Linux DNS Configuration

NSS, systemd-resolved & DNSSEC


June 21, 2016


April 10, 2024

Domain Name Resolution

Hosts are identified by a standard numbers-and-dots notation…

  • …using IP-addresses, like for Wikipedia
  • …alternatively easier to remember symbolic names, like

DNS (Domain Name System)…

  • …maps (translates) symbolic names to an IP address (machine readable)
  • resolvers map a domain name to an IP address that identifies the domains hosted location
  • resolution is the process of obtaining answers from the DNS database
  • …domains resolved segment by segment from the highest-level domain down…
  • …eventually querying many (authoritative) DNS servers

Clients requests information from a DNS service …hosted on a DNS server

  • …called a lookup request from the DNS client
  • …the DNS server sends a lookup response
  • forward lookup …uses the domain name to search for IP addresses
  • reverse lookup …uses IP addresses to search for the domain name

Domain Name Structure

Tree structure of domain names (with the root zone at the top)…

  • …domain names processed from right to left, node labels separated by dots
  • top-level domain names (TLDs) maintained by IANA root zone database…
    • …two letter (country code) ccTLDs identify geography i.e. .de, .uk
    • …(generic) gTLDs hint at a purpose i.e. .org, .com
    • …domain names contain up to 255 chars and up to 127 node levels
    • …absolute names are unique i.e.

Resource records (RRs)

…store domain specific DNS data…

Record Description
SOA …start-of-authority, authoritative record for this domain
NS …name server, server to retrieve domain name space information
A …IP address
PTR …reverse DNS lookups
MX …mail eXchange, mail server address for the domain name
CNAME …canonical name-to-name-to-IP address mapping

Naming Conventions

Adopt some logical and appropriate naming system…

  • Parsability …ascertain useful information from names
    • …acronyms that represent actual information
    • …enables programmatic automation for configuration management
  • Structure - …logic to address a specific sub-group
    • …sub-group names should facilitate wild-cards
    • …encode a type of class of a name
  • …allow room for growth in the numbering schema
    • …consistent length of names to ease programmatic processing
    • …numbering should use left padding with 0

NSS (Name Service Switch)

Part of the GNU C Library glibc …backs the getaddrinfo API…

  • …configuration databases and name resolution mechanisms
  • Host-names are resolved by the NSS framework…
    • …according to the configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf
    • Glibc does not cache DNS queries
# ...query NSS database
getent hosts $domain_name


Name Service Switch configuration file /etc/nsswitch.conf

  • …determine the sources from which to obtain name-service information
  • …the hosts (database) configures hostname resolution
  • Service specifications …determines query order …from left to right


# /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts: nis dns [NOTFOUND=return] files

Source Modules

Sources modules implemented in Glibc…

  • nss-files …references /etc/hosts
  • nss-dns …uses the nss-dns module
    • …resolves symbolic names and IP-addresses using DNS
    • …requires to set up /etc/resolv.conf
  • nss-nis, nss-nisplus …legacy modules …originally used to access NIS (Network Information Service)

Systemd source modules for NSS…

  • nss-myhostname …resolution for the locally configured system hostname
  • nss-resolve …resolve hostnames via the systemd-resolved
    • …should be before the files …systemd-resolved supports /etc/hosts internally
    • …should be after mymachines …precedents for local VMs and containers
    • dns should be after resolve …fall back to nss-dns if systemd-resolved is failing
  • nss-mymachines …resolution for the names of containers running locally
    • …that are registered with systemd-machined
    • systemd-nspawn with network namespacing

Contemporary example including Systemd modules…

# /etc/nsswitch.conf
hosts:  mymachines resolve [!UNAVAIL=return] files myhostname dns

Status Messages

Switch status messages

  • SUCCESS …a routine finds the information
  • Unsuccessful status messages…
    • UNAVAIL …source not responding or unavailable
    • TRYAGAIN …source is busy respond to query
    • NOTFOUND …no such entry …information missing
  • Action options …respond to status messages
    • return …stop looking for information
    • continue …try next source

Combination of status and action is called the search criteria …defaults…

  • SUCCESS=return …information found
  • UNAVAIL=continue, NOTFOUND=continue, TRYAGAIN=continue …continue search


Simple text file that associates IP addresses to hostnames…

  • …one line per host …in the form of ip-address hostname [aliases...]
  • …either IPv4 or IPv6 addresses (two entires per host possible)
  • # comment until end of line
# The following lines are desirable for IPv4 capable hosts       localhost
::1             localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1         ip6-allnodes
ff02::2         ip6-allrouters

