Digital Products NETPrint and JETXPrint Printing at AIX Version 3.2.5
About this document
Digital Products, Inc. references
Hardware setup
Printing to NETPrint at AIX 3.2.5
Setting up AIX as a bootp server
Setting up as an AIX ARP server
Telnet configuration of the NETS/JETX box
Additional information
This document describes methods for setting up remote queues to print
to printers attached to Digital Products NETPrint and JETXPrint print
servers. This information is provided to assist you in the setup but
the print servers are not part of the IBM product set and are not
supported by AIX. These instructions do not provide an endorsement of
the Digital Product print servers.
This document applies to AIX Version 3.2.5.
The NETPrint and JETXPrint print servers are manufactured by
Digital Products, which provides support for these products on AIX.
In most cases you will simply set up the NETPrint print server as
a remote queue. If it has multiple ports, use the queue names
PORT1, PORT2, and so on.
Digital Products offers both external boxes - X designation, and
cards that fit in some Hewlett-Packard printers.
In some cases, you will need to set up AIX as a bootp server for
the NETPrint. You can either make an entry into the /etc/bootptab file
or use the arp -s command as described at the end of the document.
The following is information on how to find technical support
The setup should look like this:
+-------------+ connected +-------------+ /
| Client | via | NETPort | +---------+
| RISC System |--------------| Print |-----| printer |
| hostname: A | TCPIP | Server | | |
+-------------+ +-------------+ +---------+
Setting up printing for AIX 3.2.5 is a two-step process.
- Create a remote queue to print to the box.
- Set up a virtual printer to print to the remote queue.
Creating a remote queue at AIX 3.2.5
- Add an entry to the /etc/hosts file as follows: netp1
- should be changed to the printer IP address from the test page.
- Change netp1 to the printer host name you will give the NETPort box.
- Test the TCP/IP connection:
ping netp1
If this does not show a successful connection, fix the communication
problems before continuing with adding a printer.
- Enter smit spooler. The short path is smit mkrque.
- Make the following selections:
- Select Manage Remote Printer Subsystem.
- Select Server Services.
- Select Host Access for Printing.
- Select Add a Remote Host.
- Fill in the screen:
Add a Remote Queue
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
* NAME of queue to add [netp1]
ACTIVATE the queue? yes
Will this become the DEFAULT queue? no
Queueing DISCIPLINE first come first serve
* DESTINATION HOST for remote jobs [netp1]
* Pathname of the SHORT FORM FILTER for queue [/usr/lpd/bsdshort]
status output
* Pathname of the LONG FORM FILTER for queue [/usr/lpd/bsdlong]
status output
* Name of QUEUE on remote printer [PORT1]
* NAME of device to add [netpd]
* BACKEND PROGRAM pathname [/usr/lpd/rembak]
You should add the following information as indicated in the preceding
- Name of queue. This is the queue that will send data to the printer.
This is not the queue to which you will print. You will set virtual
printers to print to this queue.
- DESTINATION HOST. This is the host name from /etc/hosts
entered in step 2.
- Change the FILTER names to reflect BSD and not AIX.
- The remote server queue PORT1 or PORT2
determines the port on the NETPort box.
- The device name is a dummy name; keep it five or fewer characters in length.
- Press Enter to add the queue.
- Test print to the queue. Enter:
lptest 10 10 | qprt -Pnetp1
You should be able to print but there is no virtual printer.
You will add the virtual printer to control attributes next.
Creating a double queue at AIX 3.2.5
Although you should be able to print, it is often desirable to add
a virtual printer to control output to the printer such as pitch,
paper drawer, or landscape printing. This can be done by double
queueing. Create a virtual printer that sends its output
to the remote queue that you just created.
- Create a unique file in the /dev directory for a lock
file. Enter:
touch /dev/netp1
Do not use /dev/null as prescribed in the Digital Products
instructions. This blocks queues on multiple boxes if they
are all set up this way.
- Enter mkvirprt.
- Choose 1 Printer or Plotter Attached to Host.
- Enter the device name or ! to exit. For example, (lp4) -> netp1.
Use the file you created in /dev. Do not type /dev/.
- Choose the printer type, for example, IBM 4039.
- Header pages wanted? Enter n, a, or g.
- Trailer pages wanted? Enter n, a, or g.
- Enter print queue name or ! to bypass the configuration.
For example, -> (ps) ps1.
