Here is a list of all documented namespace members with links to the namespaces they belong to:
- a -
- abs()
: Vc
- Aligned
: Vc
- asin()
: Vc
- atan()
: Vc
- atan2()
: Vc
- b -
- bestImplementationSupported()
: Vc
- c -
- cos()
: Vc
- currentImplementationSupported()
: Vc
- d -
- e -
- exp()
: Vc
- extraInstructionsSupported()
: Vc
- f -
- forceToRegisters()
: Vc
- free()
: Vc
- frexp()
: Vc
- i -
- IndexesFromZero
: Vc
- isfinite()
: Vc
- isImplementationSupported()
: Vc
- isnan()
: Vc
- l -
- ldexp()
: Vc
- LoadStoreFlags
: Vc
- log()
: Vc
- log10()
: Vc
- log2()
: Vc
- m -
- malloc()
: Vc
- max()
: Vc
- min()
: Vc
- o -
- p -
- PlatformConstants
: Vc
- prefetchClose()
: Vc
- prefetchFar()
: Vc
- prefetchForModify()
: Vc
- prefetchForOneRead()
: Vc
- prefetchMid()
: Vc
- r -
- reciprocal()
: Vc
- round()
: Vc
- rsqrt()
: Vc
- s -
- sin()
: Vc
- sincos()
: Vc
- SpecialInitializer
: Vc
- sqrt()
: Vc
- Streaming
: Vc
- u -
- v -
- VectorAlignment
: Vc
- versionNumber()
: Vc
- versionString()
: Vc
- z -