Slurm: Accounts & Associations


May 21, 2019


October 13, 2023

Enforce user account associations in slurm.conf to prevents users without an account association to interact with slurmctdl

>>> scontrol show config | grep AccountingStorageEnforce
AccountingStorageEnforce = associations,[...]

User in Slurm can have multiple of the following roles:

Role Description
User (Linux) Account able to request resources
Coordinator Representative managing a single account
Operator Creates and manages accounts in general
Admin Owns all available privileges (like root)


…used to configure accounts:

  • Account records are maintained based on associations
  • Associations are a combination of: cluster, (partition,) account, user
  • Associations have a fair-share allocation and group limits
  • Account names must be unique, can’t be repeated inside the hierarchy
  • Accounts inherit limits assigned to a parent association
sacctmgr -i add cluster $name             # add a new cluster to the database
sacctmgr show problem                     # cheek config consistency
sacctmgr list cluster                     # list all cluster in the database
scontrol show config | grep ClusterName   # show the name of the cluster
sacctmgr list account                      # list accounts
# create a new account
sacctmgr add account $name description="$text" organization=$org
# alter the account configuration
sacctmgr modify account name=$name set organization=$org
# remove an account
sacctmgr delete account $name
# accounts may be arranged in a hierarchical tree-like structure
# limits are inherited
sacctmgr add account $name parent=$parent description="$text" organization=$org


List users associated to an account…

# print a list of all user associations
sacctmgr show user withassoc format=user,account,defaultaccount

# ...a specific user
sacctmgr show user withassoc format=user,account,defaultaccount where user=$USER

# ...parsable output example...
sacctmgr --noheader --parsable2 show user withassoc format=user,account,defaultaccount \
      | cut -d'|' -f1- --output-delimiter=" " \
      | column --table --table-columns "User,Account,Default"

Associate users to an account…

# ...user not assoicated to any account yet...
sacctmgr create user name=$user account=$account defaultaccount=$default

# ...assoicate a user to another account...
sacctmgr add user account=$account names=$users

# ...modify the default account of a user...
sacctmgr modify user name=$user set defaultaccount=$account

Default Account

Create a default account …very limited amount of available resources:

>>> sacctmgr -s list account where name=default \
   Account GrpSubmit GrpJobs GrpNodes  GrpCPUs 
---------- --------- ------- -------- -------- 
   default      1000     100       25      500 

Associate user to the default account under following circumstance…

  • …no account is available to a user (yet)
  • …user dose not know its account coordinator (yet)
  • …user wants to preview access

None Account

The account none has no associated resources:

>>> sacctmgr -s show account where account=none \
   Account GrpSubmit GrpJobs GrpNodes  GrpCPUs 
---------- --------- ------- -------- -------- 
      none         0       0        0

Enforce the --account option to be specified…

  • …for the salloc, srun, and sbatch commands
  • …constrain user with multiple associated accounts to specifically select one
    • …use it as defaultaccount=none for users which should be force to specify the option
    • …note that beforehand a users needs to be associated to the “none” account

Following error will be printed:

Unable to allocate resources: Invalid account or account/partition...


List account coordinators:

# print a list of all coordinators for a given account
sacctmgr list account withcoordinator where account=$account
# list coordinators alphabetically
sacctmgr list user withcoordinator format=user,coordinator -P \
        | tr '|' ' ' | awk 'NF==2'

Promote a user to be coordinator for a given account:

# add coordinator(s) to account
sacctmgr add coordinator account=$account names=$user,...     


Admin users can operate the accounting database, and alter anything on an instance of slurmctld as if root.

# list all user with admin privileges
sacctmgr show user withassoc format=user,adminlevel where adminlevel=admin
# grant admin privileges to a user
sacctmgr modify user where user=$user set adminlevel=admin

Options for adminlevel=

Level Description
none Regular user, no special privileges.
operator Can add, modify, and remove any database object (user, account, etc), and add other operators.
admin Same level of privileges as an operator in the database. Can also alter anything on slurmctld as if root.


sacctmgr supports retrieving the association data including limits

  • …does not include the accounting data like counters for consumed resources
  • …to preserve accounting data it is required to backup the accounting database
# find more detailed information in the man page
LESS="-p FLAT FILE DUMP AND LOAD" man -P less sacctmgr

# print a list of the clusters
sacctmgr list cluster format=cluster,controlhost,controlport,rpc --noheader

Each cluster requires to be dumped into a dedicated file

# ...retrieve association configuration form a cluster
sacctmgr dump cluster=$NAME file=$NAME.cfg

# ...configure the associations for a cluster from a file
sacctmgs load cluster=$NAME file=$NAME.cfg
  • dump <CLUSTER> [File=<FILENAME>]
    • …dump database information of the specified cluster to flat file
  • load <FILE> [<SPECS>]
    • …read in the file to update the database
    • <SPECS>
      • cluster= will override the cluster name given in the file
      • clean …remove configuration …and replace with file
    • Without clean …additions & modifications …no deletions