Running INSTALL on Apollo Workstations - An Example

Here is a transcript running the 'install' utility to install the SR10.4 operating system on an Apollo workstation.

Bold type is user input.

$ wd /usr2/install
$ ld

Directory "/usr2/install":

baseline                    doc                         help
log_file                    overrides                   patches_sr10.4
patches_sr10.4.1          ri.apollo.ftn.v.10.9.m
ri.apollo.nfs.v.4.1         ri.apollo.os.v.10.4         ri.apollo.os.v.10.4.1
ri.apollo.pd94_m0700.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0701.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0702.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd94_m0703.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0705.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0707.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd94_m0708.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0709.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0711.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd94_m0712.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0713.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0714.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd94_m0715.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0716.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0717.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd94_m0718.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0719.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0720.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd94_m0721.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0722.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0723.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd94_m0724.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd94_m0725.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0726.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd96_m0727.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0729.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0730.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd96_m0731.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0732.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0733.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd96_m0734.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0735.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0736.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd96_m0737.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0738.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0739.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd96_m0740.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0741.v.1.0  ri.apollo.pd96_m0742.v.1.0
ri.apollo.pd96_mpb06.v.1.0  templates                   toc
tools                       version.installed

56 entries.
$ wd tools
$ ld

Directory "/usr2/install/tools":

acl                    cfgsa                  config                 config_info_file
ctnode                 distaa                 dsp_media_install      inprot
install                install++              media_install          media_install_opt
media_install_opt_sr9  minst                  mrgcfg                 mrgri
my_config              my_config.bak          my_config1             my_config1.bak
rbak_sr10              rgy_create             uctnode                xar

24 entries.
$ install++ -s /usr2 -mix //ancient/old_m1
RAI install++ 2.T07 09 Aug 1991

Scanning Authorized Area in /usr2 ...

	RAI Config Tool --- Version 2.02  12 Feb 92

The following is a list of products/versions available for selection
 1. cc         6.9.m
 2. ftn        10.9.m
 3. nfs        4.1
 4. os         10.4
 5. os         10.4.1
 6. pd94_m0700 1.0
 7. pd94_m0701 1.0
 8. pd94_m0702 1.0
 9. pd94_m0703 1.0
10. pd94_m0705 1.0
11. pd94_m0707 1.0
12. pd94_m0708 1.0
13. pd94_m0709 1.0
14. pd94_m0711 1.0
15. pd94_m0712 1.0
16. pd94_m0713 1.0
17. pd94_m0714 1.0
18. pd94_m0715 1.0
19. pd94_m0716 1.0
20. pd94_m0717 1.0
21. pd94_m0718 1.0
22. pd94_m0719 1.0
23. pd94_m0720 1.0
24. pd94_m0721 1.0
25. pd94_m0722 1.0
26. pd94_m0723 1.0
27. pd94_m0724 1.0
28. pd94_m0725 1.0
29. pd96_m0726 1.0
30. pd96_m0727 1.0
31. pd96_m0729 1.0
32. pd96_m0730 1.0
33. pd96_m0731 1.0
34. pd96_m0732 1.0
35. pd96_m0733 1.0
36. pd96_m0734 1.0
37. pd96_m0735 1.0
38. pd96_m0736 1.0
39. pd96_m0737 1.0
40. pd96_m0738 1.0
41. pd96_m0739 1.0
42. pd96_m0740 1.0
43. pd96_m0741 1.0
44. pd96_m0742 1.0
45. pd96_mpb06 1.0

Type 'help' for command information

CONFIG> sel os 10.4

Loading release index for os 10.4 ... 
Product 'os 10.4' has been added to the configuration file.

CONFIG> recon os

Configure:  Type 'help' for information
            To take the default [marked (D)] for a query, type .

** Name: install_env **
You may install any combination of the available environments: 
               aegis   bsd4.3   sys5.3  
Please specify the environments to be installed, or 'all' for all three.
: [ all(D) aegis bsd4.3 sys5.3 ]
==> aegis

** Name: sau **
  The sauN directories provide support for Apollo machine types:

      sau7  - dn3500, dsp3500, dn4000, dsp4000, dn4500, dsp4500
      sau8  - dn3000, dsp3000
      sau9  - dn2500
      sau10 - dn10000, dsp10000
      sau11 - 9000/425s, 9000/425t
      sau12 - 9000/400s, 9000/400t
      sau14 - dn5500

  You must select the sau(s) for all machine types using this
  installation configuration, including the sau(s) for any
  machines that will boot diskless from the target(s).

  Note: Unless this is a cmpexe release, only ISP compatible
        saus are available.

