Systemd Configuration


January 24, 2016


October 4, 2022

Initialize user-space…

Each Unit is describes with a configuration file…

systemd --version                            # show systemd version
/etc/os-release                              # platform information
/etc/machine-id                              # unique machine identifier
man systemd.index                            # overview documentation
{/etc,/run,/lib}/systemd/system/             # unit configuration files
LESS="-p SIGNALS" man -P less systemd        # list of supported signals
LESS="-p KERNEL" man -P less systemd         # kernel command line options for boot
SYSTEMD_LESS=FRXMK                           # export to wrap lines to screen width



systemctl                                    # list all units with state
systemctl -t <unit_type>                     # list units with a given type, e.g. "service"
systemctl list-unit-files -t service         # list unit files for a given unit type 
systemctl reenable <unit>                    # reconfigure existing unit
systemctl --failed --all                     # list units in failed state
systemctl help <unit>
systemctl status [<unit>]                    # show state of a unit, e.g. ssh.service
systemctl is-enabled <unit>                  # check if a unit will bi started during init
systemctl is-active <unit>
systemctl list-dependencies <unit>           # show unit dependencies
systemctl start|stop|restart|reload <unit>   # state management of units
systemctl -t target                          # list available targets
systemctl get-default                        # show current default target at boot
systemctl set-default -f <target>            # set a new default target
systemctl show -p Wants <target>             # show dependencies to a target
systemctl isolate <target>                   # switch to another target
systemctl kill <service>                     # send TERM to service
systemctl kill -s <sig> <service>            # send a given signal to servive, e.g. HUB  
systemctl reboot|poweroff|suspend|hibernate  # power management
systemctl list-jobs                          # show pending jobs
systemctl daemon-reload                      # Re-read configuration files
systemctl daemon-reexec                      # re-execute systemd
systemd-delta --type=extended                # Identify configuration which override others

cat, show & edit

cat show backing files of one or more units

>>> systemctl cat dbus.service              
# /usr/lib/systemd/system/dbus-broker.service
Description=D-Bus System Message Bus

show print properties of one or more units

  • …expose runtime state in addition to configuration
  • …used whenever computer-parsable output is required
  • --property= to select specific properties
  • …empty properties are suppressed…--all

edit unit configuration…

  • …default to drop-in snippet…overwrite.conf
  • -l/--full work on the original unit
  • …after editing…systemd configuration is reloaded
  • --runtime changes will be made temporarily in /run/
    • …only if unit is in /usr/lib/systemd/system
    • …otherwise /etc/systemd/system take precedents


Localization…sets configuration for native language support…

  • Output of programs translated into the native language
  • Classification of characters into letters, digits and other classes
  • Correct alphabetical sorting order for the country
  • Appropriate default paper size
  • Correct formatting of monetary, time, and date values

Names are typically of the form language[_territory][.codeset][@modifier]

# from /etc/locale.conf 

/etc/locale.conf holds the system-wide locale settings

  • LANG…default local…used for all the LC_* variables not explicitly set
  • LC_NUMERIC…formatting rules used for nonmonetary numeric values
  • LC_TIME…formatting used for date and time values
  • …more details in man 7 locale

localectl queries and changes the system locale and keyboard layout settings

localectl                           # show language configuration
localectl list-locales              # list vailable keys configuration
locale -a
localectl set-locale LANG="en_US.UTF-8" LC_CTYPE="en_US"
localectl list-keymaps              # list all available keyboard layouts
localectl set-keymap us,de          # persistent configuration
# get messages from the service log
journalctl -u systemd-localed

Instead of manually editing X configuration files:

localectl --no-convert set-x11-keymap us,de pc104,dvorak grp:alt_shift_toggle
# writes /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-keyboard.conf


apt -y install systemd-container                 # install container support 
man systemd.nspaw                                # container settings documentation
{/etc,/run}/systemd/nspawn/*.nspawn              # nspawn container settings files
findmnt /var/lib/machines                        # container images & container settings
systemd-nspawn -D <rootfs>                       # chroot to container path
               -i <image>                        # chroot to a container image
               -b -D <rootfs>                    # boot container in path 
machinectl pull-raw --verify=no <url>            # download container archive 
           import-tar $archive                   # import rootfs from an archive
           list-images                           # list container images
           image-status <image>                  # status information about container image
           show-image <image>                    # properties of container image
           clone <src_image> <dst_image>         # clone a container image
           remove <image>                        # delete a continer image
           start <image>                         # start container
           list                                  # list running containers
           status <image>                        # process tree in container
           shell <user>@<image> /bin/bash        # start a shell in the container
           poweroff <image>                      # shutdown container
journalctl -M <image>                            # show log of container

