GSI Object Oriented Online Offline (Go4)
This is the complete list of members for TMeshAnalysis, including all inherited members.
AddAnalysisCondition(TGo4Condition *con, const char *subfolder=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddAnalysisStep(TGo4AnalysisStep *next) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddCanvas(TCanvas *can, const char *subfolder=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddDynamicEntry(TGo4DynamicEntry *entry) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddDynamicHistogram(const char *name, const char *histo, const char *hevx, const char *hmemx, const char *hevy=0, const char *hmemy=0, const char *hevz=0, const char *hmemz=0, const char *condition=0, const char *cevx=0, const char *cmemx=0, const char *cevy=0, const char *cmemy=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddHistogram(TH1 *his, const char *subfolder=0, Bool_t replace=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddObject(TNamed *anything, const char *subfolder=0, Bool_t replace=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddParameter(TGo4Parameter *par, const char *subfolder=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddPicture(TGo4Picture *pic, const char *subfolder=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddTree(TTree *tree, const char *subfolder=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
AddTreeHistogram(const char *hisname, const char *treename, const char *varexp, const char *cutexp) | TGo4Analysis | |
AutoSave() | TGo4Analysis | |
ClearObjects(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
CloseAnalysis() | TGo4Analysis | virtual |
Constructor() | TGo4Analysis | protected |
CreateNamesList() | TGo4Analysis | |
CreateObjectStatus(const char *name, const char *folder=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
CreateStatus() | TGo4Analysis | |
CreateTreeStructure(const char *treename) | TGo4Analysis | |
CreateWebStatus() | TGo4Analysis | |
DefineServerPasswords(const char *admin, const char *controller, const char *observer) | TGo4Analysis | |
DeleteObjects(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
ExecuteLine(const char *command, Int_t *errcode=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
ExecutePython(const char *script_name, Int_t *errcode=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
ExecuteScript(const char *script_name) | TGo4Analysis | |
Exists() | TGo4Analysis | static |
fbAutoSaveOn | TGo4Analysis | protected |
fbInitIsDone | TGo4Analysis | protected |
fEvents | TMeshAnalysis | private |
fgcDEFAULTFILENAME | TGo4Analysis | static |
fgcDEFAULTFILESUF | TGo4Analysis | static |
fgcDEFAULTSTATUSFILENAME | TGo4Analysis | static |
fgcPYINIT | TGo4Analysis | static |
fgcPYPROMPT | TGo4Analysis | static |
fgcTOPDYNAMICLIST | TGo4Analysis | static |
fgiAUTOSAVECOUNTS | TGo4Analysis | static |
fgiDYNLISTINTERVAL | TGo4Analysis | static |
fgiMACROSTARTPOLL | TGo4Analysis | static |
fLastEvent | TMeshAnalysis | private |
fMbsEvent | TMeshAnalysis | private |
fPar | TMeshAnalysis | private |
fSize | TMeshAnalysis | private |
GetAnalysisClient() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
GetAnalysisCondition(const char *name, const char *cond_cl=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetAnalysisStep(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetAnalysisStepNum(Int_t number) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetCanvas(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetDefaultTestFileName() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
GetDynListInterval() | TGo4Analysis | |
GetEventStructure(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetHistogram(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetInputEvent(const char *stepname) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetInputEvent(Int_t stepindex) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetInputFileName() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
GetName() const | TGo4Analysis | inlinevirtual |
GetObject(const char *name, const char *folder=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetObjectFolder() | TGo4Analysis | |
GetOutputEvent(const char *stepname) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetOutputEvent(Int_t stepindex) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetOutputEvent() | TGo4Analysis | |
GetParameter(const char *name, const char *parameter_class=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetPicture(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
GetSniffer() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
GetTree(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
InitEventClasses() | TGo4Analysis | virtual |
Instance() | TGo4Analysis | static |
IsAutoSaveFileChange() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
IsAutoSaveFileName() const | TGo4Analysis | |
IsAutoSaveOn() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
IsBatchMode() | TGo4Analysis | static |
IsClientMode() | TGo4Analysis | static |
IsErrorStopEnabled() | TGo4Analysis | |
IsInitDone() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
IsNewInputFile() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
IsObjMade() | TGo4Analysis | inline |
IsRunning() | TGo4Analysis | |
IsServerMode() | TGo4Analysis | static |
LoadObjects(const char *filename=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
LoadStatus(const char *filename=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
LockAutoSave() | TGo4Analysis | |
MainCycle() | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeBoxCond(const char *fullname, Double_t cx, Double_t cy, Double_t a1, Double_t a2, Double_t theta, const char *HistoName=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeCircleCond(const char *fullname, Int_t npoints, Double_t cx, Double_t cy, Double_t r, const char *HistoName=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeEllipseCond(const char *fullname, Int_t npoints, Double_t cx, Double_t cy, Double_t a1, Double_t a2, Double_t theta=0, const char *HistoName=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeFreeShapeCond(const char *fullname, Int_t npoints, Double_t(*points)[2], const char *HistoName=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeParameter(const char *fullname, const char *classname, const char *cmd=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakePolyCond(const char *fullname, Int_t npoints, Double_t(*points)[2], const char *HistoName=0, Bool_t shapedcond=kFALSE) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeTH1(char type, const char *fullname, const char *title, Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, const char *xtitle=0, const char *ytitle=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeTH2(char type, const char *fullname, const char *title, Int_t nbinsx, Double_t xlow, Double_t xup, Int_t nbinsy, Double_t ylow, Double_t yup, const char *xtitle=0, const char *ytitle=0, const char *ztitle=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeWinCond(const char *fullname, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, const char *HistoName=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