Please select the set of saus you want ('all' for all saus).
: [ all(D) sau7 sau8 sau9 sau10 sau11 sau12 sau14 ]
==> sau7 sau8 sau11 sau14

** Name: sau_diag **
  Offline hardware diagnostics (in /sauN) are used for troubleshooting
  hardware problems.  They do not need to be local to every node,
  but they should be available somewhere on the network.  Disk space
  requirements differ for different saus.

  Note: Unless this is a cmpexe release, diagnostics
        are only available for ISP compatible saus.

Would you like offline hardware diagnostics for the selected
machine types? : [ yes(D) no ]
==> yes

** Name: all_examples **
  The /domain_examples directory contains online programming
  examples.  It is not generally needed and certainly does
  not need to be local to every node.  It consumes on the 
  order of 1 MB of disk space.

Do you want a local copy of examples for installed software
links to another node or neither?
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> none

** Name: systest **
  The /systest directory contains various online system tests and
  exercisers.  It is not generally needed and does not need to be
  local to every node.  /systest consumes on the order of 3 MB of
  disk space.  (A subsequent query will allow you to install just
  /systest/ssr_util without installing all of /systest).

Do you want a local copy of online exercisers (/systest),
a link to another node or neither?
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> copy

** Name: ssr_util **
    The /systest/ssr_util directory contains field service
    utilities.  It consumes on the order of 1 MB of disk space.

Do you want a local copy of the field service utilities
(/systest/ssr_util), a link to another node or neither?
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> copy

** Name: apollo.dde **
    The Domain Distributed Debugging Environment (dde) is
    the source-level debugger that replaces Domain/Debug
    (/com/debug).  It consumes on the order of 3 MB of disk space.

Do you want a local copy of the Domain Debugger utilities, a link 
to another node or neither?
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> copy

** Name: optional_dm_fonts **
    Optional DM fonts include 8-bit (European-based), 16-bit 
    (Asian-based) fonts, and some additional size and typeface 
    versions of existing fonts.  The optional DM fonts require 
    on the order of 2.5 MB of disk space.

Would you like the set of optional DM fonts?: [ yes(D) no ]
==> no

** Name: hardcopy **
    The utilities required to support the DOMAIN/OS aegis print services
    are collected in /sys/hardcopy.  You need this directory
    if the target of this installation (or nodes which will boot
    diskless from it) will have a printer attached or will run
    a print manager .
    You do not need the utilities in /sys/hardcopy to queue jobs to
    an aegis printer .  This directory consumes  about 1.5 MB of disk space.

Would you like the print server utilities? (/sys/hardcopy)
: [ yes(D) no ]
==> yes

** Name: sys_print **
  IF you have any sr9.7 printers in your network, and expect to
  queue print jobs to them, you need either a local spool directory or
  a link . 
  Choose 'copy' and /sys/print will be created locally (this node 
  will be the print spool node, others should link to it).  Choose 'link' 
  and you will be prompted for the name of the print spool node.  Choose 
  'none' if you do not use the DOMAIN/OS aegis print utility or if you will only
  queue jobs to sr10.x (or later) printers .
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> none

** Name: x11_env_option **
 If you want to link your /usr/X11 directory to another node
 then select 'link'. If you want to install X11 or HP VUE 2.0 (m68k only) then
 select  'copy'. If you do not want any X11 functionality then select 'none'.

 NOTE: If you run any applications that require X-Windows you must answer 'copy'
 or 'link' to this question
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> copy

** Name: bms_files **
The Broadcast Message Server is a tool integration framework for the
SoftBench layered product and for the HP VUE 2.0 window management
system.  Do you want to install the Broadcast Message Server files?
: [ no(D) yes ]
==> yes

** Name: tcp_admin **
  Tcp/ip is available on all nodes and in all environments. Some
  nodes are tcp administration nodes, most need only a link to
  an administration node.  Choose 'copy' if the target of this
  configuration is to be a tcp administration node.  Choose 'link'
  to supply the name of a tcp/ip administration node in your network.
  This is a node which contains the files /etc/networks and /etc/hosts.
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> copy

** Name: all_include **
    The set of include files for program development consists of 
    these susbsets: 
      AEGIS -  apollo-specific pascal and fortran include files (/sys/ins)
      DOMAIN - apollo-specific C include files (/usr/apollo/include). 
      BSD    - bsd4.3 include files (/bsd4.3/usr/include). 
      SYSV   - sys5.3 include files (/sys5.3/usr/include). 
    If you choose to install include files, the subsets corresponding 
    to the environments being installed will be installed. 

Do you want the include files for selected environments installed as a 
local copy or a link to another node?
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> copy

** Name: ada_apollolib **
    The set of apollo-specific interface files for Ada program
    development are collected in /usr/apollo/ada and consume about 3.6 
    MB of disk space.  You do not need this directory if you do not do 
    software development in Ada.