Unit skeleton for a container in /etc/systemd/system/${name}.service

Description= # name of the container

ExecStart=/usr/bin/systemd-nspawn -bD <rootfs>  # command to start the container           

Use a virtual ethernet interfaces:

echo -e "[Link]\nName=host0" > /etc/systemd/network/
echo -e "[Match]\nName=host0\n[Network]\nDHCP=yes" > /etc/systemd/network/
systemctl enable systemd-networkd                          # prepare the network configuration
## -- use a virtual network with a container -- ##
systemd-nspawn --network-veth --network-bridge=nbr0 ... 


systemd-analyze                              # time the system required during last booting
systemd-analyze blame                        # ^^ time by by unit
systemd-analyze critical-chain
systemd-analyze verify $path.service         # validate a systemd unit


Systemd kernel command-line arguments [1]:

console=ttyS1,38400 console=tty0         # configure the serial console [2]
systemd.log_level=debug                  # enable debugging output
systemd.log_target=console               # send debugging output to serial console
systemd.journald.forward_to_console=1    # configure journald to forward to the console
systemd.debug-shell=1                    # enable shell access early in the startup process to fall back on and diagnose systemd
systemd.confirm_spawn=1                  # asks for confirmation when spawning processes               # boot directly into rescue target (if problem occurs somewhere after the basic system is brought up)            # boot directly into emergency shell
init=/bin/sh                             # boot directly into a shell (no systemd as PID 1)



systemctl status systemd-logind.service         # state of the login manager
man logind.conf                                 # login manager configuration

pam_systemd registers user sessions with the systemd login manager

apt install libpam-systemd                      # install PAM support for systemd
grep /etc/pam.d/*                # PAM configuration for systemd
systemctl status dbus.service                   # DBus is required by

All user sessions session-<id>.scope of belong to a slice user-<uid>.slice below the user.slice

loginctl [list-users]                           # list users
loginctl user-status <user>                     # show run-time information of user
loginctl terminate-user <user>                  # terminate all user sessions
loginctl list-seats                             # list seats
loginctl seat-status <seat>                     # list devices associated to seat
ls ~<user>/.config/systemd/user                 # unit files for a given user
loginctl enable-linger <user>                   # make user sessions (boot) persistant    

Systemd Units

*.service Units


Skeleton for a custom service unit /etc/systemd/system/*.service to execute a program once:

Description= # text

ExecStart= # absolute path to program, arguments

Service Action

Must include a service action…


Type…process start-up type…

  • simple…expected that the process configured with ExecStart= is the main process
  • exec…consider the unit started immediately after the main service binary has been executed
  • forking…process configured with ExecStart= will call fork() as part of its start-up
    • PIDFile= read the PID of the main process of the service from this file after start-up of the service
  • oneshot…consider the unit up after the main process exits…

ExecStart…executed when this service is started…

  • First argument is the service executable…
    • …according to command lines rules
    • …absolute path recommended…avoid ambiguity
    • …non absolute path…fixed standard path {/usr,/usr/local}/{bin,sbin}
    • systemd-path search-binaries-default to print standard path


Environment variables may be defined…

  • Environment=
    • …space separated list of variable assignments
    • …quote whole assignment for values containing spaces or the equals sign
    • …option may be specified more than once
  • EnvironmentFile=
    • …reads the environment variables from a text file
      • …absolute filename or wildcard expression
      • - prefix…ignores non existing files
      • …read shortly before the process is executed
    • …contents…
      • …override settings made with Environment=
      • …newline-separated variable assignments (# for comments)
      • …line ending \…discards newline to continue in the following line


