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Contents of the Statistics Hide Boxes

This section describes the hide boxes in the Show Statistics window, including a description of each parameter and the name of the corresponding remote configuration parameter.

Ethernet Statistics

The parameters in the Ethernet hide box report statistics on the terminal's Ethernet interface.

Ethernet Field
Corresponding Parameter
Interfaces Table Table of read-only Ethernet interface statistics enet-interfaces-table

Font Usage Statistics

The parameters in the Font Usage hide box report statistics on font usage.

Font Usage Field
Corresponding Parameter
Cache Size Size of the font cache (in bytes) font-cache-size
Cache Used Portion of the font cache in use (in bytes) font-cache-used
Number of Fonts in Cache Number of fonts in the cache font-number-of-fonts-in-cache
Total Fonts Loaded Number of fonts loaded since the terminal was last reset font-total-fonts-loaded
Objects Currently in Use Number of font objects currently in use font-objects-currently-in-use
Cache Hits Number of font cache hits font-cache-hits
Object Count Number of font objects font-object-count

ICMP Statistics

The parameters in the ICMP hide box report statistics on terminal communications using ICMP.

ICMP Statistics Field
Corresponding Parameter
Packets Received Total number of ICMP messages received by the terminal (including all messages counted by icmp-packets-received-with-errors) icmp-packets-received
Packets Received with Errors Number of ICMP messages received by the terminal and determined to have ICMP-specific errors icmp-packets-received-with-errors
Destination Unreachables Received Number of ICMP Destination Unreachable messages received icmp-destination-unreachables-received
Time Exceededs Received Number of ICMP Time Exceeded messages received icmp-time-exceededs-received
Parameter Problems Received Number of ICMP Parameter Problem messages received icmp-parameter-problems-received
Source Quenches Received Number of ICMP Source Quench messages sent icmp-source-quenches-received
Redirects Received Number of ICMP Redirect messages received icmp-redirects-received
Echo Requests Received Number of Echo (request) messages received icmp-echo-requests-received
Echo Replies Received Number of Echo Reply messages received icmp-echo-replies-received
Timestamps Requests Received Number of Timestamp (request) messages received icmp-timestamp-requests-received
Timestamp Replies Received Number of Timestamp (replies) messages received icmp-timestamp-replies-received
Address Mask Requests Received Number of Address Mask Request messages received icmp-address-mask-requests-received
Address Mask Replies Received Number of Address Mask Reply messages received icmp-address-mask-replies-received
Packets Transmitted Total number of ICMP messages that the terminal attempted to send (including messages counted by icmp-packets-unable-to-be-transmitted) icmp-packets-transmitted
Packets Unable to be Transmitted Number of ICMP messages that the terminal did not send due to problems discovered within ICMP, such as a lack of buffers (does not include errors discovered outside the ICMP layer) icmp-packets-unable-to-be-transmitted
Destination Unreachables Transmitted Number of Destination Unreachable messages sent icmp-destination-unreachables-transmitted
Time Exceededs Transmitted Number of Time Exceeded messages sent icmp-time-exceededs-transmitted
Parameter Problems Transmitted Number of Parameter Problem messages sent icmp-parameter-problems-transmitted
Source Quenches Transmitted Number of Source Quench messages sent icmp-source-quenches-transmitted
Redirects Transmitted Number of Redirect messages sent (always zero because non-routers do not send redirect messages) icmp-redirects-transmitted
Echo Requests Transmitted Number of Echo (request) messages sent icmp-echo-requests-transmitted
Echo Replies Transmitted Number of Echo Reply messages sent icmp-echo-replies-transmitted
Timestamp Requests Transmitted Number of ICMP Timestamp (request) messages sent icmp-timestamp-requests-transmitted
Timestamp Replies Transmitted Number of Timestamp Reply messages sent icmp-timestamp-replies-transmitted
Address Mask Requests Transmitted Number of Address Mask Request messages sent icmp-address-mask-requests-transmitted
Address Mask Replies Transmitted Number of Address Mask Reply messages sent icmp-address-mask-replies-transmitted

IP Statistics

The parameters in the IP hide box report statistics on terminal communications using IP.

