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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //        Go4 Release Package v3.04-01 (build 30401)
00003 //                      28-November-2008
00004 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //   The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
00006 //   Experiment Data Processing at EE department, GSI
00007 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00008 //
00009 //Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
00010 //                    Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
00011 //Contact:  
00012 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
00014 //in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
00015 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00016 #include "TGo4Task.h"
00018 #include "TFile.h"
00019 #include "TMutex.h"
00020 #include "TROOT.h"
00021 #include "snprintf.h"
00023 #include "TGo4Log.h"
00024 #include "TGo4Buffer.h"
00025 #include "TGo4LockGuard.h"
00026 #include "TGo4CommandInvoker.h"
00027 #include "TGo4RemoteCommand.h"
00028 #include "TGo4LocalCommandRunnable.h"
00029 #include "TGo4ObjectQueue.h"
00030 #include "TGo4BufferQueue.h"
00031 #include "TGo4ThreadHandler.h"
00032 #include "TGo4TaskStatus.h"
00033 #include "TGo4TaskHandler.h"
00034 #include "TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList.h"
00035 #include "TGo4Master.h"
00036 #include "TGo4Slave.h"
00038 const Int_t TGo4Task::fgiTERMID=999;
00040 TGo4Task::TGo4Task(const char* name, Bool_t blockingmode,
00041                                Bool_t autostart,
00042                                Bool_t autocreate,
00043                                Bool_t ismaster)
00044   : TGo4ThreadManager(name,blockingmode, autostart,autocreate),
00045   fbCommandMaster(ismaster), fxMaster(0), fxSlave(0),fxOwner(0),
00046   fbWorkIsStopped(kFALSE),fxStopBuffer(0),fxQuitBuffer(0)
00047 {
00048 fxCommandPrototype=0;
00049 fxStatusBuffer= new TGo4Buffer(TBuffer::kWrite);
00050 fxStatusMutex= new TMutex(kTRUE);
00051 fxStopBuffer=TGo4BufferQueue::CreateValueBuffer((UInt_t) kComCloseInput);
00052 fxQuitBuffer=TGo4BufferQueue::CreateValueBuffer((UInt_t) kComQuit);
00053 fxAbortBuffer=TGo4BufferQueue::CreateValueBuffer((UInt_t) kComAbortTask);
00055 TGo4CommandInvoker::Instance(); // make sure we have an invoker instance!
00056 TGo4CommandInvoker::SetCommandList(CreateCommandList());
00058 TGo4CommandInvoker::Register("NoReceiver", this); // for simple command test
00059 TGo4CommandInvoker::Register("Task",this); // register as command receiver at the global invoker
00062 // local command queue:
00063 fxLocalCommandQueue = new TGo4ObjectQueue("localcommands");
00065 // local command runnable:
00066   TString nomen("LocalCommandRunnable of "); nomen+=name;
00067   TGo4LocalCommandRunnable* commander = new TGo4LocalCommandRunnable(nomen.Data(), this);
00069   fxCommanderName = "COMMANDER-"; fxCommanderName += name;
00070   GetWorkHandler()->NewThread(GetCommanderName(), commander);
00071 }
00073 TGo4Task::~TGo4Task()
00074 {
00075    if(fxOwner)
00076       {
00077          fxOwner->SetTask(0,kFALSE); // on termination from threadmanager, we take over responsibility for cleanup
00078          delete fxOwner;
00079       }
00080    delete fxLocalCommandQueue;
00081    delete fxCommandPrototype;
00082    delete fxQuitBuffer;
00083    delete fxStopBuffer;
00084    delete fxStatusBuffer;
00085    delete fxStatusMutex;
00086    TGo4CommandInvoker::UnRegister(this);
00087 }
00089 void TGo4Task::SetMaster(TGo4Master* m)
00090 {
00091     if(m!=0) SetMaster(kTRUE);
00092     fxMaster=m;
00093 }
00095 void TGo4Task::SetSlave(TGo4Slave* s)
00096 {
00097     if(s!=0) SetMaster(kFALSE);
