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00001 //-------------------------------------------------------------
00002 //        Go4 Release Package v3.04-01 (build 30401)
00003 //                      28-November-2008
00004 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //   The GSI Online Offline Object Oriented (Go4) Project
00006 //   Experiment Data Processing at EE department, GSI
00007 //---------------------------------------------------------------
00008 //
00009 //Copyright (C) 2000- Gesellschaft f. Schwerionenforschung, GSI
00010 //                    Planckstr. 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany
00011 //Contact:  
00012 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00013 //This software can be used under the license agreements as stated
00014 //in Go4License.txt file which is part of the distribution.
00015 //----------------------------------------------------------------
00016 #include "TXXXCalibPar.h"
00018 #include "TMath.h"
00019 #include "TH1.h"
00020 #include "TGraph.h"
00021 #include "Riostream.h"
00022 #include "snprintf.h"
00024 #include "TGo4Log.h"
00025 #include "TGo4Fitter.h"
00026 #include "TGo4FitModel.h"
00027 #include "TGo4Analysis.h"
00029 //***********************************************************
00030 TXXXCalibPar::TXXXCalibPar() :
00031    TGo4Parameter(),
00032    fbRecalibrate(kFALSE),
00033    fbReadDatabase(kFALSE),
00034    fxLinesFinder(0),
00035    fxCalibrator(0),
00036    fxCalibCurve(0),
00037    fxCalibSpectrum(0)
00038 {
00039   fxDatabase="calilines.txt";
00040   Text_t buf[__TEXTMAX__];
00041   for(Int_t ord=0;ord<__POLORDER__;++ord) fdA[ord]=0;
00042   for(Int_t ix=0;ix<__LINESNUMBER__;++ix) {
00043      fiLinesChannel[ix]=0;
00044      ffLinesEnergy[ix]=0;
00045      snprintf(buf,__TEXTMAX__,"Defaultline-%d",ix);
00046      fxLinesNames[ix]=buf;
00047   }
00048 }
00049 //***********************************************************
00050 TXXXCalibPar::TXXXCalibPar(const char* name, TH1* spectrum, TGraph* curve) :
00051    TGo4Parameter(name),
00052    fbRecalibrate(kFALSE),
00053    fbReadDatabase(kFALSE),
00054    fxLinesFinder(0),
00055    fxCalibrator(0),
00056    fxCalibCurve(curve),
00057    fxCalibSpectrum(spectrum)
00058 {
00059 // Set up fitters:
00060 fxLinesFinder=new TGo4Fitter("Linefinder", TGo4Fitter::ff_least_squares, kTRUE);
00061 fxCalibrator=new TGo4Fitter("Calibrator", TGo4Fitter::ff_least_squares, kTRUE);
00062 if(fxCalibSpectrum)
00063    {
00064       fxLinesFinder->AddH1(__DATANAME__, fxCalibSpectrum, kFALSE);
00065       fxSpectrumName=fxCalibSpectrum->GetName();
00066    }
00067 else
00068    {
00069       fxSpectrumName="Please specify calibration spectrum";
00070    }
00071 if(fxCalibCurve)
00072    {
00073       fxCalibrator->AddGraph(__GRAPHNAME__, fxCalibCurve, kFALSE);
00074       fxGraphName=fxCalibCurve->GetName();
00075    }
00076 else
00077    {
00078       fxSpectrumName="Please specify fit graph name";
00079    }
00080 fxCalibrator->AddPolynomX(__GRAPHNAME__,"A",__POLORDER__-1);
00081 // note that __POLORDER__ is number of polynom parameters here
00082 // i.e. true order of polynom +1
00083 Text_t modname[__TEXTMAX__];
00084 for(Int_t i=0; i<__POLORDER__;++i)
00085         {
00086            fdA[i]=1/(i+1);
00087            snprintf(modname,__TEXTMAX__,"A_%d",i);
00088            TGo4FitModel* mod=fxCalibrator->FindModel(modname);
00089            if(mod)
00090               {
00091                  // for the beginning, disable models beyond order 1:
00092                  if(i>1) mod->ClearAssignmentTo(__GRAPHNAME__);
00093               }
00094            else
