GSI Object Oriented Online Offline (Go4)
This is the complete list of members for TGo4FitDataProfile, including all inherited members.
AddAxisTrans(TGo4FitAxisTrans *Trans, Bool_t TransOwned=kFALSE) | TGo4FitData | |
AddPar(TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
AddRangeCondition(Int_t typ, Int_t naxis, Double_t left, Double_t right) | TGo4FitComponent | |
AddRangeCut(TCutG *cut, Bool_t exclude=kFALSE) | TGo4FitComponent | |
ApplyRangesForModelMask(TGo4FitComponent *model, Char_t *ModelMask) | TGo4FitData | |
BuffersAllocated() const | TGo4FitData | inlineprotected |
CanAmplTouch() | TGo4FitData | inlinevirtual |
CanRollbackPars() | TGo4FitParsList | inlinevirtual |
CheckDuplicatesOnSlot() | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
CheckObjects(Bool_t MakeOut=kTRUE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
CheckRangeConditions(const Double_t *values, Int_t numaxis) | TGo4FitComponent | |
ClassDef(TGo4FitSlotList, 1) | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
ClearObjects(const char *PlaceName=0, Bool_t NonOwned=kTRUE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
ClearPars() | TGo4FitParsList | |
ClearParsBlocking() | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
ClearRanges(Int_t naxis=-1) | TGo4FitComponent | |
ClearSlot(TGo4FitSlot *slot, Bool_t NonOwned) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
CollectParsTo(TGo4FitParsList &list) | TGo4FitComponent | virtual |
ConnectSlots(TGo4FitSlot *slot1, TGo4FitSlot *slot2) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
ConnectSlots(const char *Slot1FullName, const char *Slot2FullName) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
CreateDrawObject(const char *ObjName) | TGo4FitData | |
CreatePar(const char *ParName, const char *Title, Double_t iValue=0) | TGo4FitParsList | |
DefineBinsSize() | TGo4FitData | |
DefineDimensions() | TGo4FitData | |
DefineScaleMinMax(Int_t naxis, Double_t &min, Double_t &max) | TGo4FitData | |
dtGraph enum value | TGo4FitData | |
dtHistogram enum value | TGo4FitData | |
ExcludeRange(Int_t naxis, Double_t min, Double_t max) | TGo4FitComponent | |
fbUpdateSlotList | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
fbUseBinScale | TGo4FitData | protected |
fdExcludeLessThen | TGo4FitData | protected |
fdSigmaValue | TGo4FitData | protected |
fiDataType | TGo4FitData | protected |
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection *list) | TGo4FitDataProfile | virtual |
Finalize() | TGo4FitData | protectedvirtual |
Find(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
Find(const char *OwnerFullName, const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
Find(TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
FindPar(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | inline |
FindPar(const char *OwnerFullName, const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | inline |
FindPar(TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | inline |
FindSlot(const char *FullSlotName) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
fiTakeSigmasFrom | TGo4FitData | protected |
fxAxisTrans | TGo4FitData | protected |
fxProfile | TGo4FitDataProfile | protected |
fxSlotList | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
Get(Int_t n) | TGo4FitParsList | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetAmplError() | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetAmplFullName() | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetAmplIndex() | TGo4FitComponent | inlineprotected |
GetAmplName() | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetAmplPar() | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetAmplValue() | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetAxisTrans(Int_t nslot) | TGo4FitData | |
GetAxisTransSlot(Int_t nslot) | TGo4FitData | |
GetBinsDevs() | TGo4FitData | inlineprotected |
GetBinsResult() | TGo4FitData | inlineprotected |
GetBinsSize() const | TGo4FitData | inlineprotected |