00098     fxSlave=s;
00099 }
00101 void TGo4Task::SetOwner(TGo4TaskOwner* owner)
00102 {
00103    fxOwner=owner;
00104    SetMaster(dynamic_cast<TGo4Master*>(owner));
00105    SetSlave(dynamic_cast<TGo4Slave*>(owner));
00106 }
00108 void TGo4Task::Start()
00109 {
00110    if(fxSlave) fxSlave->Start();
00111 }
00113 void TGo4Task::Stop()
00114 {
00115    if(fxSlave) fxSlave->Stop();
00116 }
00118 void TGo4Task::Quit()
00119 {
00120    if(fxSlave) fxSlave->Quit();
00121 }
00123 void TGo4Task::KillMain()
00124 {
00125    if(fxSlave) fxSlave->KillMain();
00127 }
00128 void TGo4Task::RestartMain()
00129 {
00130    if(fxSlave) fxSlave->RestartMain();
00131 }
00133 void TGo4Task::Terminate (Bool_t termapp)
00134 {
00135    if(fxSlave)
00136       fxSlave->Terminate(termapp);
00137    else
00138       TGo4ThreadManager::Terminate(termapp);
00139 }
00141 void TGo4Task::TerminateFast ()
00142 {
00143    if(fxSlave)
00144       fxSlave->TerminateFast();
00145    else
00146       TGo4ThreadManager::TerminateFast();
00147 }
00149 void TGo4Task::ExecuteString(const Text_t* command)
00150 {
00151    if(fxSlave)
00152       fxSlave->ExecuteString(command);
00153    else
00154       gROOT->ProcessLine(command);
00156 }
00158 TGo4TaskHandler* TGo4Task::GetTaskHandler()
00159 {
00160    return 0;
00161 }
00163 TGo4BufferQueue* TGo4Task::GetCommandQueue(const char*)
00164 {
00165    return 0; // please override
00166 }
00168 TGo4BufferQueue * TGo4Task::GetStatusQueue(const char*)
00169 {
00170    return 0; // please override
00171 }
00172 TGo4BufferQueue * TGo4Task::GetDataQueue(const char*)
00173 {
00174   return 0; // please override
00175 }
00177 TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList * TGo4Task::GetPrototype()
00178 {
00179 // keep this method for compatibility reasons, user should not need access to list
00180     return fxCommandPrototype;
00181 }
00183 TGo4Status * TGo4Task::NextStatus(Bool_t wait)
00184 {
00185 if(!IsMaster()) return 0;
00186    TObject* obj=0;
00187    TGo4Status* stat=0;
00188    TGo4BufferQueue* statqueue=dynamic_cast<TGo4BufferQueue*> (GetStatusQueue());
00189    if(statqueue)
00190       {
00191          if(!wait && statqueue->IsEmpty())
00192             return 0;   // polling mode for timer: we do not go into condition wait!
00193          obj=statqueue->WaitObjectFromBuffer();
00194          if(obj)
00195            {
00196               if(obj->InheritsFrom(TGo4Status::Class()))
00197                  {
00198                     stat= dynamic_cast<TGo4Status*>(obj);
00199                  }
00200               else
00201                  {
00202                     TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Master Task: NextStatus ERROR, unknown object %s from status queue!!! ",
00203                                 obj->GetName());
00204                     delete obj;
00205                  }
00206            }
00207          else
00208             {
00209                TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Master Task NextStatus ERROR -- NULL object from data queue!!! ");
00210             } // if(obj)
00211       }
00212    else //if(statqueue)
00213       {
00214              //TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Master Task NextStatus ERROR -- no data queue!!! ");
00215              stat=0;
00216       }
00217    return stat;
00218 }
00221 TObject * TGo4Task::NextObject(Bool_t wait)
00222 {
00223 if(!IsMaster()) return 0;
00224    TObject* obj=0;
00225    TGo4BufferQueue* dataqueue=dynamic_cast<TGo4BufferQueue*> (GetDataQueue());
00226    if(dataqueue)
00227       {
00228          if(!wait && dataqueue->IsEmpty())
00229             return 0;   // polling mode for timer: we do not go into condition wait!