# is often used for the FQDN of the machine   thishost        foo

Verify the configuration with getent:

>>> getent hosts -s hosts:files foo        foo
>>> getent hosts -s hosts:files bar ; echo $?
2         # exit code indicates key could not be found in the database


Resolver routines in the C library are configured by /etc/resolv.conf

  • …if the file is missing DNS server on localhost is queried
  • …the resolve library queries server in order listed

Configuration options…

  • nameserver, IP (ipv4/6) address of a name server
  • domain, allows short names relative to the local domain
  • search, list for hostname lookups (space separated list of domains)
  • options, modify the resolver mechanism (space separated list of options)

Simple example

# /etc/resolv.conf
options timeout:1

Some relevant options options <opt1> <opt2>... :

  • timeout:nn seconds before query via a different name server (defaults to 5)
  • attempts:nn times the resolver will send a query (defaults to 2)
  • rotate …round-robin selection of name servers
  • single-request-reopen …reuse a socket for look up of the AAAA and A records
    • …helps to mitigate slow DNS resolution for multiple seconds
    • …caused by miss-configured firewall/router …dropping AAAA DNS packets

Disable overwrite of /etc/resolv.conf from NetworkManager:

# /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.con


resolvconf manages the resolver configuration…

  • …links /etc/resolv.conf to a dynamic configured /etc/resolvconf/run/resolv.conf
apt -y install resolvconf                  # install the package
zless /usr/share/doc/resolvconf/README.gz  # documentation
ls -1 /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/       # configuration
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base
                                           # add a new DNS server (order matters)
resolvconf -u                              # update configuration after change


Enable nss-resolve in /etc/nsswitch.conf

Provides network name resolution …supports DNSSEC and DNS over TLS

# start the service daemon
systemctl enable --now systemd-resolved

# check state
systemd-resolve --status


Temporarily change the DNS server configuration:

  • $link specifies the network interface, get the name from resolvectl status or ip addr
  • $dns_server specifies the IP address of a DNS server i.e.
systemd-resolve -i $link --set-dns=$dns_server
# or
sudo resolvectl dns $link $dns_server

Configuration files in…

/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/*.conf     # drop-in files

DNS & Domains

Configuration Options…

  • DNS= …space-separated list of DNS IP-addresses
  • Domains= …space-separated list of domains (used as search suffixes)
  • FallbackDNS= …space-separated list of DNS IP-addresses
    • …only used if there are no other DNS servers configured
    • …if DNS= list is set then FallbackDNS= is ignored
mkdir /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d

# use a drop in .conf file for the Quad9 primary DNS resolvers 
cat > /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/dns.conf <<EOF


Configure a custom list of DNS resolvers, and enable DNSSEC

# if supported by the DNS resolvers, enforce DNSSEC validation
cat > /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/dnssec.conf <<EOF

# if supported by the DNS resolver, attempt to use DNS over TLS
cat > /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/dot.conf <<EOF

systemd-resolved currently only supports opportunistic DNS over TLS resolution

  • Resolver tries resolution using DoT before fall back to traditional DNS (allowing for downgrade attacks)
  • Eventually another option will be added strict to prevent fallback

DNS server certificates are not checked making systemd-resolved vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks


Provide domain name resolution for programs that read /etc/resolv.conf directly

Use the stub-resolv.conf to redirect all applications to systemd-resolved

  • …provides a local DNS server instance on port 53
  • …addressed via the loopback interface
  • lsof -i @ to verify
rm /etc/resolv.conf
# redirect glibc NSS conf. file to local stub DNS resolver 
ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

Alternatively connect local clients directly to all known uplink DNS servers…

ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

Note that /etc/resolv.conf may be managed by other packages…

  • …in which case systemd-resolved will read it for DNS configuration data
  • systemd-resolved is consumer rather than provider of this configuration file


resolvectl status                       # check service status
resolvectl query <ip|name>              # query DNS records
resolvectl statistics                   # show DNS cache stats

Enable debugging and follow the logs:

resolvectl log-level debug             
journalctl -fu systemd-resolved
# disable debugging
resolvectl log-level info


Unbound caching DNS resolver including DNSSEC support…

ls -1 /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/*.conf          # configuration files
unbound-control status                            # service state
unbound-anchor -l                                 # list trusted achor key
unbound-control get_option auto-trust-anchor-file # show location of tursted key
unbound-control list_stubs                        # list root servers in use