IP Field
Corresponding Parameter
IP Forwarding Type Whether the terminal is acting as an IP gateway when forwarding datagrams that were not addressed to the terminal ip-forwarding-type
Packets Received Total number of input datagrams received from interfaces (including datagrams received in error) ip-packets-received
Packets Received with Errors in IP Header Number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers (including bad checksums, mismatched version numbers, incorrect format, exceeded time-to-live, and errors discovered in processing their IP options) ip-packets-received-with-errors-in-ip-header
Packets Received with Incorrect Address Number of input datagrams discarded because of an invalid address for the terminal in the IP header destination field (including invalid addresses, addresses of unsupported classes, and non-local addresses) ip-packets-received-with-incorrect-address
Packets Forwarded Number of input datagrams for which the terminal was not the final IP destination, resulting in attempts to find routes to forward them to their final destinations ip-packets-forwarded
Packets Received with Unknown Protocols Number of locally addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol ip-packets-received-with-unknown-protocols
Received Packets Discarded Number of input datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent their continued processing, but were discarded anyway; for example, for lack of buffer space (does not include datagrams discarded while awaiting assembly) ip-packets-received-and-discarded
Received Packets Delivered Number of input datagrams successfully delivered to IP user protocols (including ICMP) ip-packets-received-and-delivered
Packet Transmission Requests Number of datagrams that local IP user protocols (including ICMP) supplied to IP in requests for transmission (does not include datagrams counted in ip-packets-forwarded) ip-packet-transmission-requests
Packet Transmission Requests Discarded Number of output datagrams for which no problem was encountered to prevent transmission, but were discarded anyway; for example, for lack of buffer space (includes datagrams counted in ip-packets-forwarded, if such packets met this discretionary discard criterion) ip-packet-transmission-requests-discarded
Packet Transmission Requests without Routes Number of datagrams discarded because no route could be found to transmit them to their destination. Includes any packets counted in ip-packets-forwarded that met this criterion (including datagrams that a host cannot route because its default gateways are down) ip-packet-transmission-requests-without-routes
Packet Reassembly Timeout Maximum number of seconds that the terminal holds fragments awaiting reassembly ip-packet-reassembly-timeout
Packet Reassemblies Required Number of IP fragments received that need to be reassembled at the terminal ip-packet-reassemblies-required
Packet Reassemblies Completed Number of datagrams successfully reassembled ip-packet-reassemblies-completed
Packet Reassemblies Not Completed Number of failures detected by the IP reassembly algorithm ip-packet-reassemblies-not-completed
Packet Fragmentations Completed Number of datagrams that the terminal successfully fragmented ip-packet-fragmentations-completed
Packet Fragmentations Not Completed Number of datagrams discarded because they could not be fragmented at the terminal ip-packet-fragmentations-not-completed
Packet Fragments Created Number of datagram fragments generated as a result of fragmentation at the terminal ip-packet-fragments-created
Subnet Address Current subnet address for the terminal ip-subnet-mask

Loadable Modules Statistics

The statistics in the Loadable Modules hide box report on the modules that are currently loaded.

Loadable Modules Field
Corresponding Parameter
Currently Loaded Information about currently loaded modules (including module name, memory used, and version) modules-loaded

NCDnet Statistics

The parameters in the NCDnet hide box report statistics on terminal communications using NCDnet (DECnet).

NCDnet Statistics Field
Corresponding Parameter
Node Address Current DECnet address of the terminal ncdnet-node-address
Data Blocks Sent Number of data messages sent over DECnet ncdnet-data-blocks-sent
Data Blocks Received Number of data messages received over DECnet ncdnet-data-blocks-received
Bytes Sent Number of bytes transmitted over DECnet ncdnet-bytes-sent
Bytes Received Number of bytes received over DECnet ncdnet-bytes-received
Hello Packets Sent Number of DECnet Hello packets sent ncdnet-hello-packets-sent
Hello Packets Received Number of DECnet Hello packets received ncdnet-hello-packets-received
Count Circuit Down Number of circuit down events that occurred ncdnet-count-circuit-down
Inbound Errors Number of DECnet receive errors ncdnet-inbound-errors
Outbound Errors Number of DECnet transmit errors ncdnet-outbound-errors
Seconds Since Zeroed Number of seconds since the DECnet statistics were last reset to zero ncdnet-seconds-since-zeroed

NCDnet Name Service Statistics

The parameters in the NCDnet Name Service hide box report statistics on name service actions in a DECnet network.