00230          obj=dataqueue->WaitObjectFromBuffer(); // wait for buffer and stream object
00232       }
00233    else //if(dataqueue)
00234       {
00235              //TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Master Task NextObject ERROR -- no data queue!!! ");
00236          obj=0;
00237       }
00238    return obj;
00239 }
00240 void TGo4Task::AddUserCommand(TGo4Command* com)
00241 {
00243    fxCommandPrototype->AddCommand(com);
00244 }
00245 void TGo4Task::AddUserCommandList(TGo4CommandProtoList * comlist)
00246 {
00247    if(comlist)
00248       {
00249          *fxCommandPrototype += *comlist;
00250             // operator+= of TGo4CommandProtolist puts new commands into old list
00251          delete comlist;
00252          comlist=0;
00253       }
00254 }
00256 void TGo4Task::SendObject(TObject * obj, const char* receiver)
00257 {
00258    if(IsMaster()) return;
00259    if(obj)
00260       {
00261          // object exists, put it into data queue
00262          TGo4BufferQueue * dataq=GetDataQueue(receiver);
00263          if(dataq)
00264             {
00265 //               TGo4Log::Debug(" Task - sending object: %s ",obj->GetName());
00266                //SendStatusMessage(1, kTRUE,"Task - sending object: %s ",obj->GetName());
00267                dataq->AddBufferFromObject(obj);
00268             }
00269          else
00270             {
00271                TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Task - ERROR sending object - no data queue !!! ");
00272             }
00273       }
00274    else
00275       {
00276          // object not found, send error message through status
00277          SendStatusMessage(2, kTRUE, "Task - object not found");
00278       }
00279 }
00281 void TGo4Task::SendStatus(TGo4Status * stat, const char* receiver)
00282 {
00283    if(IsMaster()) return ;
00284    if(stat)
00285       {
00286          // object exists, put it into status queue
00287          TGo4BufferQueue * statq=GetStatusQueue(receiver);
00288          if(statq)
00289             {
00290                TGo4Log::Debug(" Task - sending status %s ", stat->ClassName());
00291                statq->AddBufferFromObject(stat);
00292             }
00293          else
00294             {
00295                TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Task - ERROR sending status: no status queue !!! ");
00296             }
00297       }
00298    else
00299       {
00300          // TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Task - ERROR sending status: no such object!!! ");
00302       }
00305 }
00306 void TGo4Task::SendStatusBuffer()
00307 {
00308 if(IsMaster()) return;
00309    TGo4LockGuard statguard(fxStatusMutex); // do not send during buffer update
00310    TGo4Log::Debug(" Task - sending status buffer ");
00311    TGo4BufferQueue * statq=GetStatusQueue();
00312    if(statq) statq->AddBuffer(fxStatusBuffer,kTRUE);
00313 }
00314 void TGo4Task::SendStatusMessage(Int_t level, Bool_t printout, const char* text,...)
00315 {
00316 if(IsMaster()) return;
00317    Int_t lbuflen=256;
00318    // put potential printf arguments in text:
00319    char txtbuf[256];
00320    va_list args;
00321    va_start(args, text);
00322    vsnprintf(txtbuf, lbuflen, text, args);
00323    va_end(args);
00324    // figure out here possible destination for message in string:
00325    const char* dest;
00326    char* curs=txtbuf;
00327    TString receiver=txtbuf;
00328    Ssiz_t pos=receiver.Index("::",2,0,TString::kExact);
00329    if(pos!=kNPOS)
00330       {
00331        // before this we have receiver:
00332        receiver.Resize(pos);
00333        dest=receiver.Data();
00334        curs += ((size_t) pos);
00335        curs +=2; // skip separator
00336       }
00337    else
00338       {
00339          dest=0;
00340       }
00341    //cout <<"SSSSSSendStatusMessage has receiver "<<dest <<" and message "<<curs << endl;
00342    Bool_t previousmode=TGo4Log::IsOutputEnabled();
00343    TGo4Log::OutputEnable(printout); // override the messaging state
00344    const char* go4mess=TGo4Log::Message(level,curs);
00345    TGo4Log::OutputEnable(previousmode); // restore old state of messageing
00346    if(level>0 && go4mess!=0)
00347    {
00348       // do not send debug-level output to gui, and do not send supressed messages as empty string!
