JupyterHub Deployment

Spawning Single-User Notebooks Servers


March 12, 2024


June 13, 2024


Disambiguation for the Jupyter ecosystem:

Components Descriptions
Jupyter Notebook Specification for .ipynb file …self-hosted graphical user-interface (GUI)
JupyterLab Web GUI server for Jupyter notebooks …support extensions (self-hosted)
JupyterHub Multi-user remote access to JuputerLab (as well as Jupyter notebooks)

JupyterHub 1 …multi-user service…

  • …provides remote access to a shared pre-configured Jupyter resource
  • …manage multiple users sessions of interactive computing
  • …connects users with the back-end infrastructure required for their sessions
  • …supports pluggable authentication with several authentication protocols
  • …enables to host the user sessions in a containerized environment

Jupyter server 2 3single-user notebook server, started on-demand per user

  • …back-end to Jupyter web applications …APIs & REST endpoint
  • …core service …client for kernels
  • …launches & monitors kernels on behalf of the user
  • …one protocol for web apps & kernels


Basic installation 4

dnf install -y python3 python3-pip nodejs npm
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin' > /etc/profile.d/uselocal.sh
python3 -m pip install jupyterhub
npm install -g configurable-http-proxy
# needed if running the notebook servers in the same environment
python3 -m pip install jupyterlab notebook  

Create a dummy user account …JupyterHub authentication configuration 5

# create a dummy user account
groupadd dummy
useradd -g dummy dummy
passwd dummy

# generate default configuration
mkdir {/etc,/srv}/jupyterhub
cd /etc/jupyterhub
jupyterhub --generate-config

# allow user dummy access
echo 'c.Authenticator.allowed_users = {"dummy"}' >> /etc/jupyterhub/jupyterhub_config.py

# start the service in foreground
jupyterhub -f /etc/jupyterhub/jupyterhub_config.py


Workflow how a single user Jupyter server is started:

  1. Users login to JupyterHub to request a Jupyter notebook server
  2. JupyterHub requests resources from the resource management system
  3. A Spawner starts a Jupyter notebook on the allocated resource
  4. Users connect to the notebook server running on a resource
  5. Users may share the notebook URL-address with co-workers

JupyterHub sub-systems…

  • Hub
    • …manage user accounts and authentication
    • …uses a Spawner to launch single-user notebook servers
  • Proxy
    • …public-facing component
    • …dynamically routes HTTP requests to the Hub or notebook servers
  • Spawner
    • …responsible to launch a single-user notebook server
    • …different spawners for resources like Docker, Slurm, etc.


Designed to semi-trusted users

  • …single-user servers are placed in a single domain, behind a proxy
  • …protections are not applied between single-user servers (single security domain)

The security overview 6 describes how to protect users from each other


Single-user notebook server launched & monitored by a spawner 7

  • …user notebook spawned (started) after login to JupyterHub
  • …server instance owned by the login user (…started by the spawner)
  • The spawner represents an abstract interface 8 able to take three actions…
    • …start a server
    • …poll weather a process is running
    • …stop a server
  • JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_URL 9 environment variable…
    • …used to pass IP-address and port to the single-user notebook
    • …single-user notebook returns full URL the JupyterHub for connection
    • every single-user notebook instance requires a dedicated port

Remove lingering single-user notebooks with the jupyterhub-idle-culler 10

A selection of different spawner implementations are available…

Spawner Description
warpspawner 11 Runtime parametrization of multiple spawners
systemdspawner 12 Spawn a single-user notebook servers using systemd
dockerspawner Launch a single-user notebook in a Docker container
sshspawner Spawn single-user notebook servers on over SSH
batchspawner Starts single-user notebooks on a HPC cluster resource

JupyterHub Remote Spawn 13

  • …prerequisite …connect with TCP port 443 of JupyterHub service
  • …allows users to spawn a single-user notebook server on any machine
  • …mounts home with FUSE based sshfs …data transfer with SFTP
  • …uses Chisel 14 to setup a TCP tunnel over HTTP secured via SSH


dockerspawner 15 launch a notebook server using a Docker container

Simple deployment of a Docker based demo environment 16

dnf config-manager \
  --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo
dnf install -y git docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
systemctl enable --now docker
git clone https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub-deploy-docker
cd jupyterhub-deploy-docker/basic-example
docker pull quay.io/jupyter/base-notebook:latest
docker compose up -d


sshspawner 17 spawns single-user notebook servers on a remote host over SSH

  • …user AsyncSSH 18 for SSH login on a remote host
  • …requires per user SSH keys to login to the remote host
  • Script get_port.py 19
    • …executed by the SSHSpawner.remote_random_port
    • …selects unoccupied port on the remote host
    • …return IP-address & port for a single-user notebook
  • SSHSpawner.start uses returned IP-address & port…
    • …uses options --hub-api-url to set JUPYTERHUB_API_URL
    • …creates a script to be executed with bash -s on the remote


batchspawner 20 used to interface with HPC resource management systems…

  • Support multiple workload management systems (including Slurm)
    • …requires a local client to the resource manager (sbatch, etc.)
    • …or additional component to us SSH to launch notebooks 21
  • MOSS 22 …extension to the batchspawner.SlurmSpawner
    • …allows the user to select Slurm resources to use
    • …presents a web-interface to select Slurm resource options

Install using Python PIP:

pip3 install batchspawner

Configuration JupyterHub to use batchspawner for Slurm…

  • …it is required to import batchspawner before using it
  • …details in the batchspawner.SlurmSpawner 23 implementation
  • Basically an abstraction to interface typical resource managers
    • …including a submit commands, job state evaluation and cancellation
    • …lunch of a singel-user notebook facilitated with a custom job script
import batchspawner
c.JupyterHub.spawner_class = 'batchspawner.SlurmSpawner'
c.SlurmSpawner.start_timeout = 7200
c.SlurmSpawner.startup_poll_interval = 5.0
c.SlurmSpawner.http_timeout = 7200
c.SlurmSpawner.batch_script = """#!/bin/bash
#SBATCH --output={{homedir}}/jupyterhub_slurmspawner_%j.log
#SBATCH --job-name=spawner-jupyterhub
#SBATCH --chdir={{homedir}}
#SBATCH --export={{keepvars}}
#SBATCH --get-user-env=L
set -euo pipefail
trap 'echo SIGTERM received' TERM


  1. JupyterHub

  2. Single-user Server, JupyterHub

  3. Jupyter Server, Github

  4. Tutorial Quickstart, JupyterHub Documentation

  5. Authentication and User Basics, JupyterHub Documentation

  6. Security Overview, JupyterHub Project

  7. JupyterHub Spawner Documentation

  8. JupyterHub Spawner Default Implementation, GitHub

  9. Note on IPs and ports, JupyterHub Documentation

  10. JupyterHub Idle Culler Service, GitHub

  11. wrapspawner for Jupyterhub, GitHub

  12. systemdspawner for JupyterHub, GitHub

  13. Remote Spawn, RWTH Aachen

  14. Chisel, GitHub

  15. Dockerspawner for JupyterHub, GitHub

  16. JupyterHub Docker Example, GitHub

  17. sshspawner NERSC, GitHub

  18. AsyncSSH: Asynchronous SSH for Python

  19. sshspawner Scripts, NERSC, GitHub

  20. batchspawner for Jupyterhub, GitHub

  21. batchspawner Comet Extension, GitHub

  22. JupyterHub MOdular Slurm Spawner, GitHub

  23. Implementation Slurm Spawner, GitHub