- Do you want this to be the default queue? Enter y or n.
- Enter print queue name or ! to bypass the configuration.
For example, -> (pcl) pcl1.
- Do you want this to be the default queue? Enter y or n.
- Press Enter to add the queue.
- Change the virtual printer to print to the remote queue. Complete the
following steps:
- Enter lsvirprt.
- Choose the pcl1 created earlier.
- Change the mo attribute as shown below where netp1 is the remote
queue added earlier.
To LIST attributes, enter AttributeName1 ... (* for all attributes)
To CHANGE an attribute value, enter AttributeName=NewValue
To FORMAT and EDIT an attribute value, enter AttributeName~v
To EDIT the attribute file, enter ~v
To terminate, press Enter: mo=qprt -Pnetp1
- Test print to the queue. Enter:
lptest 10 10 | qprt -Ppcl1
- Make any other changes, such as changing the pitch to 17, using the
command lsvirprt as described earlier:
To LIST attributes, enter AttributeName1 ... (* for all attributes)
To CHANGE an attribute value, enter AttributeName=NewValue
To FORMAT and EDIT an attribute value, enter AttributeName~v
To EDIT the attribute file, enter ~v
To terminate, press Enter: p=17
Name Description Value
_p Pitch (characters per inch) 17
You should now have a queue to which you can print and make changes.
NOTE: This procedure has not been tested.
AIX can act as a bootp server to deliver an address to the NETPort or
any other bootp client. When the NETPort is turned on, if it is set
to get its address through bootp, it will send out a bootp request.
This request contains a hardware address. If AIX has the hardware
address in its /etc/bootptab table and is set up to respond to bootp
requests, then it will send an IP address, IP gateway, and subnet mask
to the hardware address that made the request. The /etc/bootptab
file documents itself fairly well. Some clients also want a
bootp download file. AIX can deliver the file, but the file
must come from Digital Products. It is not known if this is
required in this case.
- Edit /etc/bootptab and add the following entry:
- If there is a file to download, include it with
- The ht will have to be changed to tok for token-ring.
- The ha is the hardware address from the NETPbox test page.
- ip is the IP address.
- gw is the gateway.
- sm is the subnet mask.
- Enable bootpd and tftp in the /etc/inetd.conf
file by uncommenting the following lines. Remove the # sign at the beginning
of each line.
bootps dgram udp wait root /etc/bootpd bootpd
tftp dgram udp wait nobody /etc/tftpd tftpd -n
- Refresh the inetd daemon. Enter:
refresh -s inetd
- Turn on and off the NETPort box.
- Print a test page to see if the IP address was loaded.
If the address was not loaded, stop bootpd
and rerun bootpd in debug mode. The most common
problem is entering the wrong hardware address. The debug
mode will show you the address being broadcast.
- ping the address.
AIX will also support ARP download of IP addresses. Use:
- arp -s (IP address of NETS\JETX) (LAN address of NETS\JETX)
For example:
arp -s 01-12-23-FE-A2-00
NOTE: You must use dashes (-) to separate the numbers of the LAN address.
In this example, the IP address is the IP address we are
assigning to the NETS\JETX unit.
- See the arp table with the command arp -a.
- Enter ping At this time, there may be no reply.
- Reset the NETS/JETX by resetting the power.
- Enter ping This time there should be a reply.
Once you get a successful ping, the NETS/JETX has its IP address.
- Go to the $ or # prompt in AIX and telnet to the NETS/JETX.
- Enter tn netp1 where netp1 is the host name of the NETS/JETX box.
- The login and password is sysadm.
- When the main menu appears, select option 1 to configure the remaining
IP parameters (subnet mask and default gateway if applicable).
- Press Enter to get back to main menu.
- Choose option 3 to disable any protocols that you are not using.
- Go back to the main menu, and choose option 2, LPD Printers, to set the type
of output. If you receive garbled output, increase the strobe to 5 or 10
- Save changes and reset the NETS/JETX. You should now be ready to proceed
with the AIX setup steps.
AIX support is only responsible for setting up the remote queue.
Digital Products is responsible for making this work with their
Some of the information needed was obtained from Digital
Products Technical Support Bulletin TSB 2004, TSB 2011,
and TSB 2002, obtained
from the Web page listed in the References section.
[ Doc Ref: 95185260317852 Publish Date: Mar. 01, 2000 4FAX Ref: 8370 ]