00349       TGo4Status* message= new TGo4Status(go4mess);
00350       SendStatus(message,dest);
00351       delete message;
00352    }
00353 }
00354 void TGo4Task::UpdateStatusBuffer()
00355 {
00356 if(IsMaster()) return;
00357    TGo4LockGuard statguard(fxStatusMutex); // do not update during sending
00358    TGo4LockGuard main; // protect root streaming
00359    TFile *filsav = gFile;
00360    gFile = 0;
00361    TGo4TaskStatus* state=0;
00362    if(fxSlave)
00363       state=fxSlave->CreateStatus();
00364    else
00365       state=CreateStatus();
00366    fxStatusBuffer->Reset();
00367    fxStatusBuffer->InitMap();
00368    fxStatusBuffer->WriteObject(state);
00369    gFile = filsav;
00370    delete state; // avoid memory leak!!
00371 }
00372 TGo4Command* TGo4Task::NextCommand()
00373 {
00374 if(IsMaster()) return 0;
00375    TGo4Command* com=0;
00376    TObject* obj=0;
00377    TGo4BufferQueue * comq=GetCommandQueue();
00378    if(comq==0) return 0;
00379    if(!comq->IsEmpty() || (fxSlave!=0 && !fxSlave->MainIsRunning() ) )
00380       {
00381          // put new command out of queue
00382          // or wait for command if analysis is stopped
00383          obj=comq->WaitObjectFromBuffer();
00384          if(obj)
00385            {
00386               if(obj->InheritsFrom(TGo4Command::Class()))
00387                  {
00388                      com= dynamic_cast<TGo4Command*>(obj);
00389                      com->SetTaskName("current");
00390                      com->SetMode(kGo4ComModeController);
00391                  }
00392               else
00393                  {
00394                     delete obj;
00395                  }
00396            }
00397          else
00398             {
00399                //TGo4Log::Debug(" !!! Slave ERROR -- NULL object from command queue!!! ");
00400             }
00401       }
00402    else //if(!fxCommandQ->IsEmpty() || !AnalysisIsRunning())
00403       {
00404          com=0;
00405       }
00406    return com;
00407 }
00408 Int_t TGo4Task::Initialization()
00409 {
00410    // this method will be called by the application control timer every timerperiod
00411    Int_t rev=-1;
00412    if(fbInitDone)
00413       // already initialized
00414       {
00415        rev=0;
00416       } 
00417    else
00418       {
00419          if(fxCommandPrototype==0)
00420             {
00421                if(fxMaster)
00422                   {
00423                      fxCommandPrototype=fxMaster->CreateCommandList(); // use factory method
00424                      TGo4Log::Debug(" Task --  command list is created from Master factory");
00425                   }
00426                else
00427                   {
00428                      fxCommandPrototype=CreateCommandList();
00429                      TGo4Log::Debug(" Task --  command list is created from Task factory");
00430                   }
00431             }
00432          rev=TGo4ThreadManager::Initialization(); // this will launch threads, etc.