Do you want a local copy of /usr/apollo/ada, a link to another node
or neither?
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> none

** Name: all_help **
    Help is available for each of the three environments: 
      AEGIS -  /sys/help  
      BSD    - /bsd4.3/usr/man 
      SYSV   - /sys5.3/usr/catman 
      DOMAIN - /usr/apollo/man (Installed with include files only.) 

    If you choose to install help files / man pages, the subsets 
    corresponding to the environments being installed will be installed. 

Do you want a local copy of help files/man pages for selected 
environments, a link to another node or neither?
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> copy

** Name: sys_source **
    The /sys/source directory contains sources for bit-pad
    support, the emt command and models for implementing
    siorf/siotf on a non-Apollo system.  It consumes on the
    order of 0.2 MB of disk space.

Do you want a local copy of source files (/sys/source),
a link to another node or neither?
: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> none

** Name: com **
    The /com directory contains the set of Aegis environment 
    commands and consumes on the order of 2 MB if disk space. 

Do you want a local copy of /com, a link to another node or
neither?: [ copy(D) link none ]
==> copy

All queries answered for product: os  10.4

CONFIG> exit

Validating selected products, please wait ...
New configuration file saved in /tmp/configa02359
RAI Install Tool V2.T34 30 Jan 92
Installing //ancient/old_m1
Checking status of baseline file entry ri.apollo.os.v.10.4
Checking status of configure file entry ri.apollo.os.v.10.4
    Still checking at Sun Aug 25 10:24:26 1996
Computing installable set for //ancient/old_m1

Completed installation requires 142004 additional blocks. More disk space is required during install runtime.
  Free Disk Space available 327781 blocks
Copying Release Notes for products:
    os 10.4
        Copied: //ancient/old_m1/install/doc/apollo/os.v.10.4.1__notes
        Copied: //ancient/old_m1/install/doc/apollo/os.v.10.4__bind4.8_operations_guide
        Copied: //ancient/old_m1/install/doc/apollo/os.v.10.4__manuals
        Copied: //ancient/old_m1/install/doc/apollo/os.v.10.4__notes
        Copied: //ancient/old_m1/install/doc/apollo/os.v.10.4__posix
        Copied: //ancient/old_m1/install/doc/apollo/os.v.10.4__software_release_bulletin.Z
        Copied: //ancient/old_m1/install/doc/apollo/os.v.10.4__xpg3
Beginning installation of ri.apollo.os.v.10.4
* The new OS software has been installed.  Please check the           *
* transcript pad for errors and then, if no errors were found, shut   *
* down and reboot the target node before running the new OS software. *
RAI install has successfully completed


While you are still "root" and have not yet disconnected from the network in which your target machine and O/S source are are both available do the following:

1) create a directory on the target machine called "/failsafe"

2) copy the following into the failsafe directory:
rgy_create  (from AA/bin directory of DN5500)

3) set sticky bit so these processes run as root:
wd //target/failsafe
edacl -setuid on ?*

4) copy the local registry data from the DN5500 over to the target
wd //dn5500/sys/registry
cpf rgy_local //target/sys/registry/= -sacl

5) create a stub file to start the local broker
crf //target/sys/node_data/etc/daemons/llbd

6)  shut down target, disconnnect from network, reboot, and login
as root using same password as was on DN5500

If you can't get logged in as "root" then try some other valid
login or "user" with a blank password.  You may need to use
the "failsafe" tools to change file permissions.

7) If you get logged in OK, do the following in a /com/sh:
 csr -a /etc
 netsvc -n
dlf /sys/node_data/glb.?*
/etc/ncs/glbd -create -first -family dds
 crf /etc/daemons/glbd
 crf /etc/daemons/rgyd
netsvc -a

8) Now wait one or two minutes and check the process status
list to make sure that "rpcd" (formerly llbd), "glbd", and "rgyd.1.3"
are running.  If this works, then type "login" in a /com/sh and
make sure you can login as "root" password is "-apollo-".  When
done type "logout" in this shell.

9) Sanity check, run "rgy_admin" to make sure the processes
are alive, as master registry is known, and can be talked to:
 > lrep -st
 > quit

10) Next, log out and log back in with root/-apollo-

11) Finally, log out, shut down, and reboot.  You should see the
bootup sequence start "llbd", "glbd", and "rgyd".

12) Try to login, and pay attention as to whether you get the warning
about not being able to talk to a registry.  Check your process
list for "rpcd" (or "llbd" on older O/S), "glbd", and "rgyd.1.3".  If
all of these are running you have probably succeeded.

It is your choice whether to leave the "/failsafe" directory around.
I think of it as a safety net in case I have to go hack some files
that require root privelage if I lose the ability to login as root.
Of course it's a tremendous security hole but most of use just
have these machines sitting at home now.

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