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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //        Go4 Release Package v3.04-01 (build 30401)
00003 //                      28-November-2008
00004 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //   The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
00006 //   Experiment Data Processing at EE department, GSI
00007 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00008 //
00009 //Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
00010 //                    Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
00011 //Contact:  
00012 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
00014 //in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
00015 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00016 #include "TGo4FileStore.h"
00018 #include "Riostream.h"
00020 #include "TFolder.h"
00021 #include "TFile.h"
00022 #include "TTree.h"
00023 #include "snprintf.h"
00025 #include "TGo4Log.h"
00026 #include "TGo4EventElement.h"
00027 #include "TGo4CompositeEvent.h"
00028 #include "TGo4Parameter.h"
00029 #include "TGo4Condition.h"
00030 #include "TGo4Fitter.h"
00031 #include "TGo4FileStoreParameter.h"
00033 const Text_t TGo4FileStore::fgcTREESUF[] = "xTree";
00034 const Text_t TGo4FileStore::fgcFILESUF[] = ".root";
00035 const Text_t TGo4FileStore::fgcEVBRANCHNAME[] = "Go4EventBranch.";
00036 const Int_t TGo4FileStore::fgiFILESPLITSIZE = 1000000000;
00039 TGo4FileStore::TGo4FileStore() :
00040    TGo4EventStore("Go4 Default File Store"),
00041    fbBranchExists(kFALSE), fxEvent(0),
00042    fiSplit(1),
00043    fiBufsize(0),
00044    fiFillCount(0)
00045 {
00046    TRACE((15,"TGo4FileStore::TGo4FileStore()", __LINE__, __FILE__));
00047    // public default ctor for streamer
00048    fxFile=0;
00049    fxTree=0;
00050    TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(fgiFILESPLITSIZE);
00052 }
00054 TGo4FileStore::TGo4FileStore(const char* name,
00055                              Int_t splitlevel,
00056                              Int_t compression,
00057                               Bool_t overwrite,
00058                               Int_t autosavesize,
00059                               Int_t bufsize) :
00060    TGo4EventStore(name),
00061    fbBranchExists(kFALSE),
00062    fxEvent(0),
00063    fiSplit(splitlevel),
00064    fiBufsize(bufsize),
00065    fiFillCount(0)
00066 {
00067    TRACE((15,"TGo4FileStore::TGo4FileStore(Text_t*,...)", __LINE__, __FILE__));
00068    TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(fgiFILESPLITSIZE);
00069    TString buffer(name);
00070    if(strstr(buffer.Data(),fgcFILESUF)==0)
00071          buffer+=fgcFILESUF;
00072    if(overwrite)
00073       {
00074          fxFile = new TFile(buffer.Data(), "RECREATE");
00075       }
00076    else
00077       {
00078          fxFile = new TFile(buffer.Data(), "UPDATE");
00079       }
00080    fxFile->SetCompressionLevel(compression);
00082    // strip any path information from treename:
00083    const char* lastname=name;
00084    const char* oldname=name;
00085    lastname=strstr(oldname,"/");
00086    while(lastname!=0)
00087       {
00088          oldname=lastname+1;