00433          fxWorkHandler->Start(GetCommanderName()); // for non autostart mode
00434          if(fxSlave) fxSlave->Initialization();
00435       }// else if(fbInitDone)
00436     return rev;
00437 }
00439 void TGo4Task::UpdateStatus(TGo4TaskStatus* state)
00440 {
00441    TGo4TaskHandlerStatus* taskhandlerstatus=0;
00442    TGo4TaskHandler* th=GetTaskHandler();
00443    if(th) taskhandlerstatus=th->CreateStatus();
00444    state->SetTaskHandlerStatus(taskhandlerstatus);
00445    state->SetFlags(fbAppBlocking, fbAutoCreate, fbAutoStart, fbTerminating, fbInitDone);
00446 }
00448 TGo4TaskStatus* TGo4Task::CreateStatus()
00449 {
00450    TGo4TaskStatus* stat = new TGo4TaskStatus(GetName());
00451    UpdateStatus(stat); // set the internals
00452    return stat;
00453 }
00456 Bool_t TGo4Task::SubmitCommand(const char* name)
00457 {
00458    if(!strcmp(name,"THEMQuit"))
00459       {
00460          return (SubmitEmergencyCommand(kComQuit));
00461       }
00462    else if (!strcmp(name,"THEMKill"))
00463       {
00464          return (SubmitEmergencyCommand(kComKillMain));
00465       }
00466    else if (!strcmp(name,"THEMRestart"))
00467       {
00468          return (SubmitEmergencyCommand(kComRestartMain));
00469       }
00470    else
00471       {
00472          //  TGo4Command* com=0;
00473          TGo4Command* com=MakeCommand(name);
00474          if(com==0) // only encapsulate commands that are not known here
00475          {
00476          // try simple command with remote command envelope:
00477             TGo4LockGuard mainlock;
00478             com= new TGo4RemoteCommand(name);
00479             //cout <<"submitted remote command of "<<name << endl;
00480          }
00481          return (SubmitCommand(com)) ;
00482       }
00483 }
00484 Bool_t TGo4Task::SubmitEmergencyCommand(Go4EmergencyCommand_t val)
00485 {
00486 TGo4BufferQueue* queue=GetCommandQueue();
00487 if(queue!=0)
00488    {
00489       // we have an active command queue...
00490          if(val==kComQuit)
00491             {
00492                // quit command might be send from thread. use preallocated buffer!
00493                queue->AddBuffer(fxQuitBuffer,kTRUE);
00494             }
00495          else
00496             {
00497                TBuffer* commandbuffer=TGo4BufferQueue::CreateValueBuffer((UInt_t) val);
00498                queue->AddBuffer(commandbuffer); // put command into queue
00499             }
00501          return kTRUE;
00502    }
00503 return kFALSE;
00504 }
00506 Bool_t TGo4Task::SubmitEmergencyData(Go4EmergencyCommand_t val, const char* receiver)
00507 {
00508 TGo4BufferQueue* queue=GetDataQueue(receiver);
00509 if(queue!=0)
00510    {
00511       // we have an active data queue...
00512           if(val==kComQuit)
00513             {
00514                // quit data is send from thread. use preallocated buffer!
00515                queue->AddBuffer(fxQuitBuffer,kTRUE);
00516             }
00517          else
00518             {
00519                TBuffer* commandbuffer=TGo4BufferQueue::CreateValueBuffer((UInt_t) val);
00520                queue->AddBuffer(commandbuffer); // put command into queue
00521                //cout <<"UUUUUUUU SubmitEmergencyData to "<<receiver << endl;
00522             }
00523          return kTRUE;
00524    }
00525 return kFALSE;
00526 }
00528 Bool_t TGo4Task::SubmitCommand(TGo4Command* com)
00529 {
00530    if (com==0) return kFALSE;
00532    Bool_t rev=kTRUE;
00533    if(com->IsLocal())
00534        SubmitLocalCommand(com);
00535    else {
00536      // command for remote client, put into actual client queue
00537      TGo4BufferQueue* queue=GetCommandQueue();
00538      if(queue!=0) {
00539         // we have an active command queue...
00540         TGo4LockGuard mainlock; // protect the streamer!
00541         //cout << "Mainlock acquired by server task: SubmitCommand"<< endl;
00542         queue->AddBufferFromObject(com); // put command into queue
00543      } else
00544         rev = kFALSE;
00545      delete com; // buffer queue does not adopt com, we delete it
00546    }
00547    return rev;
00548 }
00550 TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList* TGo4Task::CreateCommandList()
00551 {
00552    return (new TGo4TaskHandlerCommandList("Go4ServerTaskDefaultCommandList") );
00553 }
00555 TGo4Command* TGo4Task::MakeCommand(const char* name)
00556 {
00557    TGo4LockGuard mainlock;
00558    return ( fxCommandPrototype->MakeCommand(name) );
00559 }
00561 Bool_t TGo4Task::SubmitLocalCommand(TGo4Command* com)
00562 {
00563    if(com==0) return kFALSE;
00564    com->SetMode(kGo4ComModeController);
00565    fxWorkHandler->Start(GetCommanderName()); // for non autostart mode
00566    TGo4ObjectQueue* lqueue=GetLocalCommandQueue();
00567    if(lqueue!=0)
00568       lqueue->AddObject(com); // object queue adopts command
00569    else {
00570       delete com;
00571       return kFALSE;
00572    }
00573    return kTRUE;
00574 }
00576 void TGo4Task::WakeCommandQueue(Int_t id)
00577 {
00578 if(GetTaskHandler() && GetTaskHandler()->IsAborting())
00579    {
00580       //cout <<"Do not WakeCommandQueue() when aborting taskhandler" << endl;
00581       return;
00582    }
00583 // put dummy buffer to command queue. This will wake up the main thread from command wait.
