- For a machine using a remote nameserver, e.g:
* HOSTNAME [bioxxxx]
* Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) [140.181.yyy.zzz]
Network MASK (dotted decimal) []
* Network INTERFACE en0
Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) []
DOMAIN Name [gsi.de]
Default GATEWAY Address []
(dotted decimal or symbolic name)
Your CABLE Type N/A +
START Now yes +
- For a machine running nameservices itself, e.g:
* HOSTNAME [tkrrs6b] [tkrrs6a]
* Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) [] []
Network MASK (dotted decimal) []
* Network INTERFACE en0
Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) []
DOMAIN Name [gsi.de]
Default GATEWAY Address []
(dotted decimal or symbolic name)
Your CABLE Type N/A +
Your CABLE Type N/A +
START Now yes +
- For a machine using a router, e.g:
* HOSTNAME [mpsa]
* Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) []
Network MASK (dotted decimal) []
* Network INTERFACE en0
Internet ADDRESS (dotted decimal) []
DOMAIN Name [localdomain]
DOMAIN Name [.localdomain] # for AIX 3.2, strangely !
Default GATEWAY Address []
(dotted decimal or symbolic name)
Your CABLE Type N/A +
or via command line
/usr/sbin/mktcpip -h'mpsa' -a'' -m'' -i'en0' -n'' -d'localdomain' -g'' -t'N/A'
In this case the router will pass name resolution to the ISP and
thus moonshines as a domain "nameserver", sort of. Local addresses will have to be resolved by /etc/hosts
Note that for some configurations (e.g. MCA machines and/or AIX 3)
the entry Your CABLE Type
has to be correctly specified, i.e.
if a transceiver is being used, bnc
for a BNC outlet.