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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //        Go4 Release Package v3.04-01 (build 30401)
00003 //                      28-November-2008
00004 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //   The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
00006 //   Experiment Data Processing at EE department, GSI
00007 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00008 //
00009 //Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
00010 //                    Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
00011 //Contact:  
00012 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
00014 //in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
00015 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00016 #include "TGo4Condition.h"
00018 #include "Riostream.h"
00020 #include "TH1.h"
00021 #include "TROOT.h"
00022 #include "TList.h"
00023 #include "TCutG.h"
00024 #include "TVirtualPad.h"
00025 #include "snprintf.h"
00027 #include "TGo4Log.h"
00028 #include "TGo4ConditionPainter.h"
00030 const Double_t TGo4Condition::fgdUPDATEEPSILON=0.01;
00032 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbLABELDRAW=kTRUE;
00033 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbLIMITSDRAW=kTRUE;
00034 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbINTDRAW=kTRUE;
00035 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbXMEANDRAW=kTRUE;
00036 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbXRMSDRAW=kTRUE;
00037 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbYMEANDRAW=kFALSE;
00038 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbYRMSDRAW=kFALSE;
00039 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbXMAXDRAW=kTRUE;
00040 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbYMAXDRAW=kFALSE;
00041 Bool_t TGo4Condition::fgbCMAXDRAW=kTRUE;
00044 // -----------------------------------------------
00045 // Constructors
00046 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00047 TGo4Condition::TGo4Condition() :
00048    TNamed(),
00049    TAttLine(),
00050    TAttFill(),
00051    fxPainter(0),
00052    fxCutHis(0),
00053    fxHisto(0),
00054    fiIsChanged(0)
00055 {
00056    TRACE((15,"TGo4Condition::TGo4Condition()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00057    fiDim=0;
00058    fbEnabled = false;
00059    fbResult  = true;
00060    fbTrue    = true;
00061    fbFalse   = false;
00062    fbMarkReset   = false;
00063    fiCounts  = 0;
00064    fiTrueCounts= 0;
00065    fbVisible=true;
00066    fbMultiEdit= true;
00067    fbHistogramLink=false;
00068    fdUpdateEpsilon=fgdUPDATEEPSILON;
00069    fbIsPainted=kFALSE;
00070    fbOwnedByEditor=kFALSE;
00071    fbStreamedCondition=kTRUE;
00072    InitLabelStyle();
00073 }
00075 // -----------------------------------------------
00076 TGo4Condition::TGo4Condition(const char* name, const char* title) :
00077    TNamed(name, title),
00078    TAttLine(),
00079    TAttFill(),
00080    fxPainter(0),
00081    fxCutHis(0),
00082    fxHisto(0),
00083    fiIsChanged(0)
00084 {
00085    TRACE((15,"TGo4Condition::TGo4Condition(Text_t*)",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00086    fiDim=0;
00087    fbEnabled = false;
00088    fbResult  = true;
00089    fbTrue    = true;
00090    fbFalse   = false;
00091    fbMarkReset   = false;
00092    fiCounts  = 0;
00093    fiTrueCounts = 0;
00094    fbVisible=true;
00095    fbMultiEdit= true;
00096    fbHistogramLink=false;
00097    fdUpdateEpsilon=fgdUPDATEEPSILON;
00098    fbIsPainted=kFALSE;
00099    fbOwnedByEditor=kFALSE;
00100    fbStreamedCondition=kFALSE;