GetBinsValues() | TGo4FitData | inlineprotected |
GetDataType() | TGo4FitData | inline |
GetExcludeLessThen() const | TGo4FitData | inline |
GetFullIndex(Int_t nbin) | TGo4FitData | protected |
GetFullName() | TGo4FitNamed | |
GetIndexesSize() const | TGo4FitData | inlineprotected |
GetNumberOfTransSlots() | TGo4FitData | inline |
GetNumRangeCondition() const | TGo4FitComponent | inline |
GetNumRangeCut() const | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetOwner() | TGo4FitNamed | inline |
GetOwnerFullName() | TGo4FitNamed | |
GetPar(Int_t n) | TGo4FitParsList | inline |
GetParEpsilon(const char *ParName, Double_t &Epsilon) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
GetParError(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParFixed(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
GetParFullName(Int_t n) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParIndex(const TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParName(Int_t n) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParRange(const char *ParName, Double_t &RangeMin, Double_t &RangeMax) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
GetParsValues(Double_t *pars) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParValue(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetProfile() | TGo4FitDataProfile | inline |
GetRangeCondition(Int_t n, Int_t &typ, Int_t &naxis, Double_t &left, Double_t &right) const | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetRangeCut(Int_t n) const | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetRangeMax(Int_t naxis, Double_t &value) | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetRangeMin(Int_t naxis, Double_t &value) | TGo4FitComponent | |
GetScalesSize() const | TGo4FitData | inlineprotected |
GetScaleValues(const Int_t nbin) | TGo4FitData | protected |
GetSigmaSource() const | TGo4FitData | inline |
GetSigmaValue() const | TGo4FitData | inline |
GetSlot(Int_t nslot) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
GetSlotList(Bool_t ForceUpdate=kFALSE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
GetUseBinScale() | TGo4FitData | inline |
GetUseBuffers() | TGo4FitComponent | inline |
GetWidthValues(const Int_t nbin) | TGo4FitData | protected |
Initialize(Int_t UseBuffers=-1) | TGo4FitData | protectedvirtual |
InsertPar(TGo4FitParameter *par, Int_t indx) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
IsAllParsFixed() | TGo4FitParsList | |
IsAnyDataTransform() | TGo4FitData | virtual |
IsAnyRangeLimits() | TGo4FitComponent | |
IsCompatibleData(TGo4FitData *data) | TGo4FitData | |
IsEmptySlots() | TGo4FitSlotList | |
IsObjectInSlots(TObject *obj) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
IsRangeCutExcluding(Int_t n) | TGo4FitComponent | |
MakeAmpl(Bool_t isFixed=kFALSE) | TGo4FitComponent | |
MakeIter() | TGo4FitDataProfile | virtual |
MemorizePars() | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
NewAmplitude(const char *Name=0, Double_t iValue=0., Bool_t IsFixed=kFALSE, Int_t AtIndx=0) | TGo4FitComponent | protected |
NewParameter(const char *Name, const char *Title, Double_t iValue=0., Bool_t Fixed=kFALSE, Int_t AtIndx=-1) | TGo4FitComponent | protected |
NumFixedPars() | TGo4FitParsList | |
NumFreePars() | TGo4FitParsList | |
NumPars() | TGo4FitParsList | inlinevirtual |
NumSlots() | TGo4FitSlotList | |
PrepareSlotsForWriting() | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
Print(Option_t *option) const | TGo4FitDataProfile | virtual |
PrintPars() const | TGo4FitParsList | |
RememberPars() | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
RemoveAmpl() | TGo4FitComponent | |
RemovePar(const char *name) | TGo4FitParsList | |
RemovePar(TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | |
RemoveParByIndex(Int_t indx) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
RemoveRangeCondition(Int_t n) | TGo4FitComponent | |
RemoveRangeCut(Int_t n) | TGo4FitComponent | |
SetAmplError(Double_t iError) | TGo4FitComponent | |
