Involing Disks on Apollo Workstations - An Example

Here is a transcript of a disk format using INVOL. INVOL is used to format physical and logical drives, to initialize or edit the badspot list, and to initialize a swap paging file on a bootable disk.

This example uses the SAU invol and is performed on an ESDI disk, SCSI disks need to select option 7 first, then option 1. When the disk is to be a bootable disk, option 8 is also performed.

Bold type is user input

NOTE 1: You can not run INVOL on a mounted volume or a volume in use. Instead, shut down the workstation and bring up the standalone version.

NOTE 2: ESDI drives are referenced by 'w' but SCSI drives are referenced by 'w6:0' or 'w5:0', etc., where the digit is the SCSI ID.

> re
> re
MD7C REV 1.3, 1988/04/28.09:31:44

>ex invol
ex invol

invol (initialize_volume), revision 10.4, December 30, 1991  11:38:02 am

Options are:
  0            - EXIT.
  1 [-fnb5um]  - initialize virgin physical volume.
  2 [-fnb5u]   - add a logical volume.
  3 [-fnb5]    - re-initialize an existing logical volume.
    The following flags apply to options 1 thru 3, as indicated:
       f: don't re-format disk    u: don't prompt user - use defaults
       n: make non-bootable volume
       b: apply bsd unix acls     5: apply sys5 unix acls
       m: build a multi-disk (e.g., striped) group
  4            - delete a logical volume.
  5            - list logical volumes.
  6 [-e]       - list badspots on disk or volume ... -e: list in decimal.
  7 [-f]       - initialize physical badspot list.
  8            - create or modify an os paging file.
  9            - add to existing badspot list.
 10            - OBSOLETE
 11            - remove from existing badspot list
 12            - configure disk quota table

Option: 1

Select disk: [w=Winch|f=Floppy|q=Quit][ctrl#:][unit#] w

Physical volume name: disk

Verification options are:
   1 - no verification
   2 - write all blocks on the volume
   3 - write and re-read all blocks on the volume

Enter verification option: 3
Expected average file size, in kB (CR for default, 5 kB):  <return>

For each logical volume to be formatted, enter the logical volume
size (in kB), followed by the name, in the form "size, name".  Up to 10
volumes may be specified.  Terminate input with a blank line.
Specifying a size of "all" will use all remaining blocks.

There are 146879 kB  available.

volume 1:  all,disk

Use pre-recorded badspot info? y
The pre-recorded badspot list is empty.

Writing logical volume 1.
   Formatting...  % complete: 

   Writing all blocks... % complete:

   Reading all blocks... % complete:

Initialization complete.

Anything more to do? y

Options are:
  0            - EXIT.
  1 [-fnb5um]  - initialize virgin physical volume.
  2 [-fnb5u]   - add a logical volume.
  3 [-fnb5]    - re-initialize an existing logical volume.
    The following flags apply to options 1 thru 3, as indicated:
       f: don't re-format disk    u: don't prompt user - use defaults
       n: make non-bootable volume
       b: apply bsd unix acls     5: apply sys5 unix acls
       m: build a multi-disk (e.g., striped) group
  4            - delete a logical volume.
  5            - list logical volumes.
  6 [-e]       - list badspots on disk or volume ... -e: list in decimal.
  7 [-f]       - initialize physical badspot list.
  8            - create or modify an os paging file.
  9            - add to existing badspot list.
 10            - OBSOLETE
 11            - remove from existing badspot list
 12            - configure disk quota table

Option: 8

Select disk: [w=Winch|f=Floppy|q=Quit][ctrl#:][unit#] w

Volume built by Invol version "revision 10.4"  on  Aug. 25, 1996

Physical volume "disk".  Logical volumes:

 #  size (kB)    name
 1  146879(d)    disk

Enter logical volume number:  1
Size in kB for the OS paging file (CR for default value = 640) <return>


Anything more to do? n

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