# script to show the environment
cat > /usr/local/sbin/env-echo <<'EOF'
#!/usr/bin/env sh
while true ; do echo ARGS $@ ; env ; sleep 10 ; done
chmod +x /usr/local/sbin/env-echo
# environment file...
cat > /etc/default/env-echo <<'EOF'
VAR4=val5 val6 val7
# systemd unit
cat > /etc/systemd/system/env-echo.service <<'EOF'
Description=Echo Environment Variables
Environment=VAR1=val1 "VAR3=val3 val4"
ExecStart=env-echo $VAR1 $VAR2 $VAR3 $VAR4
systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart env-echo
# inpsect the service environment...
journalctl -xeu env-echo | grep -e ARGS -e VAR

*.timer Units

Timers .timer control services or events (similar to Cron) supporting calender/monotonic time

man systemd.timer
systemctl list-timers --all                     # list all timers, including inactive
systemd-run --on-active=30 <command>            # transient .timer unit executes a command
systemd-run --on-active=<time> --unit <unit>    # transient .timer unit executes unit
apt install systemd-cron                        # systemd units to run cron scripts

Cleaning Temporary Directories

man 5 tmpfiles.d                                # documentation manual
{/etc,/run,/usr/lib}/tmpfiles.d/*.conf          # configuraion path
systemctl status systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer   # timer state

*.mount Units

Systemd Mount Unit Configuration

Systemd Special Units

/etc/fstab                                      # translated by systemd-fstab-generator into units
/etc/systemd/system/*.mount                     # mount units
systemctl --all -t mount                        # show mounts

Mount units must be named after the mount point directories they control, cf systemd-escape.

Unit skeleton for a local file-system:

Description= # comment

What= # partition name, path or UUID to mount
Where= # path to a mount point
Type= # file system type (e.g. ext4)


Unit skeleton for an NFS mount:

Description= # comment

What= # path uuid, e.g. nfs.devops.test:/srv/nfs/devops
Where= # path to a mount point


Use tmpfs to mount /tmp:

>>> cp /usr/share/systemd/tmp.mount /etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount
>>> systemctl enable tmp.mount && systemctl start tmp.mount

Resource Limits

Enforce resource policies (CPU, RAM, I/O) for units with Linux Control Groups (cgroups)

man systemd.resource-control                      # documentation about resource limits
man systemd-system.conf                           # system wide defaults
systemd-cgtop                                     # enumerate all cgroups of the system including resource usage
systemd-cgls                                      # hierarchy of slices, scopes, and units  

Limits are defined in the service section:

ControlGroupAttribute=               # e.g. memory.swappiness 70
CPUShares=<weight>                   # relative shares, e.g. 1024 (default)
CPUQuota=<perc>                      # time in percent, e.g. 20%
MemoryLimit=<bytes>                  # allocation limit, e.g. 1G
MemorySoftLimit=<bytes>              # suffix K, M, G, T
BlockIOWeight=<target> <weight>      # I/O bandwidth between 10 and 1000



hostnamectl status                  # view hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname <fqdn>     # set hostname
hostnamectl set-hostname ""         # clear hostname
/etc/hostname                       # hostname configuration file
/etc/hosts                          # may contain FQDN of host (to be resolved without DNS)
dnsdomainname                       # display DNS domain name
domainname                          # (aka. nisdomainname) display NIS domain name
hostname                            # print hostname returned by the gethostname(2) function
hostname -s                         # print hostname cut at the first dot
hostname -f                         # print host FQDN
hostname -d                         # print host domain name


Systemd service that manages network configurations:

  • Detects and configures network devices as they appear
ls -l {/etc,/run,/lib}/systemd/network/*.network # network configuration 
networkctl list                                  # list network connections
networkctl status                                # show IP addresses for interfaces

Persistently enable the service:

# eventually prevent NetworkManager [1] from controlling the network interface:
systemctl disable --now NetworkManager
systemctl mask NetworkManager
# enable systemd-networkd
systemctl enable --now systemd-networkd


# execute with debugging in foreground
SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug /lib/systemd/systemd-networkd   
# Permanent by drop-in configuration
mkdir /etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service.d/
echo -e "[Service]\nEnvironment=SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug" \
        > /etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service.d/10-debug.conf 
systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl restart systemd-networkd

Predictable interface names

Prefix en Ethernet wl WLAN with following types:

o<index>                                                         on-board device index number
s<slot>[f<function>][d<dev_id>]                                  hotplug slot index number
x<MAC>                                                           MAC address
p<bus>s<slot>[f<function>][d<dev_id>]                            PCI geographical location
p<bus>s<slot>[f<function>][u<port>][..][c<config>][i<interface>] USB port number chain

Cf. /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules, cf.

udevadm info -e | grep -A 9 ^P.*en[sop]          # dump udev database and grep for ethernet
udevadm test /sys/class/net/* 2>&- | grep ID_NET_NAME_
## -- .link file are used to rename an interface -- ##
ls -l {/etc,/run,/lib}/systemd/network/*.link    # list link configuration files
ip -o -4 link                                    # show link state

Unit File

Configure the network, cf.