00101    InitLabelStyle();
00102 }
00104 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00105 TGo4Condition::~TGo4Condition()
00106 {
00107    TRACE((15,"TGo4Condition::~TGo4Condition()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00109    UnDraw("reset");
00111    if(fxPainter) {
00112       delete fxPainter;
00113       fxPainter = 0;
00114    }
00115    if(fxCutHis) {
00116       delete fxCutHis;
00117       fxCutHis = 0;
00118    }
00119 }
00120 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00121 Bool_t TGo4Condition::Test()
00122 {
00123    fiCounts++;
00124    return true;
00125 }
00126 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00128 void TGo4Condition::AddCondition(TGo4Condition* next)
00129 {
00130 TRACE((14,"TGo4Condition::AddCondition(TGo4Condition*)",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00131 }
00132 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00133 void TGo4Condition::IncTrueCounts()
00134 {
00135 TRACE((12,"TGo4Condition::IncTrueCounts()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00136    fiTrueCounts++;
00137 }
00138 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00139 void TGo4Condition::IncCounts()
00140 {
00141 TRACE((12,"TGo4Condition::IncCounts()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00142    fiCounts++;
00143 }
00144 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00145 Int_t TGo4Condition::Counts()
00146 {
00147 TRACE((12,"TGo4Condition::Counts()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00148    return fiCounts;
00149 }
00150 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00151 Int_t TGo4Condition::TrueCounts()
00152 {
00153 TRACE((12,"TGo4Condition::TrueCounts()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00154    return fiTrueCounts;
00155 }
00156 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00157 void TGo4Condition::ResetCounts()
00158 {
00159 TRACE((12,"TGo4Condition::ResetCounts()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00160    fiTrueCounts=0;
00161    fiCounts=0;
00162 }
00163 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00164 void TGo4Condition::SetCounts(Int_t truecounts, Int_t counts)
00165 {
00166 TRACE((12,"TGo4Condition::SetCounts()",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00167    fiTrueCounts=truecounts;
00168    fiCounts=counts;
00169 }
00172 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00173 void TGo4Condition::Invert(Bool_t on)
00174 {
00175 TRACE((12,"TGo4Condition::Invert",__LINE__, __FILE__));
00176 fbTrue  = on ^ true;
00177 fbFalse = on ^ false;
00178 }
00180 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00181 void TGo4Condition::PrintCondition(Bool_t full){
00182 Float_t perc;
00183 Text_t line[128];
00184 Text_t num[64];
00185 if(fiCounts==0)perc=0.0;
00186 else perc=100.0/fiCounts*fiTrueCounts;
00187 cout << "Name:" << GetName()
00188      << " type:" << ClassName()
00189      << " title:" << GetTitle() << endl;
00190 if(fbHistogramLink)
00191 cout << "Connected to histogram " << fxHistoName << endl;
00192 if(fbEnabled)  strcpy(line,"Is Checked   ");
00193 else{
00194   if(fbResult) strcpy(line,"Always True  ");
00195   else         strcpy(line,"Always False ");
00196 }
00197 if(fbTrue) strcat(line,"normal  ");
00198 else       strcat(line,"inverse ");
00199 snprintf(num,63,", tested: %8d true: %8d is %3.0f%%",fiCounts,fiTrueCounts,perc);
00200 strcat(line,num);
00201 cout << line     << endl;
00202 }
00203 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00204 void TGo4Condition::PrintBar(){
00205 Float_t perc;
00206 Text_t line[128];
00207 Text_t num[64];
