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Using NFS for X Server Downloading

To download an X server using NFS, in addition to configuring the terminal for NFS use, you must do the following:

Making Sure NFS is Available

If you are not certain whether NFS is available and configured on the boot host, see Chapter 5, Configuring Network Services.

Specifying the Directory to Search for an X Server

To specify the directory that the terminal searches for an X server to download (the NFS mount point), you alter a value in NVRAM. If you do not specify a mount point, the Boot Monitor uses the defaults /tftpboot/ or /usr/tftpboot/ directory.

To specify a different directory, set boot-nfs-directory to the desired mount point (Setup -> Change Setup Parameters -> Booting -> [TCP/IP Boot Options section] NFS Directory). Save the new value in NVRAM.

Table 4-12 boot-nfs-directory Parameter
Possible Values
default /tftpboot/ or /usr/tftpboot/
directory_path The directory for X server downloading using NFS.

The default X server loading sequence automatically loads the first X server it finds in the mounted NFS directory. If you do not specify a mount point, the Boot Monitor loads the first X server it finds in the default directory, /tftpboot/ or /usr/tftpboot/.

As with TFTP booting, you can boot an X server in another directory by symbolically linking one of the default directory pathnames to the true location of the X server. ("Linking X Server Files" describes using symbolic links for X server directory pathnames.)

When using NFS for X server download, each directory involved in the linkage between the default pathname and the actual X server image location must be exported.

If any directory is non-exportable, the read operation fails and an error message such as the following results:

Failed to mount /usr/nfs/load

If the Boot Monitor succeeds in mounting the directory containing the X server image, messages such as the following result:

Loading initial file /usr/nfs/load/Xncdhm
Loading final file /usr/tftpboot/Xncdhmx

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