NCDnet Name Service Field
Corresponding Parameter
Name Requests Number of times the NCD name resolver was invoked ncdnet-name-requests
Numerical Addresses Number of times the name resolver was invoked with the DECnet name in numerical format, such as 1.17 ncdnet-name-numerical-addresses
Name Cache Hits Number of local name cache invocations in which the answer was found ncdnet-name-cache-hits
Name Server Hits Number of times the name resolver was invoked and the answer was found by consulting the name servers ncdnet-name-server-hits
Name Cache Overflows Number of times a valid entry in the local name cache was deleted to make room for a new entry ncdnet-name-cache-overflows
Errors section
No Such Name Errors Number of times the DECnet name servers returned No Such Name error messages in response to name request ncdnet-name-no-such-name-errors
Bad Name Errors Number of Bad Name errors returned by the name servers (indicates a badly formed name) ncdnet-name-bad-name-errors
Name Server Response Errors Number of badly formed responses returned by the name servers ncdnet-name-server-response-errors
No Server Responses Number of times the name servers did not respond to name requests ncdnet-name-no-server-responses
System Errors Number of times the name resolver encountered a general system error ncdnet-name-system-errors
Memory Allocation Failures Number of times the name resolver could not allocate required memory ncdnet-name-memory-allocation-failures

Network Buffers Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on network buffers.

Network Buffers Field
Corresponding Parameter
Total Buffers Total number of network buffers net-total-buffers
Available Buffers Number of unallocated network buffers net-available-buffers
Total Cluster Buffers Total number of large contiguous network buffers in the terminal net-total-cluster-buffers
Available Cluster Buffers Number of unallocated large contiguous network buffers net-available-cluster-buffers
Reserved Data Buffers Number of network buffers reserved, but not yet allocated, for storing user data within the protocol stacks net-reserved-data-buffers
Buffer Not Available Errors Number of times the networking code initiated error recovery procedures because it could not allocate a network buffer net-buffer-not-available-errors
Buffer Waits Number of times the networking code blocked while waiting for network buffers to become available net-buffer-waits
Used Buffers section
Packet Data Buffers Number of packet data buffers net-packet-data-buffers
Packet Header Buffers Number of network buffers allocated for storing protocol header information net-packet-header-buffers
Packet Fragment Reassembly Buffers Number of network buffers allocated for storing IP packet fragments for reassembly net-packet-fragment-reassembly-buffers
Connection Control Structure Buffers Number of network buffers allocated for storing connection control structures net-connection-control-structure-buffers
Connection Name Buffers Number of network buffers allocated for storing connection names net-connection-name-buffers
Connection Option Buffers Number of network buffers allocated for storing connection options net-connection-option-buffers
Protocol Control Structure Buffers Number of network buffers allocated for storing protocol control structures net-protocol-control-structure-buffers
Interface Address Buffers Number of buffers allocated for storing network interface address information net-interface-address-buffers
ARP Table Entry Buffers Number of network buffers allocated for storing ARP table entries net-arp-table-entry-buffers

Network Interfaces Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report on network interface statistics.

Network Interfaces Field
Corresponding Parameter
Number of Interfaces Number of network interfaces net-number-of-interfaces
Interfaces Table Table of network interface characteristics net-interfaces-table

NFS Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on file access using NFS.