Enable the control interface

>>> cat /etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/control-interface.conf 
  control-enable: yes                                 # enable remote control
  control-interface:                        # interface listening for remote control
>>> unbound-control-setup                             # generate the necessary keys
>>> systemctl restart unbound                         # restart the service
unbound-control stats_noreset                         # print statistics without reset
unbound-control dump_cache                            # print chache
unbound-control reload                                # flush cache reload config

Lookup Utilities

Install user-space commands for DNS resolution:

sudo apt install -y dnsutils
sudo dnf install -y bind-utils
sudo pacman -Ss bind-tools


nslookup uses an internal implementation for lookup

  • …developed as part of ISC BIND
  • …is in the process of being depricated
nslookup $ip_address
nslookup $domain_name

# ...specific resource record types
nslookup -type=MX $domain_name


The host command is the most simple to use…

# ...resolve an IP address
host $ip_address

# ...resolve a DNS name
host $domain_name

# ...optional specifify a DNS server to query with a second argument
host ... $dns_server

# ...specific resource record types
host -t MX $domain_name


dig uses the C resolver library …more detailed the host command

# ...reverse lookup
dig +x $ip_address

# ...specific resource record types
dig $domain_name MX

# ...query a particular DNS server
dig @$dns_server $domain_name

# ...return only the IP-address
dif +short $domain_name
# ...entire record
dig +noall +answer $domain_name

# ...track DNS resolution
dig +trace ...

Use ~/.digrc to customize your configuration…

echo "+noall +answer" > ~/.digrc

DNS Servers

Domain name servers resolve DNS information

  • listens for DNS queries, responds with local (zone) or cached DNS data
  • caches (recently retrieved) data about non-local domains (from other zones)
  • uses its resolver to forward queries to other (authoritative) domain name servers
  • primary name servers hold authoritative information about set of domains
  • secondary servers maintain a copy of zone information, using a process called zone transfer
    • zone transfer performed according to the expire time parameter in SOA
    • full Zone Transfer - Secondary downloads all RRs
    • incremental Zone Transfer - Primary notifies about changes for an partial download
  • dynamic DNS (DDNS) allows DHCP server to send updates to primary DNS server
  • split(-horizon) DNS send a distinguished responds to DNS queries depending on the client source address
    • mechanism for security/privacy management by logical/physical separation of DNS information
    • used to separate public (external) DNS resolution from internal local networks (not visible from the Internet)

Domain name registry, different entities providing DNS services

Domain registrar, service to select (purchase) a domain name…

  • …managed by the IANA (part of ICANN), nonprofit organizations, runs the root zone management
  • …registers an IP address of a DNS server that authoritatively respond for a domain
  • …the whois command queries the domain name registry

DNS hosting provider, service operating authoritative response for a domain

  • …name space tree divided into zones
  • …contain domain names starting at a particular point in the tree
  • …group of node servers linked by an authoritative DNS server
  • …zone file contains pointers to subdomains delegating authority


  • DNSSEC (domain name system security extensions)
    • enables DNS resolvers to authenticate DNS information
    • provides data integrity, but not availability or confidentiality
    • mechanism for including cryptographic signatures within the DNS resolution
  • adds DNS resource records (RRs):
    • RRSIG signature
    • DNSKEY primary key record for zone
    • DS key record fingerprint
    • NSEC3 sign negative responses
  • resolvers verify DNS resolution with with the root zone public key [^2]
dig +trace <url> | grep -e RRSIG -e DS            # check for DNSSEC capability
dig org. SOA +dnssec @ | grep ';; flags'   # ^ should return the "ad" flag
  • DNS over TLS (DoT) is a protocol to encrypting DNS resolution, cf. RFC7858 [^3]

Public Servers

Public DNS servers…

    • …aims to protect users from malware and phishing
    • …multiple service options
    • …operated by Quad9 Foundation (Swiss public-benefit, not-for-profit foundation)
    • …free, GDPR-compliant, security focused
    • …operated by french non‑profit organization (entity under EU laws)
    • …runs on 100% renewable energy
    • …one DNS instance per country
  • DNS4EU (in development)
    • …protect people, companies, and governments from harmful attacks
    • …group of companies from 10 European countries have been chosen to build this service
  • OpenNIC


[^1] IANA Root Zone Database

[^2] IANA Trust Anchors and Keys

[^3] Specification for DNS over Transport Layer Security (TLS)

[^4] hBlock