HTML & CSS Web-Sites


September 7, 2012


July 27, 2022



  • <p> …represents a paragraph
  • <a> …creates a hyperlink
  • <span> …syntax highlighting
  • <b>attention
    • …draw the reader’s attention
    • …formerly known as the Boldface element
    • …keywords in a summary, product names in a review
  • <strong>importance
    • …seriousness, or urgency above the surrounding text
    • …typically render the contents in bold type
  • <i>readability
    • …text that is set off from the normal prose…
      • …foreign word, designations, terms, transliterations
      • …fictional character, thoughts
      • …definition of a word instead of representing its semantic meaning
  • <em>emphasis
    • …words that have a stressed emphasis compared to surrounding text
    • …affects the meaning of the sentence itself
    • …typically displayed in italic type
  • <mark>relevance
    • …content which has a degree of relevance
    • …within <p> or <blockquote> elements
  • <abbr> …abbreviation or acronym
  • <code> …short fragment of computer code


CSS (cascading style sheets)…

  • …describes the presentation HTML
  • …how elements should be rendered
  • …standardized by W3C specifications
  • …rule-based language
  • CSS modules…
    • …language is broken down into modules
    • …modules linked to a specification
    • …e.g. CSS Grid Layout, CSS Colors
  • References…

HTML <style>

CSS files use the *.css suffix…

External<link> elements can reference a CSS file

<!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
  <!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Internal …inside a <style> element …inside the HTML <head>

<!-- ... -->
  <!-- ... -->
    /* rulesets */
  <!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->

Inline …affect a single HTML element …style= attribute

<p style="color:red;">this is read text...</p>


Basic syntax of the CSS ruleset:

selector {
  property: value;
  • Selector
    • …HTML element name, e.g. p for the <p> element
    • …start of the ruleset
  • Declaration
    • …single rule of the form property: value;
    • …inside the braces will be one or more declarations
  • Properties
    • …style an HTML element, e.g. color
    • …have different allowable values
  • Property value
    • …right of the property, after the colon
    • …for a given property, e.g. color: red;

Example of a ruleset with multiple properties…

p {
  color: red;
  width: 500px;
  border: 1px solid black;


Separate multiple selectors by commas…

h1, h2, h3 {
  /* ... */

Different types of selectors…

  • element selector …body selects <body>
  • ID selector …p#note selects <p id="note">
  • class selector …p.alert selects <p class="alert">
  • attribute selector …img[src] selects <img src="pic.jpg">
  • pseudo-class selector …a:hover …selects mouse pointer hover over link


Descendant combinator

  • …based on location in the document
  • …select <a> element inside (a descendant of) <p>
p.alert a:hover {
  /* ... */

Adjacent sibling combinator

  • …element directly after another
  • + between selectors
  • …select <em> directly after a <p> element
p#note + em {
  /* ... */

Selectors and combinators can be matched together…

body p#note + em {
  /* ... */

Conflicting rules

  • …defines which selector is stronger in the event of a conflict
    • …more then one selector for the same HTML element…
    • …later styles replace conflicting styles that appear earlier
    • …class selector overwrites element selector
  • Cascade layer …order of CSS rules matter
    • …two rules from the same cascade layer apply
    • …both have equal specificity
    • …the one defined last will be used
  • Specificity
    • …decides the property value that gets applied to the element
    • …measure of how specific a selector’s selection will be
    • …less specific
      • …element selector
      • …pseudo-element selector
    • …more specific
      • …class selector
      • …attribute selectors
      • …pseudo-classes


Some CSS property values set on parent elements are inherited by their child elements…

  • …e.g. color, font-family
  • Five special universal property values for controlling inheritance…
    • inherit …turns on inheritance
    • inital …set to default (inital) value
    • revert …reset to browser default styling
    • revert-layer …value established in a previous cascade layer
    • unset …resets to natural value …either inherit or inital
  • Shorthand all: property…
    • …apply inheritance values to (almost) all properties at once
    • …undo changes made to styles
    • …known starting point before beginning new changes


CSS layout is mostly based on the box model…

  • …(most) HTML elements …boxes sitting on top of other boxes
  • …box taking up space on the page
  • …used to create more complex layouts with CSS

Parts of a block box…

  • …content box …
    • inline-size and block-size
    • …or width and height
  • …padding box …white-space around content
  • …border box …wraps the content and any padding
  • …margin box
    • …outermost layer
    • …wraps content, padding, and border

Box Model

Standard …dimensions calculated by adding content + padding + border


  • …declaration box-sizing: border-box
  • …dimensions include padding and border

Enable alternative box model for all elements…

html {
  box-sizing: border-box;

*::after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

display: Block & Inline

Broadly two types of boxes

  • block boxes and inline boxes
  • …defines how a box behaves…
    • …in terms of page flow
    • …in relation to other boxes
  • …set using the display property
  • …have an inner and outer display type
    • inner …dictates how elements inside that box are laid out

block type…

  • …box will break onto a new line
  • width and height properties respected
  • …padding, margin and border apply …push other boxes
  • …filling up 100% of the space available
  • …elements with block as default <h*>, <p>

inline type…

  • …box will not break onto a new line
  • width and height not applied
  • …vertical padding, margins, and borders apply
    • …no push to other inline boxes
  • …horizontal padding, margins, and borders apply
    • …push other inline boxes
  • …elements with inline as default <a>, <span>, <em>, <strong>

padding, border & margin

…boxes properties…

  • padding …space around the content
  • border …line outside the padding
  • margin …space around the outside of the border

Examples for margin and padding with values…

  • …e.g. 1em,20px …size as fixed value
  • 5% …relative to the inline size
  • auto browser selects a suitable value
/* apply to all four sides */
margin: 1em;