NFS Field
Corresponding Parameter
Client NFS section
Null Requests Number of NFS null operations requested by the NFS Client nfs-null-requests
Get Attributes Requests Number of NFS Get Attributes operations requested by the NFS client nfs-get-attributes-requests
Set Attributes Requests Number of NFS Set Attribute operations requested by the NFS client nfs-set-attributes-requests
Get Root Requests Number of NFS Get File System Root operations requested by the NFS client nfs-get-root-requests
Path Lookup Requests Number of NFS File Name Component Lookup operations requested by the NFS client nfs-path-lookup-requests
Read Symlink Requests Number of NFS Read Link operations requested by the NFS client nfs-read-symlink-requests
Read Data Requests Number of NFS Read operations requested by the NFS client nfs-read-data-requests
Write Data Cache Requests Number of NFS Write Data Cache operations requested by the NFS client nfs-write-data-cache-requests
Write Data Requests Number of NFS Write Data Cache operations requested by the NFS client nfs-write-data-requests
File Create Requests Number of NFS File Create operations requested by the NFS client nfs-file-create-requests
File Remove Requests Number of NFS File Remove operations requested by the NFS client nfs-file-remove-requests
File Rename Requests Number of NFS File Rename operations requested by the NFS client nfs-file-rename-requests
Link Create Requests Number of NFS Create Link operations requested by the NFS client nfs-link-create-requests
Symlink Create Requests Number of NFS Create Symbolic Link operations requested by the NFS client nfs-symlink-create-requests
Directory Create Requests Number of NFS Create Directory operations requested by the NFS client nfs-directory-create-requests
Directory Remove Requests Number of NFS Remove Directory operations requested by the NFS client nfs-directory-remove-requests
Directory Contents Requests Number of NFS Read Directory operations requested by the NFS client nfs-directory-contents-requests
Get File System Stats Requests Number of NFS Stat File System operations requested by the NFS client nfs-get-file-system-stats-requests
Server NFS section
Null Requests Number of NFS read directory operations received by the terminal nfs-received-null-requests
Get Attributes Requests Number of NFS create directory operations received by the terminal nfs-received-get-attributes-requests
Set Attributes Requests Number of NFS set attribute operations received by the terminal nfs-received-set-attributes-requests
Get Root Requests Number of NFS get file system root operations received by the terminal nfs-received-get-root-requests
Path Lookup Requests Number of NFS filename component lookup operations received by the terminal nfs-received-path-lookup-requests
Read Symlink Requests Number of NFS read link operations received by the terminal nfs-received-read-symlink-requests
Read Data Requests Number of NFS read operations received by the terminal nfs-received-read-data-requests
Write Data Cache Requests Number of NFS write data cache operations received by the terminal nfs-received-write-data-cache-requests
Write Data Requests Number of NFS write data operations received by the terminal nfs-received-write-data-requests
File Create Requests Number of NFS create file operations received by the terminal nfs-received-file-create-requests
File Remove Requests Number of NFS remove file operations received by the terminal nfs-received-file-remove-requests
File Rename Requests Number of file rename operations received by the terminal nfs-received-file-rename-requests
Link Create Requests Number of NFS create link operations received by the terminal nfs-received-link-create-requests
Symlink Create Requests Number of NFS create symbolic link operations received by the terminal nfs-received-symlink-create-requests
Directory Create Requests Number of NFS create directory operations received by the terminal nfs-received-directory-create-requests
Directory Remove Requests Number of NFS remove directory operations received by the terminal nfs-received-directory-remove-requests
Directory Contents Requests Number of NFS read directory operations received by the terminal nfs-received-directory-contents-requests
Get File System Stats Requests Number of NFS stats file system operations received by the terminal nfs-received-get-file-system-stats-requests

Parallel Daemon Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report about parallel port software functions. This hide box contains the Parallel Daemons Statistics table, which corresponds to the parallel-daemons-statistics-table parameter.

Table Entry
Port Number The identifying number of the parallel port
Connections Accepted The number of connections to the Parallel daemon
Connections with Access Control Errors The number of connections closed by the Parallel daemon because the remote address was not in the Parallel daemon's access control list
Connections with I/O Errors The number of connections closed by the Parallel daemon because of a local I/O error, including the user aborting the connection through a local mechanism
Connections with Normal Completion The number of connections closed by the remote host, which is the normal mode of ending a Parallel daemon connection

Serial Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on the physical serial interfaces. This hide box contains the Interface Statistics table, which corresponds to the serial-interface-statistics-table parameter.

