What speed oscillator to get

To make your machine a 425s, you'll need a 100 MHz oscillator
To make your machine a 433s, you'll need a 133.33 MHz oscillator
To make your machine a 425t, you'll need a 50 MHz oscillator
To make your machine a 433t, you'll need a 66.66 MHz oscillator

In other words, for s workstations, the crystal speed is 4 times the 68040 rating. For t workstations (and presumably e workstations), the crystal speed is 2 times the 68040 rating.

And, of course, if you want to overclock your workstation, the same rules apply (2x for t and e, 4x for s). Just put in a faster oscillator and attach a heat sink if your 68040 doesn't already have one. Be sure to test it at periodic intervals (half-hour) after installing to make sure the 68040 isn't too hot. Herb Peyerl has noticed subtle problems with overclocked workstations (see below). Be forewarned.

This information is all due to Herb's diligence:

From hpeyerl@beer.org Sat Mar 28 10:33:46 1998
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 07:48:31 -0700
From: Herb Peyerl 
To: port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG
Subject: lessons learned...

Recently I learned a couple of hp300 lessons.  I thought those of you who
didn't already know this would be interested:

a) overclocking an 040 is not necessarily koshure... I had a 425T that I had
overclocked to a 433T.  It worked fine for the longest time until we tried 
to install a newer version of perl and the install failed.  Then we noticed
that 'ps -axwl' was printing out numbers incorrectly. as in "1.B" and "1.;" 
and so forth.  We bumped the oscillator back down to a 50Mhz oscillator and 
everything started working again...  So it seems just the FPU was unhappy
but other than that, everything else had worked for over a year...

b) when I upgraded lager from an 030 to an 040, I had a 25Mhz 040 so I put a
50Mhz oscillator in it... I noticed it wasn't much faster if at all from when
it was an 030 but what the hell.. it had to be faster right?  anyway, then I
got a 33Mhz CPU so I put it in and replaced the oscillator with a 66Mhz 
oscillator but the machine wouldn't come out of reset.  Some of you might
remember my messages to the list on this subject a long while back... so I
kept it running with the 50Mhz oscillator... 25Mhz was better than nothing.

Then I got my paws on some more hp400 gear and needed to put some more ram
in the machine in (a) so I took apart a 433S and noted the oscillator in it
was a 133.3333Mhz oscillator... I thought "that's odd, I wonder if it's a
divide-by-4 on the 'S'... So I ran ufc-crypt on the 425T and ufc-crypt on
lager and lo-behold, lager performed exactly half as fast as the 425T...

So, lager had been running at 50/4=12Mhz all this time...

I just popped the 133Mhz oscillator in it and wow! is it ever fast now!

Last updated on 5/10/98 by Mike