00584 TGo4Command* com=new TGo4Command("dummy","this wakes up queue",id);
00585 SubmitCommand(com); // wake up main command queue (to taskhandler)
00586 com=new TGo4Command("dummy","this wakes up queue",id);
00587 SubmitLocalCommand(com); // wake up local command queue
00589 // note: command is owned by submit command after submit!
00590 }
00592 void TGo4Task::GetStatus()
00593 {
00594    TGo4Log::Debug(" Task ''%s'' Send Status to Command Master ",GetName());
00595    TGo4BufferQueue* queue = GetStatusQueue();
00596    if(queue==0) return;
00597    {
00598       TGo4LockGuard mainguard;
00599 //         cout << "Mainlock acquired by clienttask: GetStatus"<< endl;
00600          TGo4TaskStatus* state=CreateStatus();
00601          queue->AddBufferFromObject(state);
00602    }
00603 }
00605 Int_t TGo4Task::StartWorkThreads()
00606 {
00607 fbWorkIsStopped=kFALSE;
00608 if(fxOwner)
00609    return (fxOwner->StartWorkThreads());
00610 else
00611    return 0;
00612 }
00614 Int_t TGo4Task::StopWorkThreads()
00615 {
00616 fbWorkIsStopped=kTRUE;
00617 if(fxOwner)
00618   return(fxOwner->StopWorkThreads());
00619 else
00620    return 0;
00621 }
00623 void TGo4Task::SendStopBuffers(const char* taskname)
00624 {
00625 TGo4TaskHandler* th=GetTaskHandler();
00626 if(th==0) return;
00627 if(th->IsAborting())
00628    {
00629       //cout <<"Do not SendStopBuffers() when aborting taskhandler" << endl;
00630       return;
00631    }
00633 if(IsMaster())
00634    {
00635      //cout <<"SSSSSSSSs SendStopBuffers() as master" << endl;
00636      TGo4BufferQueue * comq=GetCommandQueue(taskname);
00637      if(comq)
00638       {
00639          comq->AddBuffer(fxStopBuffer,kTRUE);
00640       }
00641    }
00642 else
00643    {
00644       //cout <<"SSSSSSSSs SendStopBuffers() as slave, sending to "<<taskname << endl;
00645       TGo4BufferQueue * dataq=GetDataQueue(taskname);
00646       if(dataq)
00647          {
00648             dataq->AddBuffer(fxStopBuffer,kTRUE);
00649          }
00650      TGo4BufferQueue * statq=GetStatusQueue(taskname);
00651      if(statq)
00652       {
00653          statq->AddBuffer(fxStopBuffer,kTRUE);
00654       }
00655    }//if(IsMaster())
00656 }
00658 void TGo4Task::LockAll()
00659 {
00660 fxStatusMutex->Lock();
00661 TGo4LockGuard::LockMainMutex();
00663 }
00665 void TGo4Task::UnLockAll()
00666 {
00667 TGo4LockGuard::UnLockMainMutex();
00668 fxStatusMutex->UnLock();
00669 }
00671 Int_t TGo4Task::Get_fgiTERMID()
00672 {
00673    return fgiTERMID;
00674 }
00677 //----------------------------END OF GO4 SOURCE FILE ---------------------

Generated on Fri Nov 28 12:59:30 2008 for Go4-v3.04-1 by  doxygen 1.4.2