Table Entries
Port Number The identifying number of the serial port
Reception Overruns The number of times an incoming octet overwrote a previously received octet in the UART's buffer
Reception Frame Errors The number of times an incoming octet had bad bit alignment
Reception Parity Errors The number of times the parity bit of an incoming octet was incorrect
Reception Break Errors The number of times a stop bit was not received at the expected time after a start bit and the intervening bits were all zero
Total Characters Transmitted The total number of characters transmitted
Total Transmit Interrupts The total number of transmission interrupts
Total Characters Received The total number of characters received
Total Receive Interrupts The total number of reception interrupts
Total Receive Errors The total number of reception errors

Serial Daemons Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on serial port software functions. This hide box contains the Serial Daemons Statistics table, which corresponds to the serial-daemons-statistics-table parameter.

Table Entries
Port Number The identifying number of the serial port
Connections Accepted The number of connections to the Serial daemon
Connections with Access Control Errors The number of connections closed by the Serial daemon because the remote address was not in the Serial daemon's access control list
Connections with I/O Errors The number of connections closed by the Serial daemon because of a local I/O error, including the user aborting the connection through a local mechanism
Connections with Normal Completion The number of connections closed by the remote host, which is the normal mode of ending a Serial daemon connection

SNMP Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on SNMP. For statistics that refer to the PDU (Protocol Data Unit), "error-status" field, see SNMP specifications for the relevant error code.

SNMP Field
Corresponding Parameter
Packets Received Total number of messages delivered to SNMP from the transport service snmp-packets-received
Packets Transmitted Total number of messages passed from SNMP to the transport service snmp-packets-transmitted
Packets Received with Bad Versions Total number of messages delivered that were for an unsupported SNMP version snmp-packets-received-with-bad-versions
Packets Received with Bad Community Names Total number of messages delivered to SNMP that used an unknown community name snmp-packets-received-with-bad-community-names
Packets Received with Bad Community Uses Total number of messages delivered to SNMP that represented an operation that was not allowed by the SNMP community named in the message snmp-packets-received-with-bad-community-uses
Packets Received with ASN.1 Errors Number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by SNMP when decoding received messages snmp-packets-received-with asn1-errors
Packets Received with Bad Variable Types Number of SNMP PDUs delivered to SNMP that had an unknown PDU type snmp-packets-received-with-bad-variable-types
Too Big Error Responses Received Number of PDUs generated by SNMP with "tooBig" in the "error-status" field snmp-too-big-error-responses-received
Bad Variable Name Error Responses Received Number of PDUs delivered to SNMP with the value of "noSuchName" in the "error-status" field snmp-bad-variable-name-error-responses-received
Bad Variable Values Error Responses Received Number of PDUs delivered to SNMP for which the value of the "error-status" field is "badValue" snmp-bad-variable-values-error-responses-received
Read-Only Variable Error Responses Received Number of valid PDUs that are delivered to SNMP for which the value of the "error-status" field is "readonly." Generating such a PDU is a protocol error snmp-read-only-variable-error-responses-received
General Error Responses Received Total number of PDUs generated for which the value of the "error-status" field is "genErr" snmp-general-error-responses-received
Variable Gets Completed Total number of MIB objects successfully retrieved as the result of receiving valid "Get-Request and "Get-Next" PDUs snmp-variable-gets-completed
Variable Sets Completed Total number of MIB objects changed after receiving valid "Set-Request" PDUs snmp-variable-sets-completed
Get Requests Received Total number of "Get-Request" PDUs accepted and processed snmp-get-requests-received
Get-Next Requests Received Total number of SNMP "Get-Next" PDUs accepted and processed snmp-get-next-requests-received
Set Requests Received Total number of "Set-Requests" PDUs accepted and processed snmp-set-requests-received
Get Responses Received Total number of "Get-Responses" PDUs accepted and processed snmp-get-responses-received
Traps Received Total number of Trap PDUs accepted and processed snmp-traps-received
Too Big Error Responses Transmitted Total number of PDUs generated with "tooBig" in the "error-status" field snmp-too-big-error-responses-transmitted
Bad Variable Name Error Responses Transmitted Total number of PDUs generated with "error-status" of "noSuchName" snmp-bad-variable-name-error-responses-transmitted
Bad Variable Values Error Responses Transmitted Total number of PDUs generated with "error-status" of "badValue" snmp-bad-variable-values-error-responses-transmitted
Read-Only Variable Error Responses Transmitted Total number of valid PDUs generated with "error-status" of "readonly" snmp-read-only-variable-error-responses-transmitted
General Error Responses Transmitted Total number of PDUs generated with "error-status" of "genErr" snmp-general-error-responses-transmitted
Get Requests Transmitted Total number of "Get-Request" PDUs generated snmp-get-requests-transmitted
Get-Next Requests Transmitted Total number of "Get-Next" PDUs generated snmp-get-next-requests-transmitted
Set Requests Transmitted Total number of "Set-Requests" PDUs generated snmp-set-requests-transmitted
Get Responses Transmitted Total number of "Get-Response" PDUs generated snmp-get-responses-transmitted
Traps Transmitted Total number of trap PDUs generated snmp-traps-transmitted