00208 strcpy(num,"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
00209 Char_t *pc;
00210 if(fiCounts==0) perc=0.0;
00211 else            perc=100.0/fiCounts*fiTrueCounts;
00212 pc=num + (Int_t)perc/2;
00213 *pc=0;
00214 snprintf(line,127,"%-24s %8d %3.0f%% |%-50s|",GetName(),fiCounts,perc,num);
00215 *pc='+';
00216 cout << line     << endl;
00217 }
00218 // -----------------------------------------------
00219 void TGo4Condition::Print(Option_t* opt) const{
00220    //cout <<"MyPrint:"<<GetName() << endl;
00221 TGo4Condition* localthis=const_cast<TGo4Condition*>(this);
00222 TString option=opt;
00223 option.ToLower();
00224 if(option.IsNull() || option=="*")
00225    {
00226        // old default: we print bar graphics to cout
00227       localthis->PrintBar();
00228    }
00229 else
00230    {
00231       // new printout of condition with different options:
00232    TString textbuffer="\nCondition ";
00233    textbuffer+=localthis->GetName();
00234    if(localthis->IsPolygonType())
00235       {
00236          textbuffer+=" (Polygon type, 2-dim)";
00237       }
00238    else
00239       {
00240          textbuffer+=" (Window type,";
00241          if(localthis->GetActiveCondition()->GetDimension()>1)
00242             textbuffer+=" 2-dim)";
00243          else
00244             textbuffer+=" 1-dim)";
00245       }
00248    //textbuffer+="\n";
00249    if(option.Contains("limits"))
00250       {
00251          Text_t buffer[256];
00252          snprintf(buffer,256,
00253                "\n!  Xlow: \t\tXup: \t\tYlow: \t\tYup:\n   %.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t",
00254                localthis->GetXLow(),localthis->GetXUp(),localthis->GetYLow(),localthis->GetYUp());
00255          textbuffer+=buffer;
00257       }
00258    if(option.Contains("flags"))
00259       {
00260           Text_t buffer[256];
00261           snprintf(buffer,256,
00262             "\n!  Status:\n!  Enab.: \tVis.: \tRes.: \tTrue: \tCnts: \tTrueCnts:\n   %d\t\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d",
00263              localthis->fbEnabled, localthis->IsVisible(), localthis->fbResult, localthis->fbTrue,
00264              localthis->Counts(), localthis->TrueCounts());
00265           textbuffer+=buffer;
00266       }
00267    if(option.Contains("stats"))
00268       {
00269          // output of region statistics
00271          textbuffer+="\n!  with";
00272          TH1* hist=localthis->GetWorkHistogram();
00273          if(hist)
00274             {
00275                textbuffer+=" histogram: ";
00276                textbuffer+=hist->GetName();
00277                Text_t buffer[256];
00278                snprintf(buffer,256,
00279                "\n!   Int:\t\tXmax:\t\tYmax:\t\tCmax:\t\tXmean:\t\tYmean:\t\tXrms:\t\tYrms:\n    %.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f\t\t%.2f",
00280                localthis->GetIntegral(hist), localthis->GetXMax(hist),localthis->GetYMax(hist), localthis->GetCMax(hist),
00281                localthis->GetMean(hist,1), localthis->GetMean(hist,2), localthis->GetRMS(hist,1), localthis->GetRMS(hist,2));
00282                textbuffer+=buffer;
00283             }
00284          else
00285             {
00286                textbuffer+="out histogram";
00287             }
00288       }
00289    // now check output mode:
00290    if(option.Contains("go4log"))
00291       {
00292          TGo4Log::Message(1,textbuffer.Data());
00293       }
00294    else
00295       {
00296          cout << textbuffer.Data() << endl;
00297       }
00298    } //if(option.IsNull())
00299 }
00300 // ---------------------------------------------------------