00095             cout <<"could not find model "<<modname << endl;
00096         }
00098 for(Int_t ix=0;ix<__LINESNUMBER__;++ix)
00099 {
00100   fiLinesChannel[ix]=0;
00101   ffLinesEnergy[ix]=0;
00102 }
00103   fxDatabase="calilines.txt";
00104   ReadDatabase();
00105 }
00106 //***********************************************************
00107 TXXXCalibPar::~TXXXCalibPar()
00108 {
00109   delete fxLinesFinder;
00110   delete fxCalibrator;
00111 }
00112 //***********************************************************
00114 //-----------------------------------------------------------
00115 Int_t TXXXCalibPar::PrintParameter(Text_t * n, Int_t){
00118   return 0;
00119 }
00120 //-----------------------------------------------------------
00121 Bool_t TXXXCalibPar::UpdateFrom(TGo4Parameter *pp){
00125   if(pp->InheritsFrom("TXXXCalibPar"))
00126   {
00127     TXXXCalibPar * from;
00128     from = (TXXXCalibPar *) pp;
00129     for(Int_t ord=0;ord<__POLORDER__;++ord)
00130      {
00131       fdA[ord]=from->fdA[ord];
00132      }
00133    fbRecalibrate=from->fbRecalibrate;
00134    fbReadDatabase=from->fbReadDatabase;
00135    if(fxLinesFinder) delete fxLinesFinder;
00136    fxLinesFinder=from->fxLinesFinder;
00137    from->fxLinesFinder=0; // adopt lines finder
00138    if(fxCalibrator) delete fxCalibrator;
00139    fxCalibrator=from->fxCalibrator;
00140    from->fxCalibrator=0; // adopt calibration fitter
00142    // note: graph with calibration curve is not copied!
00145     for(Int_t ix=0;ix<__LINESNUMBER__;++ix)
00146     {
00147        fiLinesChannel[ix]=from->fiLinesChannel[ix];
00148        ffLinesEnergy[ix]=from->ffLinesEnergy[ix];
00149        fxLinesNames[ix]=from->fxLinesNames[ix];
00150        //cout <<"updated line:"<<fxLinesNames[ix].Data() << endl;
00151     }
00152    cout <<"Updated Parameter:" << endl;
00153    //PrintParameter(0,0);
00154    // get references to graph and histogram from analysis:
00155    // note that updatefrom is only used on analysis side here!
00156    fxCalibCurve=dynamic_cast<TGraph*>(TGo4Analysis::Instance()->GetObject(fxGraphName.Data())) ;
00158    if(fxCalibCurve==0)
00159       {
00160          cout <<"Graph "<<fxGraphName.Data() << " not existing in analysis"<< endl;
00161      }
00162    else
00163       {
00164           cout <<"Updated graph pointer ref to "<<fxCalibCurve << endl;
00165       }
00169    // now reread database if desired:
00170    if(fbReadDatabase)
00171       {
00172           cout <<"Reread database" << endl;
00173           ReadDatabase();
00174       }
00176    if(fbRecalibrate)
00177    {
00178       cout <<"Recalibrating..." << endl;
00179       // first we get the channels from the linesfinder fitter:
00181         for(Int_t i=0; i<__LINESNUMBER__;++i)
00182         {
00183            const Text_t* linename=fxLinesNames[i];
00184            TGo4FitModel* mod=fxLinesFinder->FindModel(linename);
00185            if(mod)
00186               {
00187                  // check here if component is active or not
00188                  if(mod->IsAssignTo(__DATANAME__))
00189                     fiLinesChannel[i]=(Int_t) mod->GetParValue("Pos");
00190                  else
00191                     fiLinesChannel[i]=0; // mark not active lines
00192               }
00193            else
00194               {
00195                   //cout <<"could not find model "<<linename << endl;
00196               }
00197         }
00200       // setup calibration graph with the new channel coords:
00201       if(fxCalibCurve)
00202          {
00203             fxCalibCurve->Set(0);
00204             Int_t point=0;
00205             for(Int_t ix=0;ix<__LINESNUMBER__;++ix)
00206                {
