GSI Object Oriented Online Offline (Go4)
This is the complete list of members for TGo4Fitter, including all inherited members.
AddAction(TGo4FitterAction *Action) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
AddActionAt(TGo4FitterAction *Action, Int_t indx) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
AddAmplEstimation(Int_t NumIters=1) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddData(TGo4FitData *d) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddGauss1(const char *DataName, const char *ModelName, Double_t iPosition, Double_t iWidth, Double_t iAmpl=1., Int_t Axis=0) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddGraph(const char *DataName, TGraph *gr, Bool_t Owned=kFALSE, Double_t lrange=0., Double_t rrange=0.) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddH1(const char *DataName, TH1 *histo, Bool_t Owned=kFALSE, Double_t lrange=0., Double_t rrange=0.) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddModel(TGo4FitModel *m) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddModel(const char *DataName, TGo4FitModel *m) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddOutputAction(const char *Action, const char *Option=0) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
AddPar(TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
AddPolynoms(const char *DataName, const char *NamePrefix, Int_t MaxOrder=1, Int_t NumAxis=1, Int_t GroupIndex=0) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddPolynomX(const char *DataName, const char *NamePrefix, Int_t MaxOrder=1, Int_t GroupIndex=0, Double_t lrange=0., Double_t rrange=0.) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddPolynomX(const char *DataName, const char *NamePrefix, TArrayD &Coef, Int_t GroupIndex=0) | TGo4Fitter | |
AddSimpleMinuit() | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
AddStandardActions() | TGo4Fitter | |
ApplyConfig(TGo4FitterConfig *Config) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
AssignModelTo(const char *ModelName, const char *DataName, Double_t RatioValue=1., Bool_t FixRatio=kFALSE) | TGo4Fitter | |
CalculateFCN(Int_t FitFunctionType, TGo4FitData *selectdata=0) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
CalculateFitFunction(Double_t *pars=0, Int_t FitFunctionType=-1, const char *DataName=0) | TGo4Fitter | |
TGo4FitterAbstract::CalculateFitFunction(Double_t *pars=0) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
CalculateNDF(const char *DataName=0) | TGo4Fitter | |
CalculatesIntegral(const char *DataName, const char *ModelName=0, Bool_t OnlyCounts=kFALSE) | TGo4Fitter | |
CalculatesModelIntegral(const char *ModelName, Bool_t OnlyCounts=kFALSE) | TGo4Fitter | |
CalculatesMomentums(const char *DataName, Bool_t UseRanges, Bool_t SubstractModels, Double_t &first, Double_t &second) | TGo4Fitter | |
CanRollbackPars() | TGo4FitParsList | inlinevirtual |
ChangeDataNameInAssignments(const char *oldname, const char *newname) | TGo4Fitter | |
CheckDuplicatesOnSlot() | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
CheckObjects(Bool_t MakeOut=kTRUE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
CheckParsListChanging() | TGo4FitterAbstract | inlineprotected |
CheckSlotsBeforeDelete(TGo4FitComponent *comp) | TGo4Fitter | private |
ClassDef(TGo4FitSlotList, 1) | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
Clear(Option_t *option=0) | TGo4Fitter | virtual |
ClearModelAssignmentTo(const char *ModelName, const char *DataName=0) | TGo4Fitter | |
ClearObjects(const char *PlaceName=0, Bool_t NonOwned=kTRUE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
ClearPars() | TGo4FitParsList | |
ClearParsBlocking() | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
ClearSlot(TGo4FitSlot *slot, Bool_t NonOwned) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
CloneModel(const char *ModelName, const char *NewName=0) | TGo4Fitter | |
CollectAllPars() | TGo4Fitter | protectedvirtual |
CollectParsTo(TGo4FitParsList &list) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
ConnectSlots(TGo4FitSlot *slot1, TGo4FitSlot *slot2) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
ConnectSlots(const char *Slot1FullName, const char *Slot2FullName) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
CopyParsValuesFrom(TGo4FitterAbstract *fitter) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
CreateDrawObject(const char *ObjName, const char *DataName, Bool_t IsModel=kFALSE, const char *ModelName=0) | TGo4Fitter | |
CreatePar(const char *ParName, const char *Title, Double_t iValue=0) | TGo4FitParsList | |
DataBuffersAllocated(TGo4FitData *data) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
DeleteAction(TGo4FitterAction *action) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
DeleteActions() | TGo4FitterAbstract | inline |
DeleteAllData() | TGo4Fitter | |
DeleteAllModels() | TGo4Fitter | |
DeleteModelsAssosiatedTo(const char *DataName) | TGo4Fitter | |
DeleteOutputActions() | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
DoAction(TGo4FitterAction *Action) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
DoAction(Int_t indx) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
DoActions(Bool_t AllowFitterChange=kFALSE, TObjArray *Actions=0) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
