RedFish Platform Management


April 14, 2023


August 4, 2023

What is Redfish?

Scalable Platform Management API for out of band system-management…

  • … defined by the DMTF (Distributed Management Task Force)
  • …many improvements over IPMI standard
    • …modern technology stack based on HTTPS, JSON and OData
    • …secure replacement for IPMI-over-LAN
  • …purposefully designed for automation around physical platforms
  • …cross-vendor …interoperable management interface
    • …intended to meet OCP (Open Compute Project) remote machine management requirements
    • …brought support from industry, i.e. Supermicro, Dell, Mellanox, HP, Intel

Standard design for SDDC (Software Defined Data Center)…

  • …monitor equipment health …automate alerts
  • …power cycling …configure/update firmware
  • …bare-metal provisioning …console sessions
  • …power & thermal management
  • …inventory management
  • …logging data aggregation

Used along with SNIA Swordfish a standard for remote storage management


Platform management REST API

  • …HTTPS in JSON format based on OData v4
  • …schema-backed but human-readable …usable by web-apps, GUIs and CLI scripts
  • …supports custom extension (i.e. SNMP) with OEM schema

Resource map (simplified)…

  • GET https://<ip-addr>/redfish/v1/Systems/<id>/Processors/<id>
  • …major resources in collections …allow aggregation over many nodes/racks

…all resources linked from service entry point:

/redfish/v1/                   # service entry point...
           /Systems/...        # logical view of a computer systems
           /Chassis/...        # physical view of a computer system
           /Managers/...       # administrative functions aka BMC

Data Model (Schema)

First versions mimics functionality provided by IPMI…

  • System data… /redfish/v1/Systems
    • …status & health …fan speed …temperatures
    • …hardware inventory …CPUs, memory, storage, network devices
    • …host OS information
  • Hardware management functionality… /redfish/v1/Chassis
    • …power cycle …reboot …boot device order
    • …power thresholds
    • …alerting …notifications (via email)
    • …event logs
    • …SSH serial console
  • BMC management… /redfish/v1/Managers
    • …network configuration …user accounts
    • …chassis inventory …DCIM sensors

Beyond the first versions …added support for data center equipment…

  • Power (meters, generators, UPS, PDUs) …/redfish/v1/DCMICooling
  • Cooling (chillers, pumps, fans, sensors) …/redfish/v1/DCMIPower
  • …alarm modeling …triggers & notifications

Mockup explorer for the data schema:

Redfish Mockup Server

# ...get the container
podman pull dmtf/redfish-mockup-server:latest
# ...start the container
podman run --rm dmtf/redfish-mockup-server:latest
# ...send a simple query

Command-Line Interfaces

Redfish Utility –


Query the Redfish API with curl

# set variables..

# get the security token and store it to a file
curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -X POST https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions \
     -d '{"UserName" : "$user", "Password" : "$password"}' \
     -D headers.txt

# read the security token into a variable
token=$(grep X-Auth-Token headers.txt |cut -d ':' -f 2)

# query the chassis information
curl -k -H "${token}" -X GET https://${bmc}/redfish/v1/Chassis/1 | jq '.'

Modify data…

>>> curl -s ${address}/redfish/v1/Chassis/1U | jq .Location.Placement
>>> cat location_update.json
    "Location": {
        "Placement": {
            "Rack": "DB06",
            "RackOffset": 8,
            "RackOffsetUnits": "EIA_310",
            "Row": "North"
# ...send the patch request
>>> curl -s -X PATCH -d @./location_update.json \
          -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \


Redfishtool –

  • …negotiates the latest Redfish protocol version …send and receive Redfish requests
  • …automatically handles multiple queries to a redfish service (to traverse the data schema)
  • …common functionality like …power-on/off/reset …setting power limits …indicator LEDs

Install Redfish tools…

sudo dnf install -y python3-pip
pip install redfishtool

The redfishtool requires authentication options…

  • -u for the user name
  • -p to set the password
  • -r sets the address of the BMC to connect to
  • -1 select first system if it is only one
# ...get power status
redfishtool -u $bmc_user -p "$bmc_password" -r $bmc -1 Systems | jq '.PowerState'


sudo dnf install -y python3-pip
pip install redfish_utilities

Redfish Tacklebox –

Commands are prefixed with rf_*

# read all sensores from a node...
>>> -u $user -p "$password" -r $node
Chassis '1' Status 
  Sensor                    | Reading    | Health   | LF      #... 
  State                     | Enabled    | OK       | N/A     #... 
  Power Supply Bay 1 State  | Enabled    | OK       | N/A     #... 
  Power Supply Bay 1 LineIn | 229V       | N/A      | N/A     #... 
  Power Supply Bay 1 PowerC | 800W       | N/A      | N/A     #... 

# boot configuration optiond...
>>> -u $bmc_user -p "$bmc_password" -r https://$bmc   
Boot Override Settings:
  Target: None; Allowable Values: None, Pxe, Floppy, Cd, Usb, Hdd, BiosSetup, UsbCd, UefiBootNext
  Enabled: Disabled
  Mode: Legacy
  Boot Next: 

# reset the node for PXE boot -u $bmc_user -p "$bmc_password" -r https://$bmc --target Pxe --reset