TCP Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on terminal communications using TCP.

TCP Statistics Field
Corresponding Parameter
Retransmission Algorithm Type Algorithm that determines the timeout value used for retransmitting unacknowledged octets (only the Van-Jacobson algorithm is supported) tcp-retransmission-algorithm-type
Minimum Retransmission Time Minimum time (in seconds) permitted for the retransmission timeout) tcp-minimum-retransmission-time
Maximum Retransmission Time Maximum time (in seconds) permitted for retransmission tcp-maximum-retransmission-time
Maximum Number of Connections Limit on the total number of TCP connections supported; should be -1 in a terminal whose maximum number of transmissions is dynamic tcp-maximum-number-of-connections
Active Connect Attempts Number of times TCP connections made a direct transition to the SYN-SENT state from the CLOSED state tcp-active-connect-attempts
Passive Connects Attempts Number of times TCP connections made a direct transition to the SYN-RCVD state from the LISTEN state tcp-passive-connects-attempts
Failed Connect Attempts Number of times TCP connections made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the SYN-SENT state or the SYN-RCVD state and to the LISTEN state from the SYN-RCVD state tcp-failed-connect-attempts
Established Connections Number of TCP connections whose current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT tcp-established-connections
Connections Timed Out on Retransmissions Number of connections that progressed directly to the CLOSED state because too many retransmissions were sent tcp-connections-timed-out-on-retransmissions
Connections Timed Out on Keepalives Number of connections that progressed directly to the CLOSED state because too many keepalives were sent tcp-connections-timed-out-on-keepalives
Connections Reset Number of times connections made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from the established state or the CLOSED-WAIT state tcp-connections-reset
Packets Received Total number of segments received, including those received in error; includes segments received on currently established connections tcp-packets-received
Packets Transmitted Total number of segments sent, including those on current connections, but excluding those containing only retransmitted octets tcp-packets-transmitted
Packets Retransmitted Total number of segments retransmitted (transmitted containing one or more previously transmitted octets) tcp-packets-retransmitted
Ack Packets Received Number of packets received that contained no data, only the ACK flag turned on tcp-ack-packets-received
Ack-Only Packets Transmitted Number of packets transmitted that acknowledged one or more octets of unacknowledged data tcp-ack-only-packets-transmitted
Packets with Errors Received Total number of segments received in error (such as bad TCP checklists) tcp-packets-with-errors-received
Keepalive Packets Transmitted Number of TCP keepalive packets transmitted tcp-keepalive-packets-transmitted
Reset Packets Transmitted Number of segments sent containing the RST flag tcp-reset-packets-transmitted
Connection Table Table listing TCP connections (including local and remote IP addresses and ports and the state of the connection) tcp-connection-table

TCP/IP Name Service Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on name service protocols in a TCP/IP network.