00301 Bool_t TGo4Condition::UpdateFrom(TGo4Condition * cond, Bool_t counts){
00302     fbTrue    = cond->TGo4Condition::IsTrue();
00303     fbFalse   = cond->TGo4Condition::IsFalse();
00304     fbResult  = cond->TGo4Condition::FixedResult();
00305     fbEnabled = cond->TGo4Condition::IsEnabled();
00306     fbMarkReset = cond->fbMarkReset;
00307     fbVisible=cond->TGo4Condition::IsVisible();
00308     fbLabelDraw=cond->TGo4Condition::IsLabelDraw();
00309     fbMultiEdit=cond->TGo4Condition::IsMultiEdit();
00310     fbIntDraw= cond->TGo4Condition::IsIntDraw();
00311     fbXMeanDraw= cond->TGo4Condition::IsXMeanDraw();
00312     fbXRMSDraw= cond->TGo4Condition::IsXRMSDraw();
00313     fbYMeanDraw= cond->TGo4Condition::IsYMeanDraw();
00314     fbYRMSDraw= cond->TGo4Condition::IsYRMSDraw();
00315     fbXMaxDraw= cond->TGo4Condition::IsXMaxDraw();
00316     fbYMaxDraw= cond->TGo4Condition::IsYMaxDraw();
00317     fbCMaxDraw= cond->TGo4Condition::IsCMaxDraw();
00318     fbHistogramLink=cond->TGo4Condition::IsHistogramLink();
00319     fxHistoName=cond->fxHistoName;
00320     fdUpdateEpsilon= cond->fdUpdateEpsilon;
00321     fiDim=cond->GetDimension();
00322     if(counts){
00323       fiCounts = cond->TGo4Condition::Counts();
00324       fiTrueCounts = cond->TGo4Condition::TrueCounts();
00325       fbMarkReset = false;
00326     }
00327     if(fbMarkReset){
00328        ResetCounts();
00329        fbMarkReset = false;
00330     }
00332 return kTRUE;
00333 }
00335 void TGo4Condition::GetValues(Int_t & dim, Double_t & xmin, Double_t & xmax, Double_t & ymin, Double_t & ymax)
00336 {
00337    xmin  = GetXLow();
00338    xmax  = GetXUp();
00339    ymin  = GetYLow();
00340    ymax  = GetYUp();
00341    dim = GetDimension();
00343 }
00344 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetXLow(){return 0;}
00345 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetXUp(){return 0;}
00346 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetYLow(){return 0;}
00347 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetYUp(){return 0;}
00348 TCutG* TGo4Condition::GetCut(Bool_t owner){ return 0;}
00349 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsPolygonType(){return kFALSE;}
00350 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsArrayType(){return kFALSE;}
00351 TGo4Condition* TGo4Condition::GetActiveCondition(){return this;}
00353 void TGo4Condition::SetCurrentIndex(Int_t) { }
00354 Int_t TGo4Condition::GetCurrentIndex()
00355 {
00356    return 0;
00357 }
00359 Int_t TGo4Condition::GetNumberOfConditions()
00360 {
00361    return 1;
00362 }
00364 Int_t TGo4Condition::GetMemorySize()
00365 {
00366    Int_t size = sizeof(*this);
00367    if (GetName()!=0) size+=strlen(GetName());
00368    if (GetTitle()!=0) size+=strlen(GetTitle());
00369    return size;
00370 }
00372 void TGo4Condition::MarkReset(Bool_t on)
00373 {
00374    fbMarkReset = on;
00375 }
00376 void TGo4Condition::Clear(Option_t* opt){
00377 ResetCounts();
00378 }
00380 void TGo4Condition::GetFlags(Bool_t* enabled, Bool_t* lastresult, Bool_t* markreset,
00381                    Bool_t* result, Bool_t* truevalue, Bool_t* falsevalue)
00382 {
00383   *enabled=fbEnabled;
00384   *lastresult=fbLastResult;
00385   *markreset=fbMarkReset;
00386   *result=fbResult;
00387   *truevalue=fbTrue;
00388   *falsevalue=fbFalse;
00389 }
00390 void TGo4Condition::SetFlags(Bool_t enabled, Bool_t lastresult, Bool_t markreset,
00391                    Bool_t result, Bool_t truevalue, Bool_t falsevalue)
00392 {
00393   fbEnabled=enabled;
00394   fbLastResult=lastresult;
00395   fbMarkReset=markreset;
00396   fbResult=result;
