Slurm User Interface


October 31, 2024


October 31, 2024

Recurring Jobs

scrontab schedules recurring jobs on the cluster. It provides a cluster based equivalent to crontab (short for “cron table”), a system that specifies scheduled tasks to be run by the cron daemon1 on Unix-like systems. scrontab is used to configure Slurm to execute commands at specified intervals, allowing users to automate repetitive tasks.

All users can have their own scrontab file, allowing for personalized job scheduling without interfering with other users. Users can define jobs directly in the scrontab file, specifying the command to run, the schedule, and any Slurm options (like resource requests).


The scrontab configuration format works similar to the traditional cron format, allowing users to specify when and how often jobs should be executed. The configuration can have several crontab entries (jobs).

# create a simple example for scrontab
>>> cat > sleep.scrontab <<EOF
#SCRON --time=00:02:00
#SCRON --job-name=sleep-scrontab
#SCRON --chdir=/lustre/hpc/vpenso
#SCRON --output=sleep-scrontab-%j.log
#SCRON --open-mode=append
*/10 * * * * date && sleep 30

# install a new scrontab from a file
>>> scrontab sleep.scrontab

# check the queue
>>> squeue --me -O Jobid,EligibleTime,Name,State
JOBID               ELIGIBLE_TIME       NAME                STATE               
14938318            2024-10-31T10:20:00 sleep-scrontab      PENDING  

Time Fields

The first five fields specify the schedule for the job, and they represent from left to right:

Field Description
Minute (0-59) The minute of the hour when the job should be scheduled
Hour (0-23) The hour of the day when the job should be scheduled
Day of the Month (1-31) The specific day of the month when the job should run
Month (1-12) The month when the job should run
Day of the Week (0-7) The day of the week when the job should run (0 and 7 both represent Sunday).

Special characters are sued to define more complex schedules:

Character Description
Asterisk (*) Represents “every” unit of time. For example, an asterisk in the minute field means the job will run every minute.
Comma (,) Used to specify multiple values. For example, 1,15 in the minute field means the job will run at the 1st and 15th minute of the hour.
Dash (-) Specifies a range of values. For example, 1-5 in the day of the week field means the job will run from Monday to Friday.
Slash (/) Specifies increments. For example, */5 in the minute field means the job will run every 5 minutes.

Some users may find it convenient to us a web-site based crontab generator2 to prepare a custom configuration.


Shortcuts to specify some common time intervals

Shortcut Description
@annually Job will become eligible at 00:00 Jan 01 each year
@monthly Job will become eligible at 00:00 on the first day of each month
@weekly Job will become eligible at 00:00 Sunday of each week
@daily Job will become eligible at 00:00 each day
@hourly Job will become eligible at the first minute of each hour.


Lines starting with #SCRON allow users to set Slurm options for the single following crontab entry. This means each crontab entry needs its own list of #SCRON meta-commands, for example:

#SCRON --job-name=sleep-scrontab
#SCRON --chdir /lustre/hpc/vpenso
@daily path/to/ > sleep-$(date +%Y%m%dT%H%M).log

Options include most of those available to the sbatch command (make sure to read the manual pages for more details). In order to write output of a recurring job into a single file use following option:

Options Description
--open-mode Appends output to an existing log-file (instead of overwrite)
#SCRON --job-name=sleep-scrontab
#SCRON --chdir /lustre/hpc/vpenso
#SCRON --output=sleep-scrontab-%j.log
#SCRON --open-mode=append
0 8 * * * path/to/


Users can configure their scrontab in multiple ways:

# modify the configuration with your preferred text-edotr
1EDITOR=vim scrontab -e
# read the configuration from a file
2scrontab path/to/file

# print the configuration
3scrontab -l

# clear the configuration
4scrontab -r
Modify the configuration with an text-editor using option -e.
Apply a configuration by passing a file as argument.
Option -l print the configuration to the terminal
Option -r removes the entire configuration (jobs continue to run, but won’t longer recur).

Jobs have the same Job ID for every run (until the next time the configuration is modified).

# list jobs with 
1squeue --me -O Jobid,EligibleTime,Name,State

# list all recurring jobs in the past
2sacct --duplicates --jobs $job_id

# skip next run
3scontrol requeue $job_id

# disable a cron job
4scancel --cron $job_id
List when cronjobs will be eligible for next execution. Note that jobs are not guaranteed to execute at the preferred time.
List all recurring executions of the cronjob from the accounting.
Skip next execution of a cronjob with scontrol and reschedule the job to the upcoming available time.
Request to cancel a job submitted by crontab with scancel. The job in the crontab will be preceded by the comment #DISABLED