TCP/IP Name Service Field
Corresponding Parameter
Name Requests Number of times the name resolver was invoked tcpip-name-requests
Numerical Addresses Number of invocations in which the name was in numerical format, such as tcpip-name-numerical-addresses
Name Cache Hits Number of invocations in which the answer was found in the local name cache tcpip-name-cache-hits
Name Server Hits Number of invocations in which the answer was found by consulting the name servers tcpip-name-server-hits
Name Cache Overflows Number of times a valid entry in the local name cache was deleted to make room for a new entry tcpip-name-cache-overflows
Errors section
No Such Name Errors Number of "No Such Name" errors returned by the name servers tcpip-no-such-name-errors
Bad Name Errors Number of "Bad Name" errors returned by the name servers tcpip-name-bad-name-errors
Name Server Response Errors Number of badly formed responses returned by the name servers tcpip-name-server-response-errors
No Server Responses Number of times no response was received from the name servers tcpip-name-no-server-responses
System Errors Number of times the name resolver encountered a general system error tcpip-name-system-errors
Memory Allocation Failures Number of times the name resolver was unable to allocate required memory tcpip-name-memory-allocation-failures

TFTP Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on file access using TFTP.

TFTP Field
Corresponding Parameter
File Read Requests Transmitted Number of read requests made by the TFTP client tftp-file-read-requests-transmitted
File Write Requests Transmitted Number of file write requests made by the TFTP client tftp-file-write-requests-transmitted
Data Packets Received Number of data packets received by the TFTP client tftp-data-packets-received
Ack Packets Received Number of TFTP ACK packets received by the TFTP client tftp-ack-packets-received
No File Error Responses Received Number of times a TFTP client received an error packet with error code "File not found" tftp-no-file-error-responses-received
Bad Access Error Responses Received Number of times the TFTP client received an error packet with error code "Access violation" tftp-bad-access-error-responses-received
Disk Full Error Responses Received Number of times a TFTP client received an error packet with error code "Disk full" tftp-disk-full-error-responses-received
No Available Buffer Errors Number of times a TFTP client failed to allocate a buffer tftp-no-available-buffer-errors
Data Packets Transmitted Number of TFTP data packets the TFTP client sent tftp-data-packets-transmitted
Ack Packets Transmitted Number of TFTP ACK packets sent by the TFTP client tftp-ack-packets-transmitted
Packets Retransmitted Number of times a TFTP client retransmitted a TFTP packet tftp-packets-retransmitted

Token-Ring Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on the Token-Ring interfaces.

Token-Ring Field
Corresponding Parameter
Interface Table Table of status and parameter values for an 802.5 Token-Ring interface tokring-interface-table
Statistics Table Table of statistics for each 802.5 Token-Ring interface tokring-statistics-table

UDP Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on UDP communications.

UDP Statistics Field
Corresponding Parameter
Packets Received Total number of UDP datagrams delivered to UDP applications udp-packets-received
Packets Received with Errors Number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port udp-packets-received-with-errors
Packets Received with Unknown Port Total number of received UDP datagrams for which there were no applications at the destination port udp-packets-received-with-unknown-port
Packets Transmitted Total number of UDP datagrams sent from the terminal udp-packets-transmitted
Listener Table Table of IP addresses and ports for the UDP listener udp-listener-table

Unit Statistics

The statistics in this hide box report on miscellaneous terminal attributes.

Unit Field
Corresponding Parameter
Version Complete specification of the NCDware software version unit-version
Terminal Model Current terminal model unit-terminal-model
Boot Monitor Version Boot PROM version number unit-boot-monitor-version
Keyboard Controller Version Description of the keyboard controller unit-keyboard-controller-version
SNMP System Object Id Authoritative identification of the SNMP network management subsystem in the terminal unit-snmp-system-object-id
Time Since Boot (seconds) How long since the terminal last booted unit-time-since-boot
Idle Time (seconds) Estimated time since booting during which the X server was not performing any useful tasks unit-idle-time
TCP/IP Service Level A value that indicates the set of network services that the terminal offers unit-tcpip-service-level
Code Memory Installed (bytes) Amount of code RAM installed in the terminal unit-code-memory-installed
Memory Installed (bytes) Total amount of installed RAM (does not include special-purpose RAM, such as video memory) unit-memory-installed
Memory Available (bytes) Amount of unallocated RAM unit-memory-available
Block of Available Memory Number of non-contiguous blocks of unallocated memory unit-blocks-of-available-memory
Floating Point Exceptions Total number of floating-point exceptions unit-floating-point-exceptions