00397   fbTrue=truevalue;
00398   fbFalse=falsevalue;
00399 }
00403 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetIntegral(TH1* histo, Option_t* opt)
00404 {
00405    return 0;
00406 }
00408 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetMean(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
00409 {
00410    return 0;
00411 }
00412 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetRMS(TH1* histo, Int_t axis)
00413 {
00414    return 0;
00415 }
00416 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetXMax(TH1* histo)
00417 {
00418    return 0;
00419 }
00420 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetYMax(TH1* histo)
00421 {
00422    return 0;
00423 }
00424 Double_t TGo4Condition::GetCMax(TH1* histo)
00425 {
00426    return 0;
00427 }
00429 void TGo4Condition::Disable(Bool_t result)
00430 {
00431   fbEnabled=kFALSE;
00432   fbResult=result;
00433 }
00435 void TGo4Condition::Enable()
00436 {
00437    fbEnabled=kTRUE;
00438 }
00441 void TGo4Condition::SetVisible(Bool_t on)
00442 {
00443    fbVisible=on;
00444 }
00446 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsVisible()
00447 {
00448    return fbVisible;
00449 }
00451 void TGo4Condition::SetHistogramLink(Bool_t on)
00452 {
00453   fbHistogramLink=on;
00454 }
00456 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsHistogramLink()
00457 {
00458    return (Bool_t) fbHistogramLink;
00459 }
00461 void TGo4Condition::SetLabelDraw(Bool_t on)
00462 {
00463 fbLabelDraw=on;
00464 }
00466 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsLabelDraw()
00467 {
00468 return fbLabelDraw;
00469 }
00471 void TGo4Condition::SetLimitsDraw(Bool_t on)
00472 {
00473 fbLimitsDraw=on;
00474 }
00476 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsLimitsDraw()
00477 {
00478 return fbLimitsDraw;
00479 }
00481 void TGo4Condition::SetIntDraw(Bool_t on)
00482 {
00483 fbIntDraw=on;
00484 }
00485 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsIntDraw()
00486 {
00487 return fbIntDraw;
00488 }
00489 void TGo4Condition::SetXMeanDraw(Bool_t on)
00490 {
00491 fbXMeanDraw=on;
00492 }
00493 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsXMeanDraw()
00494 {
00495 return fbXMeanDraw;
00496 }
00497 void TGo4Condition::SetXRMSDraw(Bool_t on)
00498 {
00499 fbXRMSDraw=on;
00500 }
00501 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsXRMSDraw()
00502 {
00503 return fbXRMSDraw;
00504 }
00505 void TGo4Condition::SetYMeanDraw(Bool_t on)
00506 {
00507 fbYMeanDraw=on;
00508 }
00509 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsYMeanDraw()
00510 {
00511 return fbYMeanDraw;
00512 }
00513 void TGo4Condition::SetYRMSDraw(Bool_t on)
00514 {
00515 fbYRMSDraw=on;
00516 }
00517 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsYRMSDraw()
00518 {
00519 return fbYRMSDraw;
00520 }
00521 void TGo4Condition::SetXMaxDraw(Bool_t on)
00522 {
00523 fbXMaxDraw=on;
00524 }
00525 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsXMaxDraw()
00526 {
00527 return fbXMaxDraw;
00528 }
00529 void TGo4Condition::SetYMaxDraw(Bool_t on)
00530 {
00531 fbYMaxDraw=on;
00532 }
00533 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsYMaxDraw()
00534 {
00535 return fbYMaxDraw;
00536 }
00537 void TGo4Condition::SetCMaxDraw(Bool_t on)
00538 {
00539 fbCMaxDraw=on;
00540 }
00541 Bool_t TGo4Condition::IsCMaxDraw()
00542 {
00543 return fbCMaxDraw;
00544 }
00546 void TGo4Condition::SetHistogram(const char* name)
00547 {
00548   fxHistoName=name;
00549   fbHistogramLink=true;
00550 }
00552 const char* TGo4Condition::GetLinkedHistogram()
00553 {
00554    return fxHistoName.Data();
00555 }
00557 void TGo4Condition::SetPainter(TGo4ConditionPainter*)