Skeleton for a dynamic IP-address

Name=                              # device name (e.g en*)

DHCP={yes,no,ipv4,ipv6}            # enable DHCP

Skeleton for a static IP-address

Name=              # device name (e.g en*)

Address=           # IP address, CIDR notation
Gateway=           # IP address
DNS=               # is a DNS server address (multiples possibel)
Domains=           # a list of the domains used for DNS host name resolution

Wired & Wireless in Parallel

cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/systemd/network/


cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/systemd/network/



Note that the wireless interface needs to be connected by another service like iwd.

systemd-resolved service is required if DNS entries are specified in .network files


Provides network name resolution…

  • …supports DNSSEC and DNS over TLS
  • glibc NSS interface plugin nss-resolve
systemctl enable --now systemd-resolved # start the service daemon
systemd-resolve --status
/etc/systemd/resolved.conf              # conf. file
/etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/*.conf     # drop-in conf. files

Fallback DNS addresses ensure DNS resolution in case no config is present

Provides a local DNS stub listener on IP address on the local loopback interface:

rm /etc/resolv.conf
# redirect glibc NSS conf. file to local stub DNS resolver 
ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
# operations mode detected automatically depending on existence of this link


Temporarily change the DNS server configuration:

  • LINK specifies the network interface, get the name from resolvectl status or ip addr
  • SERVER specifies the IP address of a DNS server i.e.
systemd-resolve -i LINK --set-dns=SERVER
# or
sudo resolvectl dns LINK SERVER

Configure a custom list of DNS resolvers, and enable DNSSEC

mkdir /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d
# use a drop in .conf file for the Quad9 primary DNS resolvers 
cat > /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/dns.conf <<EOF
# if supported by the DNS resolvers, enforce DNSSEC validation
cat > /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/dnssec.conf <<EOF
# if supported by the DNS resolver, attempt to use DNS over TLS
cat > /etc/systemd/resolved.conf.d/dot.conf <<EOF

systemd-resolved currently only supports opportunistic DNS over TLS resolution

  • Resolver tries resolution using DoT before fall back to traditional DNS (allowing for downgrade attacks)
  • Eventually another option will be added strict to prevent fallback

DNS server certificates are not checked making systemd-resolved vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks


resolvectl status                       # check service status
resolvectl query <ip|name>              # query DNS records
resolvectl statistics                   # show DNS cache stats

Enable debugging and follow the logs:

resolvectl log-level debug             
journalctl -fu systemd-resolved
# disable debugging
resolvectl log-level info


Types of clocks:

  • RTC (Real-Time Clock) aka hardware clock runs on battery when the machine is powered off (unplugged)
    • Uses local time (in current time zone)
    • Or UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) with an time zone dependent offset
  • SC (Software Clock) aka system clock
    • Maintained by the OS kernel during run-time driven by a timer interrupt
    • Initialized on boot using RTC as reference.
timedatectl                                 # show time and time zone configuration
timedatectl set-time YYYY-MM-DD             # change the current date
timedatectl set-time HH:MM:SS               # change the current time
timedatectl list-timezones                  # list available time zones
timedatectl set-timezone <zone>             # set a given time zone, e.g. Europe/Berlin
grep ^Servers /etc/systemd/timesyncd.conf   # list time servers 
timedatectl set-ntp true                    # enable NTP
timedatectl set-local-rtc 0                 # RTC in UTC mode
timedatectl set-local-rtc 1                 # RTC in locel time mode
systemctl start systemd-timesyncd           # start the time sync daemon 
systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd          # make the time sync daemon boot persistant 

Low-level administration tool

locale                                      # print locale settings
hwclock                                     # manipulate the hardware clock
/etc/adjtime                                # state file for hwclock
/usr/share/zoneinfo                         # time zone database