SetAmplIndex(Int_t iAmplIndex=-1) | TGo4FitComponent | inlineprotected |
SetAmplValue(Double_t iAmpl) | TGo4FitComponent | |
SetAxisTrans(Int_t nslot, TGo4FitAxisTrans *Trans, Bool_t TransOwned=kFALSE) | TGo4FitData | |
SetAxisTransNeeded(Int_t nslot, Bool_t iNeeded=kFALSE) | TGo4FitData | |
SetExcludeLessThen(Double_t limit=0.) | TGo4FitData | inline |
SetNumberOfTransSlots(Int_t nslots) | TGo4FitData | |
SetObject(TObject *obj, Bool_t iOwned=kFALSE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
SetObject(const char *PlaceName, TObject *obj, Bool_t iOwned=kFALSE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
SetOwner(TNamed *iOwner) | TGo4FitNamed | inline |
SetParEpsilon(const char *ParName, Double_t Epsilon) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
SetParError(const char *ParName, Double_t iError) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParFixed(const char *ParName, Bool_t iFixed=kTRUE) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
SetParName(Int_t n, const char *name) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParRange(const char *ParName, Double_t RangeMin, Double_t RangeMax) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
SetParsNames(const char *name0="Par0", const char *name1="Par1", const char *name2="Par2", const char *name3="Par3", const char *name4="Par4", const char *name5="Par5", const char *name6="Par6", const char *name7="Par7", const char *name8="Par8", const char *name9="Par9") | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParsOwner(TGo4FitNamed *iOwner) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
SetParsValues(Double_t *pars) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParsValues(Double_t par0=0., Double_t par1=0., Double_t par2=0., Double_t par3=0., Double_t par4=0., Double_t par5=0., Double_t par6=0., Double_t par7=0., Double_t par8=0., Double_t par9=0.) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParValue(const char *ParName, Double_t iValue) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetProfile(TProfile *iProfile, Bool_t iProfileOwned=kFALSE) | TGo4FitDataProfile | |
SetRange(Int_t naxis, Double_t min, Double_t max) | TGo4FitComponent | |
SetRangeCondition(Int_t n, Int_t typ, Int_t naxis, Double_t left, Double_t right) | TGo4FitComponent | |
SetRangeCutExcluding(Int_t n, Bool_t exclude=kTRUE) | TGo4FitComponent | |
SetRangeMax(Int_t naxis, Double_t value) | TGo4FitComponent | |
SetRangeMin(Int_t naxis, Double_t value) | TGo4FitComponent | |
SetSaveFlagForObjects(Int_t iSaveFlag, const char *PlaceName=0) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
SetSigmaSource(Int_t TakeFrom, Double_t SigmaValue=1.) | TGo4FitData | inline |
SetSigmaValue(Double_t SigmaValue) | TGo4FitData | inline |
SetUpdateSlotList() | TGo4FitSlotList | |
SetUseBinScale(Bool_t iUseBinScale) | TGo4FitData | inline |
SetUseBuffers(Bool_t iUse) | TGo4FitComponent | inline |
TGo4FitComponent() | TGo4FitComponent | |
TGo4FitComponent(const char *iName, const char *iTitle) | TGo4FitComponent | |
TGo4FitData() | TGo4FitData | |
TGo4FitData(const char *iName, const char *iTitle, Int_t iDataType=dtHistogram, Bool_t AddAmpl=kFALSE) | TGo4FitData | |
TGo4FitDataProfile() | TGo4FitDataProfile | |
TGo4FitDataProfile(const char *iName, TProfile *=0, Bool_t iGraphOwned=kFALSE, Bool_t AddAmpl=kFALSE) | TGo4FitDataProfile | |
TGo4FitNamed() | TGo4FitNamed | |
TGo4FitNamed(const char *Name, const char *Title, TNamed *Owner=0) | TGo4FitNamed | |
TGo4FitParsList() | TGo4FitParsList | |
TGo4FitParsList(Bool_t IsParsOwned) | TGo4FitParsList | |
TGo4FitParsList(const char *Name, const char *Title, Bool_t IsParsOwned) | TGo4FitParsList | |
TGo4FitSlotList() | TGo4FitSlotList | |
~TGo4FitComponent() | TGo4FitComponent | virtual |
~TGo4FitData() | TGo4FitData | virtual |
~TGo4FitDataProfile() | TGo4FitDataProfile | virtual |
~TGo4FitNamed() | TGo4FitNamed | virtual |
~TGo4FitParsList() | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
~TGo4FitSlotList() | TGo4FitSlotList | virtual |