00089          lastname=strstr(oldname,"/");
00090       }
00091    buffer = oldname;
00092    buffer += fgcTREESUF;
00093    fxTree= dynamic_cast<TTree*> (fxFile->Get(buffer.Data()));
00094    if(fxTree)
00095       {
00096          TGo4Log::Debug(" Tree %s has been found in file %s ",buffer.Data(), fxFile->GetName());
00097          fiFillCount=(Int_t) (fxTree->GetEntries());
00098       }
00099    else
00100       {
00101          fxTree = new TTree(buffer.Data(), "Go4FileStore");
00102          fxTree->SetAutoSave(autosavesize);
00103          fxTree->Write();
00104          TGo4Log::Debug(" Tree %s has been created in file %s ",buffer.Data(), fxFile->GetName());
00105       }
00106 }
00109 TGo4FileStore::TGo4FileStore(TGo4FileStoreParameter* par) :
00110    TGo4EventStore("dummy"),
00111    fbBranchExists(kFALSE),
00112    fxEvent(0),
00113    fiSplit(1),
00114    fiBufsize(0),
00115    fiFillCount(0)
00116 {
00117    TRACE((15,"TGo4FileStore::TGo4FileStore(TGo4FileStoreParameter* par)", __LINE__, __FILE__));
00119    if (par==0) {
00120       TGo4Log::Error("TGo4FileStore::TGo4FileStore(.., TGo4FileStoreParameter* is not specified");
00121       return;
00122    }
00124    fiSplit = par->GetSplitlevel();
00125    fiBufsize = par->GetBufsize();
00127    TTree::SetMaxTreeSize(fgiFILESPLITSIZE);
00128    Text_t buffer[TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN];
00129    snprintf(buffer,TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN -20, "%s", par->GetName());
00130    SetName(buffer);
00131    if(!strstr(buffer,fgcFILESUF))
00132       strcat(buffer,fgcFILESUF);
00133    if(par->IsOverwriteMode())
00134       {
00135          fxFile = new TFile(buffer, "RECREATE");
00136       }
00137    else
00138       {
00139          fxFile = new TFile(buffer, "UPDATE");
00140       }
00141    fxFile->SetCompressionLevel(par->GetCompression());
00143      // strip any path information from treename (could be identical with filename!)
00144    const char* lastname = par->GetTitle();
00145    const char* oldname=lastname;
00146    lastname=strstr(oldname,"/");
00147    while(lastname!=0)
00148       {
00149          oldname=lastname+1;
00150          lastname=strstr(oldname,"/");
00151       }
00152    snprintf(buffer, TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN -10 ,"%s", oldname);
00153    strcat(buffer,fgcTREESUF);
00154    fxTree= dynamic_cast<TTree*> (fxFile->Get(buffer));
00155    if(fxTree)
00156       {
00157          TGo4Log::Debug(" Tree %s has been found in file %s ",buffer, fxFile->GetName());
00158          fiFillCount= (Int_t) (fxTree->GetEntries());
00159       }
00160    else
00161       {
00162          fxTree = new TTree(buffer, "Go4FileStore");
00163          fxTree->SetAutoSave(par->GetAutosaveSize());
00164          fxTree->Write();
00165          TGo4Log::Debug(" Tree %s has been created in file %s ",buffer, fxFile->GetName());
00166       }
00167 }
00170 TGo4FileStore::~TGo4FileStore()
00171 {
00172    TRACE((15,"TGo4FileStore::~TGo4FileStore()", __LINE__, __FILE__));
00173    if(fxFile)
00174       {
00175          fxFile=fxTree->GetCurrentFile(); // for file split after 1.8 Gb!
