis...",GetName());
00281                   Start(); // UserPreLoop execution here!
00282                }
00283          }
00284       else
00285          {
00286             SendStatusMessage(2,kTRUE,"AnalysisSlave %s failed initializing analysis!",GetName());
00287             TGo4Slave::Stop();
00288          }
00289    } // if(!fbAutoStart)
00290 SendAnalysisStatus(); // only send status if connections are up!
00291 UpdateStatusBuffer();   // we need this for gui
00292 SendAnalysisClientStatus();
00293 SendStatusMessage(1,kFALSE,"AnalysisClient %s has finished initialization.",GetName());
00294 return 0;
00295 }
00299 void TGo4AnalysisClient::UpdateStatus(TGo4TaskStatus * state)
00300 {
00301    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::UpdateStatus(TGo4ClientStatus*)",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00302    TGo4Slave::UpdateStatus(state); // fill superclass attributes
00303    TGo4AnalysisClientStatus* anstate= dynamic_cast<TGo4AnalysisClientStatus*> (state);
00304    if (anstate)
00305       {
00306          Double_t rate=fxRatemeter->GetRate();
00307          Double_t avrate=fxRatemeter->GetAvRate();
00308          UInt_t n=fxRatemeter->GetCurrentCount();
00309          Double_t t=fxRatemeter->GetTime();
00310          anstate->SetRates(rate, avrate, n,t);
00311        // new: set true running state
00312          anstate->SetRunning(fxAnalysis->IsRunning());
00313        // new: set name of current eventsource
00314         TGo4AnalysisStep* firststep=fxAnalysis->GetAnalysisStep(0);
00315         // <-note that stepname=0 will return the first active step
00316         if(firststep)
00317          anstate->SetCurrentSource(firststep->GetEventSourceName());
00318         else
00319          anstate->SetCurrentSource("- No event source -");
00320       }
00321    else
00322       {
00323          // dynamic cast failed! we have a different status class (never come here...)
00324       }
00325 }
00326 TGo4TaskStatus* TGo4AnalysisClient::CreateStatus()
00327 {
00328    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::CreateStatus()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00329    // note: ratemeter update done by mainthread loop
00330    TGo4AnalysisClientStatus* stat= new TGo4AnalysisClientStatus(GetName());
00331    UpdateStatus(stat); // set the internals
00332    return stat;
00333 }
00335 void TGo4AnalysisClient::Start()
00336 {
00337    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::Start()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00338    if(fxAnalysis->IsInitDone())
00339       {
00340          if(GetThreadHandler()) GetThreadHandler()->Start(fcMainName); // this is useful anyway...
00341          if(!MainIsRunning()) fxAnalysis->PreLoop(); // only call once
00342          TGo4Slave::Start();
00343          fxRatemeter->Reset();
00344          //fdBufferUpdateTime=TStopwatch::GetRealTime();
00345          fdBufferUpdateTime=fxUpdateWatch->RealTime();
00346          fxUpdateWatch->Continue();
00347          SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s has started analysis processing.",GetName());
00348          UpdateRate(-2); // fake rate to display green light :)
00349          UpdateStatusBuffer();
00350          SendAnalysisClientStatus();
00351       }
00352    else
00353       {
00354          // user did not initialize analysis, we do not start!
00355          SendStatusMessage(2,kTRUE,"Analysis %s was not initialized! Please SUBMIT settings first.",fxAnalysis->GetName());
00356       }
00357 }
00359 void TGo4AnalysisClient::SendAnalysisObject(const Text_t * name)
00360 {
00361    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::SendAnalysisObject(Text_t* name)",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00362    TNamed* ob=fxAnalysis->GetObject(name);
00363    SendObject(ob);
00364 }
00366 void TGo4AnalysisClient::SendAnalysisStatus()
00367 {
00368    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::SendAnalysisStatus()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00370    TGo4Analysis* ana=GetAnalysis();
00371    TGo4Log::Debug(" AnalysisClient -  sending current analysis settings ");
00372    if(ana)
00373       {
00374          TGo4AnalysisStatus* state=ana->CreateStatus();
00375          SendStatus(state);
00376          delete state;
00377       }
00378    else
00379       {
00380          SendStatusMessage(3,kFALSE, "ERROR sending analysis status: no analysis ");
00381       }
00382 }
00384 void TGo4AnalysisClient::SendAnalysisClientStatus()
00385 {
00386    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::SendAnalysisClientStatus()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00388    TGo4Log::Debug(" AnalysisClient -  sending current analysis client status ");
00389    SendStatusBuffer();
00390   //TGo4Log::SetIgnoreLevel(0);
00391 //   TGo4Log::Debug("current rate:\t%f",fxRatemeter->GetRate());
00392 //   TGo4Log::Debug("average rate:\t%f",fxRatemeter->GetAvRate());
00393 //   TGo4Log::Debug("running time:\t%f",fxRatemeter->GetTime());
00394 //   TGo4Log::Debug("event number:\t%d",fxRatemeter->GetCurrentCount());
00395 }
00397 void TGo4AnalysisClient::SendNamesList()
00398 {
00399    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::SendNamesList()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00401    fxAnalysis->UpdateNamesList();
00402    TGo4AnalysisObjectNames* state= fxAnalysis->GetNamesList();
00403    if(state)
00404       {
00405          TGo4Log::Debug(" AnalysisClient - sending names list ");
00406          //SendStatus(state);
00407          SendObject(state);
00408       }
00409    else
00410       {
00411          SendStatusMessage(3,kTRUE,"Analysis Client: Send Names List - ERROR:  no nameslist !!! ");
00412       }
00413 }
00415 void TGo4AnalysisClient::KillMain()
00416 {
00417    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::KillMain()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00418    if(GetThreadHandler()) GetThreadHandler()->Stop(fcMainName);
00419    // put dummy buffer to command queue. This will wake up the main thread from command wait.