/* ...specfific sides */
padding-top: 10px;
padding-right: 15px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
padding-left: 5px;

/* top | right | bottom | left */
padding: 10px 15px 15px 5px;

/* top | left and right | bottom */
margin: 1em auto 2em;

/* top and bottom | left and right */
margin: 5% auto;

var() Custom Properties

…aka cascading variables

var() function …insert the value of a CSS property

var(--name, value)
  • name …property name
    • …must start with two dashes --
    • …case sensitive
  • value (optional) fallback value (used if the variable is not found)
  • …have access to the DOM …accessible to Javascript
  • …scoping
    • global
      • :root {} pseudo class
      • …accessed/used through the entire document
    • local …only inside the selector where it is declared
  • …custom properties do inherit
/* global scope */
:root {
   --code-background: rgba(0,0,0,0.1);

/* use a varibale as property value */
code {
   background-color: var(--code-background);

/*local scope ...inherited by child elements */
main {
   --code-border: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);

CSS Layout

Arrange boxes…

  • …in relation to the viewport
  • …in relation to other boxes

Normal flow …how the browser lays out HTML pages by default

Properties related to layouts…

  • display:
    • …standard values…
      • block, inline or inline-block
      • …change how elements behave in normal flow
    • …alternative layout methods…
      • …also enabled via specific display values
      • …CSS Grid, Flexbox and table layout
  • float: …cause block-level elements to wrap along one side of an element
  • position: …precisely control the placement of boxes inside other boxes


Flexible box layout

  • …lay things out in one dimension
  • …due to them becoming flex items

Flex model

  • flex container …parent element that has display: flex
  • flex items …items laid out as flexible boxes inside the flex container
  • main axis
    • …direction the flex items are laid out
    • …start and end of this axis are called the main start and main end
  • cross axis
    • …perpendicular to the direction the flex items are laid out
    • …start and end of this axis are called the cross start and cross end

Flex container properties…

  • flex-direction
    • …how flex items are placed
    • …specifies which direction the main axis runs
    • row (inital value) …main-axis is defined to be the same as the text direction
    • column …main-axis is the same as the block-axis
  • justify-content…alignment along the main axis
    • left, right and center
    • …spacing
      • space-between …evenly distributed in the line
      • space-around …evenly distributed in the line with equal space around them
      • space-evenly …distributed so that the spacing between any two items is equal
  • align-items …alignment of items on the cross axis

Flex item properties…

  • flex …expand or contract according to available space


Two-dimensional layout system…

  • display:grid …defaults to one column grid
  • …layouts have…
    • …columns
    • …rows
    • …gaps (gutters)


  • container …wrapper element with display:grid …parent of…
  • item (direct descendant of container) …elements in grid
  • line …dividing structure …vertical or horizontal
  • cell …between two adjacent row and two adjacent
  • track …columns or rows of the grid
  • area …composed of any number of grid cells

Container properties…

  • grid-template-columns & grid-template-rows
    • …columns and rows of the grid
    • …with size …lengths and percentages
    • fr unit …flexibly size grid rows and columns
  • gap …creates gaps between tracks


Area currently viewed in the browser window

  • …everything that is currently visible
  • …depends on the size of the screen
  • Web contains two viewports…
    • layout viewport
    • visual viewport
      • …part of the web page that is currently visible
      • …reacts to zoom, pop-ups, dynamic keyboards, etc.

Mobile devices come in all shapes and sizes…

  • …screens of differing device pixel ratios
  • …render pages in a virtual viewport
    • …shrink the rendered result down to screen width
    • …users pan and zoom
<!-- use screen width as viewport size -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />


Unit Description
vw …relative to 1% of the width of the viewport
vh …relative to 1% of the height of the viewport

…if the viewport is 50cm wide, 1vw = 0.5cm


Web safe fonts

  • …limited number of fonts generally available across all systems
  • Names…
    • Arial sans-serif …best practice to use nearly identical Helvetica as alternative
    • Courier New monospace …preferred alternative is the older Courier
    • Georgia serif
    • Times New Roman serif …preferred alternative is the older Times
    • Verdana sans-serif
  • Reference CSS Fonts

Font Style

Properties effecting the font and text …inherited from that element’s parent

Font properties…

  • font-family
    • …specify a font …otherwise browser default font
    • …supply a font stack
      • …browser has multiple fonts it can choose from
      • …suitable generic font name at the end
  • font-size …off all text
    • …standard font size is 16px
    • px …number of pixels high …absolute unit
    • em …relative to font-size of parent
    • rem …relative to root element of the document
  • font-stylenormal, italic
  • font-weight
    • normal, bold
    • lighter, bolder relative to parent
    • 100 - 900 …numeric boldness values
  • color …color of the foreground, underline, overline
/* set defaults... */
html {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  font-size: 16px;

code {
  font-famaly: Courier New, Courier, monospace;
  font-size: 0.95.rem;

Text properties…

  • text-transform
    • none, uppercase, lowercase
    • …first letter capitalize
    • full-width …inside a fixed-width square
  • text-decoration …shorthand
    • none, underline, overline, line-through
    • …can accept multiple values
  • text-decoration-linenone, underline, overline, line-through, blink
  • text-decoration-stylesolid, double, dotted, dashed, wavy
  • text-decoration-color
  • text-shadow …apply drop shadows

Text Layout

Affect spacing …other layout of text

  • text-align …alignment within containing content box
    • left, rightcenter
    • justify …text spread out …varying the gaps between words
  • line-height …height of each line of text
    • …typical units or…
    • 1.5 unit less value …acts as a multiplier
  • letter-spacing, word-spacing
  • text-indent …horizontal space before first line
  • text-overflow …how to display overflow content
  • white-space …how white space inside an element is handled
  • word-break …before text overflow