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Remote Installation Services

ULTRIX system software and layered products may be obtained remotely from a central Remote Installation Service (RIS) server called dxsoft. A list of the products available from this service, in either postscript or text format, can be obtained via anonymous ftp from the server as shown below:

       #ftp dxsoft                    
       #Name (dxsoft.xxxxx): anonymous
       #Use your machine name as the password
       #cd doc/cddoc/cdindex                   (change directory)
       #ls                                     (get directory listing)
       #get "file required"                    (choose and copy file)

NB:The software licenses for the ULTRIX operating system and DECnet are delivered with the machine and the Motif Window Manager does not require a license. ALL other DEC software available via the Remote Installation Service requires that you have purchased a license and have registered the relevant license information in your license database. Most of the layered products will fail to install unless this has been done. See section The License Management Facility (LMF).

How Do I Use the Remote Installation Service

In order to take advantage of this service please send a mail to the ULTRIX support account ultrixsp@dxcern.cern.ch giving the following information:

  1. Your name, telephone number and experiment or group
  2. The name of your machine
  3. The configuration of your machine. Just a simple description as shown in the example below:

           Machine Type   =   DECstation 3100 
           Memory         =   16 Mbytes         
           System Disk    =   RZ56 665 Mbytes     (rzx)
           2nd Disk       =   RZXX XXX Mbytes     (rxx)  
           Tape drive     =   TK50, Exabyte etc.  (tzx) 

  4. The Ethernet hardware address of your machine (08-00-2B-XX-XX-XX). This can be obtained by the following commands when the machine is in console mode (i.e the machine is shut down and you see the >> prompt).

           Vaxstation 3100          >>test 50
           DECstation 2100/3100     >>test -c
           DECstation 5000          >>cnfg

    If your machine is running use the uerf command and look for an entry for a system startup. The last line of the entry gives the Ethernet hardware address.

  5. The TCP/IP address (Requests for new addresses should be made via email to tcpip@vxcern.cern/ch)
  6. The product(s) that you require.

Remote Installation of the Supported Software Subsets

When your machine has been registered in the RIS database, boot from the network using the command from the table below which corresponds to the type of processor that you have:

     DECstation 2100/3100              >>boot -f mop(0)
     DECstation 5000/120/125/133/240   >>boot 3/mop
     DECstation 5000/200               >>boot 6/mop

This will downline load a kernel to your machine. The machine will then halt after giving you instructions on how to reboot from the disk. After the reboot follow the steps in the section "Performing the Installation".

Remote Installation of Additional Software

When the machine has rebooted after installing the supported software subsets and the mandatory upgrade you may install additional software as follows:

  1. Log in as Super User (root)
  2. Invoke the command setld as follows:

    	   #/etc/setld -l dxsoft:
               NB: The colon is necessary!

  3. The installation procedure will then present you with a menu listing any software subsets for which your machine has been authorized in the RIS database and which have not already been installed.

NB: By invoking setld in this way, at any time in the future, you will be able to install the subsets that were not installed at this point (both from the Supported and the Unsupported subsets). Subsets may be removed by using the -d option of the setld command and the -i option will list the current status. Unless you are sure that the machine is idle, the system must be shut down to single user mode before installing or deleting any of the subsets.

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