00420    if(GetTask()) GetTask()->WakeCommandQueue(); // note that the dummy command will not have the termination id here!
00421    if(GetThreadHandler()) GetThreadHandler()->Cancel(fcMainName);
00422    SendStatusMessage(2,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s has killed main analysis thread.",GetName());
00423 }
00425 void TGo4AnalysisClient::RestartMain()
00426 {
00427    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::RestartMain()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00428    if(GetThreadHandler()) GetThreadHandler()->Stop(fcMainName);
00429    // put dummy buffer to command queue. This will wake up the main thread from command wait.
00430    if(GetTask()) GetTask()->WakeCommandQueue(); // note that the dummy command will not have the termination id here!
00431    if(GetThreadHandler())
00432       {
00433       GetThreadHandler()->ReCreate(fcMainName);
00434       GetThreadHandler()->Start(fcMainName);
00435       }
00436    fxRatemeter->Reset();
00437    SendStatusMessage(2,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s has killed and relaunched main analysis thread.",GetName());
00438 }
00440 void TGo4AnalysisClient::Stop()
00441 {
00442    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::Stop()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00443    if(MainIsRunning()) fxAnalysis->PostLoop(); // only call postloop once
00444    TGo4Slave::Stop(); // will stop for command queue wait
00445    SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s has STOPPED analysis processing.",GetName());
00446    if(GetTask()->IsTerminating()) return; // do not update status buffer from terminating state
00448    UpdateRate(-1);
00449    UpdateStatusBuffer();
00450    //   SendStatusBuffer();
00451    SendAnalysisClientStatus();
00452 }
00454 void TGo4AnalysisClient::UpdateRate(Int_t counts)
00455 {
00456    TRACE((12,"TGo4AnalysisClient::UpdateRate(Int_t)",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00457    fxRatemeter->Update(counts);
00458 }
00459 UInt_t TGo4AnalysisClient::GetCurrentCount()
00460 {
00461    return (fxRatemeter->GetCurrentCount());
00462 }
00464 Bool_t TGo4AnalysisClient::TestRatemeter()
00465 {
00466    return (fxRatemeter->TestUpdate());
00467 }
00469 Bool_t TGo4AnalysisClient::TestBufferUpdateConditions()
00470 {
00471    //Double_t currenttime=TStopwatch::GetRealTime(); // worked in old root only...
00472    Double_t currenttime=fxUpdateWatch->RealTime();
00473    fxUpdateWatch->Continue();
00474    Double_t deltatime=currenttime-fdBufferUpdateTime;
00475    UInt_t currentcount=GetCurrentCount();
00476 if( (currentcount && (currentcount % fguSTATUSUPDATE == 0)) || (deltatime>fgdSTATUSTIMEOUT) )
00477    {
00478       // buffer shall be updated if certain number of events is processed or the time is up
00479        fdBufferUpdateTime=currenttime;
00480        return kTRUE;
00481    }
00482 else
00483    {
00484       return kFALSE;
00485    }
00486 }
00489 void TGo4AnalysisClient::StartObjectServer(const Text_t* basename,  const Text_t* passwd)
00490 {
00491     StopObjectServer(); // shutdown exisiting one with old basename/passwd
00492     fxHistoServer= new TGo4HistogramServer(this,basename,passwd,kFALSE);
00493       // switch last boolean true if you want to use Go4 object server support
00494       // default will only enable gsi histogram server JA 9/2005
00495     //cout <<"--------StartObjectServer started histoserver" << endl;
00496     //SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s Started Object server.",GetName());
00497 }
00499 void TGo4AnalysisClient::StopObjectServer()
00500 {
00501    //cout <<"--------StopObjectServer entered." << endl;
00502    if(fxHistoServer)
00503       {
00504          delete fxHistoServer;
00505          fxHistoServer=0;
00506          //cout <<"---------old histoserver is deleted!!!" << endl;
00507          //SendStatusMessage(1,kTRUE,"AnalysisClient %s: Object server was stopped.",GetName());
00508       } else {}
00509 }
00511 void TGo4AnalysisClient::Terminate (Bool_t termapp)
00512 {
00513    SetCintMode(kFALSE);
00514    StopObjectServer(); // shutdown objectserver and its threads properly
00515    if(GetTask())
00516       GetTask()->TGo4ThreadManager::Terminate(termapp); // stops all remaining threads and sets termination flag
00517 }
00519 void TGo4AnalysisClient::TerminateFast ()
00520 {
00521    StopObjectServer(); // shutdown objectserver and its threads properly
00522    TGo4Log::Debug("TGo4AnalysisClient::TerminateFast with delete analysis");
00523    if(GetThreadHandler())
