Linux Component Configuration


June 21, 2010


February 15, 2024

Kernel Modules

Linux kernel can be extended with additional modules…

  • …without the need to reboot the system
  • …modules are extra kernel code …build into .ko object files
  • ….executed in kernel-space in the unrestricted mode
  • Modules commonly enable…
    • …device drivers for hardware
    • …support for file-systems
    • …additional system calls
  • …automatically loaded when needed


Modules are located in the /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/$subsystem/ directory…

  • …modules can have dependencies to other modules
    • /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/modules.dep …list of kernel module dependencies
    • …generated with depmod …part of the kmod package
  • …modules have parameters to adjust their behaviour
# list all available kernel modules
find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -type f -name \*.ko

lsmod …list all currently loaded kernel modules

  • …first column …names of currently loaded modules
  • …second column …amount of memory per module in kilobytes
  • …last column …number, and optionally the names of modules that are dependent

modinfo & modprobe

modinfo $module …display information about any kernel module

  • …not required that the modules is loaded
  • parm entries show parameters …type of value they expect

modprobe $module …load the relevant kernel module at run-time

  • …will not persist after rebooting the system
  • modprobe -r …unload the relevant kernel module
systool -v -m <name>                          # list the options that are set for a loaded module
modprobe -c | less                            # comprehensive configuration of all the modules
modprobe --show-depends <name>                # list dependencies of a module
insmod <path> <args>                          # load a module from a file
rmmod <name>                                  # ^^
/etc/modules                                  # list of modules to load at boot
/etc/modules-load.d/*.conf                    # ^^
/etc/modprobe.d/*.conf                        # module parameter configuration


Command-line tools…

id        # user and group information (defaults to $USER)
su        # execute command as different user ID
useradd   # create user configuration
usermod   # modify user configuration
userdel   # delete user configuration

groups    # list groups associated to user (defaults to $USER)
newgrp    # change the current group ID during a login session
sg        # execute command as different group ID
groupadd  # create group configuration
groupmod  # modify group configuration
groupdel  # delete group configuration

Numeric UID/GID ranges…see /etc/login.defs

  • 0-200…same on all systems (depending on the distribution)
  • 201-999…dynamically allocated system users/groups
  • 1000-59999…dynamically allocated user accounts
  • 60000-64999…allocated by the distribution
  • 65000-65533…reserved
  • 65534…user nobody
  • 65536-4294967293…dynamically allocated user accounts
# list all the users with a GID of 0-999
cut -d: -f 1,4 /etc/passwd \
      | egrep ":[1-9][0-9]{2}$|:[0-9]{1,2}$" \
      | sort -t':' -k 2


/etc/group group file…man 5 group

  • …defines the groups on the system
  • …one entry per line…colon-separated fields…
    • group_name
    • password…empty (no password needed)…(encrypted) group password
    • GID…numeric group ID
    • user_list…list of the usernames…separated by commas


/etc/passwd password file…man 5 passwd

  • …describes user login accounts for the system
  • x character in the password field…
    • …uses shadow password suit
    • /etc/shadown substitutes with encrypted passwords
  • …each line of the file describes a single user
    • name…login name
    • passwordx for shadow file
    • UID…numeric user ID (0 for root)
    • GID…primary group ID
    • GECOS…optional information about user
    • directory…user’s home directory..sets $HOME
    • shell…program to run at login

useradd & groupadd

groupadd…creates a new group account

  • …up to 32 characters long
  • …lower and upper case letters
  • …digits, underscores, or dashes
  • …dash not allowed at the beginning
# add a new group
sudo groupadd -g $GID $name
# modify a GID...reassign file to new ID
sudo groupmod -g $GID $name
sudo find / -gid $GID_OLD -exec chgrp $GID_NEW {} \;

useradd …create a new user …/etc/default/useradd default configuration

# create user associated to multiple groups
sudo useradd -u $UID -g $group_primary -G $group_secondary,$group_secondary $name
# modify a UID...reassign file to new ID
sudo usermod -u $UID $name
sudo find / -uid $UID_OLD -exec chown $UID_NEW: {} \;


Rotate log files in /var/logs

  • …configuration in /etc/logrotate.conf
    • …default configuration for log rotation
    • weekly rotation
    • create new (empty) files after rotation
    • dateext use date as suffix
  • …includes /etc/logrotate.d/ sub-directory
    • …service specific configuration files
    • notifempty rotate unless empty
    • missingok error if the log file is missing
    • copytruncate…close file…copy…rename…zero file
    • olddir PATH move rotation files to directory
# manually...
logrotate /etc/logrotate.conf
logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/$service
# dry-run...
logrotate --debug /etc/logrotate.d/$service