Time client setup

HP-UX 9.0x

Early HP-UX versions didn't come with ntp. Download version 3.5f and install it, e.g. in /opt/. Stow appropriate links in /opt/bin, /opt/etc. Then:
  1. Immediate synchronization with e.g.:
    /opt/bin/ntpdate de.pool.ntp.org  
  2. The file /opt/etc/ntp.conf must contain the entries:
    server de.pool.ntp.org 
    driftfile /var/ntp.drift  # must be writable 
    # tracefile /var/ntp.trace  # must be writable 
    A sample is examples/xntp/ntp.conf
  3. modify /opt/etc/init.d/xntp to reflect the actual file paths, e.g.:
    /opt/bin/xntpd -c /opt/etc/ntp.conf
  4. in /etc/rc insert the function
    xntpd_start ()
    /opt/etc/init.d/xntp start
    and xntpd_start-lines in the "Actions" section.
  5. After reboot, the xntpd daemon should run.

HP-UX 9.10

  1. Immediate synchronization with e.g.:
    /usr/contrib/bin/ntpdate de.pool.ntp.org  
  2. The file /usr/contrib/etc/ntp.conf must contain the entries:
    server de.pool.ntp.org 
    driftfile /usr/contrib/etc/ntp.drift  # must be writable 
    # tracefile /usr/contrib/etc/ntp.trace  # must be writable 
    A sample is /usr/contrib/etc/ntp.conf.samples
  3. xntpd_start-line in /etc/rc ?
  4. The file /etc/environment should define the correct time zone:

HP-UX 10.x/11.x

  1. Immediate synchronization with e.g.:
    /usr/sbin/ntpdate        de.pool.ntp.org  
  2. The file /etc/ntp.conf must contain the entries:
    server de.pool.ntp.org 
    driftfile /var/ntp.drift  # must be writable 
    # tracefile /var/ntp.trace  # must be writable 
    A sample is /usr/newconfig/etc/ntp.conf
  3. In /etc/rc.config.d/netdaemons enable XNTPD

Last update: 21-Feb-2010, M.Kraemer