00524       {
00525       GetThreadHandler()->StopAll(); // this will not stop immeadeately, therefor:
00526       GetThreadHandler()->Cancel(fcWatchName);
00527       GetThreadHandler()->Cancel(fcMainName); // maybe we not need this...
00528       GetThreadHandler()->Cancel(GetTask()->GetTaskHandler()->GetDatName());
00529       GetThreadHandler()->Cancel(GetTask()->GetTaskHandler()->GetStatName());
00530       }
00531    delete fxAnalysis;
00532    gApplication->Terminate();
00533 }
00536 void TGo4AnalysisClient::ExecuteString(const Text_t* command)
00537 {
00538    if(strstr(command,"ANHServStart"))
00539       {
00540          Text_t buffer[TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00541          Text_t base[TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00542          Text_t pass[TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH];
00543          snprintf(buffer,TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH,"%s",command);
00544          strtok(buffer,":"); // first find the command itself
00545          snprintf(base,TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH,"%s",strtok(0,":"));
00546          snprintf(pass,TGo4ThreadManager::fguTEXTLENGTH,"%s",strtok(0,":"));
00547          cout <<"ExecuteString found base "<< base<<",  passwd "<<pass << endl;
00548          StartObjectServer(base, pass);
00549       }
00550    else if (!strcmp(command,"ANHServStop"))
00551        {
00552          StopObjectServer();
00553        }
00554    else
00555       {
00556          TString comstring="";
00557          const char* cursor = command;
00558          const char* at=0;
00559          do
00560             {
00561               Ssiz_t len=strlen(cursor);
00562               at=strstr(cursor,"@");
00563               if(at)
00564                  {
00565                     //cout <<"Found at: "<<at << endl;
00566                     len=(Ssiz_t) (at-cursor);
00567                     comstring.Append(cursor,len);
00568                     comstring.Append("TGo4Analysis::Instance()->");
00569                     cursor=at+1;
00570                  }
00571                else
00572                   {
00573                    //cout <<"Appended "<<cursor << endl;
00574                    comstring.Append(cursor);
00575                   }
00576             }
00577          while(at);
00578          TGo4Slave::ExecuteString(comstring.Data()); // treat command as root com
00579       }
00580 }
00581 Int_t TGo4AnalysisClient::StartWorkThreads()
00582 {
00583    //cout <<"++++++++TGo4AnalysisClient::StartWorkThreads()" << endl;
00584    TGo4TaskOwner::StartWorkThreads();
00585    if(GetThreadHandler())
00586       {
00587          GetThreadHandler()->Start(fcMainName);
00588          GetThreadHandler()->Start(fcWatchName);
00589       }
00590    return 0;
00591 }
00593 Int_t TGo4AnalysisClient::StopWorkThreads()
00594 {
00595    //cout <<"++++++++TGo4AnalysisClient::StopWorkThreads()" << endl;
00596    TGo4TaskOwner::StopWorkThreads();
00597    if(GetThreadHandler())
00598       {
00599       GetThreadHandler()->Stop(fcMainName);
00600       GetThreadHandler()->Stop(fcWatchName);
00601       }
00602    return 0;
00603 }
00605 void TGo4AnalysisClient::SetCintMode(Bool_t on)
00606 {
00607    fbCintMode=on;
00608    gROOT->SetBatch(!on);
00609    fxAnalysis->SetAutoSave(kFALSE);
00610    #if ROOT_VERSION_CODE > ROOT_VERSION(5,2,0)
00613    // new versions will use gCINTMutex to protect streaming JA
00615    #else
00616    if(fbCintMode)
00617       {
00618          if(fxCintLockTimer==0)
00619             fxCintLockTimer=new TGo4CintLockTimer(this,fguCINTTIMERPERIOD);
00620          fxCintLockTimer->TurnOn();
00622       }
00623    else
00624       {
00625          if (fxCintLockTimer!=0) {
00626             fxCintLockTimer->TurnOff();
00627             delete fxCintLockTimer;
00628             fxCintLockTimer = 0;
00629          }
00631       }
00632    #endif
00633 }
00635 void TGo4AnalysisClient::LockAll()
00636 {
00637 TGo4Task* task=GetTask();
00638 if(task) task->LockAll();
00639 }
00641 void TGo4AnalysisClient::UnLockAll()
00642 {
00643 TGo4Task* task=GetTask();
00644 if(task) task->UnLockAll();
00645 }
00647 //----------------------------END OF GO4 SOURCE FILE ---------------------

Generated on Fri Nov 28 12:59:04 2008 for Go4-v3.04-1 by  doxygen 1.4.2