MakeWinCond(const char *fullname, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, Double_t ymin, Double_t ymax, const char *HistoName=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
Message(Int_t prio, const char *text,...) | TGo4Analysis | |
NewStepProcessor(const char *name, TGo4EventProcessorParameter *par) | TGo4Analysis | |
NewStepSource(const char *name, TGo4EventSourceParameter *par) | TGo4Analysis | |
NewStepStore(const char *name, TGo4EventStoreParameter *par) | TGo4Analysis | |
NextMatchingObject(const char *expr=0, const char *folder=0, Bool_t reset=kFALSE) | TGo4Analysis | |
ObjectManager() const | TGo4Analysis | inline |
PostLoop() | TGo4Analysis | |
PreLoop() | TGo4Analysis | |
Print(Option_t *opt="") const | TGo4Analysis | virtual |
PrintConditions(const char *expression=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
PrintDynamicList() | TGo4Analysis | |
PrintHistograms(const char *expression=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
PrintParameters(const char *expression=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
Process() | TGo4Analysis | |
ProcessAnalysisSteps() | TGo4Analysis | protected |
ProcessCrtlCSignal() | TGo4Analysis | |
ProcessEvents() | TGo4Analysis | |
ProtectObjects(const char *name, const Option_t *flags) | TGo4Analysis | |
RemoveAnalysisCondition(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
RemoveCanvas(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
RemoveDynamicEntry(const char *entryname, const char *listname=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
RemoveHistogram(const char *name, Bool_t del=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | |
RemoveObject(const char *name, Bool_t del=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | |
RemoveParameter(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
RemovePicture(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
RemoveTree(TTree *tree, const char *stepname=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
ResetBackStores(Bool_t clearflag=kFALSE) | TGo4Analysis | |
RunImplicitLoop(Int_t times, Bool_t showrate=kFALSE, Double_t process_event_interval=-1., Bool_t iswebserver=kFALSE) | TGo4Analysis | |
SaveStatus(const char *filename=0) | TGo4Analysis | |
SendObjectToGUI(TObject *ob) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetAdministratorPassword(const char *passwd) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetAnalysisCondition(const char *name, TGo4Condition *con, Bool_t counter=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetAnalysisName(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetAutoSave(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetAutoSaveFile(const char *filename=0, Bool_t overwrite=kFALSE, Int_t compression=5) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetAutoSaveFileChange(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetAutoSaveInterval(Int_t interval=0) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetBatchLoopCount(Int_t cnt=-1) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetControllerPassword(const char *passwd) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetDynListInterval(Int_t val) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetFirstStep(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetInputFileName(const char *fname) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetLastStep(const char *name) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetMakeWithAutosave(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetNewInputFile(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetObserverPassword(const char *passwd) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetParameter(const char *name, TGo4Parameter *par) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetParameterStatus(const char *name, TGo4ParameterStatus *par) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetPicture(const char *name, TGo4Picture *pic) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetRunning(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetRunningMode(int mode) | TGo4Analysis | static |
SetSniffer(TGo4AnalysisSniffer *sniff) | TGo4Analysis | inline |
SetStatus(TGo4AnalysisStatus *state) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetStepChecking(Bool_t on=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | |
SetStepStorage(const char *name, Bool_t on) | TGo4Analysis | |
ShowEvent(const char *stepname, Bool_t isoutput=kTRUE) | TGo4Analysis | |
StartAnalysis() | TGo4Analysis | |
StartObjectServer(const char *basename, const char *passwd) | TGo4Analysis | |
StopAnalysis() | TGo4Analysis | |
StopObjectServer() | TGo4Analysis | |
StoreCondition(const char *name, TGo4Condition *con) | TGo4Analysis | |
StoreFitter(const char *name, TGo4Fitter *fit) | TGo4Analysis | |
StoreFolder(const char *stepname, TFolder *folder) | TGo4Analysis | |
StoreFolder(const char *stepname, const char *foldername) | TGo4Analysis | |
StoreParameter(const char *name, TGo4Parameter *par) | TGo4Analysis | |
TGo4Analysis(const char *name=0) | TGo4Analysis | protected |
TGo4Analysis(int argc, char **argv) | TGo4Analysis | protected |
TGo4CommandReceiver() | TGo4CommandReceiver | |
TMeshAnalysis() | TMeshAnalysis | |
TMeshAnalysis(int argc, char **argv) | TMeshAnalysis | |
UnLockAutoSave() | TGo4Analysis | |
UpdateStatus(TGo4AnalysisStatus *state) | TGo4Analysis | |
UserEventFunc() | TMeshAnalysis | virtual |
UserPostLoop() | TMeshAnalysis | virtual |
UserPreLoop() | TMeshAnalysis | virtual |
WaitForStart() | TGo4Analysis | |
~TGo4Analysis() | TGo4Analysis | virtual |
~TGo4CommandReceiver() | TGo4CommandReceiver | virtual |
~TMeshAnalysis() | TMeshAnalysis | virtual |