00176          fxFile->cd();
00177          fxTree->Write(0, TObject::kOverwrite);
00178          delete fxFile; // closes File, fxTree is removed from memory then
00179       }
00180    else
00181       { }
00182 }
00187 void TGo4FileStore::SetAutoSave(Int_t bytesinterval)
00188 {
00189    TRACE((15,"TGo4FileStore::SetAutoSave(Int_t)", __LINE__, __FILE__));
00190    fxTree->SetAutoSave(bytesinterval);
00191 }
00192 void TGo4FileStore::SetCompression(Int_t comp)
00193 {
00194    TRACE((12,"TGo4FileStore::SetCompression(Int_t)", __LINE__, __FILE__));
00195    fxFile->SetCompressionLevel(comp);
00196 }
00198 Int_t TGo4FileStore::Store(TGo4EventElement* event)
00199 {
00200    TRACE((12,"TGo4FileStore::Store(TGo4EventElement*)", __LINE__, __FILE__));
00202    Int_t rev=-1;
00203    TGo4EventElement* lastevent= fxEvent; // keep pointer to last event
00204    fxEvent=event; // address of next event into event pointer
00205    if(!fbBranchExists)
00206       {
00207          // first call of Store, create new branch
00208          //cout << "**********************Creating new branch!"<< endl;
00209          if(fxEvent)
00210             {
00211                Text_t topbranchname [TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN];
00212                snprintf(topbranchname,TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN -20,"%s.", fxEvent->GetName());
00213                TBranch*   go4branch= fxTree->GetBranch(topbranchname);
00214                if(go4branch)
00215                   {
00216                      // tree already had branch of our name, check it
00217                      TGo4Log::Debug(" FileStore: Found existing branch %s , continue filling ", fgcEVBRANCHNAME);
00218                      // here we might check the classname of the stored events inbranch
00219                      go4branch->SetAddress(&fxEvent);
00220                      fbBranchExists=kTRUE;
00221                   }
00222                else
00223                   {
00224                      // no such branch existing, create a new one
00225                      TBranch *topbranch=
00226                      fxTree->Branch(topbranchname, fxEvent->ClassName(), &fxEvent, fiBufsize, fiSplit);
00227                      TGo4Log::Debug(" FileStore: Created new branch %s ", topbranchname);
00228                      fbBranchExists=kTRUE;
00229                      if (fxEvent->InheritsFrom(TGo4CompositeEvent::Class()))
00230                       dynamic_cast<TGo4CompositeEvent*>  (fxEvent)->makeBranch(topbranch);
00231                   } // if(go4branch)
00232                lastevent=event; // this is our first event ever...
00233             }
00234          else
00235             {
00236                // this is an error....
00237                rev=1;
00238             }
00239       } // if(!fbEventBranchExists)
00240    else
00241       {
00242            // need not to create a branch, use existing one
00243       }
00244       // check if new event is same class as previous ones
00245 //   if(lastevent && !strcmp( event->ClassName(), lastevent->ClassName() ) )
00246 //      {
00247          // event class is matching, we fill it into our tree
00248          fxTree->Fill();
00249          fiFillCount++;
00250          rev=0;
00251 //      }
00252 //   else
00253 //      {
00254 //         // new event does not match the old ones, we ignore it
00255 //         fxEvent=lastevent; // restore old event pointer for next cycle
00256 //         rev=1;
00257 //      }
00258    return rev;
00259 }
00261 Int_t TGo4FileStore::Store(TGo4Parameter* cali)
00262 {
00263    WriteToStore(cali);
00264    return 0;
00265 }
00267 Int_t TGo4FileStore::Store(TGo4Condition* conny)
00268 {
00269    WriteToStore(conny);
00270    return 0;
00271 }
00273 Int_t TGo4FileStore::Store(TGo4Fitter* fitter)
00274 {
00275    WriteToStore(fitter);
00276    return 0;
00277 }
00279 Int_t TGo4FileStore::Store(TFolder* fold)
00280 {
00281    WriteToStore(fold);
00282    return 0;
00283 }
00287 void TGo4FileStore::WriteToStore(TNamed* ob)
00288 {
00289 if(ob)
00290    {
00291          TDirectory* dsav=gDirectory;
00292          Text_t buf[TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN];
00293          Text_t oldname[TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN];
00294          strncpy(oldname,ob->GetName(), TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN -1);
00295          snprintf(buf,
00296                   TGo4EventStore::fguTXTLEN-1,
00297                   "%s_%d" , oldname, fiFillCount);
00298          ob->SetName(buf);
00299          if(fxTree) fxFile=fxTree->GetCurrentFile();
00300          fxFile->cd();
00301          ob->Write(0, TObject::kOverwrite);
00302          ob->SetName(oldname);
00303          dsav->cd();
00304    }
00306 }
00310 //----------------------------END OF GO4 SOURCE FILE ---------------------

Generated on Fri Nov 28 12:59:08 2008 for Go4-v3.04-1 by  doxygen 1.4.2