DEC OSF/1 Unix / Tru64 log files

  1. /etc/syslog.conf defines the system logging directories, e.g.:
    mail.debug              /var/adm/syslog.dated/mail.log
    syslog.debug            /var/adm/syslog.dated/syslog.log
    The .dated suffix causes a daily log directory dd-mmm-hh:mm to be created. Otherwise the log files will grow undefinitely, unless they are "rotated" as indicated below.
    Whenever /etc/syslog.conf is modified, one has to tell the syslogd daemon to reconfigure:
    kill -HUP `cat /var/run/` # send a "hangup" signal
  2. The system default logging into /var/adm/syslog.dated is associated with a cleanup cron job.
    If a different logging scheme is chosen, one may use /opt/bin/
    as a shell script to rename previous versions of the logfiles by appending a version number running from 0 through 5. This way the last week's syslogs are kept.
    crontab -e                     
    # or:
    vi /usr/spool/cron/crontabs/root # OSF/1 2.x,
    # then insert:
    0 3 * * * /opt/bin/ /var/adm/syslog/mail.log  
    2 3 * * * /opt/bin/ /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log  
    to schedule this at 3:00 AM, 3:02 AM, etc.

Last update: 2-May-2010, M.Kraemer