DoCalculation() | TGo4Fitter | protectedvirtual |
DoNDFCalculation() | TGo4Fitter | protectedvirtual |
Draw(Option_t *option) | TGo4Fitter | virtual |
EstimateAmplitudes(Int_t NumIters=1) | TGo4Fitter | |
ExecuteDependencies(Double_t *pars) | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
fbInitializationDone | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
fbNeedToFinalize | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
fbParsAsResults | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
fbParsChange | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
fbUpdateSlotList | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
ff_chi_gamma enum value | TGo4Fitter | |
ff_chi_Neyman enum value | TGo4Fitter | |
ff_chi_Pearson enum value | TGo4Fitter | |
ff_chi_square enum value | TGo4Fitter | |
ff_least_squares enum value | TGo4Fitter | |
ff_ML_Poisson enum value | TGo4Fitter | |
ff_user enum value | TGo4Fitter | |
fiFitFunctionType | TGo4Fitter | protected |
FillSlotList(TSeqCollection *list) | TGo4Fitter | virtual |
fiMemoryUsage | TGo4Fitter | protected |
Finalize() | TGo4FitterAbstract | protectedvirtual |
FinalizeDependencies(TObjArray &Dependencies) | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
FinalizeFitterData() | TGo4Fitter | protectedvirtual |
Find(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
Find(const char *OwnerFullName, const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
Find(TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
FindData(const char *DataName) | TGo4Fitter | |
FindModel(const char *ModelName) | TGo4Fitter | |
FindNextName(const char *Head, Int_t start, Bool_t isModel=kTRUE) | TGo4Fitter | |
FindPar(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | inline |
FindPar(const char *OwnerFullName, const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | inline |
FindPar(TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | inline |
FindSlot(const char *FullSlotName) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
fxActions | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
fxCurrentConfig | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
fxDatas | TGo4Fitter | protected |
fxDrawObjs | TGo4Fitter | private |
fxModels | TGo4Fitter | protected |
fxResults | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
fxSlotList | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
fxUserFitFunction | TGo4Fitter | private |
Get(Int_t n) | TGo4FitterAbstract | inlineprotectedvirtual |
GetAction(Int_t num) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
GetComp(Int_t n) | TGo4Fitter | |
GetData(Int_t n) | TGo4Fitter | |
GetDataBinsDevs(TGo4FitData *data) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
GetDataBinsResult(TGo4FitData *data) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
GetDataBinsSize(TGo4FitData *data) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
GetDataBinsValues(TGo4FitData *data) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
GetDataName(Int_t n) | TGo4Fitter | |
GetFitFunctionType() | TGo4Fitter | inline |
GetFullName() | TGo4FitNamed | |
GetMemoryUsage() | TGo4Fitter | inline |
GetModel(Int_t n) | TGo4Fitter | |
GetModelBinsValues(TGo4FitModel *model, const char *DataName) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
GetNumActions() | TGo4FitterAbstract | inline |
GetNumComp() const | TGo4Fitter | inline |
GetNumData() const | TGo4Fitter | inline |
GetNumModel() const | TGo4Fitter | inline |
GetNumResults() const | TGo4FitterAbstract | inline |
GetOwner() | TGo4FitNamed | inline |
GetOwnerFullName() | TGo4FitNamed | |
GetPar(Int_t n) | TGo4FitParsList | inline |
GetParEpsilon(const char *ParName, Double_t &Epsilon) | TGo4FitterAbstract | virtual |
GetParError(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParFixed(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitterAbstract | virtual |
GetParFullName(Int_t n) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParIndex(const TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParName(Int_t n) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParRange(const char *ParName, Double_t &RangeMin, Double_t &RangeMax) | TGo4FitterAbstract | virtual |
GetParsValues(Double_t *pars) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetParValue(const char *ParName) | TGo4FitParsList | |
GetResultFF() const | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
GetResultNDF() const | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
GetResults() | TGo4FitterAbstract | inline |
GetResultValue(Int_t n) const | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
GetSlot(Int_t nslot) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
GetSlotList(Bool_t ForceUpdate=kFALSE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
InitFitterData() | TGo4Fitter | protectedvirtual |
Initialize() | TGo4FitterAbstract | protectedvirtual |
InitializeDependencies(TObjArray &Dependencies, Bool_t BlockPars, Bool_t DoInit) | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
InsertPar(TGo4FitParameter *par, Int_t indx) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
IsAllParsFixed() | TGo4FitParsList | |
IsEmptySlots() | TGo4FitSlotList | |
IsInitialized() | TGo4FitterAbstract | inlineprotected |
