Piantor Raspberry Pi Pico Split-Keyboard Build
Piantor is a RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico) microcontroller based split keyboard…
- …the PCB design and the corresponding cases are open source under GPLv3
- …the layout is based on the Cantor Keyboard and supports 42- or 36-keys
- …the build uses a direct pin connection per switch and does not require soldering of diodes
- …therefore assembly is beginner friendly and supports both hot-swap sockets, and soldered-in switches
A Pre-soldered Piantor is available from Beekeeps (USA)
All components can be sourced from different suppliers…
- …print the PCBs using Gerber files derived from the KiCAD PCB designs
- …3D print the case bottoms and switch plates from the STL files
- …alternatively buy the Piantor Split Keyboard Kit from Keycapss (Germany)
The PCB design supports Choc V1 switches (designed by Kailh)
- …to be precise PG1350 series low-profile metal contact switches
- …note that the PCB is NOT compatible to MX-style switches
- …choc hot-swap sockets can be soldered to the PCB backside to support hot-swap of switches
- …switches need corresponding Choc keycaps
TRRS cable to connect both halves, specifically a 0.5mm TRRS cable 4-pole (..TRS not supported)
Screws (GB823 M2), 4mm (no switch plate), 6mm (with switch plate (required for for hot-swap)), 7mm (with o-rings)
Quick Start Guide to Build a Piantor (Raspberry Pi Pico)…
- …flash the Vial firmware on both Raspberry Pi Pico
- …hold down BOOTSEL while reconnecting the Pico to USB
- …copying the
firmware to the USB mass storage device
Solder both Raspberry Pi Pico and the TRRS barrel jacks to the respective PCBs…
- …connect both side via the TRRS cable (before the next step!)
- …connect the left side of the split keyboard (controller) to a host using USB
- …short some of the switch contacts using a wire to test both sides
# the device be visible on the USB bus
>>> lsusb | grep bee
Bus 001 Device 017: ID beeb:0001 beekeeb piantor
Disconnect the boards…
- …use the switch plate and two switches
- …add the switches to the plate and carefully fit it to the PCB
- …make sure to not bend the switch pins
- …the switch case requires a little bit of force to fit on the PCB
- …solder all switches to the PCB, two pins per switch
Reconnect the keyboard and test all switches for functionality.
Download Vial fro the Github release page…
wget https://github.com/vial-kb/vial-gui/releases/download/v0.6/Vial-v0.6-x86_64.AppImage
# make the AppImage executable
chmod +x Vial-v0.6-x86_64.AppImage
Configuring udev rules for VIA and Vial on Linux…
export USER_GID=`id -g`
# ...write the configuration file
sudo --preserve-env=USER_GID tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-vial.rules <<EOF
KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{serial}=="*vial:f64c2b3c*", MODE="0660", GROUP="$USER_GID", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl"
# ..restart the service
sudo udevadm control --reload && sudo udevadm trigger
Start the Vial AppImage GUI application…
Configure a keyboard layout following instructions in the Vial User Manual.
The Vial Piantor source code is available on GitHub to rebuild the keyboard firmware.
Beekeep, Ergonomic Keyboards
Introducing the Piantor keyboard, Beekeep