IBM LoadLeveler installation and customization

Server installation

Applies only to a machine which should serve as LoadLeveler repository and/or central manager
  1. for V2.2
  2. for V3.1
  3. Choose a special account, e.g. biodev as LoadLeveler user id.
  4. Adapt the central config file, e.g. /u/biodev/LoadL_config,
    ARCH = R6000
    OPSYS= AIX43||AIX51||AIX52||AIX53
    LOADL_ADMIN = ... list of admin accounts
    ADMIN_FILE  = /u/biodev/LoadL_admin
    and other general definitions.
  5. Adapt the central admin file (e.g. /u/biodev/LoadL_admin) to include the machines under LL control and the possible job classes.

Client configuration

(Version >=2.2, bio-owned installation)
  1. must be mounted according to the following entry in /etc/filesystems
            dev             = "/usr/lpp/LoadL"
            vfs             = nfs
            nodename        = biops5z
            mount           = true
            options         = ro,bg,soft,intr
            account         = false
    mkdir -p /usr/lpp/LoadL/
    mount -a
  2. the following links must exist
      ln -s /usr/lpp/LoadL/full/lib/libllapi.a /usr/lib/libllapi.a
      ln -s /usr/lpp/LoadL/full/lib/libllmulti.a /usr/lib/libllmulti.a
      ln -s /usr/lpp/LoadL/full/lib/llapi_shr.o /usr/lib/llapi_shr.o
  3. and the directories
    mkdir -p /var/loadl/execute
    mkdir -p /var/loadl/log
    mkdir -p /var/loadl/spool
  4. a local configuration file /var/loadl/LoadL_config.local should exist. Adapt the following entries: where the last line determines the number of simultaneous jobs possible.
  5. in /etc/rc.local
    # start LoadLeveler
    /usr/lpp/LoadL/full/bin/llctl start
    to start the LoadLeveler on boot. Outcomment this line when LoadLeveler should not run.

  6. The file /etc/LoadL.cfg must exist, with entries e.g.:
       LoadLUserid = biodev
       LoadLGroupid = bio
       LoadLConfig = /u/biodev/LoadL_config
  7. Update the ADMIN_FILE (see above, Server installation) to include the new machine.
  8. To allow management via ll commands or xloadl, the rshd service must be (re-)enabled in /etc/inetd.conf, but access should be restricted to root in /.rhosts to the managing machine only.

Client configuration (V1.3, obsolete)

  1. these directories are necessary:
    mkdir /var/loadl
    mkdir /var/loadl/execute
    mkdir /var/loadl/log
    mkdir /var/loadl/spool
    mkdir /usr/lpp/LoadL
    mkdir /usr/lpp/LoadL/nfs
    /usr/bin/ln -s /usr/lpp/LoadL/nfs/lib/libjm_clientll.a /usr/lib/libjm_clientll.a
    /usr/bin/ln -s /usr/lpp/LoadL/nfs/lib/libSDRll.a /usr/lib/libSDRll.a
  2. in /etc/filesystems:
            dev             = "/usr/lpp/LoadL/nfs/ll13nfs43"
            vfs             = nfs
            nodename        = filesv1
            mount           = true
            options         = bg,soft,intr
            account         = false
    (Note that the filesystem must be exported on filesv1)
  3. in /etc/rc.local
    #start LoadLeveler
    /usr/lpp/LoadL/nfs/bin/llctl start
    to start the LoadLeveler on boot. Outcomment this line when LoadLeveler should not run.
  4. Copy the configuration file /var/loadl/LoadL_config.local from an already installed machine. Adapt the following entries: where the last line determines the number of simultaneous jobs.
  5. You use
    mount -a           # mounts the LoadL filesystems from /etc/filesystems
    llctl reconfig
    to activate the changes immediately

Last update: 12-Dec-2007, M.Kraemer