IsObjectInSlots(TObject *obj) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
IsParsAsResults() | TGo4FitterAbstract | inline |
IsSuitableConfig(TGo4FitterConfig *Config) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
MemorizePars() | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
ModelBuffersAllocated(TGo4FitModel *model) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
MoveDrawObjectsToROOT() | TGo4Fitter | private |
NeedPadsNumber() | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
NumFixedPars() | TGo4FitParsList | |
NumFreePars() | TGo4FitParsList | |
NumModelsAssosiatedTo(const char *DataName) | TGo4Fitter | |
NumPars() | TGo4FitterAbstract | inlinevirtual |
NumSlots() | TGo4FitSlotList | |
PointFitFunction(Int_t FitFunctionType, Double_t value, Double_t modelvalue, Double_t standdev) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
PrepareSlotsForWriting() | TGo4FitSlotList | protected |
Print(Option_t *option) const | TGo4Fitter | virtual |
PrintAmpls() const | TGo4Fitter | |
PrintLines() const | TGo4Fitter | |
PrintPars() const | TGo4FitParsList | |
PrintResults() const | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
ProcessObjects(TObjArray *objs, Bool_t CloneFitter=kTRUE, Bool_t OnlyRequired=kTRUE, TObjArray *rownames=0, TObjArray *colnames=0) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
ProvideLastDrawObjects(TObjArray &lst) | TGo4Fitter | |
RebuildAll(Bool_t ForceBuild=kFALSE) | TGo4Fitter | protected |
RememberPars() | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
RemoveData(const char *DataName, Bool_t IsDel=kFALSE) | TGo4Fitter | |
RemoveModel(const char *ModelName, Bool_t IsDel=kFALSE) | TGo4Fitter | |
RemovePar(const char *name) | TGo4FitParsList | |
RemovePar(TGo4FitParameter *par) | TGo4FitParsList | |
RemoveParByIndex(Int_t indx) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
ReplaceAction(TGo4FitterAction *action, Int_t dir) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
RunDependenciesList(TObjArray &Dependencies, Double_t *pars) | TGo4FitterAbstract | protected |
SetFitFunctionType(Int_t iFitFunctionType) | TGo4Fitter | inline |
SetGraph(const char *DataName, TGraph *gr, Bool_t Owned=kFALSE) | TGo4Fitter | |
SetH1(const char *DataName, TH1 *histo, Bool_t Owned=kFALSE) | TGo4Fitter | |
SetMemoryUsage(Int_t iMemoryUsage) | TGo4Fitter | |
SetObject(TObject *obj, Bool_t iOwned=kFALSE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
SetObject(const char *PlaceName, TObject *obj, Bool_t iOwned=kFALSE) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
SetOwner(TNamed *iOwner) | TGo4FitNamed | inline |
SetPad(Int_t indx, TVirtualPad *pad) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
SetParEpsilon(const char *ParName, Double_t Epsilon) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
SetParError(const char *ParName, Double_t iError) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParFixed(const char *ParName, Bool_t iFixed=kTRUE) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
SetParName(Int_t n, const char *name) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParRange(const char *ParName, Double_t RangeMin, Double_t RangeMax) | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
SetParsListChange() | TGo4FitterAbstract | inline |
SetParsNames(const char *name0="Par0", const char *name1="Par1", const char *name2="Par2", const char *name3="Par3", const char *name4="Par4", const char *name5="Par5", const char *name6="Par6", const char *name7="Par7", const char *name8="Par8", const char *name9="Par9") | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParsOwner(TGo4FitNamed *iOwner) | TGo4FitParsList | protected |
SetParsValues(Double_t *pars) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParsValues(Double_t par0=0., Double_t par1=0., Double_t par2=0., Double_t par3=0., Double_t par4=0., Double_t par5=0., Double_t par6=0., Double_t par7=0., Double_t par8=0., Double_t par9=0.) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetParValue(const char *ParName, Double_t iValue) | TGo4FitParsList | |
SetSaveFlagForObjects(Int_t iSaveFlag, const char *PlaceName=0) | TGo4FitSlotList | |
SetUpdateSlotList() | TGo4FitSlotList | |
SetUserFitFunction(TUserFitFunction iFunc) | TGo4Fitter | inline |
TGo4FitAmplEstimation class | TGo4Fitter | friend |
TGo4FitNamed() | TGo4FitNamed | |
TGo4FitNamed(const char *Name, const char *Title, TNamed *Owner=0) | TGo4FitNamed | |
TGo4FitParsList() | TGo4FitParsList | |
TGo4FitParsList(Bool_t IsParsOwned) | TGo4FitParsList | |
TGo4FitParsList(const char *Name, const char *Title, Bool_t IsParsOwned) | TGo4FitParsList | |
TGo4FitSlotList() | TGo4FitSlotList | |
TGo4Fitter() | TGo4Fitter | |
TGo4Fitter(const char *iName, const char *iTitle) | TGo4Fitter | |
TGo4Fitter(const char *iName, Int_t iFitFunctionType, Bool_t IsAddStandardActions) | TGo4Fitter | |
TGo4FitterAbstract() | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
TGo4FitterAbstract(const char *iName, const char *iTitle) | TGo4FitterAbstract | |
~TGo4FitNamed() | TGo4FitNamed | virtual |
~TGo4FitParsList() | TGo4FitParsList | virtual |
~TGo4FitSlotList() | TGo4FitSlotList | virtual |
~TGo4Fitter() | TGo4Fitter | virtual |
~TGo4FitterAbstract() | TGo4FitterAbstract | virtual |