Finding Bad Spots on Apollo ESDI disks - An Example

Here is a transcript of running the stand-alone utility "fbs" or find badspots. Bold type is user input.

FBS will format the disk and do a 5 pass write/read/verify using worst case data patterns. It is very time consuming and may take 4-5 hours per pass but is a very thorough excercise of the disk and should result in a reliable badspot list. *** ALL DISK DATA IS DESTROYED DURING FBS ***

NOTE 1: If you have your workstation booted diskless remember that you can not run FBS on a mounted volume or a volume in use. Instead, shut down the workstation and bring up the standalone version from either the local disk or your partner machine.

NOTE 2: ESDI drives are referenced by 'w' but SCSI drives are referenced by 'w6:0' or 'w5:0', etc., where the digit is the SCSI ID.

NOTE 3: AFTER performing an FBS you can choose INVOL option #1 with the "-f" switch to skip formatting as the disk will have already been formatted by FBS.

With machine in service mode:
> re
> re
MD7C REV 8.00, 1989/08116.17:23:52
> ex fbs
ex fbs
My network node ID: 024673  
Network partner ID: 03525A  
................................  00004000 bytes loaded.
................................  00008000 bytes loaded.
................................  0000C000 bytes loaded.
................................  00010000 bytes loaded.
................................  00014000 bytes loaded.
................................  00018000 bytes loaded.
................................  0001C000 bytes loaded.
................................  00020000 bytes loaded.
................................  00024000 bytes loaded.
................................  00028000 bytes loaded.
................................  0002C000 bytes loaded.
................................  00030000 bytes loaded.
................................  00034000 bytes loaded.
................................  00038000 bytes loaded.
................................  0003C000 bytes loaded.
................................  00040000 bytes loaded.
..................                00042400 bytes loaded.
low: 01020000  high: 01062299  start: 010200E6 

Find_badspots - Offline(7), revision 10.4, December 2, 1991  7:31:04 pm

WARNING: This program DESTROYS the contents of the ENTIRE DISK.
  (to abort, enter 'q' to the following prompt)

Select disk: [w=Winch|f=Floppy|q=Quit][ctrl#:][unit#] w
Use existing physical badspot list? y
The physical badspot list on this disk is corrupt ... the specific error is:
error status = 210005  translation: No badspot data was read or records were corrupt
How many passes? 2
Num of passes: 2
Show failing data? y
Starting format.
Starting pass 1.
    Writing all 0's.
    Writing alternating 0's and 1's.
    Writing '001001'... pattern.
    Writing '010010'... pattern.
    Writing '100100'... pattern.
Starting pass 2.
    Writing all 0's.
        Unable to read daddr  3B385,  status 80029.  (Added to physical badspot list)
    Writing alternating 0's and 1's.
    Writing '001001'... pattern.
        Unable to read daddr  40F5D,  status 80029.  (Added to physical badspot list)
    Writing '010010'... pattern.
    Writing '100100'... pattern.
    2 badspo
            ^--- at this spot the program seems to have either crashed or
            exited and messed up the last displayed line.
10200E6: 6100

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