Wireless LAN Statistics

The parameters in the Wireless LAN hide box report statistics on wireless operations (Explora 400/450 terminals only).

The Interface Table reports the status of the wireless LAN adapter and corresponds to the pwireless-interface-table parameter.

Wireless Interface Table Entry
Domain The domain used by the wireless PCMCIA card
Master Name The current Master (Access Point) name
Master Node ID The current Master (Access Point) node
Channel The current channel
Subchannel The current subchannel
ROM Version The ROM version of the PCMCIA card
Country Code The country code
Signal Strength The signal strength of the last packet received

The Statistics Table on the next page reports performance statistics for the wireless LAN adapter and corresponds to the pwireless-statistics-table parameter.

Wireless Statistics Table Entry
Number of Hops The number of hop periods
Number of Searches The number of searches for other Masters
Times Master The number of times the terminal has been Master
Times Resync The number of times the terminal synchronized to a new master
Missed Syncs The number of sync messages missed
RX Packets The number of data packets received
TX Packets The number of data packets transmitted
Lost CTS The number of times RTS was sent without receiving a CTS
CTS Errors The number of times CTS retries expired
ACK Errors The number of times ACK retries expired
SID Mismatch The number of mismatched security IDs
Missed SOBs The number of Start of B messages missed
Corrupted Packets The number of packets that passed CRC, but not length check
Adapter Resets The number of times the wireless adapter had to reset for initialization or error recovery
Send Timeouts The number of transmit timeouts
Receive Timeouts The number of receive timeouts
Antenna Status Changes The number of antenna status change (connect/disconnect) interrupts received
Roam Alarms The number of roaming alarm packets received, which indicates that the signal strength is weak
In Syncs The number of times the terminal synchronized to a Master station
Out Syncs The number of the times the terminal lost contact with the Master station

XRemote Statistics

The parameters in this hide box report statistics on XRemote. Except for Packet Round Trip Time, these statistics are reported when XRemote is being used in non-TCP mode.

XRemote Field
Corresponding Parameter
XRemote version The version of XRemote protocol in use xremote-xremote-version
State State of the XRemote connection xremote-state
Packets Transmitted Number of XRemote packets transmitted, including packets retransmitted xremote-packets-transmitted
Packet Transmission Errors Number of errors encountered while trying to transmit packets xremote-packet-transmission-errors
Packets Retransmitted Number of Xremote packets retransmitted xremote-packets-retransmitted
Packets Received Number of XRemote packets received xremote-packets-received
Packets with Errors Received Number of XRemote packets received in error xremote-packets-with-errors-received
Packets Received Out of Sequence Number of XRemote packets received with an incorrect sequence number xremote-packets-received-out-of-sequence
Packet Round Trip Time Current approximation of the time (in milliseconds) elapsed from sending a packet until acknowledgment is received xremote-packet-round-trip-time
Time-out Length Current timeout period (in milliseconds). Packets not acknowledged in the timeout period are retransmitted xremote-time-out-length
Transmit Window Size Number of packets that may be transmitted before acknowledgment by the remote host is required xremote-transmit-window-size
Next Transmit Sequence Number The sequence number of the next packet to be transmitted xremote-next-transmit-sequence-number
Oldest Unacknowledged Packet The sequence number of the oldest unacknowledged transmitted packet xremote-oldest-unacknowledged-packet
Receive Window Size Number of packets that may be received from the remote host without acknowledgment xremote-receive-window-size
Next Receive Sequence Number The expected sequence number of the next packet to be received xremote-next-receive-sequence-number

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