00558 {
00559 // delete old painter, replace by the new one
00560 // overwritten method in subclass may check if painter is correct type
00562 }
00565 void TGo4Condition::Paint(Option_t* opt)
00566 {
00568 if(fbStreamedCondition) {
00569     SetPainted(kTRUE);
00570     fbStreamedCondition=kFALSE;
00571 }
00573 if(!IsPainted()) return;
00574 if(fxPainter==0) fxPainter=CreatePainter();
00575 // condition subclass may not provide a real painter, then we skip painting:
00576 if(fxPainter!=0)
00577    {
00578       fxPainter->PaintCondition(opt);
00579       fxPainter->PaintLabel(opt);
00580    }
00581 }
00583 void TGo4Condition::Draw(Option_t* opt)
00584 {
00585    if(TGo4Condition::IsVisible()) {
00586       if(gPad && gPad->GetListOfPrimitives()->FindObject(this)==0) {
00587          UnDraw();
00588          AppendPad(opt);
00589       }
00590       SetPainted(kTRUE);
00591    } else
00592       UnDraw(opt);
00593 }
00595 void TGo4Condition::UnDraw(Option_t* opt)
00596 {
00597    SetPainted(kFALSE);
00598    gROOT->GetListOfCanvases()->RecursiveRemove(this);
00600    if(fxPainter==0) fxPainter=CreatePainter();
00601    // condition subclass may not provide a real painter, then we skip unpainting:
00602    if(fxPainter!=0) {
00603       fxPainter->UnPaintCondition(opt);
00604       //if(strcmp(opt,"keeplabel"))
00605       fxPainter->UnPaintLabel();
00606    }
00607 }
00609 void TGo4Condition::Pop()
00610 {
00611    if(fxPainter!=0) fxPainter->DisplayToFront();
00612 }
00614 TGo4ConditionPainter* TGo4Condition::CreatePainter()
00615 {
00616    return 0;
00617 }
00619 void TGo4Condition::SaveLabelStyle()
00620 {
00621    TGo4Condition::fgbLABELDRAW=fbLabelDraw;
00622    TGo4Condition::fgbLIMITSDRAW=fbLimitsDraw;
00623    TGo4Condition::fgbINTDRAW=fbIntDraw;
00624    TGo4Condition::fgbXMEANDRAW=fbXMeanDraw;
00625    TGo4Condition::fgbXRMSDRAW=fbXRMSDraw;
00626    TGo4Condition::fgbYMEANDRAW=fbYMeanDraw;
00627    TGo4Condition::fgbYRMSDRAW=fbYRMSDraw;
00628    TGo4Condition::fgbXMAXDRAW=fbXMaxDraw;
00629    TGo4Condition::fgbYMAXDRAW=fbYMaxDraw;
00630    TGo4Condition::fgbCMAXDRAW=fbCMaxDraw;
00631 }
00633 void TGo4Condition::InitLabelStyle()
00634 {
00635    fbLabelDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbLABELDRAW;
00636    fbLimitsDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbLIMITSDRAW;
00637    fbIntDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbINTDRAW;
00638    fbXMeanDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbXMEANDRAW;
00639    fbXRMSDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbXRMSDRAW;
00640    fbYMeanDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbYMEANDRAW;
00641    fbYRMSDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbYRMSDRAW;
00642    fbXMaxDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbXMAXDRAW;
00643    fbYMaxDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbYMAXDRAW;
00644    fbCMaxDraw=TGo4Condition::fgbCMAXDRAW;
00645 }
00647 void TGo4Condition::ResetLabel(Option_t* opt)
00648 {
00649    if(fxPainter) {
00650       fxPainter->UnPaintLabel(opt);
00651       fxPainter->PaintLabel();
00652    }
00653 }
00655 void TGo4Condition::SetWorkHistogram(TH1* histo)
00656 {
00657    fxHisto=histo;
00658    delete fxCutHis; // discard internal cut histogram
00659    fxCutHis=0;
00660 }
00662 void TGo4Condition::DeletePainter()
00663 {
00664    if (fxPainter!=0) {
00665       delete fxPainter;
00666       fxPainter = 0;
00667    }
00668 }
00670 //----------------------------END OF GO4 SOURCE FILE ---------------------

Generated on Fri Nov 28 12:59:06 2008 for Go4-v3.04-1 by  doxygen 1.4.2