00207                if(fiLinesChannel[ix]!=0)
00208                   {
00209                      fxCalibCurve->SetPoint(point,
00210                                     fiLinesChannel[ix],
00211                                     ffLinesEnergy[ix]);
00212                      // we only fit active lines
00213                      ++point;
00214                   }
00215               } // for
00216         // now perform fit of calibration graph:
00217         fxCalibrator->SetObject(__GRAPHNAME__, fxCalibCurve, kFALSE);
00218         fxCalibrator->DoActions();
00219         fxCalibrator->PrintLines();
00220         // finally, copy results of calibration to the parameter fields:
00221         Text_t modname[__TEXTMAX__];
00222         for(Int_t i=0; i<__POLORDER__;++i)
00223         {
00224            snprintf(modname,__TEXTMAX__,"A_%d",i);
00225            TGo4FitModel* mod=fxCalibrator->FindModel(modname);
00226            if(mod)
00227               {
00228                  // check here if component is active or not
00229                  if(mod->IsAssignTo(__GRAPHNAME__))
00230                     fdA[i]=mod->GetParValue("Ampl");
00231                  else
00232                     fdA[i]=0;
00233               }
00234            else
00235             ;//cout <<"could not find model "<<modname << endl;
00237         }
00239          }
00240       else
00241          {
00242           TGo4Log::Error("Calibration parameter %s has no TGraph!",
00243              GetName());
00244          }
00246    }
00248   }
00249 else
00250      {
00251      cout << "Wrong parameter object: " << pp->ClassName() << endl;
00253      }
00254 return kTRUE;
00255 }
00257 void TXXXCalibPar::ReadDatabase()
00258 {
00259 // read energies from file:
00260 Text_t nextline[__TEXTMAX__];
00261 Text_t buf[__TEXTMAX__];
00262 std::ifstream database(fxDatabase.Data());
00263 if(database==0)
00264    {
00265       TGo4Log::Error("Open error of calibration energy file %s",
00266          fxDatabase.Data());
00267    }
00268 else
00269    {
00270       Int_t ix=0;
00271       while(1){
00272           do{
00273               database.getline(nextline,__TEXTMAX__,'\n' ); // read whole line
00274               if(database.eof() || !database.good())
00275                 {
00276                     break;
00277                 }
00278               //cout <<"read line:"<<nextline << endl;
00279          }while(strstr(nextline,"#") || strstr(nextline,"!") ); // skip any comments
00280       if(database.eof() || !database.good()) break;
00281       sscanf(nextline,"%s %f %d",buf,
00282              &ffLinesEnergy[ix],
00283              &fiLinesChannel[ix]);
00284       fxLinesNames[ix]=buf;
00285 //      cout <<"\tname:"<<fxLinesNames[ix].Data() << endl;
00286 //      cout <<"\te:"<<ffLinesEnergy[ix] << endl;
00287 //      cout <<"\tch:"<<fiLinesChannel[ix] << endl;
00289       fxLinesFinder->AddGauss1(__DATANAME__,
00290                                  fxLinesNames[ix].Data(),
00291                                  fiLinesChannel[ix],
00292                                  TMath::Sqrt((Long_t) fiLinesChannel[ix]));
00293       ix++;
00294       } // while(1)
00295       //cout <<"scanned lines:"<<ix << endl;
00297    } // if (database==0)
00300 }
00304 Double_t TXXXCalibPar::Energy(Int_t channel)
00305 {
00306   Double_t result=0;
00307   for(Int_t ord=0;ord<__POLORDER__; ++ord)
00308     {
00309          result+=fdA[ord]*TMath::Power(channel,ord);
00310     }
00311   return result;
00312 }
00314 //----------------------------END OF GO4 SOURCE FILE ---------------------

Generated on Fri Nov 28 12:59:10 2008 for Go4-v3.04-1 by  doxygen 1.4.2